When I was a young man, another man owed me money and said he was ready to pay. Truth is not easy, especially when it goes against everything you ever thought to be truth. Some say its lawful to do ABC and some say its not a law, but a tradition. However when it comes to observing His Sabbaths & Feasts as He commanded for both Israelites AND the foreigners who followed God ref. So remember the words of Rav Gamliel, a teacher of the Torah highly respected by all the people, as he stood before the Sanhedrin and addressed the court: Men of Israel, take care what you do to these people. Part 2 Consider that Moses was righteous in the eyes of Elohim. So whoever sets aside one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom from heaven. NO, as He still has to come back! The problem that we all face is the translation. And as he states in Malachi, He HATES divorce! And love God. Jesus couldnt even do that you know. BUT as Paul says in Romans 2, and as Acts 15 says those that DONT KNOW IT, and follow the Spirit will become a law unto themselves Paul is saying being SPIRIT-LED will lead you to live by principles that will cause you to KEEP THE LAW even if you dont know the Torah. So truly, the best defense we have is the Scripture itself and praying for your sister & mother. I have studied the book of Hebrews from the Greek and the Aramaic with supporting concordances, etc. I have never heard anyone say they keep To Gods teachings as a way to earn salvation, but that is all I hear others accuse them of doing or saying. Here we see that after salvation that we are to DO righteousness which is obeying the commandments of God. Because the guy himself said that he is open minded. I do not know nor can I know what it has cost you to follow the Lamb of God but it has cost me more than you could know . They are only two of our choices. There was a whole faring community of just under 1000 people who lived that reality. Bless you. I have a friend who has gotten wrapped up in this and very concerned of the teachings.She fully believes what these people and the ones in her home group are teaching her.How do I get through to her? What I find interesting is that nowhere do I find in scripture where the context is obedience after one becomes a believer is observing the feasts of the Lord or the Lords Sabbath been done away with or considered a sin (BTW scripture NEVER states the sabbath is just for the Jews, its for all mankind but you have to study & look at the definitions; something I think the author discourages. On their Facebook page, they publish photos or paintings that have messages on them and most of them are devoid of love and have a sarcastic edge to them. No but just like the married couple, we do our best to fulfill our vows to God even though we may falter and guess what, God made a way in the OT for when people failed and He made a way in the NT for when we fail that would be Christ. Something new. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers (scribes) and Prushim (Pharisees), you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! 32 For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all. I thought the law was done away with and all food was clean and the law was nailed to the cross and blah, blah, blah! For the record, I have met, in the last 5-6 years, many lovely HR people who youd likely mistake for the wonderfully emotional joyous evangelicals praising Messiah and the work of the Holy Spirit in their life, or similar to the glorious African-American Baptists ready to sing praises about Yeshua at every opportunity while still keeping whatever part of Gods law that applies to them. It is my belief that they are presenting a different gospel. Sacrifice..giving up your life for those who despise you . In an unbelievable twist, the teaching conveniently re-defines law (Greek word nomos) through meandering logic to mean the law of sin and death. The following is stated on page 1 of the transcript, The word fulfilled and Matthew 5:17 are either interpreted as being fulfilled in the sense of fully preaching or teaching the law of God, or fulfilling in the sense of no longer making the law of God applicable. I did, and I found their teaching woefully errant. As you say, to those who walk in freedom from sin, sin is undesirable. Learn the Torah, then the Brit HaDesha will be fully understood in the context in which it was written. Sometimes, they do even correct their previous videos the moment they found that they have taught something wrong. How do you become bound to HIM through Jesus the only way to be circumcised of the heart (promised by Jeremiah). Thus Gods commands.). The Catholic Church martyred those who disagreed with their doctrine. I will pray for you, Leah, that the God of my ancestors removes the scales from your eyes allowing you to see the truth. In fact, the Greek word Pleroo (or a derivative of its root word pleres full; to be full) is found over 80 times in the New Testament. David asked if he should be stoned if he has taken the Lords name in vain. Matt. I cannot say when I will get to your suggested read on Galations, but Ill work that way. No. I pray for all may he open your eyes and your heart. BTW do NOT blindly follow any ministry you must test everything. He pleads with God against Israel,3 ADONAI, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and Im the only one left, and now they want to kill me too![c] 4 But what is Gods answer to him? The new covenant living Torah gave me an entirely new life due to HIM making and transforming me into a New Creation. That also ties in with james ..faith with out works is dead . I Have prayed about and read the Bible and find much Biblical support for what they are teaching. Next the teaching warps scripture. (Job 12:12), Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as afather; and the younger men as brethren (1 Timothy 5:1). synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, faction Ive GOT IT! If you must know my opinion(I do not claim absolutism in speaking for IEUE(YHWH)) i believe that the Essenes who left the corrupt Pharasitical temple some time shortly before the Hasmonean dynasty put Johnathan Maccabee on Moshes seat. This is the Law written on our hearts and without action is dead. Even more critical, it is so clear throughout the NT that Paul himself fully observed feasts in Torah which he also testified was scrutinized and fully substantiated by the Bereansand charged us believers to perpetually do the same. Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow But if we are afraid that they might harm us or our wives, children, servants, cattle, etc., then let us emulate the common sense of other nations such as France, Spain, Bohemia, etc., then eject them forever from the country . Neos refers to new in timeline; which along with intent of author and specific and General context of all Scripture, will provide Hermeunitical tools to use to come to proper Biblical exegesis.. So we still FOLLOW Gods laws..we just are not condemned for breaking them now.we had a substitute for that curse of death, someone who led a perfect life free of sin.showing it IS possible..who is now our HIGH PRIEST.and we can approach Gods throne DIRECTLY now because of His Jesus unblemished sacrifice for us.before, under the old and done away with covenant. I could go on and on, but their is no need for me to do that, you have access to scripture.. PS: Yahusha is NOT Yahuah in the flesh. The author makes a case that if you observe anything Hebrew like the sabbath, which scripture does NOT say, then you are making a false claim. All 119 is trying to do is truly, unbiasedly challenge believers in Yeshua to test and prove with OT and NT agreement what they believe. So, what is wrong with seeking the unpolluted Scriptures to return to Yahwehs original magnificent Word and testing if Pork and Sabbath/Feasts/etc. Early rabbis created rules of postponement to manage the conflict caused by the mixed, lunar vs. solar calendars. Sin, being defined as lawlessness, (literally meaning, sin is breaking Gods law/Torah) shows us that we need to be saved from breaking the Law. But some are clearly closer than others. How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? Your message is based on a theme of defeatism and pessimism that the Gospel will not be successful in winning the world for Christ. Maybe you can. Are we there yet? The WORD of Yahuah is not meant for everybody, that is why you dont understand the truth of the scriptures. It would help you to know that the Bible wasnt originally written in English. Sounds more like the Pope and the Catholic church to me (having been there half my life before studying Scripture.). 2) Please stop misrepresenting the Hebrew Roots movement and Messianic Jewish people with one broad brushstroke. We didnt create it between Jews and gentiles. I mean, its easy to kick around a lot of Hebrew words and say this is what it meant but if we look at one verse in particular, in this case Matthew 5:17, we find 119 Ministries and the Hebrews roots movement making the case that the Hebrew word for fulfill means uphold. The TORAH is His standard for living and He has established His Feast and Shabbats forever. It hurts to have your heart circumcised ..ones pride must be crushed so that God gets all of the glory . Each one of you needs to begin by reading the Sermon on the Mount and trying to live according to what Jesus commanded there. He is prefacing the people with an important message I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets so lets consider the following option of Pleroo but to properly teach you or let me put it this way (me speaking) to fill up the holes in your understanding i.e. In fact if you were to read these you would think you are reading quotes from Paul recorded in these epistles to the different Churches. For many centuries, Christians have been wrongly taught, thanks primarily to Replacement Theology, that in order for my people to accept our Messiah, we had to become Gentiles by adopting their ways, which usually went completely contrary to what the Torah teaches. If, like many Christians believe, Rav Shaual had written against the Torah or any other part of the Holy Scriptures, then that would have made him a pathological liar and a false prophet. Because of freedom in Christ. I am so blessed that you can lay it out in such a simple and understandable way.I was a very strong supporter of 119 ministry and only pray they have their eyes opened to this error soon and make it public as many are being led by these men. Again, with over 30, 000 registered denominations in Christianity people leave assemblies over difference in opinion about pre-trib or post-trib, Holy Spirit being a person versus a spirit by which God does thins, Jesus being God versus Jesus only being the Son OR even only being Messiah but not divine, etc, etc, etc, and all that. To him be the glory, both now and forever! To take a view that somehow the Church Fathers were teaching to remove all things Jewish from a way of life would be a serious error and leads to a path of replacement theology. He also said the student is not greater than the teacher. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. My two part video response to Wilber, and now 119 Ministries, as well as a final note. Sean ..where I live ..people are perishing for a lack of the real gospel ..the words of Jesus as recorded in the sermon on the Mount are not even heeded ( Woe unto you who are rich for you have received your reward , etc. ) Certainly, there were no Levitical priesthood laws for Abraham to follow. You are leading to false conclusions and use continual ad hominem attacks. Join 30,000 subscribers receiving Tim's new articles and updates by email. romans 8: Our freedom in Christ is that we no longer are punished by death for our sins because He took that upon Himself on our behalf. In fact, Kefa told the Sanhedrin, flat out, that is better to obey God than man. And neither are we left to figure out right and wrong by ourselves. You must not listen to that prophet or dreamer of dreams.. I too believe in holding dear and guarding the commandments of Yehova. The works of Abraham was not only circumcision, but in fact, the whole Torah. I think its wrong to say all believers MUST keep the feasts. All I needed to do was to receive the Lord Yeshua into my heart and recognize his atoning death and resurrection in order to be saved, making him the Lord of my life. . Notice how the reference is to God being a husband to them? I can not afford a $450 shofar or a tzitzit It is a shame that the first century christians who worked in the salt mines or were slaves with no money were lost ..a few might have been able to afford to be a 119 minisitres christian but they used their money unwisely by feeding the hungry . so I did a lot of study to be able to defend my faith at the time only to find the RCC was responsible for a lot of changes to Scriptural doctrine and understanding.) I have started listening to some of their teachings and find them very humble in their presentation . You must follow the example the teacher gave to you. The Bible teaches that there is only 1 Word of God and He was in the beginning, became flesh and whose robe is dipped in New Covenant blood. Therefore what was meant for Israel is then meant for gentiles leaving their pagan ways after accepting Jesus as saviour. Stop the carnal focus on the things of the world you want to partake of and let Holy Spirit fill you with the desire to please the Gift Giver out of love, adoration and appreciation for His tremendous gift. As far as the cult accusation, I don't know how a couple of families supporting each other in a ministry producing Bible teaching videos makes for a scary "cult." Thus Jesus admonition ..He that seeks to save his life , will lose his life . (A case in point is 119 Ministries teaching on dietary laws.) 18 Yes indeed! 2) Refer to 119 Ministries teaching entitled Dont Be Under the Law! And first of all I want to say this. In fact, all of Yeshuas Jewish disciples continued to observe what the Vatican calls the Old Testament 30 years after Yeshuas resurrection and ascension into heaven, to sit at the right hand of the Father. However, once you see the very truth that can set you free, absolutely choose itonly hold on, because you are in for the ride of a lifetime, literally! The problem is neither side could provide in context scriptures to support their claims. So what does that mean? This is the deception that has distracted the church for the last 150 or more years from its mission of disciplining the nations .. its called The Gospel Of the Kingdom. The tragic part is, 119 HAS scriptural truth but their TONE often creates a very negative feeling and makes people defensive. This is the people to whom Paul wrote. If the first covenant was given to Jews, then how can the new covenant (actually renewed covenant) be given to Christians when it was never given to Christians in the first place? The stuff in the Torah just lays out examples of what to do in different situations. At what point do I share what God has done ? Id encourage you to read that simultaneously with Gal. I tried looking up the definition of cult in the 1828 Websters dictionary, (to dispel political correct definitions) and I find no result. So when we know that the original language of the old testament is Hebrew. And the famous scripture in John 10: If so pastor why do you ask for tithing when in fact it is the law of the old testament.. If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.. (Hithpael) Thanks for sharing! 1. Gal 5:3 "For I testify again to every man that is circumcised [law keeping], that he is a debtor to do the whole law.. II Peter chpt. I think too many have forgotten what it means TO love. Following the Jewish Messiah means that we should live according to the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible. The angry ones are usually the newbies still realizing they were told lies in various forms. And you. It was like we all could not believe how offensive we had been to our Father and we just wanted to flee from man-made religion and seek the Father, purely, according to His WORD. They also have been a bit taken with HR / 119 ministries all of the feast ..making booths , etc. second chance body armor level 3a; notevil search engine. One my children obeys my rules far more than the other. The love that he had for the world when he sent his only and unique Son to Planet Earth: For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed. Let me tell you my story on the short. Once the building is complete, the blueprints and construction rules dont be come obsolete, but they give way to a new set of rules that govern the operating of the building. So sad to have their mind so turned around. Many Christians, who are utterly ignorant about my people or my culture, seem to enjoy jumping to unfounded or unsupported conclusions regarding the contents of the New Testament. He fulfilled Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the feast of First Fruits, and Pentecost to the letter!! Tovia will debate with anyone, any Christian pastor except Dr Brown. This is the great and first commandment. Ive asked for a while & will continue. townhomes for rent in spring, tx; does vineyard vines shirts run big or small. I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. Read article. Well, the New Testament without the Tanakh is like a roof without a house underneath it, while the Tanakh without the Brit Hadashah (NT) is like a house without a roof. Ill pray for him! It is about the change in Priesthood not a change in covenant. BUT 119, like many others, are NEEDLESSLY hostile, most even WORSE than they are. Peoples pride refuses to submit because God will not give the grace to a prideful person, only a humbled, repented one. I havent looked at any of their doctrines? I can tell you, what he revealed to me rocked me to my core! (2Pe 3:14) So then, beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, Here is an image of a public comment recently made by 119Ministries on their facebook page demonstrating that they concur with Wilber (and JK McKees) absurd position on mutual submission. So why do I believe 119 only gives the two choices in presenting their belief? Whether I call him Jesus, or His Hebrew name, He is the same, the Son of God. Jesus is talking to his disciples here and has been talking before this versein fact heres what he just said in the same discourse beginning in Ch. My point was that the New Covenant was not specifically for them > that they had to become part of Israel to BE a part of the New Covenant / Bride of Christ. I guess you need to research more you are appearing as a false prophet. Studying the law of Moses is edifying in understanding Gods law and His will for His people / church. Some of us do read our Bibles & clearly hear God. I cant believe anyone could truly have the nerve to say God made a mistake or that ANYTHING He gives His people is a burden. to cause to fall I would be far more concerned with the Emergent Church and their blending of pagan mystical ways in their worship and those who think all their future sins are already forgiven so forget repentance and go ahead and live in immodesty, materialism, sexual perversion, etc. If Christianity is the way, why are over 2/3 of believers walking away from God and why is divorce higher in Church than the world? The Word Nephilim = to fall, lie, be cast down, fail So, please reconsider your stance on cult for all the reasons Ive noted. Peter was warning against what your perception of the new covenant is. (LogOut/ Blessings. This Covenant is based on the same Law of God that has been passed down since Adam. This is perhaps one of the more brilliant deceptions written by 119 Ministries. They talk about sin, but dont know what it is. I choose the third option of translation. from the beginning. Not a word. You can laugh, make snide remarks, dismiss with stupid little slams, but it is evident your millennial, woke, pandering self has sold the farm for a few fawning voices that will OWN you. This 28 minute teaching gives great insigh. These are things of God I will not chastise you for not partaking. How can God be mad at the worlds wickedness (which is the transgression of Gods law) if there was no law given? All the nations will come to the mountain of the Lord. I believe thats the role of the Holy Spirit as I read actual Scripture. I challenge you to read Lets Get Biblical by Tovia Singer. I do not think anything bad of Tovia and I actually think he is correct on a lot of his teachings. You asked for something to actually think on, so Ill try to provide such. We decided to do everything scripture told us to do and when something changed, THEN and only then would we. There was no NEW Covenant mentioned in Hebrews 7 >> the word Covenant was ADDED to the text and the original wording was about a new PRIESTHOOD. Ill Paraphrase: the Law says xyz but I say to you XYZ and then the heart of the matter I find these gentlemen to be truly seeking all truth in the scriptures and not shying away from tough questions. Well we did this and ran into protestants who said we were going to hell because we were going back under the law. Now we have a third Covenant that is based upon the Eternal High Priest, that cannot be taken away because that High Priest cannot die. 3. and the Word was with God, I found many all thru scriptures, Gods speech very Descriptive! What a powerful and thorough rebuttal and summary. To him be the glory, both now and forever! Jesus came to teach the Torah the right way. a new Law ?, a new law that somehow appears to be just like the old law with a few things changed? Here is my take: There are 3 sides to a story, yours, mine and the Truth (Torah). Especially with todays rap-related slang. As for claiming that the use of sophisticated stuff like Greek & Hebrew definitions & implying its wrong is astounding if we do not know what the original definitions are we see an increase in how many people are taken in by false teachers & false prophets because they change the definitions. THEN, they will all think what good little girls and boys we are because we love the Jews who were so badly treated. So back to the Priesthood: the author of Hebrews has already described the exalted position of Jesus as a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7), and thus as superior to the Aaronic priesthood in terms of obtaining eternal redemption. I think when one makes blanket statements and ignores scripture it can be problematic. You might be surprised what you see when you read to seek truth. one man esteems a day higher than another day and another man does not. mean that we are not to be under the law of God. 119 desires others to focus more on what is being said and testing it to the Word, versus the source. Pray about that one. 2 Cor. See 2 Peter 3:16. Whether people like or dislike their demeanor is honestly irrelevant. I believe that YHWH doesnt make mistakes and there is absolutely no flaw in the modern method. Hallelujah is not even a word it is compounded by two Hebrew words Hallel and Yah. We only wish more believers would join the ride; its lonely but if thats the way it is for now, so be it. Isaiah testifys that Christ IS our new covenant!! Timline, context and intent are key to understanding scriptures. My prayer is that the God of my ancestors (Avraham, Yitzakh and Yaakov) will heal those emotional wounds so that you dont have to continually suffer from such a terrible tragedy. Because it was only meant for HIS followers. We bow to Him and kneel in His presence. 11. Were dead to it and alive to a Person, Jesus our Messiah. 4 Did you suffer so many things in vainif indeed it was in vain? They have connected in places like Facebook and other online discussion groups. Guess what they do when they fail? Follow Leah, dont follow THE Creator But Ive also known some real great RCs who walk their talk and are honorable folks. I was trying to give you something to think on. Just as importantly, I was trying to point out fundamental errors (as I am prayerfully led to understand) in 119 Ministries teaching. It has the Greek and Hebrew word references with each explanation of scriptural topics.. Therefore study to show yourself approved by God. Sean, what do you think? Why cant we research what someone else is thinking? I despise seeing people bicker over what they think is the truth. Think Im kidding?? Very enlightening as to prophecy about Jesus and that New Covenant. It breaks my heart to find so many deceived. This revelation is crucial for a relationship with our Messiah, good and great Chief Shepard. Without these fundamentals you will never, ever know the Word. I simply cooperate, trust,obey and desire to keep in step with Holy Spirit! But with respect to being chosen they are loved for the Patriarchs sake, 29 for Gods free gifts and his calling are irrevocable. 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