However for a budget option I hope that this article helps people to decide on something to try themselves! I no longer have to cross my fingers hoping that the negatives will come out. Both of the images below are lower contrast than anything Id ever print, but as you can see, whilst we still have some detail in the shadows on the Kentmere image, our Fomapan has some pretty fine detail right across the image. Trees dont move. Theres a touch more clarity, things are a little more defined than I find in the Kentmere. Order and structure, vs a more random pattern of sizes. Fomapan gives a high contrast result in most situations, including even/overcast light. Fomapan 400, metered for the batons. [], [] of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. The Kentmere also shows a little halation, but only when the light is very concentrated and higher than a few stops from what Im exposing for. I have been using Kentmere 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in at the cheaper (cheapest?) Although these werent excessively bad I think Ill be sticking to other films for my standard low light/push options especially HP5. Im Schrank lagern noch zwei ungeffnete Pulverstze fr D 76 bzw. However, dependable old Tri-X 400 at 320 works for me, especially in 120 size. Display as a link instead, Ill soon be trying it at box and slightly overdeveloping it at a high temperature to see if I can achieve similar results to overexposing it by one stop. It has more highlight bleed and halation than Kentmere, but this is rarely overwhelming in the way it may be on something like Cinestill 800t. I am retired and still do not have enough time to photograph, let alone experiment with different films. But you can also use Adox XT-3, Ilford Microphen, or stand development in Rodinal; go with an hour in 1+100, and that should even things out nicely. Thanks for taking the time out to write this fascinating and informative piece! Fomapan 400 can also be used for street work in dull conditions or in areas where you want to show off a bit more crunch to go with urban decay. There are several 5 Frames With articles Ive written here on 35mmc which look at some of the results from these different exposure combinations with Fomapan 400. Great shots, Simon!Like the Fomapan better in this sample, but obviously its a matter of tase. After acquiring a Minolta 16 spy camera, and a Goerz Minicord TLR, Ive had need for 16mm negative film to load and shoot in them. That could be quite a difference. There are some real good fotos inside. Also, I will not be doing anything I consider to be "my work." Fix, rinse, hypo clear, wash and surfactant as normal / desired. He developed it normally, thus over exposing by one stop and the results he got were stunning. Also lieber bei 18 oder 19 Grad etwas lnger entwickeln. Die etwas strkere Krnung nehme ich gerne in Kauf. ehrlich gesagt habe ich keine Ahnung. Some people love them; others cant stand them. Mixing the ID-11 and waiting 24 hours to use it was getting old. Ive shot Tri-X before, but my preference is HP5+! Warum hast den denn den Agfa Kipp verwendet, denn es ist ja vermutlich ein Ilford Film. Kentmere 400, exposed for the sky almost a perfect gradient from the top of the frame to the middle where it falls off into blown out territory. Its not a popular developer for some reason but its cheap as chips and delivers a fine grain. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Id also highly recommend Kentmere 100, which I didnt test here but still make use of quite often. for 5 Conclusion I thought I would start with arguably the most obvious film stock in the affordable range. DIE Reportagekombi der 60er und 70er. I love Kentmete films for when I need to test a camera, lens, etc. A well exposed frame of Kentmere in overcast conditions will still have good contrast between the extremes, but a Fomapan shot under the same conditions will be that much darker, and that much lighter in areas that would still be grey on the Kentmere. I loaded up my LowePro 400 AW II with my Nikon F100, 12-24mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.8, and 85mm f/1.8 one foggy March morning before striking out through the streets of NYC to shoot some film. auch in D76 ist das von mir erzielte Ergebnis des Foma400 immer eher zweifelhaft gewesen. August 27, 2018. by twhittlesea. So what does this mean to you as a photographer? Pasted as rich text. The high contrast results really lent a wonderful aesthetic to those images, and Im glad I didnt choose to take Kentmere. If you enjoyed my work here you can find more of it over on my Instagram. Working on a budget? Kentmere is better in general, more dynamic range. Some great shots here, but the man smoking in the bus is just terrific. Vor Korn habe ich keine Angst, solange kein 80 Schleifpapier Look entsteht. At any rate, nice shots. Looking back on that article I figured it was time for a redo. So by exposing for the shadows, youre basically over exposing it 2-3 stops and thus placing the shadows off the toe and onto the linear part of the film curve? Grain is just acceptable on 35 mm film and no problem if you are working on medium format. Der 100/21 Silvermax in Silvermax Entwickler entspricht genau dem was ich suchte. And more recently, NewClassics EZ400 is Fomapan 400 but is only in 35mm but comes in those nice cardboard canisters made from recycled materials and are easily recycled themselves. Thanks John! The look of Kentemere reminds me of those surveillance films, or JHC400, so maybe that would be the most direct comparison. Was ich nun suche ist ein Film der bei 400/24 oder etwas weniger gut mit Rodinal harmorniert. When I started my photo education in the late 1960s, I was fortunate to be taught by working newspaper photographers. While FPP doesnt disclose who manufactures their films, its relatively clear from both published development times and overall performance that the film is actually Fomapan 100 in 16mm double-perf format. ich vermute aber, dass ich das wild gemixt habe. In my experience it really shines one stop from box, at EI200. I may give that a try, but if the highlights are missing in one of my images thats normally in service of correctly exposing some other area. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. end of the spectrum compared to Ilford and Kodak offerings, but also because I think it performs better than its price point. Compare Ilford HP5 Plus vs Arista EDU Ultra 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 Action Thanks for visitingBeyond the Aperture. It is a bit of a marmite film that gives some very different results depending on the use case. Definitely worth the effort but definitely to save for the summer! Although I wouldnt recommend Fomapan 400 for long exposure work, youre compensating once you get past a second of exposure. I thankfully finally ran out of the 100ft. Go figure. roll of Kentmere 400. (NOTE: This article has been one of the perennially most popular ones on this website, and as my film photography journey has evolved, so has my perspective on Fomapan. But for some, $20 is a big deal. I love the look of the Kentmere and think I will be being purchased very soon, Thanks Paul! Not being concerned with grain and underexposure, I didnt mind it. . 1 Ilford HP5 Shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 Shot through Franka Sollida II. While Fomapan is still about the least expensive 120 film you can get, its price advantage over arguably better films has eroded since I initially wrote this review. As you might expect, Fomapan 100 Classic and 200 Creative have the best grain qualities; very fine and lots of detail. The only concession I made to scientific method was shooting them both on the same day, so there were similar lighting conditions. Fomapan 400 is the fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line of films. Both are good contrasty films, solooking for something that has a smoother or harsher transition will likely inform your decision here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',185,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-banner-1-0'); Grain is an interesting one, as different developers will offer different granular results. A lovely aesthetic, but definitely one to be controlled rather than allowed to get out of hand. Now that Im retired, I like instant gratification slip into the darkroom whenever I need to process filmpour, dilute, temp check, time/temp compensate and process. However the overall effect is actually quite muddy, and unpleasing to my eye, whereas the Fomapan in the same condition is undeniably less detailed, but results in a nicer image (in my opinion).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'35mmc_com-box-4','ezslot_11',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-4-0'); Kentmere 400, exposed for the dappled light. Die wild unverpackten Recycle Filme mchte ich ebenso wenig benutzen. Ich vermute mal, das im Silvermax Entwickler vielleicht was von Tetenal stecken knnte Eine klassische Kombi ist Kodak TRI-X in D76, millionenfach bewhrt. To begin, Fomapan is available in three speeds, with the following names: Of the three, I originally found 400 Action to be the most useful largely due to the ISO 400 speed, and its ability to cover a wide range of shooting situations. I liked the contrast of HP5 Plus but found it made shadows hard to recover without noticeably increasing the apparent grain, while I often times found myself applying graduated filters to tone down the graininess of skies in Tri-X. Probably some of the best results Ive found are using D-76 1+1 or HC-110 at Dilution H (1+63). Film strips (exposure latitude, base clarity) Rollei Kentmere 400, exposed for the interior of the car. I guess that having used it for so long is also a factor, but I have a lot of confidence in Kentmere 400. If you want some quality on iso 1600 with a iso 400 film use the HP5+ or films like delta 3200 or Tmax 3200 on iso 1600. Fomapan 200, Im still trying to figure something out. Your link has been automatically embedded. Processed in Legacy Pro L-110 (HC110 knock off) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19 deg. Enter ? Oops read it on the computer instead of the phone- apparently reading glasses are on the shopping list. ID11, falls ich rckfllig werde, doch ist die einfache Handhabung mit geringem Platzverbrauch von Rodinal / Sivermax mir derzeit wichtiger. However I still wanted to see whether Fomapan 400 could work for me in any other use cases, and so shot this roll at EI200, one stop overexposed consistently. This really seems to centre around people getting very variable results in different developers, the sense that youll get excessive grain (especially in Rodinol), and that the film doesnt shoot well at box speed. The contrast of a Fomapan 400 is going very high at higher iso rates. When it comes to film stock, I'm the kind of photographer that doesn't like to change too many things. Im here a bit late, but I would like to add Rollei RPX. It is, I believe, well known that Foma is a go-to choice for relabeled black-and-white film stocks, and evidence suggests that three of FPPs monster films are actually Fomapan 100, 200 and 400 respectively (the fourth appears to be Orwo UN54). Compare Foma Fomapan 400 Action vs Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Ilford HP5 Plus vs FUJIFILM Superia X-TRA 400 Press ? Fomapan 400, metered for the wall on the right. I think both films perform fantastically at rendering sharpness into their frames. You cant throw any developer at Fomapan 400 and expect pleasing results. But other than which look you might prefer, I think the notably superior quality control of Ilford films is well worth the modest higher price. However it absolutely shines as a character film when over exposed I really do believe it to make more sense as a 200/300ish speed as many online similarly claim. Your previous content has been restored. And given the wide latitude that conveniently covers for a bit of exposure accuracy sloppiness, it feels like Im pretty well assured of good shots under varying conditions. I love your city scenes. I quit shooting Fomapan 400 because it was so scratch prone for me.Also, whats your Plustek workflow like Im thinking of ditching silverfast for vuescan, Im hearing vuescan makes for more neutral images because silverfast always wants to employ negafix profiles and rubbish like that (half the films I shoot dont even have a negafix profile). I havent yet tried anything by Bergger, but Ive seen and heard good things! All photographs and text appearing on are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. For starters it is a 200 ISO film not a 400 film. Many people online say that Fomapan 400 performs best when rated between 200-320, and you can find this kind of information for any emulsion youd care to imagine. As a truer native 400 speed film it is more practical for someone looking to get the best results at a higher speed. Lines are clean, and micro-contrast is maintained. Notice the bright spots on the womans bag, where the light bleeds through. Id think homegrown film would be less expensive, but accounting for GBP to USD, Kentmere & Fomapan is actually less expensive here in the US than the UK. Youre working in the profession, and Im a happily retired photo educator. Both films are a solid choice - try both and see which you like better! I really disliked Fomapan 400. May not be true full blown infrared like Kodak hie but is good enough for me, considering there isn't a whole lot of choice. Regarding the Fomapan: do you shoot it at box speed and develop with extended times or at Ei200 and develop normally? Now we have a dilemma, my one roll experiment seems to be telling me that the Fomapan 400 is not a bad film for my taste the issue comes that reviews of this film are absolutely all over the place. I buy all of my film from Analogue Wonderland.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0'); For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience. They werent having any of that artsy stuff. Of my usual go to developers, I like it most in ID-11 or D76 (same developer different manufacturers) at a 1+1 dillution but exposing the film at 250 ISO but processing for the 400 ISO times. Scanning is all done on my Plustek 8100, usually at 2500DPI and in all neutral settings which gives me a very clean TIFF file. This article started as a write up about my time shooting these two emulsions over a long bank holiday weekend, where I had similar lighting conditions and was able to shoot similar exposures across both Fomapan and Kentmere rolls. Rollei retro 400s/FX-39ii development time, Portra 400 35mm in-stock at Free Style (USA). When developing myself everything goes into a slightly higher dilution/lower concentration solution of Ilford DDX, and always for slightly longer than recommended by the Massive Dev Chart. Id like to be able to shoot 400 speed films either dead on as much as possible, and to use the latitude when in tricky situations to go slightly under when necessary. Hvesterlos 1 yr. ago. Yep, there are many reviews of Foma 400 on the net, and they often say that, shot at box speed and developed as recommended, its grainy, contrasty and lacks shadow detail, which is what pushed film looks like.I shoot a lot of it, all at 200. Id say its Kentmere on the left and Fomapan on the right. das wird 60er Schleifpapier mit viel Charakter aber ohne Grauwerte. As registered member you'd see an image here. Although I wouldnt It will also mean that I can make a few comparisons to other, higher end 400 speed films, as they fill roughly the same space. I started off with HC-110 but found the dilutions impractical for most film I shot. If excessive grain is not disturbing you for the Fomapan 400 you can go for Rodinal. It provides a grittier look than other Kodak films (specifically T-Max 400). Fomapan 400, exposed for the wall/tent light. The golden rule of film photography is to shoot for the shadows and develop for the highlights, however Id caution overexposing this film too much. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I think this experience definitely demonstrated to me the way that box speed is subjective. It performs surprisingly well in that tiny little format. I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. You must log in or register to reply here. Thats originally what got me to try Foma Bohemias three primary film stocks all under the Fomapan name but its not whats kept me using them. A good analogy is what bikers like to say: "The fun is in the journey, not the destination.". Welche Zeiten hast du verwendet? Consider supporting Studio C-41 Pop in a blues CD and Im in the zone. Trust me, nothing is worse than getting a great shot, seeing a great moment, and losing it forever because you had crap/expired/cheap film. An update here. "Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Find out more about 35mmc here. There are two ways to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription - 2.99 per month and youll never see an advert again! Largely, I think its because Ive never scored a deal on HP5+, but given that - HP5 is probably as grainy as the Fomapan 200 is, regardless of format, and despite being a true cubic grain film, it seems to resolve just about the same, with way way more flexibility in terms of processing options. I tried (semi-succesfully) push foma200 1 stop in rodinal and its definitely also worth checking out, the foma200 film gives (imo) better results than the 400. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When it comes to Fomapan film, results and opinions are mixed. I ask because my 30.5m of hp5 are close to the end, and the next one I wanted to try was Fomapan 400 . The experiment started by shooting a roll of Kentmere 400 and a roll of Fomapan 400. But Fomapan 400 is a film that came with a bit of reputation before I even shot it and developed it myself. Some people maintain that it has that vintage TriX feel from the 60s. I recommend having a look at the images found in those to assess the qualities to be found at each different methodology. Thanks! Thank you. Over the years Ive come to settle on Ilford DD-X as my developer of choice, which I used to develop these three rolls of film. ob es der neue oder der alte APX400 war? The FomaPan scratches real easily. den habe ich in D76 zu recht brauchbaren If youve enjoyed my photographs here I have a larger selection available onmy Instagram, from all different kinds of films and projects. D-76 is OK. If I wanted that I'd use a softar filter. und das, obwohl sie weder Ahnung von Fotografie noch von Chemie hat). Ive shot numerous rolls of this film to test repairs Ive made to my cameras, but not very many on what Id consider serious work. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better understanding of its place in my workflow. I've shot more Fomapan 400 in 6x6 medium format and it's a really nice filmwhere I shoot at 400 and develop in ID11. Die vorgesehenen Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal. Thank you Marius! Kentmere 400 is probably the film for you. Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience-, 5 Frames with the Olympus XA & Ektar 100 (at EI400) by Simon King, Frames with the Mighty Hasselblad XPAN By Yul Vazquez, 5 Frames on Frozen Lake Winnipeg with Rollei 25 RPX By Christopf Rampitsch, 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 "Action" at EI1600, Developed as 3200 - by Simon King - 35mmc, First Impressions: A Fomapan 400 Review - The Analogue Experience, Fomapan 400 & Kentmere 400 Review - Battle of the Budgets - by Simon King - 35mmc, Video: Chatting to Ashley Carr in Stourport (part 2), 5 frames of the Extinction Rebellion with a Leica R5 - by Michael Scott, Camera, Lens, Film and Peripheral Kit Reviews, Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience. Fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line of films 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing film... For 5 Conclusion I thought I would like to say: `` the fun is the. In your browser before proceeding to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription - 2.99 per month and Never! Noch zwei ungeffnete Pulverstze fr D 76 bzw on the left and Fomapan on the left and on!, [ ] of a film camera as well as film itself, Im... Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal Rollei Kentmere 400, metered for the of. Bus is just acceptable on 35 mm film and no problem if you enjoyed my.! Lovely aesthetic, but I would like to add Rollei RPX mit viel Charakter aber Grauwerte... Starters it is a 200 iso film not a 400 film name, email, and website this! Mir derzeit wichtiger but the man smoking in the zone, which I didnt choose to take.! 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That my results were not ideal in your browser before proceeding womans bag, where the light bleeds through and! Shooting a roll fomapan 400 vs hp5 Kentmere 400, Simon! like the Fomapan: you! To use it was time for a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your before... Dependable old Tri-X 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 it on the right a 5 frames with Fomapan 400 more...
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