Another factor which is also very important to the tourism industry presently is environmental factor. Also it should not claim the food to be Halal when it is not. Along with having an Indian Visa, certain special instructions are laid down which are needed to be followed while issuing PAP: An exception to the abovementioned instructions is that citizens of Pakistan, Bangladesh, China and Myanmar (Burma) can get the permit only with the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Take a look at some weird laws from around the world! Around 319 million people were working in this industry and the number grew to 330 million in 2019. Law of Contract and Law of Tort are the predominant themes in civil law. Legal factors may also influence the useful economic life of an intangible asset, in that they may restrict the period during which the reporting entity has access to the economic benefits associated with the asset. Legal factors refer to the laws and regulations that can impact the tourism industry. Home Publications Legal and Legislation. All these legal factors affecting businesses contribute greatly to the gross domestic product of the United States. intercultural harmony. In a parting shot to the hotel, Mr Chiam obtained a detailed listing and private information of all high value customers of Hamilton hotel and passed them to his new employer, Broadway Inn Hotel. Top 50 Interview Questions On The Juvenile Justice (Care And Protection Of Children) Act, 2015, Top 10 Taxation Law Cases You Must Be Aware Of, Top 10 Landmark Evidence Law Cases In India. So what`s the answer? Gharibeh A. The transport industry has received a major upgrade in Many banks now lend for tourism purposes. In contrast, in Tort, there may not be any agreements between the hotel and Mr. Lee. Mr Randolph refused to pay his medical fees and fired Mr Chiam after this. The Maldives, situated in South West of Sri Lanka on the Equator comprises of 1,190 tropical islands stretching over an area of 90,000 sq Km. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Legal factors which affect the tourism sector include health and safety regulations, employment laws and competition laws. Also, the impact that those events and trends will have on your business . The five biggest legal issues for business travel providers in 2018 10 Jan 2018 The five biggest legal issues for business travel providers in 2018 2018 will see a number of legislative changes including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), new Package Travel Regulations and the new Payment Services Directive (PSDII). Take for instance import and export tariffs which can make it difficult or uneconomical to do business with certain countries. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. People can now get to know about places across the world Almost all countries now have discriminatory laws that have benefited the tourism industry and therefore the hospitality industry. Job Opportunity (Legal Associate) @ ASBO LEGAL: Apply Now! However, the industry must keep state laws in mind when recruiting and selecting personnel. Individuals are responsible for the enforcement of civil law. Without a properly functioning legal system, the society will flounder and people will be reluctant to enter into transactions with each other for fear of ending up with the shorter end of the stick. These branches consist of Criminal Law and Civil Law. However, they do overlap. everyone around the world. This can have a tremendous impact on the organization and by extension the tourism industry. Finally, Section 14(3) states that the goods must fit the purpose for which the goods are bought for. they can afford it, and this has really provided a major boost to the tourism The tourism industry acts as an invisible export medium that brings in wealth which is used to toward the contribution of balancing payment, production, account deficit and employment. He would be staying in G Hotel in Singapore for two nights. 1. However, pollution is a major factor that has to be dealt with for this industry to become more ethical. Share on whatsapp. A number of political factors such as government policies, internal political issues, consumer laws, lobbying and pressure group affect the business strategies of the hotel industry. Demographic The composition of the population in a country plays a major role in affecting many dynamic industries like the tourism industry. Law, in this sense, helps to safeguard the rights and obligations that these two contracting parties are entitled to. Since their issuance, investment in the Sultanate's tourism sector has witnessed a sharp increase in the issuance of the number of licences by the Ministry of Tourism . However, a recent stroke has left him with a limp in his right leg. possible. Legal factors affecting Germany Laws. By continuing well assume youre on board with our The hotel keeper, within 24 hours of the arrival of the foreign tourist, shall transmit a copy of Form C and duly completed from the particulars furnished by such a foreigner to the Registration Officer. For the first seminar, I will talk about the legal and regulatory framework. One fine day, Mr Chiam fell and broke his leg while opening the door of a limousine. Travel and Tourism Trends and Factors Analysis, Impact of Terrorism and Violence on Global Tourism, Tourism has a great impact on environments, communities and economies, The Environmental impact of tourism is always harmful - Discuss, get custom Historical and cultural factors, Religious factors and Other factors. At 14.5% of international travel spending globally, international travelers spend more in the United States than any other country. With the PESTEL analysis, you can consider the influence of six factors. Socio-economic factors : Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities, Ancillary services, etc. Travel blogs help people get the information to Mr. Lee was very angry and said he is not interested in the excuse and would definitely sue the hotel for negligence demanding a compensation of $15,000. The fundamental environmental concerns are the optimal use of fuel and the waste of oil in the travel aspect. A country`s legal environment is extremely crucial for the growth of the hospitality industry. West Africa is increasingly developing its economic potential and proof of this is the activity of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), an organisation created in 1994 and which includes Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo with the main objective of establishing the construction of a harmonised economic space, in which the free . Day by day, the technology sector being more advanced against various types aspects such an internet, mobile phones and laptop that we can bring anywhere and anytime. In 2012, the tourism industry generated 8% of employment worldwide (Candela and Figini, 2012). Share on linkedin. There are mainly three laws regulating the foreign tourists in India, with which every foreign tourist must comply with: Passport (Entry Into India) Act, 1920; The Regulation of Foreigners Act, 1939; and The Foreigners Act, 1946. In this article, we present an analysis of the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that affect the tourism industry. As for certain states (Gujarat and Bihar), alcohol is banned overall and hence its illegal in those states. Legal Issues In The Telecommunication Sector. A poor environment would never be beneficial to any business be it in the present or future. However, technology has pushed many small tourism businesses out of the market. It relates to laws, regulations and legislation that affects the way a business operates. Investing in technology can be very costly. Higher income. The decline in revenue and the country's ranking is mostly due to the pandemic of covid-19. As per an Oxford economics study, Asia is expected to be the worst affected and data suggests the industry could take many months to recover. This would help worker s feel more confident in the workplace which would have a positive impact on the business and the industry on a whole. Some countries don`t even need a visa to get there, which allows for an even friendlier atmosphere for tourists. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are It does not store any personal data. Adhering to these regulations can ensure the safety and well-being of travelers, which can increase tourism to a destination. Before the tourist hype Benidorm was a small fishing village, with a relatively small population - whose main income was obtained through fishing the local coast, the Costa. tourists, governments readily provide tourist Visas since it boosts the economy Even the Indian citizens who are not residing in such prohibited areas require an Inner Line Permit (IPL) to visit such areas. People are becoming more aware of other cultures in the He came to Singapore to attend a business convention in 2009. Environmental factors also impact the tourism industry. According to Bramwell (2004) a third of the income of the Mediterranean comes from the tourism sector, as tourism is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of Spain. References. The final topic is the consumer protection. According to a study, the UK's annual GDP was 2.979 trillion US dollars by the end of 2020 and it ranked 9th world's highest. As for the consumption of drugs, it is uniformly banned in the whole of India and any tourist should not engage in the consumption of it either. Save time and let our verified experts help you. Health and safety in tourism businesses Fire, gas and electricity safety in tourism businesses Food and drink laws in tourism businesses Discrimination and equality in tourism businesses Employment in tourism businesses Keeping a guest register in your tourist accommodation business Tourist accommodation: reselling electricity, gas and utilities Any foreign tourist can register themselves at the airport itself. In order to maintain its position in the global market, it is essential for the company`s policy makers to formulate a forward-looking policy to compete with the travel industry. There are various definitions of tourism. You should not treat any information in this essay as being authoritative. [2], As for the tourists from Afghanistan, they need to register themselves within 14 days at the Foreigner Regional Registration Office, unless they plan to visit India for less than 30 days. Share on twitter. If Health and safety is not well managed, adverse accidents can significantly impact the profitability and sustainability of business in the tourism sector. Tourism industry is important to the GDP of a country; this industry creates economic development, savings, investment, jobs, and foreign exchange earnings as well as alleviates problems regarding balance of costs [4]. Sociological attitudes and profiles are constantly changing. registration for tour operators. Hence it is again important for all the tourists (Indian or Foreigner) to comply with all the rules mentioned under Section 14 in relation to their stay in any hotel. Published: 21st Sep 2021. However, only the foreigners who are visiting India for a period of more than 180 days needs to register themselves and not otherwise. Mr Chiam wants to sue the hotel for his medical fees and unfair dismissal. 2. We expect further Need urgent help with your paper? Humans are a negligent lot, and they tend to carry their litter with them wherever they go. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. If Health and safety is not well managed, adverse accidents can significantly impact the profitability and sustainability of business in the tourism sector. They are: There are certain other guidelines issued by State/ Central government which much be followed for domestic tourist operators, Inbound tourist operators, Adventure tourist operators and such. The Food and Beverage outlet which is the seller of the chicken chop to Mr. Ali in this case is subjected to the Sale of Goods Act imposes various legal obligations on the seller. Tourism Industry of Sri Lanka 1. click. Political factors include how regulations are and policies imposed by government might affect the way business is conducted. People travel for work, to visit family and friends and for pleasure. If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Human behavior (2013, January 13th). This has a lot to This analysis will allow you to better understand the future of this industry and the aspects that it needs to deal with on an immediate basis. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Legal factors which affect the tourism sector include health and safety regulations, employment laws and competition laws. Other legal processes concerning tourism have also become more Moreover, there are also For example, under Section 13, when there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied term that the goods will correspond to the description. Also, the consumer needs to establish that there are no vitiating factors to the contract. He has developed a good command of the English language and has stood by the main door of the hotel for the last twenty years. Ravi Chandran,2006, Introduction to Business Law in Singapore, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Education. Legal factors have an impact on the tourism sector also. If successful, Mr Chiam will be able to claim his medical expenses per the terms stated in the employment contract. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". tourism to deal with the issue. As a business travel provider, your responsibilities to employees on the go continue to increase, and blurring the lines between business and leisure raises interesting questions about your duty of care. Chronic. Again, the consumption, export, import and sale of beef and beef products is completely banned in a number of states and hence the tourists should be aware of the same. C) The factors which will be important to the organization in the next five years are technological and environmental factors. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tourism and hospitality will perform poorly when the global economy is declining. database? Factors such as inflation, consumer activity, fixed and variable cost can present both opportunities and threats for in the tourism industry. Job Opportunity (Executive Legal) @ Senores Pharmaceuticals: Apply Now! Intentional torts. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. This is high lighted in Section 14(2B) clarifies on certain factors that might make a good unsatisfactory. When one transacts with another, that person is essentially contracting with the other party. Such economic growth is expected to remain Better working conditions and facilities. The rising tourism levels across the world have also led to Airports have also become more advanced and air tickets can be purchased in a As for the alcohol usage, the age limit varies from 18 to 25 depending upon the state. Impact of Tourism on the Environment (Negril) This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Legal Factors Affecting the Travel and Tourism Industry. In Column (I), we obtain the coefficient of the legal system and property rights in the natural logarithmic form is positive and statistically significant (0.34). Political factors are usually bigger picture topics such as tax policy, trade policy, or foreign trade policy, whereas legal factors tend to be more specific and relate to topics such as discrimination laws, antitrust laws, or intellectual property laws. Economic uncertainties for the tourism industry have persisted, however, leading many industry insiders to monitor several economic trends, including collaborative consumption, shifts in emerging economies, and conscious consumerism. The tourism industry is able to draw attention to important environmental issues and is the founder of plans that protect and preserve the environment. It is known as the 7 mile beach even though it is. The legal system provides for a fair and equitable environment in which the industry can operate in. 10 minutes with: Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title Criminal law seeks to identify certain behavior as criminal and punish those whose behavior is, according to that definition, criminal. If the spending patterns of customers are favorable, for example the demand for hotel reservations are increasing then this would be a positive effect since revenue would be coming into the industry. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Tourism Law, its Implementing Regulation and the ITC Law have created a legal framework for investment in Oman's tourism sector by local, regional and foreign investors. Along with that, at the time of his departure, he must furnish all the particulars necessary for recording in the said register, the date and the time of his departure and also the address to where he is proceeding. The advertisement is very attractive as it showed the serving of the chicken chop to be so large till it almost covered the whole plate. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing The permit holder should largely make use of the national highways while travelling via road within the Northeastern states. If a visitor feels threatened or unsafe during a trip this may impact on the length of stay and expenditure in the country and decrease the likelihood of repeat visits and word- of- mouth referrals. By on November 8, 2018. Moreover, Mr Chiam can also be sued under contract for passing private highly confidential information to a competitor. The real challenge is that there is no written agreement between the parties. employment laws, consumer protection laws, contract law and the law of tort helps to ensure that both the seller and the buyer of goods and services are insulated from unfair, illegal and unsafe practices. There is an offer, an acceptance and an intention to be legally bound by the contract. Therefore Sandals should put strategies in place in order to help facilitate any economical abnormalities which may occur in the next five years. He was told that it might be due to food poisoning from the chicken chop. Therefore the hotel should plan in advance for future genealogical changes. The most critical factors for running business in Slovenia were . This is acknowledged by Cooper, (2016, p.5), stating that "tourism is an activity of global importance and significant and a major force in the economy of the world". politically, economically, socially, technologically, ecologically and legally. There are certain substantial laws which every foreigner should keep in mind while visiting India so as to not get involved in any legal trouble. The seas are protected where by certain waste are not allowed to be disposed in it. people travel. Freedom of expression. Nowadays, tourism. A detailed PESTEL analysis of the hospitality industry can show how these factors support the expansion of the hospitality industry or hinder its growth. Technology is forever changing. 66 pages. In addition he was told that there are no Halal certifications of the Chicken reared in Japan. When he came back to the hotel room, he was shocked to find out that the ring on the drawer was missing and proceed to call the duty manager and housekeeper to demand an explanation. are often tourist unfriendly. . To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: International law, also known as public international law and the law of nations, is the set of rules, norms, and standards generally accepted in relations between nations. Since majority of our topics revolve around diverse legal careers, we only intend to share the information as it is and do not in any manner intend to make any false promises or tend to wrongfully influence the decision of readers regarding their careers. 2021 YLCC | Designed & Developed with Love by Brand My Style. The transportation industry is currently under This relates to the ecological and environmental aspects that will affect the demand for a company's products and how that business operates as a result. Axson, D.A . Based on that information, the data were divided into two. Tourism industry has become more competitive than ever before, and therefore the importance of strategic planning for tourism industry is greater than ever before. As the number of tourists increases around the world, governments should take strict measures to regulate pollution caused by people visiting tourist attractions. Many climate change activists are supporting the concept of reduction in Admissions Open for Six Weeks' Holistic Development Growthcamp- Click To Know More | Admissions Open for Six Weeks' Holistic Development Growthcamp- Click To Know More | Admissions Open for Six Weeks' Holistic Development Growthcamp- Click To Know More. World, governments should take strict measures to regulate pollution caused by people visiting tourist attractions that protect and the... Affecting many dynamic industries like the tourism industry save time and let our verified help... 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