If a union is in the picture, a differential would probably be a mandatory subject of bargaining. These people are choosing to eat more than they burn. Figure out your major motivation and use it to help you through your journey. We should tax people for smoking, not for receiving health insurance. In most cases, obesity is a self-inflicting decease. What is a creepy fact about the human body? A related argument is that smoking often is not so much a matter of choice, but an addiction that began earlier in life. It is affordable and available, people choosing not to purchase increase costs for everyone else as the providers must have money to cover their cost. We are all imperfect beings--to cause to have those who have "flaws" to pay more-is absolutely retarded--how about those who drink--how about those who can't hear--how about those who are constipated-GREED knows no boundaries! Although smoking is not identified as a health factor, nicotine addiction has been identified as a medical condition. I don't think so. Why would anybody else have to pay for my poor choices? Not just in cancer treatments, diabetes care, etc., but the up front costs as well. There is no excuse other than they lack the will to eat less. I think people who choose to hike in countries we have been at war with, hikers who climb Mt. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Social engineering though tax policies never works. If this tax means it will help people stay more healthy, reduce the out of control obesity in America, and lower health care cost..so be it! It is the leading risk factor for death and disease in Australia. All Rights Reserved. Everyone, no matter who they are or what they do, deserves adequate, affordable healthcare. I excersize daily and I have a positive outlook on life. It would be ironic-and tragic-if charging smokers higher health Policies that are adopted should be fair and not undermine smokers' access to health care. Posted by Susan Gilbert at 09/19/2013 02:47:13 PM|. Really do you really think the insurance companies will stop charging more and chose one of us over the other? Connecticut prohibits tobacco rating for health insurance plans that are sold in its state-run marketplace only. People have known for years that smoking causes a variety of health problems and, especially if these companies are offering programs to assist in quitting, there is no reason nowadays to still be partaking. Should smokers and fat people pay more for health care? Sure, as well as people with over active tyroids, and underactive thyroids, and those with ADHD, and those on high blood pressure medicine, and anyone with a pre-existing condition including acne, as some insurance companies rate it. There are several acceptable terms such as overweight. Moreover, if smokers are charged higher rates, then other higher-risk groups should also be charged higher rates, since it would be unfair to single out smokers. Yes, I think they should be part of any risk pool their state has. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I could stand to lose a few pounds. For example, a 40-year-old nonsmoking female and a 40-year-old smoking female would pay the same premium for the same policy. It probably isn't a case of should they, they will like everyone else who is enslaved by the profit motivated insurance industry, pay more. However, if rates are too low they may not provide a sufficient financial incentive to stop smoking. Our radiology departments answer was, Well, theres always the zoo.. Self-efficacy is essential "Analysis shows . As far as we know these activities(excessive eating and smoking) are choice-based activities. By choosing to smoke, Im increasing my chances of needing more medical care than those who dont smoke. But I am willing to compromise. How much is that costing us ? Its also unclear what happens if you complete a required smoking cessation program at work but do not quit. I am 54 but I am as healthy as a 21 year old! Specifically, they shouldnt have to pay to subsidize the healthcare costs of people who choose to smoke. Certainly not directly. Charging a higher premium for established smokers will either at best encourage people to stop smoking immediately in order to access health insurance or at worst deter smokers from signing up for health insurance in the first place. According to the utilitarian argument, charging smokers more will encourage them to quit, which will improve public health and reduce societys smoking-related costs. With the rising cost of health insurance putting a financial squeeze on companies and their employees, some companies now charge smokers more for their health insurance than for non-smokers (assuming, of course, that the company even offers health insurance as a benefit). They will save a fortune if they quit buying cigarettes. The under-25s are least likely to support the principle of solidarity in healthcare, with almost half saying leading an unhealthy lifestyle is grounds for higher health insurance premiums. Oh cool! The only caveat is that I dont trust the insurance companies who will use any excuse to raise rates. They choose to smoke, they should be able to take care of the high risk they are taking, and pay for their healthcare! These of course probably don't have insurance at all. Should hurricane insurance be the same price for someone on the Florida coast as for someone in Maine? Which company could go out of business tomorrow and it People with a porn addiction, how did you realize you had (Serious) What causes death more than people realize? While quitting smoking won't directly reduce your health insurance premiums, it can reduce the cost of your overall healthcare. No you see the importance of everyone being required to have insurance, be it public or private. Unsurprisingly, the majority of them are not in favor of having to pay more for their health insurance premiums. As well as those who are too thin. No. Or addicted to prescription medication? Prior to joining QuinStreet, she reported and edited articles on technology, lifestyle, education and government for magazines, websites and major newspapers, including the New York Daily News. It does not store any personal data. What famous person essentially cancelled themselves Press J to jump to the feed. Everyone keeps complaining about the health care, but don't take efforts to eat correctly and they know they should! But what should an employer consider and do when acting on those reasons? So to those healthy ones out there shouting "YES they should charge".. beware, they may be charging you for breathing fresh air one day! Healing hearts: the power of authentic connection in medicine [PODCAST], How to recognize and stop gaslighting in your relationships, Saying goodbye: the tragic impact of COVID-19 on families, A couples journey with a rare neurodegenerative disorder, The importance of a clear contract with your defense counsel in medical malpractice cases, Finding purpose: How physicians can craft meaningful careers in medicine [PODCAST]. Read A Warning from China: After the Zero Covid Policy. So pay up! Not surprisingly, implementing a differential does involve some risk. Somewhere along our travels as a society we've lost our compassion and will not to discriminate and replaced these with greed and contempt. If quitting smoking was easy, everyone would do it, right? The fact is we can all blame genetics for one thing or the other. Links found on the CompareClub website do not necessarily imply an endorsement or recommendation of the information or views that are expressed by the external party. Stop smoking and spend that money on better food. How long has it been since you had your last cigarette? So its only fair that people who live unhealthy lifestyles, which increase the costs to those of us who are more responsible, pay more for their choices too. Not only should they pay higher costs through employment, but they should fund true universal health care with a $3 or more tax on each pack of cigarettes. People who've had venereal diseases, including cold sores, because they're more likely to acquire other diseases? Kytle Frye is a partner atwith Fisher & Phillips LLP, one of the nations leading labor and employment firms representing employers, counsels clients on this and related topics and can speak to this issue. Plus, 60% off clearance with American Eagle promo code, 20% off your next online order - Walmart coupon code. It might feel right to charge smokers more for their insurance. Shouldn't my health insurance give me discounts for going to the gym and not smoking? Translation: people who don't quit smoking, lose weight or lower their cholesterol. No JackThat`s just wrong!!!! It says smokers consume about 25% more health care services than nonsmokers. How will the fiscal cliff affect the way you handle your money. If you cant afford $20 for a second hand bike, you can use your God given two feet. Customer Service. Weve seen this movie be. We do the same for car insurance and why not for health insurance. It is a shame that money has to be a motivator to incent someone to become healthy! Health care is a basic human right and that right is not negated by smoking or overeating. Only if we charge more for people who drive cars, motorcycle riders, skiers, people who drink alcohol more than a couple of times a week, people who eat unhealthily, people who live in dangerous neighborhoods, people who have lots of stress, people undergoing divorces, single people, people who engage in unsafe sex, people who say shit to people who might kick their ass, people in groups likely to be targeted by violence, athletes, and people who work desk jobs. If you do this let's include ALL the circumstances that can shorten life or cause one to need health care. Do we want someone not going to the doctor for fear of their rates going up? I Jack gain weight if I try to live on 500, 1000, or even 1500 calories a day. No Jack .That is not a solution.A better idea might be to stop the FDA from allowing food procesors from pouring high fructose corn syrup into everything we eat.First you fed us poison and then you blame us for being poisoned.You want less smokers ?stop all price supports to tobacco producers and cigarette companies.the price wil be out of reach. and people might get healthier. Or enjoy cook outs eating hamburgers and hot dogs? Or. Only if drunks & drug addicts will pay more. I dont buy the poor people cant afford to get healthy line because we are the only country in the world where the impoverished are obese. Lastly I don't want to hear about poor people being harmed by this. You just have to give a damn. The same goes for obesity. Their premums should be less and those in the high, $250,000 and up shouldpay a higher amount according to their income. On the Ground, Its More Complicated. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Like the diabetic who eats sweets by the barrel full cause they like sweets and refuse to give them up !i mean let's have a little common sence about this ! However having an insurance company be the judge is dangerous, could see after the fact scenarios of refusing to pay unless a person can prove they have never smoked. Although most states allow the surcharge to be up to 50 percent, its not happening, she says. Instead, outlaw tobacco and educate everyone on better diets. a reasonable alternative such as attending educational classes must be given to employees for whom it is unreasonably difficult to stop smoking. Some of these forgoers pay a penalty, but many others dont. Another noteworthy point is that the US does not allow foreign competitors (health insurers) to enter the market, thereby aiding domestic insurers to raise rates at will and exploit the ignorant consumers. Also obese persons with non-preexisting conditions to cause their weight/cholesterol/etc. Healthy foods cost two to three times as much. On second thought, we should just give them all our money now and be done with it. YES! Frankly I am sick and tired of Insurance companies trying to justify reasons to gouge us further. Why wouldn't they increase premiums for women who's mothers or grandmothers had breast cancer or if you have an increased risk of heart disease because of family history. The idea that poor people will be hurt by this is ridiculous. Hey this reminds me of car insurance. Some employers are hesitant to impose a tobacco users surcharge for fear they could be sued, Weston says. Why not ask the Insurance Company CEO's who rake in 8 figure incomes, Insurance Company Administrators who spend millions a year on office parties at elite spas, lawyers, & shareholders ? When reviewing offers from external websites or companies, please review their terms and conditions. They absolutely should pay more. the more incentive for people, esp the young, to QUIT smoking the BETTER. That means they have to go to the local charity hospital for treatment for care. Absolutely! As one who quit smoking 40+ years ago and has struggled throughout my life with my weight, I've been able to control both problems without the aid of health club memberships, weight loss programs etc. FTC Plan to Ban Noncompete Clauses Shifts Companies Focus, Greta Thunberg Detained by Police in Germany During Mine Protest, Bonds Over Stocks: The New 60-40 Portfolio, Deal Slump Dents Profits at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Rebellion Against Higher Prices Helps Slow Inflation, Opinion: The Hard Reality of a Debt-Ceiling Showdown, Opinion: Ph.D. Students of the World, Unite, Opinion: Wisconsin Bids for a Flat Income Tax, Opinion: How the Gas Stove in Your Kitchen Became a Symbol of Freedom. This is why we need the health care reform good or bad is better than none. Heres how to protect yourself from its side-effects. Why should I pay for other peoples bad choices. Don't destroy me, it was just an interesting thought I had when thinking about government health care. This is called tough love; the firms are offering free services to help them improve their lifestyles. It has had significant effects on obesity throughj dirt control in schools, Tougher laws on DWI are certainly needed, too. But do ethicists belong at the table? The Affordable Care Act allows insurers to charge smokers up to 50% more than what nonsmokers pay for some health plans. Compare Club does not compare all products in the market. Why not if your bad habit increases your health care costs. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There is always a reason but there is never an excuse for bad health. But not enough employees have signed up or improved their health. If the answer is a choice between free behavior modification/education and wasting money on junk food, and they choose to waste money, this will decrease the money for waste, and encourage adopting behavior to save that money. In the whole debate about rising health care costs we have been avoiding the issue of personal responsibility yes people who make an effort to live a healthy life should be rewarded with lower insurace premiums. Multiply the number of packs you smoke in a week by the cost of cigarettes to find out how much you can save by not smoking. The illnesses caused by smoking are unspeakably cruel and medical costs are out of sight. Jack, I understand your question but how can anyone afford to pay more for Health Care? For your family? Smokers pay high prices for their cigarettes, but many Australians believe that they should pay high prices for health insurance premiums too. There, I saw firsthand the incredibly high rate of smoking in a population that was mostly hidden from me in my everyday life. Yes, Jack. Poor people can afford this expensive health hazard luxury? Corporate medical syndrome, anyone? Smokers miss an average of 6.16 days of work per year compared to 3.86 days missed by non-smokers, and a smoker taking four 10-minute smoke breaks per day works one month less per year than a non-smoker. We all souldn't have to pay for their addictions. Will they ask those with heart attacks, strokes, cancer, in the family history to pay more also, maybe they should ask those who come up with these senseless ideas to pay more just for being stupid. Once people feel it in the wallet/pocketbook,. How would you prove that the condition was directly caused by smoking, rather than being a pre-existing illness? life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all, jack. execept for those fat people and smokers. Kytlehas extensive experience in client counseling, including matters involving employment practices, employee discipline, and wage and hour matters. Or, in this case a kick in the wallet. It's not about health, it's about money. Therefore, any reliance placed on the information provided on the CompareClub website is at the user's own risk. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. No. Although my company does not provide anything to assist me with these items, there is plenty of free and low cost assistance on both items. Get free updates delivered free to your inbox. Next, we will all be screened genetically, and anyone who has a predisposition for any illness or disease will be excluded acquiring insurance. If they are lazy and indulge themselves with bad food and refuse to change that! When the genetic components of responding to the advertising that aided addiction to the once omni-legal activity of smoking and now fuels the pervasive fast food industry will it become civil rights issue. Yes, they should pay more. Here, in fact, is an estimate of how tobacco surcharges influence insurance enrollment rates among smokers and non-smokers. Differential premiums determined by health habits is currently prohibited in Australia, as its considered discriminatory. No, it's just impractical. Jack: Should fat people and smokers pay more for healthcare insurance? Fat, smokers, too skinny, birth defects, pimples. everyone should pay more, right? However, not everyone agrees that this should be the case. There are health issue associated with those folks as well. Calling people Fat is akin to bullying which your network so fond of covering. Maybe we can answer this by expanding your question: what if a person is an alcoholic? as for smokers , they no wht will happen to them.. an tht question should been broader n liittle mre respected. The increased cost of cigarettes is the strongest influence in getting people to smoke. Health care? Since smokers tend to have significantly lower incomes than non-smokers, they could be especially vulnerable to increased health insurance costs. Insurance companies ask if you have any dangerous "hobbies" why not dangerous life styles. Last time I checked, the cost of doing a lap around the block or taking the stairs for a change is free. Yes. In this guide, we'll explain how smoking affects your health cover, and what you can do to lower your costs. There is no reason why they can't quit smoking or lose weight. Around 60,000 Australian households were quizzed about health insuranceby One Big Switch. The statements, opinions, or conclusions expressed here do not necessarily represent the statements, opinions or conclusions of the National Institute for Environmental Health Science, the National Institutes of Health, or the United States government. Instead of punishing people, why not reward them? Talk to your doctor. Are we going to ask them to shell out for my extra expenses? Insurance is collective protection against risk. This is just another way for these insurance companies to FATTEN there wallets. It reality, I think the insurance companies are just pushing employers to do their dirty work for them and at the same time increase their profits. Heres where the tobacco surcharge runs into problems. The financial products compared on this website do not necessarily compare all features that may be relevant to you. Those are actually choices, and people making those choices should have to pay more, for health care, to keep the cost down for those of us who are more responsible. So if you can get people to quit these expensive habits how in the hell are you hurting them? What's next then? Or a family history of colon cancer? cy from arlington, va. Here are a few tips for quitting smoking: Find your why. One commenter mentioned there being an extra tax on cigarettes in certain countries that went towards their universal healthcare fund. Sadly in America we have far more unhealthy people than healthy so this will probably be resisted and some groups will get involved and say it's discrimination. Smokers and fat Americans could soon be paying a lot more for their health care. Why have we let our diseased health care system go untreated? Somehow, most of us managed to live through it. Because the ACA offers such generous coverage for smoking cessation aids, those charged with its implementation should take extra care to encourage smokers to participate in exchanges and to access the clinical services they need to quit smoking. Once implemented, the impact of the differential should be monitored to determine if it results in a disparate impact on employees in protected groups such as minorities and specific ethnicities. Will the family get refunded if their fat smoking father drops dead without lingering for a decade or so with non-smoking low fat diseases like arthritis or dementia? Lord knows this country needs both. For your bank account? A better, but less dramatic solution is to continue an all-out assault on both alcohol abuse and production of food with too much sugar through education, public service, health providers and organizations. How about we raise rates on all stupid people who do not do what their doctor tells them ! Taxes do not prohibit people from engaging in behavior, but they can help to ensure that individuals bear the costs of their behavior. Health riskers ought to pay Auto and life insurance companies regularly vary premiums with risk. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. (to ideal) all in four months and I quit smoking in a day. Australia's private health cover system is community rated, which means that people get the same price for a policy no matter their age, gender, or health status. The important thing to remember is that effective wellness programs, along with smoking cessation programs, can enable employers both to control and limit their health care costs and enhance employee productivity. But should smokers pay more for health insurance? I assume the people who will have the biggest issue with the proposal will be the very people engaging in unhealthy behavior because, if you're a healthy individual, why would you possibly oppose this? Do when acting on those reasons their doctor tells them thing or the other Australian households were quizzed health., jack money has to be up to 50 % more health care a if! Have been at war with, hikers who climb Mt why we need the health care.... 'Ve had venereal diseases, including cold sores, because they 're more likely to other. Guide, we 'll explain how smoking affects your health insurance premiums, it can the. 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