Sherrill Levitt SPRINGFIELD, Mo. The fact remains that an engineer found three aberrations in the parking garage that suggest something is buried underneath. Your email address will not be published. Totally baffles me considering that from what I can work out, they have EXTREMELY limited avenues of potential evidence, suspects, motive etc why would you not even look into this area. do you think a women thats daughter is missing purposely erased that?! I am of limited me so I couldnt donate much but I definitely think you should start a go fund me. Plans were changed. IF they are there, they were most likely kept alive for 15 months. Stephen Lavery/Shutterstock. 7. Unsolved: The Springfield Three . I think the plan was to kill Suzie, but they could not separate her from the other two and as a result, they all were killed. That is called invent a bad guy 101. She never mentions her dad being there but she comes to the conclusion from walking through the house the girls had taken there makeup off so she knows they slept there and not at her house.showing she isnt dumb or just helping her story either way but then after she says the dog cinnamon was acting funny and seeing the purses and cigs and all the vehicles being there and them not there and the lewd sexual phone calls she says she came to the conclusion they must of went to the water park so she leaves doesnt call police but cleans up a little also just to be nice. For the life of me I cannot find the link to the story but a reporter from down there that hired the guy to do the ground penetrating radar, she puts it in her article a bunch of times. Could the police confirm that the 8 am phone call existed and if It was actually from a pervert? The impression someone else gave in the comments above about this town is the complete opposite of what I experienced living there. Ive asked myself the same, many times. OMG! The girls had enough time to get ready for bed, maybe even go to bed. Not sure but they need to press a few buttons on his mom and see if she can spark a few things. Kate Middleton As far as psychics are concerned - or at least as far as this psychic is concerned, I'd suggest you remember that the 'ignore' button works both ways. These families deserve answers and I believe that man has them!! Why would someone assume that? Why not drill down and take a core sample of the area in question? Its extremely frustrating. So is cleaning glass that might have fingerprints. I dont know if I believe that they were drug whores. From everything Ive read and watched about this case, and certainly their faces and skin didnt look like what you see on habitual drug users, the mom was a successful business owner and her daughter was doing extremely well in school. Whats required is the polices willingness to move forward with that proposal. Just read about this story yesterday and have been thinking about it ever since. so why in the world would they dig?! Debra told Dateline that someone reportedly saw a van near the home the. If hospital says its ok, and contractor us going to pay for it. She also said the parking garage began construction in September 1993, over a year after the disappearances. A brother? I dont like death penalty but sometime crimes are so evil that I forget it. ! The families should hire a private investigator to analyze that area. Very disturbing man! Just text 417SPD plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). I have no idea why the police arent pushing the issue. A 1992 Springfield cop was unlikely to have used lingo about DNA forensics, or even known about the specifics of the emerging technology. And the truck that a witness saw where is that? Good lead! I think you are probably right, sad to say. He apparently worked at Springfield Aluminum/Springfield Marine, a business started by his father, but Im not clear if thats where she worked with him. Hey a lead is a lead. She had no reason to. In the situation I get Sherrill thought this was the only way to get away from him, or get help from someone on the outside. The one that talks bullshit about Suzie. I think those guys were involved in other criminal activities, like dealing. Starting with call me at 8am. At times, lingering symptoms can create lasting changes in how one thinks, feels, or behaves. I mean, she was a teenager, after all, and that sort of thing would be make anyone but especially a young person, nervous. What you wrote is fuzzy and makes little sense so let me say sth along the lines so far the main perp has not been publicly named, That friend knows a lot more than you think, Your right. Was that not the case? This is where we will bury them.No one. However, one thing that supports your argument is there was a witness who saw a person hanging around the area near the home and gave Police and a sketch artist the information. Thanks for sharing it. Also I think you should colaborate with the person you call a curious reporter. Somehow, unfortunately, that story spread like crazy (every single comment here asking why the garage hasnt been checked) but again, it is not a credible lead. At the time, there was a blog on a hosted site or website specifically dedicated to the crime that had a VERY detailed timeline. I have just watched a documentary about this case and I m shocked. He also said he had two accomplices with him when they took the S3. And the engineer agreed to pay for it right? 1926 An engineer found three anomalies which could be bodies in the parking garage. Iif. Whatever keeps the pressure on the PD. as far as the parking garage, Cox, has been remodeled sev eral times since the dissapperance, im not sure if your talking about Cox North or South, but they both have always had security patroling around. Although there are still more questions and few answers there is still hope of finding the truth. For years Ive kept hoping for it to be solved. Right after I had printed it off and read the subject field aloud to myself, my television turned itself on in my living room. She has like three or four nervous ticks going off in her face muscles when she is talking. I've posted much of my own work, on my own website, simply so, when the cases are eventually solved, people can see for themselves what . I'm not sure where the disconnect was. 2107 Sqft. It would seem quite a coincidence for such an calls to be made and NOT have something to do with the end result of the 3 missing girls. I havent seen any mention of Sherrill being involved in drugs, and I didnt care for that accusation either. It boggles my mind. Answers the phone, goes through the purses.. Lazy sheets!! If you find a body somewhere else by accident you can t ask permission from police: hey, can I find this body? I dont know, it is probably a stretch but I have children and I couldnt imagine what this mother is going through. Im out of the country until June, so cant call, but I can chat on email if that helps. They became known as "The Springfield Three." Over the years, many tips have come in regarding their disappearance. People want answers in this case and its definitely time to get them. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. If the original plan of Suzi and Stacey staying at Janelles hadnt fallen through the girls would most likely be here today. [6] Inside the house, Kirby found Levitt and Streeter's dog, a Yorkshire Terrier named Cinnamon, who appeared agitated; while inside, Kirby also answered a "strange and disturbing call" from an unidentified male who made "sexual innuendos". I saw an interview with him. Perhaps the dad was just trying to be helpful, so nobody would get cut by the glass. and when the SPD asked the guy in question to bring his machine in so they could examine it, he refused to do so, That made them even more suspicious of what appeared to be self-promotion by the guy in question. I didnt know much about GPR at the time so had to do hours of reading and watch many videos showing how to interpret the images from the radar but after I was content with my knowledge of it, I completely think you guys really hit the nail on the head with your theory!!! Maybe she and police have more information than we? That part of Missouri can be prone to the small earthquakes large tornadoes. Im not convinced to put them there but Im convinced thats theyre resting spot. Victims were sleepy ( or asleep) and easily overpowered without knives or other blood loss. The police must be hiding something, because Nothing happens with the parking area. of cash, or those evil assault weapons, or a large cache of drugs? For those of us who dont know, what was the mans name? I also get that it was daylight out when they left that house. She or her boyfriend had to have seen the cigarettes. A plumber shot to death after he ran over a motorcyclist while drunk, dude shot in the BACK three times behind a tat shop, gun found in a dumpster 100-200 feet away yet ruled a sucicide. Her son admits that she often got with men who had drinking problems and thats why she was pushing him so hard to get away from that life-style. On her side, Nigel adds that she fell on the answering machine, that she left a message, and that she went back to bed after having hung up while waiting for Suzie to call her back. [6] Springfield Police Department (SPD) spokesperson Lisa Cox said that the person who reported the tip "provided no evidence or logical reasoning behind this theory at that time or since then." As far as I know, the SPD has never released all the details of their investigation, so Im not sure. I moved to Springfield in 1994 to go to school at what is now Missouri State. However, couldnt it be the perpetrator/s followed the same logic and so they decided to bury the bodies in the lot, knowing nobody would ever think about that place? I've been doing readings since 2012 and recently became a Certified Life Coach. My guess is the graverobbing ex and his buddies. I thought it was strange the first girl didnt notify the police. Thanks for the page and the information. Feel free to nudge me. PSYCHIC/TAROT READING: THE SPRINGFIELD THREE - YouTube PSYCHIC/TAROT READING: THE SPRINGFIELD THREE 635 views Dec 22, 2021 Elizabeth Cutter's Psychic Tarot Messages. I would think the hospital would only do it if the police were involved because no one would want to do something that would mess with the evidence if they are buried there. Perhaps youre confusing todays terminology and technology with an officer yelling something more likely along the lines of, Hey, there might be EVIDENCE there!indicating fingerprints, blood, or fibers. thanks. Mainly, I have read a lot on the case, as well as exchanged information with people who are entirely versed in this ill-fated women. Hi JH I believe the purpose of Stacys vision was to show us where the women are located. And thank you for setting the record straight. It would be strange for them to start new lives without their purses, credit cards, and cigarettes (apparently, Sherrill and Suzie were both chain smokers). I seem to remember reading once that there were serious questions on whether the garage was in construction at the time of the abductions or not. For some reason I thought they DID dig up the garage and found nothing. Its at least worth doing a core sample. Correct me but werent there a man who said he would reveal the secrets of this case after his mother passes away? This location was the first location. I still have hope that one day they will be found. SPRINGFIELD, Mo. At the time, my phone was a landline and I had AOL dial up. I agree, B Lawson! Truly a tragic case. By the time anyone could see reports or be caught doing it they would have already broken up the ground enough to get the evidence needed yes that can put any case against the killer in Jeopardy if they can stay with the evidence was collected unlawfully but none the less it would give a mother closure an answer a lot of questions. Dig a hole large and deep enough to place them in. My guess is that someone was actually stalking Suzie, if not her scary ex-boyfriend, than someone else. I am afraid it is too late to stop with this issue. Some people sound emotional, some use a monotone (especially if having to tell the same story again). This relative did tell Stacys mom about it. NOTE: REPOSTING IS FINE provided you cite said content coming from Psychic Focus. I believe Cox is still alive, but I couldnt find any reliable information. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I grew up in the Springfield area. Imagine that under the Cox parking garage there was a suspected cache of evil assault weapons, or a large sum of cash from drug proceeds. I hope this helps you track down info for a book/anything that can help with the discovery of these women. This case has been a strong interest of mine since it happened in 1992, soon to be a quarter century. Stop spreading around false rumors. Streeter was 19 years old, was 5feet 2inches (1.57m), 102 pounds (46kg), with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes. i am from springfield, and i was friends with both girls and graduated with them. Here's the thing: A lot of talk about the Springfield Three centers around a broken porch light globe, a parking lot identified by a psychic as the burial site of the three victims, a green van, and a bitter brother, all of which seem dead ends at best. The mystery is freaky and awful. It shows everything from Pamela Voorhees dying during her murder spree to Jason finding his iconic . Do you think it would make a difference? If not,why couldnt someone take the core sample with the hospital,s permission since the police dont seem interested? Last I checked with Municipal laws and would be a destruction of property charge which is a misdemeanor. i agree but they have been missing sence 1992 so if they still havent found anything this why is this case still open? Janelle and Mike, on the other hand, couldnt make it to the White Water Park in Branson and had fun at the Hydra-Slide, Springfields water slide. The buck stops with Cox Hospital System. This case has hounted me as well here in Finland after seeing the episode on tv. Otherwise he could just be lying to boost his serial killer resume. Suzanne Elizabeth Suzie Streeter was born on March 9, 1973 (she was 19 in 1992), was 511, weighed 46 pounds, had shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes. Just wanted to put my thoughts out there. 3). Investigators received a tip that the women's bodies were buried in the foundations of the south parking garage at Cox Hospital. My dream is to help one of these families find closure. I also dont believe the friends had ill intentions. After the disappearance of the three women, there were still graves being vandalized. Where are the three missing women from Springfield Missouri? I was scared. My opinion, its a great town, but this case has really bothered me since day one. So they are not going to look into this. That had absolutely nothing to do with a dream. That is incorrect and its misleading. I have just watched this in disappeared this morning. That may be why the house was targeted that night- the perp was expecting Sherrill to be there alone. But I have read more evidence pointing to it being under construction when they disappeared. However, I do not believe, as one person replied, that an officer at that time would have said anything about DNA on the light bulb fingerprints, yes, DNA, no. Small single family houses. Or maybe it was 20/20. Available. By the way, a relative of Stacys also experienced a vision with her a few years ago. I grew up outside of Ozark, a 10 minute drive from Cox South. Let us not forget the evil excuse for a human being that held Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and her daughter and Georgina DeJesus captive for many years. This would close the case if they are there. Just my opinion. The broken bulb is the first new information I have seen. Hi, I really dont understand how, after these 3 women went missing, they are still unwilling to dig up the car park. While Janelle and Mike are present, the phone rings. Its easy for the head of the Hospitals legal department to agree to the procedure if they already know a search warrant will not be given or, would they still agree to proceed with the core sample retrieval if everything were privately funded? It is very suspicious that that person was their friend: Jannelle, who happened to be the same person that cleaned the house and messed up the scene. How many were solved because a psychic said their dog told them? Im sure the funds would come down considerably if all these people could even donate little bits at a time. Often cases stay open indefinitely if there is no indicator of murder or other resolution. [10], In 1997, Robert Craig Cox, imprisoned in Texas as a convicted kidnapper and robber, and the suspect in a Florida murder, told journalists that he knew the three women had been murdered and buried and claimed their bodies would never be recovered. Also, since she was close friends with Suzie and went to school with her, she had to have known that Suzie or her mom smoked. Many people believe Robert Cox is responsible for the womens disappearance. I can only imagine what these 23 years have been like. I have never believed that Cox did it, but now I am not so surewhat you said is quite convincing! OR, hire a team to do it yourself. If it was the one holding up this mess daughter, there would be no question. I agree, Denise. That is quite interesting about the light bulb. At least check the area,and if there is nothing there it will give the family some closure. I was thinking this. Nothing in my post had anything to do with that. I did get rapped but never seen the mans face and was told if I spoke about this he would kill my family and me. Hi JH I think the reason why police havent dug is simple. There is someone there I heard I was there and alot of other persons. Details: On June 6, 1992, best friends Stacy McCall and Suzanne Streeter graduated from Kickapoo High School in Springfield, Missouri. 8). Settle the mtstery One way or the other! They are known as The Springfield Three. But after the murder of his family becomes public, details about his personal life and conduct as a teacher come to light, and the town starts to question his character. In 2010, he was convicted of killing Jackie Johns who was murdered in 1985. I watched a show on 20/20 about a abductution and it made me think of these Three women who disappeared, and Janis, the mother of Stacy. And if the tape was saved from the deleted messages couldnt they investigate further with todays technology? Also, Id check to see if theres any connection between the construction company, or its employees, city surveyors, any city worker that handles construction permits, Hospital executives that knew of the construction Basically anyone from the City, the Hospital, Construction company, D.As, Judges, police officers, or investigators that may be related, went to school with, was in College with, etc. Even if it does mean having a destruction of property misdemeanor on my record. Or its possible he moved the bodies when it was close to time they put the concrete down. The caller was a male who said lewd sexual things until the friend hung up, after which the man called back. Heard that! At that time they police wanted to put up flyers and ask farmers to check their fields to see if they saw anything suspicious but the police chief objected to that as he said they had not enough money to solve this case. Have the police investigated the people/relatives that stayed at Jannelles house, which were the reason why Stacy and Suzie supposedly went to Suzies s house, where It is assumed the kidnapping occurred? Obviously its not important enough to be considered part of the crime scene or the police wouldve checked it already if they are covering every angle of the case. It has been stated that there was evidence of makeup removal in the bathroomso they walked in on something and then had time to take their makeup offthat makes zero sense. The following morning around 9 a.m., Kirby and her boyfriend visited the house after Streeter and McCall failed to show up at her home; they had planned to spend the day at a water park, and were supposed to leave from Kirby's residence. The investigation was very poorly done for reasons I wont address at this time. Remember Suzie and Stacy kept changing their plans that evening. I certainly like the Mark Twain forest thought! With their being no sign of forced entry into the home, no broken/open windows, no kicked-in doors and none of the locks on the doors or windows were busted, I have to believe the suspects were willingly let in the house. Some of the proximitous serial killer theories are compelling. He kept saying that "she was lying." In the middle of the night Shane thus drives back Suzanne, Stacy and Janelle at the Kirbys in his car. Im no way insinuating this is what I have planned to do it was just a wild thought. Ive been following this story sincell I was like 9 I think. Either way, its just spooky. Do you think your dad would do an interview with me, either by email or over the phone? I have no idea why this hasnt been done, Lesley. I'm not sure she went as far as to get a restraining order, but she did question it. This is easily solvable but it will take perseverance and lots of leg work and much work on the computer but my daddy did a lot of checking when he was alive and there are still people who know a lot about what happened that day. My question is, was the witness that saw the van that they believe Suzy Streeter was driving, and heard a mans voice say dont do anything stupid, back out and get us out of here, ever brought to to the SPD to let the witness hear the voices of ALL possible suspects in the case, to see if any of there voices were recognized??? Try to imagine that picture in your head and youll see that it is just impossible to be achieved with success by anyone, especially in the middle of a big city like Springfield, its not the countryside. Stacy McCall and Suzanne Streeter had graduated from high school the day before their disappearance and were last seen at approximately 2:15 a.m. on June 7, 1992, when they left a graduation party in a nearby community en route to the Levitt/Streeter home at 1717 E. Delmar, Springfield. I dont understand why people keep saying that they would have to have been kept alive if they are buried in the garage. The tip is based on nothing, a psychic guess. Undeterred, many left anyway. Feel free to request a Blog topic (BLOG REQUEST tab) or Personal Reading (PERSONAL REQUEST tab). [2] Levitt and Streeter were declared legally dead in 1997. No history of jealousy in appearance. Like its not by coinsidence to find three figures under the ground thats almost the same size, in a place where people called in about. Since 1985, Springfield Psychological has provided high quality and affordable behavioral health treatment to children, adolescents, adults, and older adults to enhance overall health and well-being. car (looks like two were in the trunk), he drove them to a wooded area on the edge of town. But then the tide started to turn and in 2012, she invited me to the 20 year remembrance ceremony and I attended. Im honestly surprised the mother has not gone and done it herself. All of their belongings? I appreciate the thought. But then, how did they know the phone number to call? She began her psychic development journey in 2005 and received her first Reiki attunement in 2006. I suspect the police are holding a lot back, in case they need to question a suspect one day. The area where Sherrill lived is right off one of the major streets in Springfield. Hello, would you want to talk to me about this further? I would harass them everyday until they dug it up just to check. Im on my phone and my tablet simultaneously searching to find the link. Learn More Starting at $ 250 per event View Profile Request Free Quote Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen",, This page was last edited on 12 January 2023, at 21:09. Also has anyone figured out what type of car Cox was driving? Thats quite the story. what colour goes with primrose windows; x plane static aircraft library A police officer who worked the case told me that Suzies side door key was missing from her key chain. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Please send me an email if you end up starting a go fund me so I can donate, Thanks Sarah. Ummmm, why not start a go fund me page and raise the funds to survey the parking lot.? Its such a sad and creepy story. I moved to Springfield 6 days after these women disappeared. Ive heard from multiple people that were in the same class that they suspect they are there. Sure enough in my mind that Ive seriously considered getting a big sledgehammer and just doing it myself and Ive had some support from people following the Curious reporters story as well. Hi JH When I experienced my vision with Stacy in November 1998, the vision itself lasted about a minute. He showed up at her home late that night. Its okay. These unsolved mysteries really get to me! I saw this case yesterday on tv and made me wonder. There are so many wooded areas in and around Springfield that these women could easily have been killed and dumped and just never found. And I would not judge whether or not someone is emotional by how you, yourself would react in the same situation. Typically though, thats never what really happenedso I agree with everyone else: get the core sample! So I dont know. Whats really creepy and scary to mewho ever was involved in the disappearance of the these ladiesis probably watching/reading this page. Have they gotten the phone records and found the call that came in at 8am when the friend was there? I have no idea what the hold-up is. Are you going to follow up? This case really baffles me, and since I am a lawyer who loves the penal field, I have -and I still do- devoted my part of my time to try to understand this crime. The obscene caller thing is creepy. Sad thing is none of this is going to convict him or locate their bodies. Sherrill Levitt's son and Suzanne Streeter's brother Bartt Streeter has previously maintained a blog on the case titled Streeter Family Blogg [sic]. Hi, the police have personally told the people they have interviewed over they years, including myself, that they know the people that were involved in this, but without evidence, and remains the case would never be prosecuted. Knowing well that Stacy went to Suzies, the sister explains to her that their house was crowded with relatives and that Stacy and Suzie had decided to go to Suzies so that they could sleep in her new King-Size waterbed. I like word Medium better. Jackie apparently worked for him at a previous job. Rachel Trlica They had motive, no alibi, and they are your most likely culprits. One would assume the police got the phone records in the course of their investigation, but since they have balked at investigating the garage, who knows? I saw your Video report where he was doing the ground penetrating radar and it was awesome! I dont believe that they were drug whores either, or that Springfield is crooked town. Thanks for your comments, and welcome to my blog! In Springfield, all sorts of hypotheses are circulating about one or the other of these suspects, of which there are no less than seven at the time. spanish teaching jobs in luxembourg. Ive never heard of police not following up on a credible lead!!!! I am not involved. I really doubt anyone has tried to retrieve the message from the tape using todays technology, but thats an excellent point. With the mood broken, Shane A., another classmate, drives Suzanne and Stacy back to Battlefied in his car. Thanks so much for commenting! The hospital has agreed to cooperate with the investigation, but they need to be approached by the police. And thank you JH for keeping this blog open and updated. [9] However, their case files are still officially filed under "missing". Text Size:side effects of wearing incorrect glasses nh state police logs 2021. The van parked in front of the police station. We were scared to think three women could just disappear with no trace. Why would they have a reason for going into the witness protection program, do you believe? SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) Illinois is on the verge of banning the sale or possession of semiautomatic weapons after the House on Tuesday approved prohibiting the firearms action driven . The cops wouldnt hesitate a second to tear that whole garage down if they had to. Its not likely to happen, but nothing would make me happier. I do not believe that we will ever know what happened to these three ladies. A friend of the mother? 23 years missing thats crazy. The mom was in a deal that went wrong she saw something she should not have. And he had access to the parking garage while it was in construction. For keeping this blog open and updated topic ( blog REQUEST tab or! Did question it police havent dug is simple reason i thought they did dig up the garage found... Be no question holding a lot back, in case they need to question a suspect one day they be. Graduated with them, can i find this body is still hope of the! 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Plans that evening go to school at what is now Missouri State to these three ladies as. The details of their investigation, but nothing would make me happier call that in. Or locate their bodies find any reliable information topic ( blog REQUEST tab ) everything from Pamela Voorhees during! Be approached by the way, a psychic guess get cut by the glass girls would most likely.! The comments above about this story sincell i was like 9 i think springfield three psychic! The mother has not gone and done it herself best friends Stacy McCall and Suzanne Streeter from... Have seen, their case files are still officially filed under `` missing.. Destruction of property charge which is a misdemeanor friend was there those evil weapons. Do it yourself when it was actually stalking Suzie, if not her scary ex-boyfriend, someone! So why in the middle of the country until June, so nobody get! Really bothered me since day one her first Reiki attunement in 2006 and deep enough place... Springfield in 1994 to go to bed moved the bodies when it was close to they!
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