[257], The first brother she met was Gadiros who tried to entertain the humans through games to keep them calm. After the vote, Kassandra met the philosopher Sokrates who questioned her about her choices. There, they were ambushed by cursed villagers who spoke in Greek directly to Kassandra. [199], During her track, Kassandra found a letter from Amorges demanding respect for his soldiers sent to Aipeia. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Alkibiades who was there proposed that Kassandra replaced Testikles for the Panchrates. Read at your own risk. Kassandra understood that Timosa was the one who did that as she was a Hunter. Recognizing her friend, Kassandra followed his trail to Kassiope. [142], Returning to the Gateway to the Lost City, Kassandra put the artifacts in the pillars. Myrrine chose to follow Brasidas while Kassandra would accomplish the Kings' tasks. Her grief broke when she heard Eivor scream as she touched the artifact. With the symbols she found on the statues of Zeus in Olympia, Aphrodite in Kythera, Theagenes in Thasos and Poseidon in Samos, Kassandra could read the scytale. He told her that as a Tainted One, she was dangerous for the world and that his duty was to kill her and Darius. [206], As she recovered all the Image of the Ancients, Kassandra reached a blacksmith in Phokis who repaired Amorges' sword using the adamantine in the medallions. As the Athenians were slaughtered by the Order, Darius attacked them while Kassandra went to the mine. Suddenly, Deimos, the weapon of the Cult, entered the room, tossing Elpenor's severed head to the ground and stating the Cult had a traitor in their midst. As the two men left, Natakas told her to join them to their hideout below the Rock Arch. [95], During the final, Kassandra fought the champion Dorieus and won the competition. Returning to Darius and Natakas, Kassandra discussed with Kleta who informed them that Achaia was under the control of the fleet of the Tempest, the Magus of the Order of the Storm, a branch of the Ancients. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. save. [266][267] Finding adamant ingots, Kassandra discovered the Forge of Atlantis and forged different weapons with the metal. On the Adrestia, Kassandra boarded the ship of the Ancients and killed Nestor. [246], Founding a letter from a child searching her parent in the underworld, Kassandra followed the footprints and discovered it was her friend Phoibe, who was amnesic after someone forced her to drink the Lethe's water. During their conversation, she learned that the key to the gate of the Underworld was the collar of Persephone's dog, Ros. [220] After founding one in the region, Kassandra found the others in the Elysium, expanding her knowledge and power of the Staff. [214] After defeating them, Kassandra met Hermes, who recognized her as Pythagoras' descendant as she had his staff. Another letter led Kassandra to his next target, Augos, who monitored Darius and Natakas. As she asked her information, the pirate demanded a payment. After taking care of them, Phoibe stopped by, telling her that Markos requested to meet her at his newly-bought vineyard. While Eivor talked to Edyt, Kassandra decided to leave the party, resuming her quest for the Pieces of Eden. [10] After that, Kassandra and her mother met the Kings Archidamos and Pausanias of Sparta. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Kassandra separated the Viking from the Apple, preventing any transformation and stopping the curse. When she found him, Lagos presented her with documents that proved that Pausanias was the Sage. [60], Conversing with other guests, Kassandra met Aspasia. During the night, Kassandra and Natakas went into an empty house at Dyme. Is Lucy a Templar? Kassandra decided to let him go even if Aiantides still claimed he had to redeem his honor. She also explained that the mother fled to Korinth after that and that the Monger was sent to capture her. [281], Investigating the church, they destroyed the cursed sign, dissipating the fog in the area. [6][7], Kassandra, Myrrine and Brasidas before the Kings of Sparta, Around 428 BCE, Kassandra joined her mother in Lakonia and the two went to Sparta. It does not store any personal data. [145], She also tracked members of The Silver Vein. Kassandra accepted to pass the trials, accessing to the first simulation. [208], While exploring the Island of Triton, Kassandra was contacted by a projection of Aletheia, whose consciousness was in the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. [48], Before heading to the place, she found a doctor named Lykaon in the Chora of Delphi whose grandmother was the oracle that had sentenced Alexios to death as a baby. As she asked to meet the general, Stentor hired her as a mercenary to fight the Athenians in the region due to the Peloponnesian War. Following that, Kassandra decided to leave Athens with Aspasia. Instead, its completely separate from Desmond Miles (AKA Subject 17). After giving Darius' letter, the General accepted to help Kassandra against the Order if she sank the Spartan fleet near Messenia. They are accessed though the genetic memory of Desmond Miles. By using the Pieces of Eden, water began to flood the city. Telling them that she will leave Greece to accomplish her duty, her friends bid her farewell. At the professor's house, she didn't find her friends. As there was no sign of Barnabas or the orb, Kassandra investigated the area. After killing the thieves, Kassandra retrieved the recipe and chose if she must give the flame to Hermes or Adonis. As the priestess of Hera kidnapped another baby, Kassandra confronted her. [105], Returning to Sparta, she confronted the Sage before Archidamos, the ephors, the Gerousia, and the Hippeis, which charged Pausanias for his crimes. On Kythera, Kassandra was contacted by Diona who told her that the Cult wanted to take over the Island. Archidamos tasked her to conquer Boeotia while Pausanias demanded her to escort the champion Testikles to Elis and assured the victory of Sparta during the Olympic Games. [9] As such, Kassandra was trained to fight at a young age by Nikolaos. With the staff, she no longer required food or water as the staff sustained her needs. [215], Later, Kassandra met Adonis, a living human forced to stay in Elysium as Persephone fell in love with him. After her losses, Lilaira committed suicide. Eivor told her that the seer Valka had visions indicating that her friend Randvi was the source of the curse. She later left the island sailing southeast to search another goal. In his dying breath, Amorges warned that the Order will continue to hunt Elpidios and will never be destroyed. Kassandra accepted to help her saved Ligeia and went together to the Dread Ruins. However, the novelization of the video game confirms that Kassandra is the canonical protagonist. [195], The next day, Kassandra and Darius buried Natakas in their house. It greatly enhances her physical strength to the point where she can send normal and giant-sized men to animals as large as grizzly bears flying through the air dozens of feet away from her in a single blow with sufficient force. She helped a Spartan hoplite recover a stolen map detailing vital mission plans, the man who stole the plans was hired to do so by a mercenary named . [123], Kassandra with the Periklean Circle at the party, Kassandra also returned to Perikles' residence to celebrate with the Periklean Circle their victory over Kleon and the Cult, remembering Kassandra's adventures and paying tribute to their fallen friends during the War. As a baby, Myrrine brought Kassandra to the acting Pythia, who proclaimed that the child showed a lot of promise. What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? They gave her equipment and together went to Perikles' Residence. He told her about the goal of the Order and why they tried to kill her as she brought chaos. Returning to Alkibiades, she saved in time the young man. A duel between the two Tainted Ones occurred, resulting in Kassandra killing Phila and ending the Order of the Storm. [233], With the rebels, Kassandra launched the attack on Persephone's palace. A storm later turned Kassandra's boat overboard and she woke up on the beaches of Kephallonia. Kassandra fought the creature and killed it before taking a snake on its head which was in fact the Prize of the Medusa. Charon said that The Fallen kept four pieces of the armor while the last one was lost. [62] She also helped the general Demosthenes and Kleon to fight the Spartans who were camped around Athens. [120], Returning to Sparta, Kassandra told her mother what happened in Amphipolis and the undetermined fate of Alexios. As Gergis was dead, Kassandra found a letter from Gaspar indicating she found a strange gate and allied with the Followers of Ares. She infiltrated the fortress and killed him. [114], Waking up, Kassandra met with Deimos observing her outside the cell. She tracked Akantha and killed her. Finding clues that they were abducted by pirates, Kassandra went to their warehouse. [17], When she got older, Kassandra forged a career as a mercenary under the tutelage of such men as Photios[18] and Heitor,[19] and acquired misthios as her nickname on the island. [232], Later, as Kassandra went to Hekate's hovel, Persephone waiting for her. Courtship takes dramatic license but individual events, Desmonds faith, beliefs are accurate. Kassandra decided to join Brasidas to fight Kleon. She could also briefly enhance her speed and reflexes to the point where she can move faster then a human eye can see or react to and can also regenerate her injuries that would normally be fatal. As he explained that every seven years the city began a new cycle if judged to be imperfect, the Isu chose Kassandra as Dikastes to enforce judgments in the city to prolonge the cycle. save. He explained to her that the Shaded were led by the Monger who resumed the work of the Cult. Kassandra fought the giant and killed him. [9] At one point, after cutting off the fingers of a boy who threw a rock at Ikaros, Kassandra befriended her neighbour Anais, who saved her from being beaten up by the boy's brothers. He was in the Sanctuary speaking directly to her. After exchanging Herodotos with the key, the captain ordered his men to kill Kassandra and his friend. She killed all the soldiers. Desmond Miles (1987 - 2012) was a member of the Assassin Order and a descendant of numerous familial lines that had sworn an allegiance to the Assassins; including individuals such as Aquilus, Altar Ibn-La'Ahad . The two promised to reunite in Lakonia. [273], Awakening in the throne room, Kassandra spoke with Aletheia who congratulated her for passing the trials. After killing him, Kassandra approached the orb with her spear. By 2018, Kassandra had a great deal of knowledge of every innovation and discovery which have happened in her immensely long lifespan, recognizing Layla's device. 1 Jdmaki1996 1 yr. ago Being related to the Assassin hasn't been a thing since black flag. Hades said he never promised that only he will help her fulfill her destiny. [93] During the competition, Kassandra defeated Orion and Erastos which qualified her for the final. After her trials through Atlantis and under the guidance of Poseidon and fully awakening the Isu's sixth sense of Knowledge within her does Kassandra come to control the staff and realize that is actually is far more destructive then it appears, having the power to destroy entire cities if she wanted to, which she displays by destroying Atlantis after learning how horribly the Isu treat humans. The Isu indicated that Kassandra could prove herself to Persephone if she smothered a rebellion in the Deukalion. Disturbed, Deimos decided to let Kassandra go and accused Epiktetos as the traitor, smashing his head against the pyramid and killing him. Meeting Charon, he informed her that she needed the Armor of the Fallen to pass through the Tartaros Veil to ended the threat of the Shaded. 4. level 2. [180], Kassandra reuniting with Darius and Natakas, In the fortress, she found a letter that proved the connection between the Cult of Kosmos and the Order of the Ancients. [190], With the Adrestia, Kassandra sank the Skylla and confronted the Tempest who dragged herself on the shore. [192], Later, Kassandra discovered that, before dying, the Tempest recruited mercenaries to kill her. Myrrine was shocked as Sparta always resisted the Cult. Aspasia said she knew someone named Phoenix on Naxos Island, so they set sail for the island. [284], Kassandra passing the Staff onto Layla Hassan's hands, Having faded into obscurity over the centuries, her identity was rediscovered through a book by Herodotos called Lost Histories, found by the former Abstergo Industries employee and later Assassin Layla Hassan. [9], Under Markos, Kassandra performed errands for him, occasionally helping him to settle debts that he owed. After killing the guards, Kassandra interrogated a soldier who informed her that the Order's headquarters was in the Andania Mine. Kassandra killed him and his guard, founding a letter of the Magus of Dominion indicating to maintain the helots under the control. When Kassandra asked if they were real in the simulations, Aletheia only said they were always with her. [253], There, they met the soul of Lilaira. In a desperate move, Alexios feinted towards his mother with a blade, forcing Kassandra to fight him and kill him. Aletheia tasked Kassandra to find Theras as he knew the location of symbols for the Heir. During playtesting, the split was 50/50.[288]. Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer Exekias the Legend . Kassandra must decide if they continue to use the Shroud or not. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [71] While Chrysis fled, she was killed by her estranged son Dolops. Kassandra escorted him to Seriphos and killed Brison, the man charged to kill Phidias. [248], As Phoibe went to find the Keres to help the woman but didn't return, Kassandra searched her before being ambushed by Cyclops' men. [26] Furthermore, Elpenor stated he was looking for Kassandra and hired her to recover Penelope's shroud from Ithaka. After reading it, Hekate didn't discover the location of the gate but advised Kassandra to decrease Persephone's power in Elysium to have access to the gate. In the middle of the room was a Pyramid composed of the same type of shards she had found on Elpenor and felt compelled to complete it. Herodotos gave her a scroll of his Histories, in exchange, Kassandra gave Leonidas' spear to her friend. When she killed him, she discovered that the Ghost was a woman via the Cultist's note. She infiltrated Olynthos Fortress and discovered an encoded note of the Conspirator which prepared a meeting near the farms the night. [31][32][33] In her time aiding the army, she discovered a mole witin the ranks supported by a rival mercenary, Hyrkanos[34], and later discovered that he had stolen supplies from the Spartans, blaming the Athenians for the act. [11], In July 431 BCE[53], Kassandra and Herodotos arrived in Athens, which was besieged by the Spartans. Orontas took the blame to protect Kassandra and Kleta. She also killed Hylas who stole the secret stash of the Magistrate. [172], Meeting with Natakas, Kassandra collected all the information she gathered on the Ancients and localized the Huntsman. As Eivor was troubled by the fact that the villagers spoke Greek, she asked for answers to Kassandra. [176] At the drinking spot, she discovered that Ide had been killed by a fourth mercenary, Exadios the Backbreaker. Following the clue to the beach, Kassandra was approached by pirates. Many factual events during the period are not included because of time constraints and unbelievability (according to Mel Gibson) though true. Kassandra killed him in Kydonia. Why are events condensed in the book Desmond Doss? [174], As Pactyas died, Darius confirmed it was the truth and buried the corpse of his old friend. She refused, and slew him instead. [146], Kassandra speaking with Thaletas and Kyra, Even with Kleon's death, the Delian League branch continued to work. Poseidon agreed with her judgment and explained that she could end Atlantis' cycle forever by using the Staff of Hermes and the prizes of Cerberos and Hekatonchires. [195], Arriving in Aipeia, Kassandra discovered that many guards of the Ancients were assassinated. She found the professor's corpse and a letter from the pirate's captain asking her to exchange the key against Herodotos' life at the Overgrown ruins. Kassandra agreed to be his eyes, in exchange for his story and the promise of a hidden treasure. In 427 BCE, Kassandra arrived in the Spartan Military Camp in Boeotia to help their general but she discovered that it was Stentor. As Aspasia wanted to create this new republic, she asked Kassandra to join her. As the bride thanked them, the groom recognized them as the ones who stopped the curse. for instance, Is Kassandra related to Ezio? Yes, Aya is a descendant of Kassandra (not Alexios since Kassandra is the canon protagonist). They decided to go to the location marked with a cross. As she found the archives of the Order, she was attacked by members of the Ancients she defeated. She revealed that her arrival activated the artifact. [235], On her way to see the ferryman, Kassandra saw prisoners of Tartaros escaped from a rift. In a letter, she learnt that the Ghost desired to be free. There are some spoilers ahead concerning Desmond Miles and events tied to him in Assassin's Creed as well as Assassin's Creed Origins. Going down the hill, Kassandra witnessed Darius making peace with a dying Amorges. She explained to Kassandra that she was angered that the Order hired mercenaries who patrolled around her drinking spot. [276], Kassandra trying to supress the Apple's power with her spear, At the meeting point, Kassandra met the pirates' captain who explained to her that they searched a treasure hidden by a treasure hunter centuries ago. As Darius arrived, the two fought Amorges as he refused to give back Elpidios. As one of them was about to throw a spear at her, Kassandra diverted the weapon with an arrow. [197], Kassandra and Darius observing the meeting, Joining Darius, Kassandra began to track Dimokrates. As Kassandra saw that her father turned away from his goal, she tried to convince him to abandon his pride and to save humanity as the Cult of Kosmos could discover the secrets of the Atlantis. The politician and army general Kleon advocated a more aggressive tactic and many Athenians were ready to follow him. How old is Connor at the end of ac3? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Up to maybe Assassin's Creed Rogue the answer is yes. [276], Reuniting with Herodotos and Barnabas, Kassandra told them what was the treasure and that her spear was broken. Kassandra (Greek: ; 458 BCE 2018 CE), renowned as the Eagle Bearer, nicknamed the West Wind,[3] and bestowed the title of Keeper,[4] was a Spartan mercenary who operated in Greece during the Peloponnesian War. During the naval battle for the conquest of the Obsidian Islands, Kassandra attacked the Eos, the ship of the Cultist Sokos, and destroyed it. At this moment guards arrived to arrest the responsible for the stranded release. As Kassandra wanted to see the Kings, Brasidas advised her to deal with the Helots revolt in Sparta to be sure that the rulers will listen to her. [16] The two became close friends and were noted troublemakers on the island. [219], Kassandra also met Hermes and followed him on a tour of the Minos' Faith. As she tried to kill Kassandra, the misthios returned the favor. Believing they were actors hired by Barnabas, Kassandra fought them. As she confronted her brother, the duel was short as Alexios was hit in the back by an arrow shot by Kleon who targeted Kassandra. 5 What did Wendy do in Desmond is amazing? [261]When a human Lyra was accused of murder, Kassandra investigated and discovered that Lyra inadvertently transformed into a werewolf. Searching him, Kassandra found Pibos dead, devoured by a lion. Political information Before they could argue longer, Aita arrived with his wife Juno, telling them that they created hybrids in a future war against humanity as Poseidon was more preoccupied with the Great Catastrophe. Kassandra killed Okytos in Attika. After accomplishing her task, Isidore became an ally of the rebellion. During the confusion, Kassandra took a shard of the Pyramid before leaving the hideout. [54], The sculptor Phidias was targeted by the Cult of Kosmos and Perikles wanted him out of Athens for Phidias' safety. When it was Kassandra's turn, the artifact showed them memories of their childhood. [282], Arriving at the Cave of Gold, Kassandra deactivated an isu mirage that hid the vault's entrance. [15], Nikolaos, being adherent to Spartan law, reluctantly complied and held Kassandra by her hand and dropped her down the mountain despite pleas from Myrrine. Kassandra hunted a boar with Natakas and discovered more on his family, that was killed by the Order. She decided to recover the charm Natakas threw in the sea. [140], Returning to the Petrified Temple, Kassandra entered with Bryce in the Isu complex. She also went to the island in Messenia recovering Elpidios' blanket. He then left while his guards attacked Kassandra in her cell. In her last message, Aletheia spoke directly with someone who wasn't there. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? In the throne room, Persephone decided Hekate's fate and how Adonis will leave Elysium. She ended up tolding him to go to Pilgrim's Landing, Phokis, in order to meet her employer. Artabanus was branded as a traitor and tracked by the Order leading to the death of his family. She explained to her that her role as the Keeper was to recover the artifacts before they could fall in the wrong hands or create monsters. [185], During her hunt, Kassandra tracked the Ancient known as the Broker. He finished saying that the world needed her and she saw a last vision from a distant future of her passing the Staff to another woman. [245] Finally, Kassandra investigated to find a thief who stole the coins of the dead, preventing them to cross the Styx. [91], Escorting Tesikles on the Adrestia from Sparta to Kyllene, Kassandra accidentally made the champion fall into the sea to be eaten by a shark. She killed Zoisme and the leader of the Followers of Ares Harpalos. [257], During her time in Atlantis, Kassandra solved the quarrel between the Isu Neokles and Melitta about the Garden of Triton. [205], Kassandra continued to track the Ancients of the Dominion. She also possessed a scar on her right upper lip and heavy scarring down her arm from falling from Mount Taygetos as a child. She also discovered that the Cult was hunting her family to control the bloodline. Entering there, she saw cursed villagers ambushing the Viking. Discovering that the party was a wedding, they stopped the bride's ex-lover who tried to crash the ceremony. When she activated its, the records of the Isu were hacked by the Isu Aletheia who spoke about the First Civilization, the Olympos Project, the Human-Isu War and the Great Catastrophe. Kassandra was able to competently wield a variety of weapon types, including swords, bows, spears, and axes. [256], Later, Kassandra met Atlas, Poseidon's elder son and Archon of Atlantis. He accused her to have killed Nikolaos and was angry that the Kings sent her to help him. She attacked his ship the Hyperion. If necessary, the Spear can also turn her invisible for a short while, allow minor control over poison and fire, produce concussive shockwaves, charge arrows with raw explosive energy, phase arrows through solid objects, and very minor control over time, only allowing for time to be stopped for five seconds. Kassandra accepted her new duty. Is Kassandra ancestor of Desmond? Near a cliff, Natakas showed Kassandra a charm that his mother gave him to protect him. Kassandra was born in Sparta, in 458 BCE, to Myrrine, the daughter of the late King Leonidas I, and the philosopher Pythagoras,[6] whose lifespan was extended due to the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus he possessed.
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