too soon on his head the helm was cloven; and well he waxed, though the wound was sore. battle-death seized, in the banquet-hall. home of Scyldings. he grabbed and mauled a man on his bench, that the slayer-of-souls would succor give them. Not that the monster was minded to pause! as the sheen-mailed spoilers to ship marched on. would that loathly one leave as aloft it flew. with harryings horrid, that Hygelac perished. from the princes thane. plied with such prowess their power oerwhelming, and fell in fight. And ever since. against harassing terror to try their hand. and oer it the frost-bound forest hanging. wrath in his breast, to the ruler bearing. the bravest and best that broke the rings. that as the pair struggled, mead-benches were smashed She grasped out for him with grisly claws, and the warrior seized; yet scathed she not. Nor did the creature keep him waiting but struck Beowulf - Part 1 BBC Teach > School Radio > English > KS2: Beowulf Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Resources Hrothgar, King of the Danes, builds a new mead hall called Heorot for the whole night through to that hard-pressed throng: some with the morrow his sword should kill. where the haunts of these Hell-Runesbe. those care-paths cold when the king he slew. in measure of miles that the mere expands. A good king he! Now day was fled, as the worm had wished. , the grace of The Wielder! Yet his end and parting. Then Beowulf strode. He minded the prizes his prince had given him, his shield, he seized; the old sword he drew: . but his bones were broken by brawny gripe. and sank in the struggle! to fashion the folkstead. one brother the other, with bloody shaft. Every bone in his body Then the warrior was ware of that wolf-of-the-deep. of that foul worm first came forth from the cave. Themselves had seen me from slaughter come. though sturdy their steel: they steaded him nought. Thence Beowulf fled. Grendels head, where the henchmen were drinking. Then moved oer the waters by might of the wind. when first I was ruling the folk of Danes. he was fated to finish this fleeting life. Introduce your KS2 classes to the classic Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf with Twinkl's handy collection of Beowulf resources. Din rose in hall. een feet and hands. No harbor shall hide her heed my promise! but at break of day, by my brand sore hurt, put to sleep by the sword. treasure at banquet: there towered the hall, clear song of the singer. Full well they wist that on warriors many. had fled oer far fields, that fierce sprite came. . No vestige now. Twill shine by the shore of the flood, they drive their keels oer the darkling wave.. when he passed from life, no little praise; for the doughty-in-combat a dragon killed, that herded the hoard:under hoary rock. The land thou knowst not. most excellent seemed. for their heros passing his hearth-companions: to his kin the kindest, keenest for praise. Gold-gay shone the hangings, that were wove on the wall, and wonders many. I was seven years old when the sovran of rings. of human kind, save that Heavens King, wealth under wall! BEOWULF - The epic poem, Beowulf for Children - Short version - FAB audiobooks 18,807 views Mar 2, 2014 Beowulf. They placed in the barrow that precious booty. heirloom old. deftly they doffed: now drowsed the mere. It came in his mind. sovrans daughter: three steeds he added. Image prince of Scyldings, thy part in the world. who, blazing at twilight the barrows haunteth. Now abide by the barrow, ye breastplate-mailed. Who is Beowulf? linden-thane loved, the lord of Scylfings. Untrod is their home; by wolf-cliffs haunt they and windy headlands. From the height of the hill no hostile words. and all of the brave mans body devoured. competition and we will not give it to anyone else without your express permission. where Hygd made him offer of hoard and realm, the strength of her son to save their kingdom. Nor did the creature keep him waiting Not first time, this. hosts to our heart: thou hast harbored us well. The doughty atheling. on the breast of the boat, the breaker-of-rings, by the mast the mighty one. jewel-hall brightest, enjoy while thou canst, with many a largess; and leave to thy kin. bold and battle-grim, brandished the sword, reckless of life, and so wrathfully smote. Not first time this, For he bore not in mind, the bairn of Ecglaf. estate, high station: He swayeth all things. Then the barrows keeper. But Wyrd denied it, and victorys honors. Lo, now, this sea-booty, son of Healfdene. friend-of-his-folk, from my father took me. to the youthful thane: bade him use them in joy. With sorrow one bought, his rest of the evening, as ofttime had happened. His boon was granted. haughty Healfdene, who held through life. mournful he looked on those men unloved:. Now Beowulf bode in the burg of the Scyldings, in fame with all folk, since his father had gone. the bone-frame bit, drank blood in streams. LO, praise of the prowess of people-kings. So the barrow was plundered, borne off was booty. His night-work pleased him. Now to thee, my prince, I proffer them all. in ten days time their toil had raised it, the battle-braves beacon. No light thing that. the warrior would not, they weened, again. that wit could prompt in their wisest men. he had passed a-plenty, and perils of war. First time, this. the worm, oer the wall for the wave to take. Indeed, throughout his poetry there is a tension between an intimate, grounded connection to the land, to home and to Ireland and a desire for escape, freedom and adventure. him who with Hrothgar the homestead ruled. Wille ic asecgan sunu Healfdenes, If your lord and master, the most renowned: 345: mrum eodne, min rende, Son of Halfdane, will hear me out: aldre inum, gif he us geunnan wile: And graciously allow me to greet him in person, t we hine swa godne gretan moton. In the roadstead rocked a ring-dight vessel. death-sick his den in the dark moor sought, From ravage had rescued the roving stranger. tried with fierce tusks to tear his mail, and swarmed on the stranger. and wielded the war-place on Withergilds fall. with warlike front: to the woods they bent them. How Beowulf overcame Grendel the Ogre 22 V. How the Water Witch warred with the Dane folk 28 VI. that sin-flecked being. because it tells us a lot about Anglo-Saxon life. thronging threatened. with black thoughts welled, as his wont was never. Here find thy lesson! Our people dying; we have a terrible enemy. a gold-wove banner; let billows take him. harassed Hrothgar, what hate he bore him. It fell, as he ordered. their sovran king. of buildings the best, in brand-waves melted, that gift-throne of Geats. and went with these warriors, one of eight, lying there lost. Wait ye the finish. from Grendels mother, and gained my life. The sea upbore me. which some earl forgotten, in ancient years. all the boards of the benches blood-besprinkled. bestowed on hall-folk helm and breastplate, which near of far he could find to give, . Thus made their mourning the men of Geatland. Of Sigemund grew. to its hoard it hastened at hint of dawn. His death in 2013 prompted tributes from across the world. and gorged on him in lumps, leaving the body Old men together. that forest-wood against fire were worthless. But sit to the banquet, unbind thy words, served the clear mead. We are under attack! when they heard the horn of Hygelac sound. The text and all resources included. Their practice this, their heathen hope; twas Hell they thought of. it had come to the end of its earth-hall joys. through strength of Wealth of jewels. who heard that cry as it echoed off the wall, to the needs of my land! Then they bore him over to oceans billow. that blazing serpent. Me for this struggle the Scyldings-friend. asleep after feasting and fearless of sorrow, thirty of the thanes, and thence he rushed. mens gladness he gave up and Gods light chose. gold-decked maid, to the glad son of Froda. my folks agreement. Sage this seems to the Scyldings-friend, when men are slain, does the murder-spear sink. Din filled the room; the Danes were bereft. The latching power An important reading comprehension skill within KS2 is for pupils to infer characters' thoughts and feelings through an author's use of dialogue. blood-flecked from foes, where five I bound, and that wild brood worsted. The hand lies low. Warriors slept, whose hest was to guard the gabled hall, , that against Gods will the ghostly ravager. of his work in the world. To me seated secure, for those ruthless raids, unresting I suffered. to the chieftain of clansmen, children four: Heorogar, then Hrothgar, then Halga brave; obeyed him gladly till great grew his band, of youthful comrades. glad of his gold-gifts, the grass-plot oer. and made our boast, we were merely boys. Choose a poem Learn it by heart Perform it out loud, Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Links Off. waxes and wakes while the warden slumbers. of sorrow, the death of her son to avenge. Grave were their spirits. Beginning withDeath of a Naturalistin 1966, Heaneys early work excavated his own past, exploring themes of childhood and growing up. on the place of his balefire a barrow high. had followed their trail with faithful band. and saying in full how the fight resulted. hand and foot. from the youth for those that had yielded to fear! there was any power or person upon earth for bond of peace. Grendel in days long gone they named him. No good hawk now. hath wielded ever! Uprose the mighty one, ringed with his men. in his earth-hall waiting the end of the world, the chambered treasure, when chance allowed me, (and my path was made in no pleasant wise), such heap from the hoard as hands could bear. the price of death for that precious hoard; that the laggards in war the wood had left. the rounds and the rings they had reft erewhile. He sang who knew. though not without danger. Finally is the end of the play, with Beowulfs How Beowulf Returned to His Own Land 42 VIII. oer war-steeds and weapons: wished him joy of them. Beowulfs quest. Seized then by shoulder, shrank not from combat. from strife with the hero to seek their homes! the heart of the hero of high-born race, . that bone-decked, brave house break asunder. Wandering exiles. the sea-woodhe sought, and, sailor proved. was it thence to go to the giver of rings. But if you when the ruler of Geats in rush of battle, by brands down-beaten. shall win that wealth, or war shall seize. Then blazed forth light. on himself at home, the horrid sword-death; had sorrowing told, from sea-ways landed, mourning their woes. He slew, wrath-swollen, his shoulder-comrades. We hear thou knowest. shall spurn the sword, if he seek me here, Reclined then the chieftain, and cheek-pillows held, the head of the earl, while all about him, None of them thought that thence their steps. and the hilt well wound. Oft Scyld the Scefing from squadroned foes. Yet war he desired. High oer his head they hoist the standard. The action takes place in the great mead hall, where warriors would go to drink and to celebrate victories in stories and songs. Thus showed his strain the son of Ecgtheow. stole with it away, while the watcher slept, by thievish wiles: for the wardens wrath. Many a treasure, with breastplate and blade: on his bosom lay. with winsome words. At home I bided. straightway thither; his steed then turned, Tis time that I fare from you. though sturdy and strong, as stories tell me. such hardy heroes, such hall-thanes, found! with thee alone! the man who wrought him such wrong in sleep. So avenged I their fiendish deeds. bade him fare with the gifts to his folk beloved. had the valiant Geat his vaunt made good. Who is the original author of Beowulf? It was written in England some time between the 8th and the early 11th century. The author was an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, referred to by scholars as the Beowulf poet. Was Beowulf written by a man? nay, sad in spirit and shorn of her gold. for his fighting and feeing by far-off men. Should Frisian, moreover, with foemans taunt. of that far-off fight when the floods oerwhelmed. Straightway the feud with feeI settled. Venturing closer, the Bright-Danes prince, from Beowulf hearing, Then was laughter of liegemen loud resounding. with grisly grasp, and grappled with him. At their heads they set their shields of war. and clear his cry neath the cliff-rocks gray. from bitesof the body. THEN he goes to his chamber, a grief-song chants, homestead and house. that battle-hand bloody from baneful foe. wielded, youthful, this widespread realm. This is the epic legend of Beowulf's battle long feud with his folk. Promised is she. at his sovrans shoulder, shieldsman good. after downfall of devils, the Danish lord, wonder-smiths work, since the world was rid. to the land they loved, would lead them back! The blade of his lord, spread hot round the barrow in horror-billows, Hasted the herald, the hoard so spurred him. from Swedish realm, or from Spear-Dane folk, or from men of the Gifths, to get him help, , while I bide in life and this blade shall last. from sword-clash dread of your Danish clan. with struggle spent, and unspan his helmet. the Breaker-of-Rings, as the boon thou askest, as the doughty monarch may deign to give.. Mighty and canny, Oft minstrels sang. folk of the land; his father they knew not. So should kinsmen be, or with deep-hid treachery death contrive, for neighbor and comrade. till he found in a flash the forested hill. Polishers sleep. UNDER harness his heart then is hit indeed, by sharpest shafts; and no shelter avails. for long time lord of the land of Scyldings; to daring Heoroweard, dear as he was to him, his harness of battle. more graciously gathered round giver-of-rings! Thou art end and remnant of all our race. For I heard of few heroes, in heartier mood. blood-flecked, she bore with her; bale was returned, dole in the dwellings: twas dire exchange. A greater neer saw I, of warriors in world than is one of you, . We Gardena in geardagum, eodcyninga, rym gefrunon, hu a elingas ellen fremedon. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. Forprinces potent, who placed the gold. Bright with gold. was whelmed by the hurly through hand of mine. Then the bulwark-of-earlsbade bring within. that sickness or sword thy strength shall minish. that each should look on the other again. when the ring-graced queen, the royal-hearted. in that waste of waters the Wielder paid them. had sorrow of soul, and for Scyldings all. Tis plain that for prowess, not plunged into exile, for high-hearted valor, Hrothgar ye seek!. through the death-dyed winter dwelt with Finn, though powerless his ring-decked prow to drive, lashed by the winds, or winter locked them, the sunbright skies, that their season ever. of houses neath heaven, where Hrothgar lived. in those fortress walls she had found a home. The worlds great candle. its battling and bulwarks: that boast was vain! or endure those deeps,for the dragons flame. Not with blade was he slain. and watched on the water worm-like things. the hoard and the stronghold, heroes land. safely sought, where since she prospered. who sat at the feet of the Scyldings lord. And I heard that soon passed oer the path of this treasure. with waves of blood from his breast that welled. Fire shall devour, and wan flames feed on the fearless warrior, when, sped from the string, a storm of arrows. alive, where he left him, the lord of Weders, So he carried the load. steel-edged and stiff. no hero neath heaven, who harbored that freight! Then bore this brine-wolf, when bottom she touched, the lord of rings to the lair she haunted. Not troublous seemed. that men their master-friend mightily laud. for the gleaming blade that its glory fell. sea-dragons strange that sounded the deep, and nicors that lay on the ledge of the ness , on the road-of-sails their ruthless quest, . went, welling with tears, the wonder to view. In this activity your KS2 class will focus on adding the inverted commas or speech marks to complete the passage. nor adrift on the deep a more desolate man! Nor did the creature keep him waiting not first time this, their heathen hope twas. Adrift on the wall, to the Scyldings-friend, when men are slain, does the murder-spear.. 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