This way, you could after the final battle end up with both the sword and the Esper - you know, for completion's sake. When the game next needs Celes in a plot scene (that being just before Narshe Battle Sequence), itll use Moghan instead of Celes. Again, despite what it may seem, Gungnir is NOT a spear in terms of Jump. Tools are found as weapons throughout the game, and as long as a tool exists in the player's inventory, it can be used against enemies. The Sketch Bug does *NOT* exist in this version of the game in anyway, shape or form. This is most likely a bug. Press J to jump to the feed. When Locke rejoins in the second half of the game, he should be given the Valiant Knife and really thought of as it being stapled onto him. A riddle, if you will. Ultima Weapon now acts like a normal 255 Power Sword, for example, same with Valiant Knife acting like a normal 159 Attack weapon. There's no reason to put him in the front row, EVER. The enemy cover system means that enemies in one row can prevent short range attacks targeting an enemy in the rows behind them, set up by determining the number of columns the enemy resides in, five columns in total. If you're wondering, there are a total of two equip differences between Terra and Celes. Sorry man, it depends. Tools is Edgar's special ability in Final Fantasy VI that allows him to use various machines to create various effects. So don't start getting annoyed when Strago gets killed midway in the fight, if he's seen the Lore, he'll learn it. Tools can be sold, and re-obtained by the player later. This way, you can get an early Mythril Shield, and Mythril Pike. Those in the back row take half damage from physical attacks, but also deal half damage with their own physical attacks. In the Pixel Remaster version, the player unlocks the Master Mechanist achievement. Similarly, when you get the Dueling Mask, that should be a staple on Gau. If the move does damage, the attack is based off Relms Level but the enemies respective stat (This is actually why Sketch in general never does good damage with any regular damage move. Sequel to The Bourne Identity trilogy I pose unto you a conundrum. Some enemies are not assigned a row, and are instead assigned to be out of reach. However, by reaching Magic that high, your Ultima will most likely roll over and do 0. Tools are found as weapons throughout the game, and as long as a tool exists in the player's inventory, it can be used against enemies. In the end? I know Kenpo Gi < Ninja Gear, but the fact is that Shadow is a temporary character, and Sabin is not; Shadow can do just fine with a weaker armor anyway thanks to Interceptor and his evade covering most physicals. For Magic, the game will stop registering anything past 127 and set the limit to 127. Though potentially there are three or more rows, all enemies bar those in the front row take equal damage as back row enemies. So this counts for attacks like Fang and Flurry, which is not something you want to take advantage of. How to activate this glitch? KO'd characters that are brought back to life will be placed in the back row. Usually, only attacks dealt with the Attack command are affected by being in the back row, but the characters' special commands, such as Sabin's Blitz and Edgar's Tools commands, are unaffected. The game will give the same dialogue if he's in your team, but the discount won't occur (maybe cause they have less respect for him following the orders of someone else? Leveling makes it too easy. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Crediting you, and pointing out there may some be some differences as this was for this version? In the Magitek Factory, it might be wise to give Locke Ramuh; he doesn't have any way of hurting enemies otherwise due to their high defense, Genji Glove be damned, so Locke would like at least something, and Thunder, let alone the Ramuh summon, give him at least something approaching damage there. Row Change may be accessed by choosing Party (, pti? all of setzer's weapons are long range as well as: wing edge, sniper, rising sun, boomerang, flail, morning star, hawkeye, and full moon. Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection, Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. Sabin is the ONLY optional character you can get before the Falcon. The Ninja can also use the Throw command, and the Samurai can use Zeninage, which deal ranged damage. ), then Party Formation (, pti hensei?). This extends even into Dragon's Den, where, despite the Zwill Crossblade, Valiant Knife remains Locke's best overall weapon (barring Lightbringer, of course.). The slots trick doesn't work? Sabin's Blitzes are all gained at different levels, except Bum Rush, which can be gained in an optional plot sequence. The Drill was the most powerful item for this, reflected by actually becoming a helmet in Dissidia. First of all, switch Edgar by pressing 1-3 keys in order to receive a 50% discount on all the items in the shops. Its hard to explain, but just know it involves tricking the game into making Locke walk through that guard. Whew, this guide was a PROJECT! Take advantage of this as soon as you can get the items (Coliseum guides can help with this.) This changes it to an actual chainsaw, rather than the normal form which is more akin to a circular saw. This is purely a battle script thing for his boss form, and has no effect for the form that joins you at all. "Darkness is coming. If you leave, something will happen and he'll be gone for good. Don't forget to nab the Drill and Flash when you go through Figaro again! Probably best to ignore Setzer's weapons for the most part, as Slots tends to be better almost all the time, and his weapons are just a waste of money. Shove Mog in the Back Row, and give him Dragoon Boots. In the end, you end up with characters that both do 9999 damage with Ultima despite Terra's higher magic, but Celes takes hits far better. This is when Celes actually passes her up with her defense and her better fighting abiility. Set 1 50% of the time. Sporting +7 Magic, and +40% to both evasion stats, its unlikely Celes will want any other weapon. Granted, there's still the issue of Sketch being a really bad skill to begin with Also remember Relm is needed to start the Hidon Side quest. regarding terra her magic builds pretty much die off late game especially if you properly level with espers. There are some enemies who are flat out immune to Sketch and/or Control, and thus will always fail. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Death Tarot and Venom Darts have some applications with instant death (especially Venom Darts since their instant death is compatible with the Master's Scroll), but its probably just easier to cast Death or Banish or something. All of Edgars Tools are long range as are all of Setzers unique weapons, and both Strato and Relm are Magic-focused. So first one is level 1, 2nd is level 2, all the way to level 8. This is also nice when trying to get, say, Celestriads by stealing from Galypdes, as you can give Gogo nothing but Steal to insure he will do nothing but that (I suggest giving him a Brigand's Glove too, just so the fight will end within a reasonable time.) The Debilitator appears to be a headset and eyepiece, which is in line with its animation containing small representations of statistics similar to a Dragon Ball Scouter, including "LEVL" for "level". Shadow's Throw skill set can throw many weapons. Quite nice how the game outright hands one to you, possibly so Edgar always has at least ONE option for Tools (you'll note that Noiseblaster and Bio Blaster are store-bought in South Figaro, but not Auto Crossbow.) In general, that means everyone is always in the back, except for whoever has the black belt and Gau. Physical damage to one opponent. A common row setup from the original Final Fantasy III. These typically resemble the same abilities from Final Fantasy VI in function and visuals, but are usually rebalanced for the relative game's combat system. This means if you think you are slick in buying an Auto Crossbow before talking to Edgar, all you did was waste money, as you are about to get one anyway. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Magical damage isn't affected, and you'll deal with plenty of enemies who love to use powerful magic attacks. .what? Setzer is the 3rd and last character required to get in the WoR! With Rippler, he can nab Trance, Interceptor, Rage, among other things if used in odd ball fashions (used on an enemy who just ripplered a different character, in conjunction with Confuse, what have you) Yes, you can see Strago suddenly undergo a sex change and look exactly like Esper Terra. Edgar won't really be using his weapons ever at this point (Autocrossbow is flat out better), and Locke has nothing but his physical, hence its the best use of it. Each enemy is assigned a row, and if another enemy in a further forward row is alive, the enemy behind is considered to be in the back row in terms of damage formulas. Sure, its only one more line, but still. But, the Paladin's Shield also teaches Ultima, and technically the Magicite Shard item also may summon Ragnarok to do the same job. Set 1 50% of the time. Not all formations use the cover system, and the columns are not specifically mapped to the enemy's location, so an enemy appearing behind another will not always be untargetable. Not worth wasting the turn of one of your allies, probably, but hey, its Umaro; you take what you can get. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. At this point, I think its pretty clear that until somewhere in the World of Ruin, Edgar's strategy should consist of "Spam Drill, Chain Saw, and Flash" for his most effective use in general. I will put Locke, Terra, and Celes in the back row if theyre equipped with certain weapons, but most of the time I keep my characters in the front row. Its hard to evaluate ALL of them, though, I'll mention the "Throw Only" abilities, those being the Shurikens and the Scrolls. This is why combos like Stop/Metamorphose or even Vanish/Metamorphose don't guarantee a hit, though you might expect them to do just that. No, its not that good, but it saves you some cash. I can see taking it off if you wanted to give him Lightbringer, which naturally is never a bad idea (unless you're still using Master's Scroll). Also, around this time, stocking up on Sakuras, since this is the only part of the game those are available, and they're the best weapon Shadow can use for Wind Elemental Ammunition by far (and wind is a rarish element to boot). The boss battle against Motor Ball is a back attack, and thus reverses the party's row. If there is anything odd about a weapon that isn't stat related or a random spell casting, Mug removes it. ), Start teaching Relm offensive magic ASAP. Apparently "back attacks" are more common in this version, so it might just be more useful to keep 2 in the front & 2 in the back - since during a "back attack" who is in front & back gets reversed. Similarly, that Tabby Suit you got from the mountain should go to him; slightly worse defensively than the Chocobo Suit or Gaia Gear, but the Magic Power boost is worth it, and unlike Relm, he doesnt have access to the White Dress, so its the best hell get. This was believed to be the case because Umaro would use a Green Cherry in his boss form to trigger a power up mid fight. The player can change whether they want two or three characters in the front or back row in the menu screen, and can temporarily force all party members to change rows in battle by selecting the Change, Swap, or Swap Rows command, which players can find by pressing on the control pad or control stick. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with FINAL FANTASY VI. Dragoon Set Up. Edgar gets a 50% Discount if he's in the FRONT of your party at Figaro shops (IE his sprite is the one being shown), for obvious reasons. but there are some special weapons in the game that deal the same damage from the back row like the chain flails or those boomerangs and even the spears. The main items you want are Dragoon Boots (which are store-bought, at very worst), Dragon Horn and Holy Lance to get the combo started. Starting a battle as a back attack reverses the characters' row placement. Got the Sephiroth amiibo! Give her the Swordbreaker, the evasion boost will benefit her better than anything else, for the most part, barring maybe that Angel Brush's Magic Power. It's non-elemental, barrier-piercing, multi-target and stronger than anything that's not tweaked so hard it's embarrassing. Moghan is a complete garbage character, having really bad stats, only actions Fight and Item, and it cant change equips. Or you could use those Sakuras I told you to buy if you want, as they're slightly weaker, but MUCH cheaper than Darts. A player character can either fight in the front row or the back row. Only method of getting more than one Magus Rod before the Soul Shrine is by betting Heal Rods (which are useless anyway) at the Coliseum (the first Magus Rod is gotten from Earth Dragon.) There's plenty of decent FAQs on the internet that tells you the location of every potential place to learn Lores in this game, and how to trigger them. It sounds nice and a decent alternative to Master's Scroll for Wind Slashes, however, there is a bug associated with it. GENERAL MOGHAN! Physical damage to all opponents. 1) You can place weaker characters in the back row to ensure that they take less damage. Attack Power is 191, is unblockable, ignores defense. This dance is just brutal, in general, and its the home dance too, should be quite obvious as far as why to use it (it does have a flaw in that if Mog uses Sonic Boom on an enemy immune to Instant Death, its a wasted turn, but thems the breaks). About back row, in menu just use left in directional. No, not really, but there are perfectionists out there. Especially if you choose fighter, as you'll need as many Strength boosts as possible for it to have an impact, so you will want that head start. In Dragon's Den, unless the weapon being replaced is named Lightbringer, I highly recommend you give Celes Save the Queen. He'll counter any physical, be it yours or the enemies, by attacking a limitless amount of times. Again, its rather minor, as you could always just teach Celes (and good chance you already have since its available early) Confuse through an Esper, but if you're playing an NMG or something, keep this in mind. Battles that are Pincer or Side Attacks have no rows, but the player is still able to use the row command. When the name appears and they go into casting, start Slots up. Setzer brings a mix of physical and magical prowess to the party, leaning more to the former. The spells auto-cast from weapons do not ignore the caster's row, so from the back row they will do half damage, unless the weapon that casts the spell ignores row. As a fun random fact, Terra is one of the few PCs who at level 99, will naturally have 999 MP (actually her theoretical value is in the 4 digits, but there's that 999 cap), meaning if you're into getting that value for level 99 purposes, you never need to give her an MP boosting Esper. The castle is at the center of the desert area. I'm not going to tell you what Rages to get at every point (beyond the bunch I mentioned above) since after a point, it really becomes micromanaging, and you should raise Gau at a pace you feel works for you. Keep Cyan in back row until you get Kazekiri for that matter; Kazekiri gives Cyan a reason to use his physical, any other weapon outside of Zantetsuken does not. I like putting sabin in the back row until late game. I know I said get Lores ASAP, but I feel this one deserves its own mention, since Grand Delta is well above other Lores in damage; only Aero comes anywhere near it (doesn't hit defense so has potential for higher damage and can hit a weakness to boot.) Basically, this makes Cyan attack an unlimited amount of times due to some combination of glitches; before you say anything, people tend to throw this out for Cyan's worth cause its no better than abusing that old Vanish/Doom glitch. The enemy ability Magnet reverses the party's rows. Row can be changed using the main menu by pressing and . Set 1. The special command that is unique to this character, If a character uses the Fight command while at low HP (less than 1/8 of maximum), they have a 1/16 chance of using this, The character's starting Vigor score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses, The character's starting Speed score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses, The character's starting Stamina score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses, The character's starting Mag.Pwr score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses, The character's base Bat.Pwr score; this is augmented by equipped weapons but cannot be permanently increased, The character's base Defense score; this is augmented by equipped armor and relics but cannot be permanently increased, The character's base Evade % score; it is shown in, The character's base Mag.Def score; this is augmented by equipped armor and relics but cannot be permanently increased, The character's base MBlock% score; this is augmented by equipped armor and relics but cannot be permanently increased; due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %, The character's base HP score at level 1; this increases with level and may be increased further with esper bonuses, The character's base MP score at level 1; this increases with level and may be increased further with esper bonuses, The first time a character joins the party in each of the World of Balance and the World of Ruin, their level will be increased to the average party level modified by this number; Terra begins the game at level 3, While running, the character's run value increases by a value in this range at regular intervals; they will successfully run when this value is greater than or equal to the encounter's run difficulty. Pity he can't use her equips. There you go, if you don't think those odds are too bad, go nuts, kiddos. Umaro is a decent Coliseum Candidate since you know exactly what he'll do, in essence. Do NOT buy Shadow when you get the chance in Kohlingen. Speaking of which, for the Sealed Cave, Mog's best option is likely Water Harmony. It sounds screwed up, but trust me; that's how it works. There's another chest in here that's locked. Non-elemental magic damage on all opponents, inflicts. mostly u may want to put melee fighters in the front. In some battles the Change command to change row is grayed out. Due to the nature of the early game, those early Sleeping Bags you get work well for refilling her MP mid dungeon. To sign in or create an account to follow your favorite communities start. Happen and he 'll counter any physical, be it yours or the back row is named Lightbringer, highly. Item will only be visible in searches to you, your Ultima will most roll... 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