Can rh negative people recognize each other? One time I did not hear from her for 3 days and I was concerned, but not in a panic. That said, much of this does seem to fit this old guy. My mind is reeling from everything I've read here today. I tend to believe more in the theory of a long-ago genetic mutation, but I have to admit that I like the alien astronaut idea almost as much as the idea of having monkey ancestors. People who have RH negative blood are starseeds because this blood type is rare. The epidural knocked my BP out. The absence of antigens A and B is referred to as O blood group. List of Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits. I was diagnised high empathy capability by a psychiatrist I saw for my anxiety problems. Light brown eyes. Animals tend to move out of my way or listen to me when I give a command .my ex said that I also was like Damien the anti christ lol. lloyd pye encourages this with "everything you know is wrong". She's the one who is well versed in all the arts of natural healing. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 20, 2014: think the internet is so amazing to find very distinct groups and put us together. You could have heard a pin drop when the anesthesiologist who saved my life goes.oh my God, my name is Dr. Simon. Thanks for the information, it answers a lot of questions. light-colored hair, mostly red or reddish, light-colored eyes (blue, green, or greenish brown eyes), an empathetic and a compassionate character, a tendency to be easily shocked or scared. Good intuition, but not psychic at all. I have been trying to figure out a next post- any ideas? I think I have slightly above average looks, but you would think I was a supermodel the way I get stared at and followed. Type A star seeds are passionate and extreme in their emotions. I carry around a 145-150 IQ. Truth! I feel like I am a square peg trying to fit into a round hole and have a slight obsession with space and ancient history. My mother had a larger cranium but I don't. Listening to the news on the radio or reading it on the Internet is fine, but I can't watch. People with the Type O Negative personality traits tend to be unpredictable because they want to be where the action is. You will find them working harder than ever on tight deadlines or difficult tasks because they are able to draw upon more internal resources to get the work done. There are so many more things I could relate to on your list, but then I would write a book! I believe I read this quite some time ago, but came back to review. Due to being very pale I am very sensitive to the sun; however, I am very cold most of the time and am known to wear a down jacket year-round. Animals like me and I like them. Life goes on. Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? If you have rhesus negative blood then stop reading these sites for ten minutes and go and donate your blood. All the eukaryotes on earth have very similar genetic makeup; it's just a couple hundred nucleic acids that make us humans and a bird a bird. I have many of the traits mentioned, but not all of them. Honestly I think it's a part of evolution and not so much as alien although I keep an open mind to possibly. I felt I would know if something was really wrong. I wouldn't say I am highly intelligent my IQ score in high school was 125. They are also believed to be the only type of Starseed connected with both positive and negative universes. One day I was in the kitchen with my two sons 8 and 12 and my ex husband. They are also quite sensitive and can quickly feel other peoples emotions. I am always blowing out hairdryer, light bulbs and frequently shock ppl. Hi, Thanks for a very interesting article. I also have a strange things to add & the first, 40 near death experiences; from accidents & people actually trying to kill me, even so I am still alive! If the individual cannot come to terms with what is bothering them, it could lead to self-destructive behavior. Thus, people with RH Negative blood type characteristics are uncommon and rare. So if you belong to this group, the following aspects will need your special attention. I am often taken as my daughter's sister at schools and she is now 25. A woman with O-negative blood may have Rh incompatibility issues if she is pregnant with an Rh positive fetus. When I was a young adult having the black wavy hair, I now have my bit grey long hair then my eyes are light brown as my skin is smooth & olive-skinned in my strong Italian ancestry on lineage. Have you ever wondered if your blood type has some sort of influence on your characteristics? 1. 10 Basque People Physical Characteristics & Character Traits. This rh blood type traits pillar is finely crafted and feels comfortable. Blood type O negative is suppose to be the blood of Adam as all the other blood types are found in animals and by God I totally see it!!! Well, unless you consider having reptilian blood a bad thing. And you think about the universe, the planets, atoms, or anything else. I can see why! The A Starseed Blood Type corresponds with Alpha Centauris star system, which is the closest star to Earth. I was in the middle of a forest with no phone or way to get to one and I've had a stomach ache for 3 days so would you please stop that?". I have greater acute senses except hearing(Genetic Deafness as recessive gene-COX-26 in my D'Auria Family Tree in linage. Learn how your comment data is processed. But the number of Neanderthal DNA present might have been greatly reduced as there are strong indications of issues in terms of the ability of a Neanderthal man being able to get a Homo sapiens female pregnant. I have low blood pressure, low heart rate, have always felt like an outsider. * Overall I think I'm pretty much as normal & different aswell most everyone else in this world. A person with O-negative blood is a universal donor but can only receive blood from the same group. Rh null, which is super rare, refers to a lack of D, but also C/c, and . I dreamed she went through the windshield and I pulled her back into the car. I have had unexplained BIZARRE things happen to those who wished me harm. Im glad i found similar blood type as mine. Steven is a young student from San Francisco who is obsessed with computers. An observation first, which a previous poster mentioned, the content of all these comments are unusual in that they're well written and no profanity. Not particularly social - easily bored by small talk and quite content to be alone. Dr Frankenstein asks Igor. Some believe there is a certain diet for each blood type, and it is true that certain foods can affect your body in different ways depending on your blood type. In the 1930s, Tokeji Furukawa published a paper where he claimed that the blood type of an individual contributed to individual personality development. Hello Anne, thanks for reading and replying -- I think if you put together a list of your traits that are unusual (not light hair, blood pressure etc) and find a group of people who share those traits, you might find you have other things in common. We had numerous genetic and other tests, but apparently the Rh factor wasn't an issue since I supposedly I had been given the shot each after each miscarriage. And they have distinct physical and mental characteristics. Norman touched the room s wholesale cbd smooth pillars with Rh Negative Blood Type Physical Traits his rh blood physical traits hands. If you have Rh-negative blood, you may be interested to see if you fit in with others who have the same blood type status, or if you go against the trend and break the mold! Rh antigen determines the Rh blood group system category. Mosquitos won't come near me. It is another way to get stuff done during the day. Most pts with that BP are not conscious I was still alert fussy but communicating my symptoms to the Dr. I cant stand to see people in pain or hurt it effects me greatly. That is because of the physical characteristics of RH negative blood type individuals. Not one! Other than that I've had one other experience when I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt like there was a strange man standing over me. And sometimes, that can attract unwanted attention and stalkers. King Charles III has blood type O negative. To this day I am very much a loner and just dont get narrow mindedness. Just the thought makes me feel nervous and stressed out. When she finally called and I admonished her for taking so long she said "I know Mom. Many studies are being made on how different blood types have different advantages and disadvantages for health. To say I am blown away by this is an understatement. Some of My traits are. When things are wrong, they may run their heads against the wall again and again. Sometimes Rh-negative people are linked to snakes or having reptilian blood Rh (Rhesus)-negative people are thought to have no monkey ancestors. And I am lucky, no problems with my pregnancies even though the childrens father is O+ Have to say though that I got some treatment after my first son was born. A person with AB+ blood group will have all 3 antigens (A, B, and Rh) on his/her red blood cells. I am O+ and can sense things before they happen. I live in Texas and I just have always hated the heat! I should find out what their Dads is and figure it out with one of those charts we used in biology class growing up! yikes! My mother also went through a sympathetic pregnancy with me! Were the Neanderthals actually very sensitive individuals? I've seem many mentions here of grandmothers having the RH- factor. I tend to attract either people who really like me or who really dislike me, not too much in between oh, and I have dark brown amber colored eyes with matching hair that has a reddish tinge. These individuals are very focused and sensitive to their surroundings. Rhesus Negative Friends and Organizations Worldwide, 29.5% Rh- in the Al-Jouf Province of Saudi Arabia. I have always wondered what the Hell is wrong with me and why I'm so different from everyone else. These individuals are very active and energetic. i have blue eyes, Strawberry Blonde Hair, EXTREMELY pale skin, Ive always felt that I do have a larger than normal head but Im not too sure about that one. Other strange ideas about Rh-negative blood: A higher than average number of presidents and world leaders are thought to be or have been Rh negative. To avoid the pitfalls of Type O personality a healthy diet, exercise and hobbies that require time and effort can help to alleviate the constant annoyance with others. If a patient receives blood that has different antigens in it, their body will attack those antigens. Right now I am working on health (and also getting through the polar vortex). what does it mean, to have this blood? Most of me wants to read up on this for fun like I would a horoscope, but then a small part of me feels like the list of characteristics really fits me. Approval of comments does not equal agreement with content. Low blood pressure. Normal blood pressure and pulse. My dad was a fair golden skin and never had a freckle on his body. O negative blood is the purest form of blood, and it is often associated with Indigos and other lightworkers. I had enough of my mother wished her out of my life..she was murdered 2 days later. It will take a long time to complete the various rh blood physical arrangements and permutations. My daughter found it and we've both enjoyed it very much. Just "warp" me to where we need to go, lol! I am intelligent, I enjoy problem-solving and building systems. This means that it's missing those things that could cause a bad reaction during a blood transfusion and can be given to any blood type. A few years back my uncle had colon cancer. Like my own company. I close car doors with my feet or butt or I get shocked every time as for electronics most of the time it seems to be mostly cash registers but not limited to. I was born with big brown eyes, but as I have aged they have turned more brown green hazel, I have brown hair with a lot of red cast to my hair. Blood Type O Negative Personality Traits - YouTube People with blood type O negative are living lie detectors. Take me". I have had a ND EXPERIENCE AT AGE 16,this was always a major factor in my life. Only 1 in 67 European-Americans are that. * I am extremely empathetic & have cried over something as ridiculous as a coffe commercial. She was so observant of the world and I so wish I could of had a conversation about it with hershe was a true Irish lady, spit fire deluxe. I'm always thinking about my old friends from back then. They test people to see if they strike an authentic conversation. I think age must raise your blood pressure because I didn't experience this the last time I gave blood. (Hence the midnight calls to UFOs to take me away) Even my username, abbynormalkat is one I've used for 15 years from the movie "Young Frankenstein". Also, I see differently in each eye, am also left handed, Green eyes, Blonde (strawberry). So, I'm thinking that the author and I may be Rh- twins. While some people believe that the blood type itself makes someone a Starseed, others believe that only those with RH negative blood are Starseeds. Each one is special and has its unique qualities. In Japan type o negative blood types were asked to describe their best qualities, a large amount of people surveyed responded that their good qualities included: Self-perception among Type O people is much more keen than that among other blood types. As an adult I found people didnt want to believe in my abilities and when presented with proof they would soon after lose contact and drift out of my life after or things would just feel awkward. "Magical" characteristics of Rh-negative blood Strange "magical" characteristics that are debatable: some sort of extrasensory and/or psychic ability, heightened intuition, psychic dreams ability to interfere with electricity greater likelihood of alien abduction tendency to be in close proximity to inexplicable strange events You are just a deep thinker. I defended the children so stong on the social medias and don't understood why people looked indifferents and cold about these issues. We can give you information about foods you should eat and foods you should avoid, and about your general health status and stamina. Thank you for understanding. feel like I can see through people. Im curious as to how they determine this, I realize w a blood test but its more complex than just A, B, O and combinations. What are the characteristics of RH negative blood type? She had to immediately go under the Bilirubin light IMMEDIATELY after birth and they thought they might have to do a transfusion, but the light worked. nephilim? Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? But that is not true. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 09, 2014: I don't think the blood is actually connected to monkeys --just the animals they tested to determine blood types! The list goes on. After that, get on with your life. Some articles indicate that O blood type was the original blood type for humans dating all the way back to the lineage of Adam and Eve THAT to me is AWESOME since I love God so much and believe in heaven so strongly! I put these things to the test all the time so I refused any information about when and how he was treated. Those who can relate, know youre not alone. I don't feel I am more 'special' than anyone else or 'better' which is why I don't like to talk about my strange experiences with most people, because they more often than not, react as if I am some eccentric with delusions of grandeur, and that is far from how I feel about myself. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. But it feels like i'm not belonging ad that road. And then there is also a big chance that male offspring could have been born sterile further explaining the low percentage of Neanderthal DNA remaining in us. "Abby's" he replies. I think this might be a common thinga floating ribbut I will ask my doctor next time I go. Yet, people with certain blood types do have certain personality traits. She claims I probably screwed her up because I let this go on for a weekend. I rarely dream about people I know but I see places in my dreams sometimes when I have gone somewhere I've never been and it promotes a feeling of deja vu and there was one time that I had a deja vu of having a deja vu repeating Idk how many times but for a good 30 seconds. They are believed to have leadership qualities and are considered innovators and trend setters. I admire those who can shield themselves well. They are comfortable in isolation. If you have an A blood type, then you have A antigens, but no B antigens. What are the benefits of being rh negative? I have dreams that come true, I know things before they happen, I have to be careful of who I touch because whatever is going on with them will come to me, I have to be careful what I watch on TV because it can have a hard effect on me ( very empathetic )I can tell if theres another presence in the room, I know when someone is lying to me or fake. Others will think you are too nice. And there is one more physical characteristic: How did Neanderthals wind up with one huge arm and one punier one? I do believe I saw a silent ufo full of tourists and a shape shifting one near the Toronto Airport. Bacterial & viral Infections: It is considered that people with O negative blood type can be more susceptible to some bacterial and viral infections than other blood groups. I, for example, have always been interested in things that others were not. These two are the most important blood grouping systems and are based on the three most important antigens, i.e. The positive or negative in the blood group refers to the Rh antigen. A shape shifting one near the Toronto Airport thinga floating ribbut I will ask my doctor time... Her out of my mother also went through a sympathetic pregnancy with me of on... Rh null, which is super rare, refers to the news on the radio or it! 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Advanced Event Systems, Articles O