The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. ","What is in the outer Solar System? Different sized objects scattered around the Kuiper belt are highlighted in blue and labeled Scattered disc.. TIM: Oh, the things I mentioned are all governed by the suns gravity, which stretches half way to the next star system! "]},"pop_a_joke":{"joke_text_1":"What did Earth say to Saturn? *BrainPOP's Discussion Questions and Prompts align to CCSS Speaking and Listening Standards. Draw, write, or create a skit about it.\r\n","sound":"\/feature_settings\/Word Play_description.mp3"}},{"EntryID":"1118","name":"Draw About It","display_name":"Draw About It","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/draw_about_it_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/draw_about_it_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/drawaboutit\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_drawaboutit.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/drawaboutit\/","type":"draw_about_it","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/drawaboutit\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1100","name":"Write About It","display_name":"Write About It","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/write_about_it_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/write_about_it_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/writeaboutit\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_writeaboutit.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/writeaboutit\/","type":"write_about_it","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/writeaboutit\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1107","name":"Activity","display_name":"Activity","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/activity_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/activity_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/activity\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_activity_01.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/activity\/","type":"activity","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/activity\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1117","name":"Belly Up","display_name":"Belly Up","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/bellyup_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/bellyup_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/bellyup\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_bellyup_2.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/bellyup\/","type":"bellyup","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/bellyup\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"2831","name":"Transcript","display_name":"Movie Transcript","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/transcript_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/transcript_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/background.svg","header":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","type":"transcript","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"4106","name":"TAI","display_name":"Talk About It","folder_name_on_disk":"talkaboutit","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/tai_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/tai_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/talkaboutit\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_talkaboutit.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/talkaboutit\/","type":"tai","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/talkaboutit\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}}]}, {"EntryID":"3688","name":"Creative Coding","display_name":"Creative Coding","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/coding_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/coding_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/background.svg","header":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","type":"coding","data":{"museum":{"type":"museum","instructions":"Code a digital museum to show what you know about the solar system. Others include Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and an object named Eris, which is slightly larger than Pluto. Filed as: Discussion Prompts, Solar System The Oort Cloud is even further from the sun. An image is shown of a gray planet, labeled Eris, against a night sky. But how does it make our calculators work? An earth-friendly renewable source of energy that comes to us straight from the sun! Tim: Eris is actually the largest dwarf planet in the solar system its just a bit bigger than Pluto! Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. The one on the left shows the Voyager 1 spacecraft and the one on the right shows the Voyager 2 spacecraft. They look smooth from a distance, but up close you can see they're made of chunks of ice and rock. TIM: Mars is called the "red planet" because of its reddish surface. TIM: The total amount of planets in our solar system are satellites of the sun that means they travel around it in an orbit. It's actually just a medium-sized star, but for us it's the most important star there is. In the animation, Uranus moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Neptune. Pluto's orbit intersects with Neptune's. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. This topic is not available for students in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade and 12th Grade. There's quite a variety of stuff in the solar system, right? TIM: Well well, how do you know? The screen is split in half vertically and displays Eris on the left and Pluto on the right. "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. An animation shows Jupiter rotating in space and the sun in the background. An animation shows a large grey cloud in a starry sky. TIM: But scientists are pretty sure that both of the Voyager probes have passed the termination shock, and are closing in on the heliopause. It is depicted with a thin white horizontal ring. An animation shows Pluto rotating in space. When they get close to the sun, some of their ice forms long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth! An image shows chunks of material orbiting in the Kuiper Belt. TIM: So the search for Planet X was kind of pointless An animation shows the camera panning across stars in the night sky. (, Apply new knowledge;Identify cause/effect, BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the. TIM: They say its one of the reddest bodies in the solar system maybe even redder than Mars! A cross-section of the planet shows that its core is much larger than Earth. The other shows an even a closer view, in which floating rocks can be seen. (Make connections), How does its distance from the Sun affect each planet in the Solar System? As it approaches, its tail grows longer. That means they travel around it in an orbit. So, get ready to blast off with Tim and Moby as they explore our galactic neighborhood! Mars moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of the Moon. That's why one side gets so hot, and the other gets so cold. In the animation, Jupiter moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Saturn. TIM: Dear Tim and Moby, can you tell me all about the solar system? An image shows Tims hand holding a typed letter. An animation shows the four outer planets, then zooms in to show Jupiter encircled by a narrow ring. A diagram shows two planets and their orbits. The heliopause is shown as a dark orange semicircle to the left of the termination shock with a bigger radius than the circle that represents the termination shock. TIM: Neptune is the last gas giant and it has more than a dozen moons. A curved, orange, vertical line is added along the boundary between the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc and is labeled termination shock.. "}},"relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}}. Standing next to him is Moby. Outer Solar System is a Science video of BrainPOP aired on May 14, 2002. Immense gravitational pressure built up at the core of this gigantic clump. TIM: Man, I wonder what it must feel like to be so far from home An animation shows Tim and Moby at their camp site in the middle of dark woods. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. TIM: They launched in the early 1970s and are also thought to be nearing the heliopause. An animation shows a spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. At the end of the episode, Moby says he knows what it's like out there and after questioned by Tim, hypnotizes him. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript. Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade and 12th Grade. But wait, there's more! TIM: Other large Kuiper bodies include Orcus, Quaoar, and Varuna. Another drawing shows a cluster of rocks in front of a planet at the bottom. Another view shows clumps spinning around a large central clump. There are four rocky, inner planetsMercury, Venus, Earth, and Marsand four gas giants farther outJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. One planet is dark purple with a white ring around its center, and the other is small and brown. This animated Science resource page with lesson plans and teaching tips, for Kindergarten to 3rd grade students teaches about the Sun, moons, and planets that make up our Solar System. TIM: By the way, Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet. Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. Only a portion of Jupiter can be seen and the other planets seem very small in comparison. All rights reserved. TIM: Sedna, another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized yet. The fourth from the sun is Earth, where we live. As each condition is mentioned, four inserts show different parts of Earth: an ocean; buildings amongst trees; people; and animals. The four inner planets are tiny in comparison to the four outer planets. Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade and 12th Grade. Birds fly in the sky. "},"comic":{"type":"comic","instructions":"Create a comic about the solar system. ","alignment_guid":"95D6F986-2F4E-11E9-AECB-D0A0D9F723EE","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/challenge\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/challenge_svg_icon.svg"},{"feature_id":"294","type":"concept_map","name":"Make-a-Map","alignments_description":"A concept mapping tool. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. It forms a distant ring around the solar system. BrainPOP Jr. Games. For best experience, access this project full size. TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. Text reads: Oort cloud. View our, ens_hJtKdHWieHXq9WALhC_cZqG0H0gx6OGDvFMCpMasuN_Vq6-IBi52UWT877tYO6ld7kMYz23e6r2L1VGKZFmKO8LEue7pV3KlkhLGSuS4-uLbysaNlM_9p5-adbZAHGQ, {"EntryID":"133","name":"Solar System","icon":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/SOLAR_SYSTEM_JR_ICON_SQUARE_CANVAS.js","sound":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/sound.mp3","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","screenshots":["\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/screenshot_1.png","\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/screenshot_2.png","\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/screenshot_3.png"],"plain_icon":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/plain_icon.png","free":"","d_creation":"1223524800","d_updated":"0","movies":{"flash":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/movie.swf","high":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/ipad_movies\/44477.mp4","low":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/iphone_movies\/44478.mp4","transcript":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","notebook_questions":["What is in our Solar System? TIM: You you know what its like out there? Tim addresses Moby while turning his head to look at him. Then show the movie once through without pausing. Tim goes on to explain about space beyond Neptune, as well as some space probes and planets. An animation shows the gas and clumps of matter swirling around a bright sphere. Moby thinks and then extends his arms. Two images are displayed next to each other against a night sky. TIM: Saturn is another gas giant, with more than 45 moons orbiting it. An animation shows Moby looking at Tim. ","Is Pluto a planet? Each is depicted with rings of different sizes. Please enable JavaScript on your browser. An animation first shows the sun and several other planets surrounded by a ring of gray specks, and then zooms out to show the entire solar system, represented by light purple dots arranged in a spherical pattern against a night sky. Another animation shows floating objects coming together and forming the planet Jupiter. Its dark storm swirls across its surface. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. In the animation, an insert compares Jupiter with some of the other planets. Moby blinks, looks at Tim, and then looks at the night sky. The animation shows a drawing of the planets traveling along circles around the sun. 19992023 BrainPOP. The animation pans to now show the four outer planets, located on their circular orbits. In one of these areas, there is a large red spot. 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View our, {"synopsis":"How we did we all get here? Its got perfect conditions for plants and animals: not too hot, not too cold. Some of them formed hard hunks of rock called the terrestrial planets Earth is one of these. An image of an astronaut walking on the moon is displayed on the screen, and then an image of a spacecraft against a night sky is added to the right of it. The scene changes back to Tim lying in the sleeping bag, holding the binoculars and the letter. You probably know it by its amazing set of rings! Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. Another image shows a lake surrounded by hills of trees. Two inserts appear. The image of the sun, the planets, and the Kuiper belt is shown. TIM: Around Jupiter, there are almost 70 moons. 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One shows moons circling Neptune. To show Jupiter encircled by a drawing of Saturn for planet X kind! And it has more than 45 moons orbiting it comes to us straight from the sun distance, up... Red planet '' because of its reddish surface about space beyond Neptune, well. The Kuiper belt is shown of a gray planet, labeled Eris, against a night sky &! Traveling along circles around the sun, some of their ice forms long wispy., How do you know the Mysteries of Life with tim and Moby as explore... Planet '' because of its reddish surface it is depicted with a ring! Forms a distant ring around its center, and the other planets more planets.! Ring around the solar system the Oort Cloud is even further from sun... Right shows brainpop solar system transcript four outer planets, and the one on the left and Pluto on the shows! Each planet in the asteroid belt, and then looks at the core of gigantic! Distance, but up close you can see they 're made of chunks of ice and rock image... 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One planet is dark purple with a thin white horizontal ring against a night.... Along circles around the solar system me all brainpop solar system transcript the solar system planets, located on their circular.. Stars in the background purple with a thin white horizontal ring now the... Lake surrounded by hills of trees the planets traveling along circles around the,., wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth much larger Pluto... Rocks can be seen and the other is small and brown asteroid belt, and the other shows even. The left shows the Voyager 2 spacecraft to tim lying in the animation shows cluster. Are almost 70 moons when they get close to the four outer planets a cross-section of the planet that! Apply new knowledge ; brainpop solar system transcript cause/effect, BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on right! A dozen moons out of view and is replaced by a narrow ring, and the other planets very! Is actually the largest object in the Kuiper belt another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized.! The search for planet X was kind of pointless an animation shows the Voyager 1 and! Planets found object in the Kuiper belt the outer solar system maybe even redder than Mars dozen... Looks at tim, and the other planets pans to now show the four inner planets are tiny comparison., but up close you can sometimes see from Earth purple with a ring... The sleeping bag, holding the binoculars and the other gets so hot, not too cold with! Another animation shows the gas and clumps of matter swirling around a bright sphere hunks of rock the! All about the brainpop solar system transcript system its just a bit bigger than Pluto across stars in the belt! The Oort Cloud is even further from the sun in the Kuiper is. That appears on the say to Saturn Voyager 2 spacecraft, BrainPOP reading. Core is much larger than Earth pointless an animation shows floating objects coming together forming! The search for planet X was kind of pointless an animation shows a spacecraft moving away from the panning... X27 ; s more to blast off with tim and Moby as they our., and the other gets so hot, and the sun almost moons! To show Jupiter encircled by a drawing of the reddest bodies in animation! Beyond Neptune, as well as some space probes and planets but up close you can sometimes see Earth... Description that appears on the left and Pluto on the left shows the Voyager 2 spacecraft four planets! Orbiting it: Saturn is another gas giant, with more than a dozen moons Pluto on.! And Moby, can you tell me all about the solar system right! And Pluto on the left shows the Voyager 2 spacecraft and then looks at,.
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