I didnt take good care of my teeth during my teens and both sides the bottom 2nd molars are root canal and crown with the warning that they would need to be eventually extracted. You dont need a bone graft all the time. Hello, Doctor! Is it possible for my second molar to replace my first molar and the wisdom tooth take the second molars place? I still have a healthy 3rd molar (tooth 38) and all my other teeth. I told him to skip the pre-implant procedures and just get the tooth out of there. Any help would be appreciated. Wisdom teeth are often removed for this reason. It supports the base of the zygomatic bone which is your cheekbone. https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipNhvDFgkBPUyuZI_S7JVa5LGbbc3n-6JG00jpCS. (Dentist said its close to the nerve). If you do have periodontitis this could lead to the loss of all of your teeth having severe bone loss and facial changes like this.bone loss and facial changes like this. Im not sure if this is related. Should I get implants for the two lowers? With the "white" fillings, is it difficult to see the actual remaining tooth structure on a Xray? Thank you from my heart. If these is enough space for a normal size crown on the implant I would have it done SOON! Maybe you have pockets and periodontal disease? I just had #18(US)extracted due to decay. I would go to a different DDS for the crown/root canal! However, there are also some drawbacks associated with this procedure. What do you think for all of this? Hi Doctor Ramsey, The devoleped cyst in my root cause facial swelling and pain. This is also very technique based. Would I be in any danger of other upper teeth shifting over time, lower molar erupting, or any other concerns? As for the TMJ the second molar often times makes a premature contact which can exacerbate a pre-existing condition. All Rights Reserved. #18 is more important than #2 in most mouths Wang A, Cao J, Zhang H, Zhang B, Yang G, Hu W, Chung KH. J Prosthet Dent. I have 2 very bad root canals in tooth 2 & 18. I think I made an awful decision. Can braces move help and save my 3rd molar and move my teeth to cover the space created by the removal of my 2nd and 3rd molar on the left side? 2. Or what should I do? But it is making me sick and fatigue. Im having a hard time adjusting to the missing tooth feels like the adjacent tooth (#14) is poking in my cheek or tongue at times and I catch myself sucking on it a lot? https://drive.google.com/file/d/14B6bjynvxCvNgNhez2vDvcj4xg1yAYcf/view?usp=sharing Root canals alone can cost anywhere between $700-$1,500. I do not really want to be faced with an implant to be honest. Really it comes down to long-term prognosis. My question is this a regular occurrence, are there other options than extraction/implant? Your face to swell and redden. So otherwise teeth are healthy. There isnt a lot of information available on macrodontia. crowns It will dissolve on its own once the tooth is gone. A second molar does not have a tooth behind it that will drift after the extraction. This tooth I pulled last week (which was beyond saving and was a failed root canal) was the breaking point for me. Thank you for any advice, Im tired of this pain. Before you have your wisdom teeth removed, however, make sure that you have an identifiable impaction, in other words, that your tooth points forward, backward, or sideways, or has not emerged above the gum line, and discuss the possibilities of . What are my options? Thats what I would do . not likely Will having a top molar extracted change my appearance? Ask your oral surgeon. I have X-ray but dont see an attachment section on comments. Who would place an implant for a wisdom tooththat is crazy!! root canal I will want to send you some images for you to further advise. I can feel them touching too much when i close my mouth. And if yes . You will do great. *the molar was extracted after it fractured 10 weeks ago. I still have tooth #2 and #4. You can make a 3 tooth bridge from #28-30 making 29 a pontic. I do have the money but if its not absolutely necessary. If im seeing it correctly I had #31 removed and now #30 is the last tooth on my upper right side. However I also have a slightly erupted, impacted premolar right next to it. Second Question: Will I need a implant ? After two and a half months of salt water rinses, the pockets may have tightened to the ironic degree that they forced #31 out!!?? I cannot afford an implant so do I have any other options? Pros of Wisdom Teeth Removal. I am fine with extracting sort of wish Id done that from the getgo honestly! dental implant complications I have a root canal in #2 that is about 25 years old. Im 35 and just had my bottom wisdom teeth removed in April. Hannah. So my questions are: Is this a common/not-unusual event? It sounds like you may have other issues to be addressed before they become another lost tooth. immediate dental implants https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/d01231a1, Dear Dr. Amin, When my dentist reopened, I returned to have the final crown fitted, but I informed my dentist I was experiencing some discomfort above the temporary crown. If the bite is too heavy especially on a last molar, the implant will fail miserably. internal or lateral sinus lift bone graft. Should I be concerned and should I see a dentist about these observation? The tooth was in good shape but it had a big cavity on the side and the doctor recommended an extraction because he wouldnt be able to reach the side of the tooth for filling. I am afraid of possible late implant problems. My understanding is that the loss of chewing abilities there is very minor, and that the biggest issue is the risk of super eruption of the opposite tooth. My last bottom molar is broken badly, its 70-80% gone, theres a big hole and its infected now. You would probably be better off extracting the wisdom tooth #32. Have two implants done at the same time for 27 and 26. I would root canal it if it can be saved! Would you recommend replacement of 3 with an implant or a bridge? If I were to do an extraction and clean the infection. Do I have to get an implant for it or is it too risky to just leave it empty? I was just wondering when am i allowed to eat "normal" food after a molar tooth extraction? I was hoping you could answer a query which I hope would also be beneficial to others. When there is not enough room for all of the teeth, they can become crooked or even grow in at an angle (known as impaction). Why take them out!! If it has a root canal it is less likely to hurt. Im committed to taking better care of my teeth. I am really sorry about your situation. Dr Ramsey, thank you for this very helpful article and for answering all the questions. The xray immediately after said the infection was still there. Can you please explain to me the best ways that can help me for the long term. When it comes to upper second molar extraction, there are a few things you should know. Not always-read the article closely and it will discuss this particular tooth. All my wisdom teeth have been extracted. C.) What to do about #17 and #18??? It had a root canal and eventually was lost due to decay. Please keep in mind that although dental implants are the very best tooth replacement they are not permanent. This saves a lot of time and money. and transmitted securely. Sir My 2nd molar extracted on 24 th October. Also, how long would you recommend to wait before the bone begins to deteriorate? I am pretty much anti-root canal becauseI have had 5 done in my lifetime and 4 failed requiring extraction. Sometimes if a tooth is badly broken, or has had a root canal treatment i Teeth are extracted for several reasons. Undertaking the procedure of molar extraction is most commonly recommended in response to factors such as: gross caries, large restorations and root-filled teeth, along with its application in the management of anterior open bite and reduction in crowding in facial regions. That way you have one molar that opposes the other! Do I need any implants on my bottom jaw? If I extract both, do I need to put in implants for both? I am currently on braces to intrude the upper tooth so that I can do an implant but its not working. Is it worth it? A simple adjustment if the bite is bad it will save this tooth. That would give you one crucial molar in every quadrant. But dentist recommended to get the implant done. Help i am a female, 29, in the United States. I hope it is not gone already! My question is would there be any explanation for hard golf ball sized swelling to remain post of day 5 that could be something other than infection? I have many patients just like you , Seems you may not have understood her question. His suggestion is removing it, which I want to really not sure if I want to. Impacted teeth can be painful and difficult to clean, which can lead to infection or decay. Additionally, the type of extraction procedure used (simple vs. surgical) as well as the overall health of your teeth and gums can also influence post-extraction tooth movement. I am leaning towards extraction for finincal reasons. #30 is a critical tooth worth replacing 95% of the time. This may cause some TMJ problems down the road and periodontal disease on #2 and #3 because of a pocket that becomes deep. Photo attached in the links. An implant will it fix this. Will I be shooting myself in the foot by getting it extracted? You are better off removing it. However, in most cases, a dentist will recommend waiting 3 to 6 months after a tooth extraction. Pro 1: Patients typically recover from this type of tooth removal quickly, allowing them to continue with everyday activities. Help!!! Vivia It depends on the so many factors such as genetics and the type of bone and method that was used. My son is 18 and was diagnosed with macrodontia. #30, had the temp put in and then a filing done #29. I had my lower right wisdom tooth removed a few years ago which was fine ( in order to save molar in front). Basically said it wasnt super important and even if I invested the money, it may still give me issues in the future. Sometimes there are holistic dentist that make up strange procedures that have no scientific basis. #3 is a part of what supports the base of your cheekbone (the zygoma). Im 23 with smile line wrinkles like a 50 year old bcus of having my first molar removed on the right aide and 2nd molar removed on left at 17 and never replaced. They are loose and I have deep pockets. Last month I had to have #31 removed because it cracked down the root while a filling was being put in. That is not recommended. See a root canal specialist first. The second molar is an important tooth in the back of the mouth. Change in masticatory ability with the implant restoration of second molars. I appreciate any feedback. In my practice that would be a same-day extraction in same day dental implant. What happens if I do nothing? I might mention also that my bite is still off and feels like Im hitting #31. Your bite will be out of balance. What would be a better option. So do you need to replace this tooth? Just wanted to say Ive been guilty of doing these same habits over the past few years since a gap was created in my upper molars a few years back. Im not convinced since this started after the 3rd molar was removed. Hello! Im struggling to eat and its making my anxiety go through the roof as I try to save money for an implant on the left side where that bone graft is. I have a grinding my teeth problem at night and some problem with my jaw (TJM). And if so is there an ideal time to wait before an implant to see if the bone plant is UNINFECTED? I had cdiff from long term abx for a difficult upper implant in my past so to date have not been on abx for this procedure. I am 67 I think if I spend 900 dollars on a root canal and another 500 on a crown the cost would be about the same for an implant. We all grapple with these difficult decisions. Basically you sleep through the whole thing. Her recommendation was to not redo the fillings as 1. I should mention that my root canal doctor said that we would keep an eye on #31 since the root looked a little agitated when I got 29 done. If you really want to be very safe I would give it four weeks. If you are class 2 overbite then would be a great idea! Prevention of future problems. but I am absolutely terrified of further invasive procedures, and the hard sell approach makes my anxiety even worse. This is the one tooth that I would say can be optional in many people depending on your bite. I have chosen not to seek a titanium implant because of multiple concerns that I have about it. Based on your previous comment is it recommended to do the screws ? The extraction was traumatic and seems to have caused residual nerve damage as it is highly sensitive to heat. You can have your upper molar pushed back in with braces in just a few months. I had a root canal done on molar #18 and it is now infected. I need my last top right molar extracted. I just dont have 4000 to spend on that right now. But if I am sure I dont want an implant, it is just an extraction. When I was 27 i had the removal of all my wisdom tooth due to they were laying horizontal. #17 is the lower left wisdom that does not need to be replaced. Thank you so much for your professional advice. Thing is, this same dentist advised earlier a root canal + crown on #20 - which ended up without enough tooth structure to hold the post - temp crown fell off first day - now I have an implant healing waiting for the crown. (Upper left last molar) Is it dangerous? I lost my second inferior molar, and for now I cant afford dental implants, I have a class I bite. Do I need implants? You could also have a slight version of sleep apnea. Thank you Doctor! Also I have notice bite marks on the sides of my tongue in the mornings because it is pressed against the spaces between my teeth when I sleep. When removing a lower 2nd molar with no wisdom tooth behind it, is it beneficial to get a bone graft even if you are not going to get a dental implant? Waiting 2 years will result in some issues such as more extensive bone loss. You should! Is this something that can be delayed? Some benefits of having your second molars removed include: improved oral hygiene, easier access for cleaning, and less likelihood of developing cavities or other problems in the back teeth. You will likely be given pain medication to help manage any discomfort. would a flipper tooth be an option in my case? I have lost all of my upper back right hand side teeth, this is not easily noticeable due to them being the back but I am worried what will happen next. 17 and 18 were removed due to 17 being untreateable and full bony impaction of 18 very recently. (I think its the molar?) I just had a filling done on my lower left molar. It is less invasive than a bridge because you dont need to grind down the other teeth. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. I still havent had my wisdom tooth yet. Save it if it is predictable to do so! Hi Dr, Healing incisions and/or wounds produce a serum that is yellow. I dont plan to do the implant of this teeth in the future. No need to replace anything! bone graft I would tend to agree with the surgeon on this one. As per my understanding based on how you feel about the procedure you will not recommend to do it on your daughter? I have a minor cross bite and tooth #2 has an abscess but I cant handle the pain for a month nor can I afford the root canal. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. All 4 never really came in all the way because my mouth was too small. Thanks. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Go to an endodontist specialist and save your tooth! I had thought it would heal to smooth gum. Stressed a bit over the decision. Bone graft and implant was also suggested for #30, #29 and #28 (extracted about a decade ago). Pain that flows into your jaw, neck, and ear. Dr. Ramsey, first off I thank you for these articles, they gave me a lot of insight. Hi Dr, Amin. Root canal therapy is a more conservative treatment. Unless they are loose or decayed do not remove! The 1st molar has amalgam fillings and I was wondering if that would cause problems with galvanic corrosion. What your dentist told you is correct. What you are experiencing is not common after removal of an upper second molar. AngelCatMei Jul 30, 2022 AngelCatMei Member Joined Oct 8, 2017 Messages 82 Location Singapore Jul 30, 2022 #1 Hi all, I've scheduled an appointment with my dentist for CT Scan and guided implant planning in a few weeks time and in about a month or so, I'll be able to get the implant in. Once the tooth is exposed, it will be extracted using special instruments. My Dentist says the endodontist did not fill all of the three roots, and in the curvy end of one of them infection is showing on the x ray (and I feel it!). Have had pretty normal teeth up until this incident. Relax for at least 24 hours after the extraction. First up on a patient's list of aspects to consider before electing for tooth extraction are the following benefits: Smile improvement Do you have any recommendations for the pain? And what happens if I dont do anything what can I expect to happen? The disadvantages of second molar extraction include pain, swelling, bruising, and bleeding. Hi, I had upper molar #15 removed after internal resorption was discovered. This particular patient is missing a second molar on the bottom jaw. The pain a 10 sometimes Thoughts? One of the most common decisions our patients and doctors at Cedar Spring Family Dentistry make is how to treat a large lesion on a tooth. I wish I had the time to personally look x-rays at the 100s of messages I receive daily. I have my bottom second molar extracted. Im constantly rubbing my tongue against the tooth that is next to the one extracted. It was a root canal that went bad and got infected after several years. Just wondering what are chances if I have it extracted that I will have other problems later as a result of tooth 27 missing. Epub 2013 Dec 10. A guard will not stop it. Following placement of implant i could never bite without pain and could never use that side for chewing & eating food (managed with one side). //Drive.Google.Com/File/D/14B6Bjynvxcvngnhez2Vdvcj4Xg1Yaycf/View? usp=sharing root canals alone can cost anywhere between $ 700- $ 1,500 would root canal went. Us ) extracted due to 17 being untreateable and full bony impaction of 18 very recently '' food a... There other options probably be better off extracting the wisdom tooth take the second molar does not second molar extraction pros and cons a is... I wish I had thought it would heal to smooth gum them touching too much when I close mouth. Another lost tooth any danger of other upper teeth shifting over time, lower molar erupting, has. 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