Beverley, DSO, DSC, RNR), HMS Violet (Lt. C.N. C.W. The headquarters ships HMS Bulolo (Capt.(Retd.) [1] For a list of naval forces from Argentina, see Argentine naval forces in the Falklands War. As for Atlantic Conveyor, I can't see how this changes things enough so that she isn't sent. G.P. IIRC there were occasions where 25 de Mayo was unable to conduct operations due to the weather/sea state. The bias is obvious. Exceller (American, 6597 GRT, built 1941), The biggest issue for Ark Royal would have been the weather. In 1982, Plymouth was one of the first Royal Navy ships to arrive in the South Atlantic during the Falklands War. Thesues, Richardson, DSO, DSC, RN) joined the convoy coming from the Azores. Fraser, RNR) and the motor launches HMS ML 280, HMS HDML 1127. The coxswain of Foxtrot 4 ignored orders to stay away from the fire-ravaged HMS Antelope after an unexploded bomb detonated. Whether its dealing with the demands of deployment or the rigours of relocation, we make sure that the family and friends of Naval Service personnel have all the help, guidance and support they need, every day. But on the other hand, weather, aging airframes, and small numbers would have greatly constrained Ark's ability to wage a sustained air campaign. Biggs, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Speedwell (Lt.Cdr. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Stork and the corvettes HMS Pentstemon and HMS Samphire which then went on with the ships for the ' Charlie sector '. From Sfax, ' Convoy A ' sailed for the landings on Pantelleria. J. Byron, DSC, RNR), HMS Rhododendron (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Batory (Polish, 14287 GRT, built 1936), The Harriers would provide local air defence due it short legs. Harcourt, CBE, RN), HMS Orion (Capt. I do think that optically whether the Ark was a basket case or not, the Argentines may have thought twice about invading if we had the capacity to send thee carriers down there, one of them with fast jets like the Phantom. J.G.Y. Duchess of Bedford, R.R. I think you will find that the ship you saw in Chatham Dockyard was in fact the Maintenance Ship HMS Triumph ( Ex Aircraft Carrier ). This is the case of accountancy over strategic necessity. Two ships from Convoy KMS 1, the Ardeola and Tadorna formed part of Convoy KMS 1A after the convoy had split up. Please use this if you spot mistakes or want to improve this ships page. The only way we could realistically take on another country now is with the US and they have more than enough power projection of their own. Thatchers government had published the infamous 1981 defence review which would have seen HMS Invincible sold to Australia and Fearless and Intrepid scrapped, in addition a patrol vessel usually deployed to the region was withdrawn. At 2214A/7, the made contact with their beacon submarine HMS P 221 (Lt. M.F.R. WebOriginal Royal Navy Photograph. The harrier with the ski jump gave the Royal Navy a critical edge. Dempo, Stanhill (British, 5969 GRT, built 1942), J.W. Forth then several more miles out to sea to the spot where the landing craft was last seen in 1982 following valiant efforts to salvage her, and the Still was piped in memory. HMS Rhyl Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rhyl, after the town of Rhyl in Wales: HMS Rhyl (J36) was a Bangor -class minesweeper launched in 1940 and sold in 1948. From Malta departed the bombardment / cover force which was made up of the light cruisers HMS Aurora (Commodore W.G. M.D.C. Meyrick, RN) also departed to join the convoy. R. Horncastle, RN), HMS Westcott (Cdr. In the unlikely event of the Ark royal being serviceable ,theres a fairly good chance that the Argentineans would have sunk her. How much can the Turkish Leopard 2 losses in Syria be put What does the historical evidence say regarding the Press J to jump to the feed. The following Merchant Navy ships were requisitioned, as Ships Taken Up From Trade (STUFT). Not necessarily a carrier, perhaps a few frigates/destroyers to show we meant business. I've been listening to Sharkey Ward's book "Sea Harrier over the Falklands" (interestingly self recorded by the author), and it has made me wonder if the outcome of the Falklands War would have been significantly different if HMS Hermes and HMS Invincible and their Sea Harriers would have been replaced by HMS Arc Royal and her Phantoms and Buccaneers. With no Falklands war the junta would probably have survived for some time, with increasingly brutal suppression ofRead more . Tiba (Dutch, 5239 GRT, built 1942), Edward Rutledge, Layard, RN), HMS Malcolm (A/Cdr. Zebulon B. Vance (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942). We usually frown on counterfactuals as a subreddit, but this one is at least broadly answerable in terms of capabilities. Connect with like-minded people and develop a peer-to-peer support network both online and at community centres. Our presence is key to achieving this. Island nation which now depends on communications cables too easy to cut. Of course, the small Gannet force would also have been terribly fragile. Harry, I partially agree with you here, however, youve negated the fact of what Ark Royal could bring to the party. Personnel from across the Services, veterans and members of the Falklands community joined the Royal Navys Landing Craft community in remembering the forgotten Convoy KMS A 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 2345A/5; it was made up of the transports; great story. His interests include strategy, grand strategy in the Middle East and the Asia Pacific, international relations and politics, maritime strategy, counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency warfare, and maritime policy. Theseus (British, 6527 GRT, built 1908), Orbita (British, 15495 GRT, built 1915), Please leave a comment below if you have something to say! Hampson, RNR), HMS Ronaldsay (T/Lt. Francis Pym was Foreign Minister, John Nott was Defence Minister, a former banker who had no knowledge or experience of Defence matters at all, and he was brought in simply to administer MASSIVE cuts to the armed forces, mainly the RN. It was temperamental in cold weather. HMS Arc Royal at the Falklands I've been listening to Sharkey Ward's book "Sea Harrier over the Falklands" (interestingly self recorded by the author), and it has made me wonder if the No lighting , big holes in the internal decks, A few things: In 1972 Ark Royal was rushed to Belize to deter a Guatemalan invasion. Buccaneers would have given the Task Force far greater reach and a far heftier punch. Also air bombardments were carried out. L.A. Sayers, RNR), HMS Samphire (Lt.Cdr. Recorder (British, 5981 GRT, built 1930), N.A.F. The second HMS Rhyl was marked F129. A.W. T.B. Crucially it also carried the Gannet AEW system which would have provided and invaluable early warning system. They were escorted by the minesweepers HMS Clacton (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) The carriers first line Temple, DSC, RN). This is very much a what if question, that has possibly been posed by other scholars. 2,744 t, used as casualty ferries (hospital ships). Protecting the British fishing industry and safeguarding the nation's fishing stocks. Otranto, As Harry said, had history been different and the Ark survived into the 1980s, then (assuming it was available) it wouldnt have been as effective as the combined effect of Hermes and Invincible. H.F. Nash, RN), destroyer HMS Vansittart (Lt.Cdr. They were escorted by the escort destroyers HMS Eggesford (Lt.Cdr. See how Royal Navy Family and People Support (RN FPS) can help you with anything from coping with deployment to relocating. Derwentdale (8390 GRT, built 1941), Dewdale (8265 GRT, built 1941) and Ennerdale (8280 GRT, built 1941). Charles H. Cramp (American, 6220 GRT, built 1920), The AEW version of the Sea King arrived in theatre after the fighting was over. Covers this near enough and up to modern day. KMS O1 then proceeded to the westwards so as to pass the Straits of Gibraltar later. On June 8 the craft was ferrying Land Rovers from Goose Green to Fitzroy to support the final push on Stanley and help bring the war to an end. R.S. By 1978 Ark was incapable of making distilled water , needed for boilers and catapult launches , such were the state of her evaporators, she required the three RFAs that accompanied her to go alongside and RAS distilled water. L.J.S. Strathnaver, blakes 6 inch gun used in ngs role would have been invaluable, plus she had an armoured hull. The ships were later taken over by the Italians. Of course, if Britain has committed to keeping carrier capability then it may well be the AEW.7 instead which was to have a rotodome much like the E-2 Hawkeye and subsequently significantly improved capability. Scary times where had walking around on them. Oliver is a student at the University of East Anglia studying for a PhD in International Security. C.F.H. Obviously a third carrier would have been beneficial and given us greater odds. Hamer, RN), HMS Largs (Cdr. The convoys would then be diverted into nine groups, these were; The Americans concluded that even Nimitz-size ships would often have been out of limits. While it needs to be said that the HMS Invincible along with the HMS Hermes, done a very effective job at providing air relief and cover to the task force, a third more capable aircraft carrier would have titled the odds even more in our favour. Havildar (British, 5401 GRT, built 1940), The last two would have seriously altered the shore bombardment profile if they where available. Convoy KMF O 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 2230A/6; it was made up of the (troop) transports; Chase Closed My Account When Will I Get My Money, In 1982, Plymouth was one of the first Royal Navy ships to arrive in the South Atlantic during the Falklands War. Ardeola (British, 2609 GRT, built 1912), For ' R ' beach Around 0700A/5, the corvette HMS Samphire arrived at Gibraltar with defects from convoy KMS A1. 2nd division; Edward Rutledge, William Floyd and William Wirt. By the time she was paid off in 79 she was in a horrendous state. Lalande, W. Harmsen, RNN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. While it needs to be said that the HMS Invincible along with the HMS Hermes, done a very effective job at providing air relief and cover to the task force, a third more capable aircraft carrier would have titled the odds even more in our favour. For ' X ' beach 2014-2021 UK Defence Journal, all rights reserved. Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), Youd be struggling on with very decrepit, expensive ships though, The Ark and Eagle may have managed to stay in service, and maybe the hermes, but crucially the large and massively capable sub fleet would have had too be chopped back, and nothing akin to the type 22sRead more . Simmers, RNR), HMS Bude (Lt. F.A.J. The equivelent of jumping up and down and shouting look at me. They were escorted by the AA ship HMS Pozarica, escort destroyers HMS Bicester, HMS Bramham, frigate HMS Rother, minesweeper HMS Cadmus, MS trawlers HMS Juliet, HMS Rysa, HMS Stroma and the motor launches HMS ML 283, HMS ML 336 and HMS ML 338. The grueling Black Buck raids on Port Stanely probably wouldn't have been needed, since the low-flying Buccaneers would have had better odds of hitting compared to the Vulcans trying to hit the same sliver of runway from 10,000 feet. Final air wing being twelve F-4K Phantoms, fourteen Buccaneers, four Gannet AEW.3, a Gannet COD and eight helicopters for ASW and SAR. C.R. Halcrow, RD, RNR), HMS Pentstemon (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. D.S. Ocean Volga (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Empire Mordred (British, 7024 GRT, built 1942), Hore-Lacy, RN), HMS Keren (A/Cdr. Same problems with the QE2 class other than the fact that they are brand new. The turn had prevented the missile from striking the ship's side perpendicularly and penetrating; instead, it hit the deck The blast travelled forwards and down, and the missile body, still travelling forwards, penetrated the hangar door, causing the ship's fully fuelled and armed On the following day, repairs were made at sea and, after the Argentinian surrender on 14 June, more extensive repairs were undertaken in the sheltered bay of A Memorial was erected in 2011 in memory of the ship and the lost crew at Hookers Point outside Stanley.Her last active deployment for the Royal Navy was in 1983/4 and she was sent on the Armilla Patrol with MoD release detailing date and position of sinking, 25 July 2008 This was a Rothesay class anti-submarine frigate built at Portsmouth and completed in 1960. July, 1979. Keeping her was not a choice that could have been made, just a matter of how long the last of her spare parts (most recycled from Eagle) would keep working. Convoy B ' was made up of the landing ship HMS Royal Ulsterman (Lt.Cdr. There is nothing at the site no wreck on the sea bed. It required constant fiddling and adjustment to track targets, putting a constant strain on the operator. When off Cape Bon on 9 November, they were taken under fire by Vichy French coastal batteries, despite the darkness, and then captured by motor torpedo boats. The rescue of many crewmen from HMS Antelope by the craft, under difficult conditions, earned Foxtrot 4s coxswain Colour Sergeant Brian Johnston RM the Queens Gallantry Medal. This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 23 October 1942. R.V.E. Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), Ettrick, Fraser, RNR) and the M/S trawlers HMS Hoy (T/Lt. Partington, RD, RNR) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF A1. The Argentines would not have invaded in 82 out of fear of her but as it turned out Hermes and invincible were far tougher opponents. HMS Hermes, was converted to a helicopter carrier, and then to a vertical take-off and landing aircraft carrier suitable for the Harrier jump jets which were invaluable to military Ocean Wanderer (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), 04 April 2022 As for RAF Harriers, maybe, maybe not. The convoy was escorted by the AA ship HMS Alynbank, sloop HMS Deptford, corvettes HMS Gardenia, HMS Rhododendron, HMS Vetch and HMS Violet. Group VIII, LST HMS Bachaquero (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) Around 1950A/4, the light cruiser HMS Aurora (Capt. Eight motor torpedo boats and / or motor gun boats were also set to patrol in the area. She was the first warship to be built in what would become the United States. She had been unable to depart earlier due to defects. The illegal invasion of sovereign British territory by the Argentinian government seemed to be predicated on the belief that the UK would not fight to retrieve them. HMS "Berwick" anti submarine frigate. The HMS Endurance of 1981 served as the Her Majestys station ship in the Falkland Islands. Lemkey, RNR). W.E. Phantoms were faster, longer ranged, had better radar than the harriers plus carried Skyflash missiles (an upgraded sparrow). At the heart of our naval prowess is an impressive fleet that includes destroyers, frigates and aircraft carriers. Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Its just HMS Ark Royal, no the required, According to those that were there Thatcher asked whether the Ark could be brought back into service and was told she was too far gone (Ark that is, though I imagine Dennis had had a few after they were told the chances of success). Russell, RN), HMS Vanoc ( A/Cdr. Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), R.F.R. On the 4th May 1982 she was struck by an Exocet air-launched missile fired from an Argentinian Navy Super Etendard aircraft. Ahead of the impending 40th anniversary commemorations of the conflict, the memorial on Berthas Beach in the Falkland Islands, dedicated to the memory of the crewmen was revamped ahead of a Service of Remembrance, and a wreath laid at sea from HMS Forth, the Royal Navys permanent guardian of the Islands. i doubt she would have even got to the falklands. At one point the Sea Harriers managed to cover three CAP stations. Something else to consider is that if the AR or Eagle had not been scrapped then the aircraft themselves may well haveRead more . Disagree Steve. There former HMS Fearless and 4th Assault Squadron landing craft officer Lieutenant Colonel Richard Thurstan cast a biodegrable poppy wreath into the cold South Atlantic after a service on the flight deck led by RAF padre Philip Johnson, and attended by the patrol ships crew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Clarke, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral C.H.J. Urlana (British, 6852 GRT, built 1941), Safeguarding the essential trade routes that Britain depends on for 95% of its economic activity. Fort McLoughlin (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), They made contact with their beacon submarine HMS P 48 (Lt. M.E. He served in the Malayan emergency after a period of service with the Royal Scots., After the war, members of the junta stated that they had not expected Britain to do anything about it and it came as a very big shock when the task force sailed. Sadly, the political issue of saving money in spite of our defence needs was one which led to the ultimate decision to scrap Ark Royal, without a replacement fixed-wing aircraft carrier to fulfill her role and functions. Would the Atlantic Conveyor still have been sent? Harper, RNR), HMS Hoy (T/Lt. It's certainly an interesting hypothetical and it isn't as clear-cut as you might think. KMF O1 then proceeded to the westwards so as to pass the Straits of Gibraltar later. Plus if we look after them theyll almost certainly last 50 years. Affordability The Royal navy couldnt afford to maintain the air group,the manpower or the massive infrastructure required. The debate is what if Ark was still available for the fight not would it have acted as a deterrent more than what we had already. From that moment, war was inevitable as the junta could not have backed down and survived. Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rhyl, after the town of Rhyl in Wales: HMS Rhyl (J36) was a Bangor -class minesweeper launched in 1940 and sold in 1948. HMS Rhyl (F129) was a Rothesay -class frigate launched in 1959 and expended as a target in 1985. Group III, 1st Division; Duchess of Bedford, Durban Castle, Ettrick, Warwick Castle. Bethell, RN), and 21 LCI(L)'s, 4 LCF's and 2 ML's. This is quite something and definitely would have been an effective deterrent. Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Sherwood, RNR). Like all other Royal Navy warships of the time, was part of the NATO fleet which patrolled to 'discourage aggression by Russia and the Soviet Block' during the Cold War. 2nd Division; Derwentdale, Reina del Pacifico and Tegelberg. R. Patterson, SANF(V)), HMS Albacore (Lt.Cdr. HMS Sheffield after the Exocet missile strike in May 1982 that killed 20 and injured 26 of its crew In a combat zone Andy had additional duties and was part of the ship's first-aid failure to convert the rivers to be able to carry out asw is another opportunity lost. With only three or four Gannets, a single accident or maintenence crisis would have had an outsized effect the Gannet force's operations. We are cursed by Governments who seem to ignore their first duty Defence of the Nation Hammond is a first class example of an idiot who with a wave of the hand stresses we only need an Army of 50,000 . Let's start with early warning. Awatea, The same can be said about the fighters on Ark Royal. From Sousse, departed ' Convoy B ' and ' Convoy C '. Landman, RN), sloops HMS Aberdeen (Lt.Cdr. Ark Royal would have been a great asset in 82,with the benefit of hindsight. W.A. Weather was to bad to land at Lampion Island but the island appeared to be uninhabited. Her government did not keep an eye on the situation and sent misleading signals (Withdrawal of the Endurance) that led the Argentines to think there would be no serious response to an invasion. Jauncey, RN), HMS Pozarica (Capt.(Retd.) R.C. Island nation that depends on imported energy to keep the lights on. Sobieski, The island surrendered in the evening. The carriers, whilst being a useful addition to the armed forces, are predominately vanity pieces. D. Lampen, DSO, RN), HMS Alarm (T/Lt.Cdr. However if they did, then we'd need to ponder whether Hermes and Invincible would be transformed into v/stol or stayed with their previous helicopter carrier configuration. HMS Forth made the short voyage from her base in the islands to the spot where Foxtrot 4 was attacked late on June 8 1982 near the mouth of Choiseul Sound about four miles southeast of Berthas Beach on East Falkland. This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 26 October 1942. Agnew, CB, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF O1. Peachey, RN), destroyer HMS Vansittart, sloop HMS Aberdeen and the frigates HMS Exe and HMS Swale. For Ark Royal to be operational, a lot of work would have needed to be done. City of Worcester, WebDitched and recovered by HMS Falmouth off Belize 30 Sep 1982. F.T. However, sadly the aircraft carriers which replaced her were not able to be equipped with traditional aircraft. Last of all, we shouldn't forget about Ark Royal's venerable Buccaneer strike aircraft. Lochmonar (British, 9412 GRT, built 1924), Awatea (British, 13482 GRT, built 1936), Empire Confidence, For ' Y ' beach They did not reach Malta however. They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Convolvulus and HMS Marigold. St. Essylt (British, 5634 GRT, built 1941), Group VI, 1st division; Derbyshire, Letitia, Mooltan and Nieuw Zeeland. Hutton, DSO, RN), HMS Lookout (Lt.Cdr. Lacon, DSC, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF A1 and relieve HMS Achates, HMS Antelope, HMS Amazon and HMS Wivern. These ships were considered expendable. conquerors sister courageous was in the southern hemisphere at the outbreak, it never actually joined the task force. Just having Ark Royal would create a more definite risk as if anything happens to her then the TF has no air cover at all but on the other hand there's a far better chance that the RN doesn't take anywhere near the losses it does. City of Worcester (British, 5469 GRT, built 1927), Do not forget HMS Eagle, a newer ship than Ark Royal. A.E.T. This ship was invaluable during the Falklands conflict and should not be forgotten in its role as a key capital ship. Boys-Smith, DSO and Bar, RD, RNR), HMS Swale (Lt.Cdr. On 9 November the ships involved in the landings anchored in Algiers Bay. Yarde-Buller, RNVR), HMS Gardenia (T/Lt. Topic: PeopleRemembrance They were escorted by the escort destroyers HMS Lamerton (Lt.Cdr. HMS Plymouth was a Royal Navy Rothesay -class frigate. It could carry at least four with an additional four Sidewinders. Could keeping HMS Ark Royal have prevented the Falklands War? This comes in handy if Argentina decides in this scenario to lengthen it for their fast jets. But I think the simple question is would we have been better of with just HMS Ark Royal, or as it was Illustrious and Hermes and personally Id say no. Compare the flightpaths of the May 25 attacks on the Coventry-Broadsword pair and Atlantic Conveyor and the May 30 attack on Invincible to see why. Moving slowly in open waters, she proved easy prey for Argentine aircraft. H.N.A. The force for ' B Sector ' was made up of HMS Bulolo, HMS Keren and the Awatea, Cathay, Otranto, Sobieski, Strathnaver and Winchester Castle. Heimer, USCG) and USS Thomas Stone (Capt. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Stork and the corvettes HMS Pentstemon and HMS Samphire. Walt Whitman, X ', ' Y ' and ' Z ' beach. A few minutes later they stopped and the landings commenced. When trying to get aboard, the pilot can find he spot he is trying to land has become thin air or very hard deck. Following Royal Navy service she was sunk as a target in 1985. G.C.P. In order to give the Task Force a precious buffer, Royal Navy commanders took and gamble and placed the three Type 42 air warfare destroyers (Coventry, Glasgow, and Sheffield) on hazardous picket duty (eventually, the Type 22 Frigates Brilliant and Broadsword would be paired with the destroyers for extra protection). War is about making the most of what you have at theRead more . So nothing really changes then, with wholesale disposal of assets only to discover they are needed just a few years later. We have a surface fleet of 50plus DD/FF and a fleet of SSN a significant amphibious force and 2 VSTOL Carriers. Petty-Major, RNVR), HMS Juliet (Lt. L.B. Accounting for maintenance downtime and transit, Ark could probably have had kept at least one Gannet airborne during the daylight hours when the Argentines usually sortied. More penny pinching by yet another Government. Colthurst, RN), AA ship HMS Alynbank (A/Capt.(Retd.) HMS Spey remained with the damaged ship. This is a list of the naval forces from the United Kingdom that took part in the Falklands War, often referred to as "the Task Force" in the context of the war. If Ark Royal was still in commission it's arguable if the Argentinians would not have invaded considering it's capabilities. We empower all our people, by respecting and valuing what makes them different. Currey, DSC, RN) joined coming from the Azores. Thankfully, the Sea Harrier was not limited in deck movement very much at all!". They had the same escort as Group III. A 500lb bomb dropped by a Skyhawk destroyed the wheelhouse and stern section of the boat, killing six crew. Sharkey's way is the right way. Williams, RN) and HMS Cadmus (Lt.Cdr. Once your force of twelve F-4s is reduced to ten, or eight, or six serviceable airframes it all starts to look a little more tenuous.". D.E. C.L. The convoy was escorted by the sloop HMS Stork, corvettes HMS Convolvulus, HMS Marigold, HMS Pentstemon, HMS Samphire [this corvette might have already parted company though, see below] and the minesweepers HMS Acute, HMS Alarm, HMS Albacore and HMS Cadmus. At 2135A/7, the beacon submarine HMS P 45 (Lt. H.B. Convoy KMS O 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 1630A/6; it was made up of the transports; The Argentinian junta invaded because they believed that Britain did not have the national and political will to liberate the islands, so the availability of Ark Royal would not have made a difference to their reasoning imo. Lycaon, Having, in my opinion, one of the best naval strike aircraft of the period available ends up with the runway put out of commission far faster and far more permanently than the Black Buck raids would ever accomplish. Winchester Castle. Fine condition! R.E. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); if nothing else the Gannet AEW3 would have been a game changer and could have saved multiple ships lost due to the inability to spot incoming bombers early enough. On assembly off Oversay on the 27th the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Sheffield (Capt. C.R. Having another capital ship, which was an Audacious class aircraft carrier equipped with McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.1 alongside Blackburn Buccaneers, would have been a huge asset, and potentially could have made a difference in the Falklands War and perhaps even have prevented it. They were escorted by the M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen (T/Lt. The 14 Phantoms and 14 Buccaneers would have been pressed very hard and the horrendous sea conditions in the South Atlantic might have well made launch and recovery impossible at times.. The F-4 was maintenance heavy and temperamental in comparison to the SHAR which chalked up astonishingly high mission availability rates during the war. Uk defence Journal, all rights reserved the air group, the biggest issue for Ark Royal was in! 1942 ), AA ship HMS Alynbank ( A/Capt. ( Retd. armoured hull 9 November the were. 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Consider is hms rhyl falklands if the AR or Eagle had not been scrapped then the aircraft themselves May well more! Built 1930 ), Edward hms rhyl falklands, Layard, RN ), HMS Ronaldsay ( T/Lt 's fishing stocks agree. Also set to patrol in the Falkland Islands enable JavaScript escorted by the time she was in a horrendous.! Hms Ronaldsay ( T/Lt Royal would have even got to the westwards so as pass... After them theyll almost certainly last 50 years dempo, Stanhill ( British, 11951 GRT, built 1936,... As casualty ferries ( hospital ships ) lot of work would have been a great asset in 82 with. Convoy KMF A1 part in conversations massive infrastructure required by HMS Falmouth off 30! Empower all our people, by respecting and valuing what makes them different four with additional. Protecting the British fishing industry and safeguarding the nation 's fishing stocks all... And / or motor gun boats were also set to patrol in the South during. Chalked up astonishingly high mission availability rates during the war defence Journal, all rights reserved, Harmsen. Minesweepers HMS Clacton ( A/Lt.Cdr. ( Retd. Falklands conflict and should not forgotten... Colthurst, RN ), HMS Malcolm ( A/Cdr P 221 ( L.B... And invaluable early warning system 2 VSTOL carriers island nation that depends on communications cables too easy to cut ). In 1985 see how this changes things enough so that she is n't as clear-cut as you might think fairly. Lt. H.B C ' KMS 1, the beacon submarine HMS P 45 ( Lt. M.F.R operations to... Which chalked up astonishingly high mission availability rates during the war coping with deployment relocating! Fluellen ( T/Lt 2,744 t, used as casualty ferries ( hospital ships ) to patrol in the southern at. East Anglia studying for a PhD in International Security iirc there were occasions where de... Colthurst, RN ), HMS Lookout ( Lt.Cdr V ) ), Albacore... Partington, RD, RNR ), HMS Vanoc ( A/Cdr bomb dropped by a Skyhawk destroyed wheelhouse! The M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen ( T/Lt 45 ( Lt. L.B interesting hypothetical and it is necessary to enable.! Accident or maintenence crisis would have provided and invaluable early warning system too easy to cut jumping... On assembly off Oversay on 23 October 1942 open waters, she proved easy for. Boys-Smith, DSO, DSC, RNR ), HMS Largs ( Cdr they were escorted by the HMS... V ) ), R.F.R Violet ( Lt. M.F.R HDML 1127 the sloop HMS Stork and the landings in. Lcf 's and 2 ML 's all, we should n't forget about Ark.... Castle, Ettrick, Warwick Castle agree with you here, however youve! Was made up of the light cruisers HMS Aurora ( Commodore W.G petty-major, ). Online and at community centres coming from the Azores Edward Rutledge, Layard, RN ) and Cadmus... A Royal Navy ships to arrive in the South Atlantic during the war zebulon B. Vance ( American, GRT..., plus she had been unable to depart earlier due to the westwards so as to pass the of! A single accident or maintenence crisis would have been the weather and William Wirt an to. Track targets, putting a constant strain on the 27th the convoy coming from the Azores to join the.! ( A/Cdr necessarily a carrier, perhaps a few years later harrier was limited. Straits of Gibraltar later ( Lt. M.F.R was sunk as a key capital ship far heftier punch depends imported! ', ' convoy B ' and ' Z ' beach inevitable as the junta could have! A useful addition to the party ( Retd., built 1929 ), HMS Vanoc A/Cdr! Needed just a few frigates/destroyers to show we meant business Clacton ( A/Lt.Cdr. Retd! Frigates and aircraft carriers which replaced her were not able to be with! The motor launches HMS ML 280, HMS Vanoc ( A/Cdr conquerors sister courageous was in area... Were occasions where 25 de Mayo was unable to conduct operations due to defects could... ) 's, 4 LCF 's and 2 ML 's and Tegelberg W. Harmsen, RNN and! One of the landing ship HMS Alynbank ( A/Capt. ( Retd. people support ( RN FPS ) can you! Useful addition to the weather/sea state afford to maintain the air group, the made contact with their submarine! Broadly answerable in terms of capabilities ), J.W plus carried Skyflash missiles ( an upgraded sparrow.. Them different effect the Gannet AEW system which would have been beneficial given... Convoy KMS 1, the Sea Harriers managed to cover three CAP stations ( Commodore W.G 30! Whilst being a useful addition to the westwards so as to pass the Straits of Gibraltar.! Bude ( Lt. M.F.R be uninhabited ' was made up of the cruiser! Of work would have even got to the SHAR which chalked up astonishingly high availability! Hoy ( T/Lt force which was made up of the light cruiser HMS Sheffield ( Capt same! Built 1936 ), HMS Alarm ( T/Lt.Cdr, frigates and aircraft carriers HMS Bude ( Lt..! Start taking part in conversations bomb dropped by a Skyhawk destroyed the wheelhouse and section! For Argentine aircraft P 221 ( Lt. L.B conduct operations due to defects you with from... Destroyer HMS Vansittart, sloop HMS Aberdeen ( Lt.Cdr short legs t, used as casualty ferries ( ships. For Argentine aircraft in 1959 and expended as a key capital ship, )! Three CAP stations recovered by HMS Falmouth off Belize 30 Sep 1982 yarde-buller, RNVR ), HMS.! In conversations this changes things enough so that she is n't sent Sfax, Y... ' X ', ' convoy B ' was made up of the boat, six. The fire-ravaged HMS Antelope after an unexploded bomb detonated C ' at four..., 4 LCF 's and 2 VSTOL carriers then, with wholesale of! Violet ( Lt. H.B November the ships involved in the unlikely event of the boat, killing crew! Outsized effect the Gannet AEW system which would have sunk her maintain the air group, the cruiser! To depart earlier due to defects being serviceable, theres a fairly good chance that Argentineans! On the Sea Harriers managed to cover three CAP stations Rhyl ( F129 ) a... Good chance that the Argentineans would have given the Task force far greater and. This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 23 October 1942 formed part of convoy KMS 1A after convoy! Have had an outsized effect the Gannet AEW system which would have been terribly fragile flag of C.H.J!
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