The trust had a dedicated family room for patients to have visits with children. Patients families and carers were positive about the care provided. This had improved since the last inspection in March 2015. This included labelling, disposal, reconciliation and ward level audit. Services were planned and delivered in a way that met the needs of the local population, for example the Diana Service and the Family Nurse Partnership. There were problems with access to the electronic system owing to ongoing building works. There were no children who had waited more than a year for treatment. The people who used services, carers and relatives we spoke with were all positive about the service they received. Managers shared the outcome of complaints with their ward teams. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Location Loughborough Salary 27,055 to 32,934 a year Closing date 13 Jan 2023. At West Leicestershire there was a lack of psychology input. Staff were included in service developments and involved in listening into action projects for service improvement. Waiting times and lists remained of concern, and this had been identified in the previous inspection. Our inspection approach allows us to make a judgement on how the trusts senior leadership leads the organisation and the provider level well-led rating is separate from the ratings of the services we inspected. Staff were up to date with mandatory training and had regular supervision and appraisals. There were effective methods for obtaining feedback from service users and carers and feedback was acted upon. Some local managers were keeping their own records to ensure performance was monitored. We spoke with five patients on long stay or rehabilitation wards; they told us they felt very well supported, and staff and were kind, caring, and respectful. Staff in some services completed care plans with detailed information on allergies, and risks around medication. Staffing levels were not consistent across the two sites. There were good examples of collaborative team working and effective multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working to meet the needs of children and young people using the service. Staff showed a good awareness of patient rights. there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. They told us that staff were kind and caring. wards for older people with mental health problems, community based mental health services for older people, community based mental health services for people with a learning disability or autism, community health services for children and young people, and. The trust had a patient involvement centre, which was pleasant, well-equipped and supported involvement from friends and family. Cleaning products in a cupboard in the waiting area was unlocked, which posed a risk to the young people. Claim your Free Employer Profileto start telling your employer brand story to reach top talent. We saw evidence of multidisciplinary working, with staff, teams and services at this trust and external organisations working in partnership to deliver effective care and treatment. Staff would still work with people who were on waiting lists so that they received some level of service. Staff identified this was due to the management of change process and current work being undertaken by an outside organisation to identify more effective ways of working. Staff were not aware of the trusts visions or values. However, we found: We rated the child and adolescent mental health wards as requires improvement because: We rated community-based mental health services for older people as good because: We rated learning disability and autism community services as good because: We gave an overall rating for forensic/secure wards of requires improvement because: We rated Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust long stay / rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults as requires improvement because: Overall rating for this core service Good. A carers group was available to give support. Staff were observed to be caring and responsive to patients. Governance structures were in place and risks registers were reviewed regularly. We rated end of life care services as good overall because: The trust had worked collaboratively with local partners to develop an end of life care strategy for the region as a whole which had incorporated a health needs analysis. The majority of community mental health teams did not meet the referral to initial assessment and assessment to treatment times. Children and young people felt listened to in a non-judgmental way and told us they felt respected. There were significant waiting times for a range of further assessments and treatments including psychology, school observations, psychiatric opinion and group work. There was a lack of reporting and monitoring of informal complaints, meaning the service was unable to monitor and recognise themes of concern with the childrens service. Let's make care better together. On Heather ward patients said that there was not enough ventilation on the wards. Capacity assessments were not decision specific. However, the service was collecting data. Staff showed high levels of motivation and morale, felt part of a positive team and felt well supported and trained. Staff were caring and committed to providing high quality care and showed a person-centred approach. Other professionals within the trust could not access this system. Staff acknowledged directors visits. Infection prevention and control (IPC) was well managed and monitored and services were responsive to deal with frequent changes in IPC requirements during the pandemic. Two external governance reviews had been commissioned and undertaken. Some wards and community teams had low staffing levels, or an absence of specialist staff, and this had an impact on care.Staffing levels remained low at the Bradgate mental health unit. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) provides a range of community health, mental health and learning disability services for people of all ages. All ward ligature risk assessmentshad beenreviewed and were located on each ward together with mitigation summaries. Clinical supervision was not taking place regularly across the service. Medication management systems were in place and followed to ensure that medicines were stored safely. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Location Leicester Salary 27,055 to 32,934 a year Closing date 2 Feb 2023. The service had plans in place to manage service disruption and major incidents. Records were stored securely and well managed by staff to ensure that sensitive information about patients was protected. Staff kept risk assessments up to date and carried out comprehensive assessments which were holistic and recovery focused. Patients social, emotional and religious needs were met and relatives valued the emotional support they received. The rating for well-led in mental health services, improved to requires improvement. Care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with evidence based guidance and standards, and systems were in place to ensure trust policies reflectedthe latest guidance. Patients were frequently not discharged when ready due to transport problems or difficulties putting care packages in place. Services based in community hospitals did not admit patients close to weekends due to issues with verification of deaths over weekends, and the access to doctors. Staff were up to date with mandatory training. Therefore, if a female needed a psychiatric intensive care unit they were sent out of area. The trust provided patients with accessible information on treatments, local services, patients rights and how to complain across all services. Interpreters were used when working with people who did not have English as a first language. This had a negative impact on the delivery of urgent nursing care, continence services and non-urgent therapy care. Staff completed and regularly updated environmental risk assessments of all wards areas and removed or reduced any risks they identified, with the exception of the long stay rehabilitation wards for adults of working age. For example relating to assessment of ligature points at Westcotes. Patients and carers knew how to complain. Fire safety was much improved, withfire drills carried out regularly. The wards tried to book regular bank and agency staff so they knew the ward and patients, to provide continuity of care. Make a difference with a career at LPT. While staffing numbers were usually maintained, there was a high reliance on agency and bank staff to achieve this. Staff had set clear guidelines on where and how physical health observationswere completed on wards. Risk management in services required improvement. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust provides mental health, learning disability and community health services across Leicestershire, England.. We did not inspect the whole core service. Staff monitored the ongoing condition of any secluded patient. Staff were visible in the communal ward areas and attentive to the needs of the patients they cared for. The trusts Board Assurance Framework (BAF) was lengthy, was combined with a corporate risk register and had overdue actions. Patients and their relatives felt involved in the care provided. The trust had no end of life strategy as the previous one had expired and no replacement had been developed. There was good staff morale. There were not enough registered staff at City West and this was identified as a risk on the service risk register. In addition, staff did not record the maximum dose of medications a patient could have in any 24-hour period. Staff received robust and detailed shift handovers, including information on patient risks, observation levels and physical healthcare concerns and how these were to be managed. All the people who used services and the carers spoken to were happy with the service they had received and spoke positively about their interactions with staff. Patient outcomes were not routinely collected so the quality of the clinical care being delivered could not be measured or benchmarked. Concerns in regards to Mental Capacity Act were identified at the last inspection as a breach of the HSCA regulation 9. Save job - Click to add the job to your shortlist. The quality of some of the data was poor. Some facilities lacked essential emergency equipment. The teams we spoke with, felt the trust board did not set clear timescales or direction on how to move their projects forward. Our analysts have developed this monitoring to give our inspectors a clear picture of the areas of care that need to be followed up. In the health based place of safety resuscitation equipment and emergency medication were not available and staff had not calibrated equipment to monitor patients physical health. Some managers had access to key performance data and could respond to areas of improvement, but this was not consistent in all aspects of care delivery and across all services. Patients and their carers were not involved in care planning and care programme approach (CPA) reviews. HBPoS and crisis resolution and home treatment (CRHT) team toilets were not visibly clean. Download the leadership behaviours booklet or watch the animation below to find out more: Our People Plan shows our dedication to making LPT a great place to work and receive care. Staff received Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Some staff did not demonstrate a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act. Clinic room temperatures were very hot, although one thermometer was above a radiator so would not give an accurate reading. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). Staff told us they worked as a team and enjoyed their jobs. There were insufficient systems in place to monitor prescriptions. Leadership behaviours were fostered, and development of staff was encouraged. We did not have assurance service leads had good oversight of the risks relating to this service as staff were not always recording incidents, the service was unable to identify incidents specific to patients at the end of life and concerns relating to the out of hours GP service were not formally recorded. Together with local information from partners and the public, this monitoring helps us to decide when, where and what to inspect. The psychiatric outpatients was responsible for 2094 of the breaches, with city east reporting the highest of these breaches at 429.2. 27 February 2019. Delivered through over 100 settings from inpatient wards to out in the community, our 6,500 staff serves over 1 million people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. They provided feedback to staff via monthly ward meetings, MDT meetings supervision and handovers. Safeguarding was a high priority with regular safeguarding reviews within each area of speciality and established systems for supporting staff dealing with distressing situations. Teams were responsive and dealt with high levels of referrals. Some local leaders were visible and approachable however, some staff did not know who directors linked to their service were or did not feel engaged with the trust. Team meetings were not regular, or didn't take place.The sharing of lessons learnt remained inconsistent across some wards. Smoking cessation had been successful across most wards in the Bradgate Mental Health Unit.The trust had re-drafted the smoke free policy following on patient and staff consultation. Overall, the trusts compliance rates for mandatory training was 87%. Staff sourced PICU beds when needed from other providers, in some cases many miles away. Staff said the system was difficult to use and this had affected the information recorded in patients notes. As one of the largest registered investment advisors in the U.S., we offer a broad range of services to institutional clients, including corporate and higher-education retirement plans, foundations and endowments, and religious organizations. A dashboard of key performance indicators was being developed. There were risk assessments and plans in place to keep people and staff safe. This meant that the environment could be unsafe due to space in corridors and lounges being restricted. Care plans did not always reflect a person centred approach and people who used services and their carers were not routinely involved in CPA reviews. Leicester; 33,706 to 40,588 a year (pro rata) Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust; We are looking for a Bank Band 6 Speech and Language Therapist to join our innovative, friendly and well supported team working with children and y. The health-based place of safety did not meet some aspects of the guidance of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. We found the average wait times for patients presenting with a mental health crisis or specific mental health needs were between 1.5 hours and 1.9 hours. Leicestershire patient care project shortlisted in prestigious awards. Staff were positive about the level of support they received, including regular supervision and line management. Watch our short film to find out more: Find out about how we are improving the quality and safety of our services through our Step up to Great strategy, and watch our animation to see more: We are also pleased to present our clinical plan for the trust. Since the last inspection the service now had a Section 136 suite that met the standards set out in the Royal College Standards. Patients knew how to make a complaint or raise a concern and complaints were taken seriously. Some seclusion rooms had environmental concerns at Belvoir and Griffinunits, and Watermead wards. The patients did not consistently have their physical healthcare monitored or recorded, unless there were identified problems. Patients were protected from avoidable harm by sufficient staffing and safeguarding processes. Published There were waiting lists of up to 18 months for psychology and up to 40 weeks for other treatment within the personality disorder service. Many staff we spoke with knew who their chief executive was and mentioned them by name. Some patients had to be admitted to adult wards in the last year. Comprehensive relocation action plans were available. In rating the trust, we took into account the previous ratings of the core services we did not inspect on this occasion. Leicestershire City Council are proposing to keep Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust as the provider, as it is a high performing service, and to recommission 0-19HCP by using Section 75 of the National Health Services Act of 2006. Staff had not managed all risks to patients in services. Emails and the trust intranet also provided staff with this information. There were effective systems in place to audit and monitor physical health care records. There were robust lone working procedures in place. Meeting these standards and developing the capability to exceed them, will not only ensure that we continue to improve and respond flexibly to changing needs as an organisation, but will also help our staff to fulfil their potential, both in terms of personal achievement and career advancement. Patients reported they were treated with dignity and respect. Examples were given regarding learning from these. We saw the trust had developed oversight and a vision on how to improve the nine key areas identified by the warning notice. Flu and Covid-19 are currently circulating at high levels and are likely to continue to increase in coming weeks. The patient incident team carried out a review of serious incident reporting and made changes to improve the reporting process, categorise incidents in a better way and improved reporting of safeguarding. We saw that Advanced Nurse Practitioners were completing Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) forms having completed their training to do so; however we saw that these forms were not countersigned by a doctor or consultant. ", "I have developed so many new skills over the years working in the NHS, going from a healthcare assistant to a nursing associate. There was poor medicines management in relation to checking expiry dates, storage and consent documentation. Some medication was out of date and there was no clear record of medication being logged in or out. There were good systems for lone-working which included a code word that staff used when they required assistance. Complaints were well managed to ensure a timely response and aid learning. However, no time frame was set for the work to be completed. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust 2.5K subscribers We have strengthened our vision and strategy, to make our direction of travel as clear as possible for everyone. The IAPT service was not meeting the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set by commissioners in relation to access targets' - meaning they were not getting the expected quota of referrals per population head. Staff did not adhere to the Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice and the five principles of the Act. Services and care were planned with the local population in mind and to address the individual needs of patients. Annual Statement 2009 for - PDF - (opens in new window), Annual Statement 2010 for - PDF - (opens in new window), In All areas were very clean, fresh smelling and fit for purpose. University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. We found damaged fixings on one ward; that posed a risk to patients. Serious incidents were thoroughly investigated and outcomes and lesson learnt were discussed in a variety of clinical governance meetings. Curtains separated patients bed areas and the rooms were not secured to allow free access; meaning that patients could have their property removed by other patients. This environment was pleasant and well equipped. We inspected adult psychiatric liaison services as part of Mental Health Crisis and Health Based Places of Safety core service. Staff knew how to report any incidents on the trusts electronic reporting system and could raise concerns for the trust risk registers. The trust lacked an overarching strategy which everyone within the trust knew. Risk assessments were brief, did not always contain sufficient information and were not updated regularly. In most services, we were concerned with the lack of evidence in care plans which showed patients and carers had been consulted and involved in their care. On Bosworth ward patient privacy was compromised when staff and patients entered the clinic room during examinations because there was no privacy curtain in place. We rated the forensic inpatient/secure services as good because: Phoenix ward had clear lines of sight for staff to observe patients. The paperwork was difficult to find and not consistent. The service did not have a system in place to monitor the number of lighters each ward held. All wards had developed their own systems to improve medicines management in their areas. We rated wards for older people with mental health problems as good because: The wards complied with the Department of Health 2015 guidelines on single sex accommodation. There was a lack of storage at Stewart House, the utility/laundry room was used to store cleaning equipment. There was a clear vision for the service which staff understood. We're always looking for the best. There was an extensive wellbeing offer available to staff. During the depot clinic staff did not close privacy curtains when patients were receiving depot injections. Every team we spoke with knew who they reported to and what to report. Patients told us that appointments usually run on time and they were kept informed when they do not. The ovens were old and the dials were not visible and cupboards were broken. Practice development and embedding practice was good, for example, where dementia mapping was adapted to learning disabilities. There was evidence of actions taken to improve the quality of the service. received 41 comment cards from patients that were available for patients to complete during the time of our inspection. There were processes in place for reporting and learning from incidents. Bed occupancy for the last two quarters of 2013/14 was around 89%. What to inspect from patients that were available for patients to complete during the depot clinic did... 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