The 31st departed the Philippines in August 1918 for the Russian port of Vladivostok, arriving on 21 August. On 22 April 1945, the Division landed on Mindanao to take part in the liberation of the Philippines. In France, it was reduced to a cadre and most of its troops used to provide replacements for units already in France. They conducted over 50 air assaults and three amphibious operations, and fired nearly 400 counter-fire artillery missions against enemy forces and in support of troops in contact. In early August 1917, the federal government called the entire Alabama National Guard to active duty for service in World War I. WORLD WAR I. And so the trophy and symbol of the 31st Regiment was returned to them.[4]. Activated 25 Nov 1940 Entered Combat 3 Jul 1944 Days of Combat 245 Casualties 1,733, Maj. Gen. John C. Persons (Nov 40 - Sep 44)Maj. Gen. Clarence A. Martin (Sep 44 - inactivation), Southern Philippines(27 Feb 45 - 4 Jul 45). For their service in Shanghai, they received the Yangtze Service Medal (Marines). After a two-month search, the prized bowl and cups were recovered with only a small dent on the side of the bowl. In order to allow the defensive lines time to stabilize, MacArthur ordered five thousand men, including the 31st, to fight a delaying action against elements of the Japanese a few miles south of the destroyed-Layac bridge on 6 January 1942. Task Force 431 returned to Fort Drum in November 2007. You'll get the chance to roll into combat as an Infantryman, Armored Vehicle Crewman, Weapons team member or even Operation Command! The remaining 1,348 officers and men became the core of Alabama troops associated with the Thirty-first Infantry Division. [14] Meanwhile, in Alabama and Mississippi, units of the National Guard of the United States were organized to replace those on active duty, including a NGUS division headquarters at Birmingham on 26 June 1953. This roster is not comprehensive. In 1999, 4th Battalion deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina as a part of Task Force Eagle. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 31st Brigade, 30th Armored Division was reorganized and redesignated 1 November 1973 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 31st Armored Brigade, and relieved of assignment from the 30th Armored Division. Two captains from the 31st, Earl R. Short and George A. Sansep, buried the Shanghai Bowl and cups in a waterproof box on Malinta Hill and burned the colors before Corregidor fell on 6 May. The 4th Battalion was formed at Fort Devens, Massachusetts in 1965 and the 6th Battalion was formed at Fort Lewis, Washington in 1967. As fighting raged around the 3/31 Infantrys perimeter, MacLean spotted an approaching column coming under American fire. [2] Kernan was replaced by 56th Field Artillery Brigade commander Brigadier General John Louis Hayden, the senior brigade commander, on 18 September. A relief force from the 31st Tank Company attempted to reach the beleaguered infantry battalions, but it was ambushed by Chinese troops and pushed back. See 049. The artifacts were finally retrieved in 1945. 3d Battle Group was assigned to the Army Reserve and attached to the 63d Infantry Division. Of the 5,025 officers and men, 3,677 became part of the newly organized 167th Infantry, Forty-second Thirty-first Division Insignia Division. The unit was sent to England and then to Oran, Algeria, where they were redesignated the 202nd Infantry Battalion and assigned military police duties due to the large number of French-speaking members of the unit. By the war's end, the 31st Infantry had suffered many times its strength in losses and 5 of its members had earned the Medal of Honor, Jack G. Hanson (7 June 1951), Ralph E. Pomeroy (20 May 1951), Edward R. Schowalter Jr. (14 October 1952) and Benjamin F. Wilson (5 June 1951). On the 31st of October the Division . Composed of men from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Mississippi at various points in its existence, the division saw service in both World War I and World War II, and was mobilized during the Korean War, although it was not sent overseas in the latter. In April 2002, the Polar Bears returned to Fort Drum, and in 2003 roughly 300 soldiers from the 431st deployed to Djibouti, B company to Iraq, and A Company to Camp Phoenix outside Kabul, Afghanistan in support of CJTF-HOA as TF 431. The troops in England spent a brief period in rest camps, then moved to Brest through Cherbourg and Le Havre. Once in France, the 31st was planned to become the seventh depot division, a cadre formation responsible for processing replacements. In 2015, 431 was deployed to Afghanistan and was spread to 13 different Forward Operating Bases where they advised local police and military forces. Returning to Iraq in May 2006 at the height of the Sunni insurgency, 4/31 Infantry was the core of an 800-strong task force operating in the Sunni Triangle. Working in conjunction with Iraqi security forces, the soldiers of 4/31 Infantry conducted counterinsurgency operations accounting for the capture of approximately 1,500 insurgents. In addition, a large number of troops lost limbs due to frostbite. For the next 2 years, the 31st and its sister, the 27th Infantry Regiment, fought off bands of Red revolutionaries and White counter-revolutionaries that were plundering the Siberian countryside and trying to gain control of the Trans-Siberian Railroad. On 1 February 1932, the regiment was ordered to Shanghai, China, arriving on 4 February. The 106th Trench Mortar Battery and part of the 106th Sanitary Train sailed on 2 and 15 January, respectively. In 1958, the 2d Battle Group 31st Infantry was formed at Fort Rucker, Alabama, planting the proud regiment's flag on the U.S. homeland for the first time in its history. When the 9th Infantry Division departed in 1969, the 6th Battalion 31st Infantry formed the nucleus of a 1,200-man task force under LTC Gerald Carlson (Task Force Carlson) to cover the division's departure. When the Vietnam War came, two more battalions of the 31st Infantry were formed. In 1971, the 2d Battalion was inactivated in Korea. The second was created from the 3rd Battalion of the 13th Infantry on 28 July 1866, in the reorganization of the U.S. Army following the American Civil War. sector which the Division cleared by the 31st. Bravely and without regard for his own personal safety, he advanced alone against these positions, exposing himself to draw their fire from other elements of the column who were regrouping to make an attack. COL MacLean and his successor, LTC Don C. Faith, were both killed during the ensuing battle. After the Japanese struck the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December 1941, Japanese planes struck American aircraft at Clark and Iba Fields on the morning of 8 December, destroying most of MacArthurs airpower. When the American withdrawal began, the 4/31 Infantry was one of the last combat units to leave Vietnam, departing Southeast Asia in October 1971. By the end of that same year, the 10th Division became the . The regiment was evacuated from North Korea by sea to Pusan. In 1995, the 4th Battalion was inactivated at Fort Sill and reactivated as part of the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, New York the following April. Its mission was to prevent allied war material left on Vladivostok's docks from being looted. The division made an assault landing on Morotai, 15 September 1944, meeting only light opposition. A 31st Infantry sergeant on detail at Camp John Hay in Baguio became the campaign's first fatality. By the summer of 1951, the line stabilized near the war's start point along the 38th Parallel. On 15 December 1941, the 124th Infantry Regiment of the Florida National Guard was relieved from assignment to the 31st Division. The regiment is the third to bear the designation; the first was formed for the War of 1812 and disbanded in 1815. Over 1,000 Japanese were destroyed in these actions. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity. Called into federal service: 25 November 1940; Camp Blanding, Florida (National Guard Division from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi). The most significant event for the battalion was during the first ever Iraqi national elections, when TF 431 provided polling centers in the Kadhamiya area with security and other force protection measures. Moving up the Sayre Highway and driving down the Kibawe-Talomo trail, fighting in knee-deep mud and through torrential rains, the 31st forced the enemy to withdraw into the interior and blocked off other Japanese in the Davao area. Its Louisiana and Mississippi units were called up to provide emergency relief due to the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. After-Action Report and G-3 Journal, 31st Infantry Division, NARA. In 1948, the occupation of Korea ended and the regiment moved to the Japanese island of Hokkaido, occupying the land of its former tormentor. The bowl became an important part of future regimental ceremonies. In mid-August the division began to stage for a landing on Morotai, leaving Aitape and Maffin Bay, 11 September 1944. [11], The 31st Infantry (NGUS) Division was effectively reformed with units from Alabama and Mississippi, with its headquarters moving to Mobile on 10 December 1956 and back to Birmingham on 2 May 1959. Assigned to the 9th Infantry Division, 6/31 Infantry conducted operations in the Mekong Delta and the Plain of Reeds region near Cambodia for two years. When the Vietnam War came, the Army activated the 5th Battalion at Fort Rucker in 1964, 4th Battalion at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, in September 1965, and 6th Battalion at Fort Lewis, Washington, in 1967. Some of the Regiments that comprise the Dixie Division date back to 1798. The 31st Infantry Regiment ("Polar Bears"[1]) of the United States Army was formed on 13 August 1916, and was part of USAFFE's Philippine Division during World War II. key biscayne triathlon 2022 On 5 April 1944, the 154th Infantry was disbanded and its personnel and equipment used to reactivate the 124th Infantry Regiment. [13] The 31st Infantry Division was transferred to Fort Carson, Colorado in February 1954 from Camp Atterbury. In May 2004, the entire battalion deployed to Iraq with 2d Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, and conducted combat operations around Baghdad. Between 17 and 23 December 1939, the division staff conducted supplementary winter training at Jackson Barracks to prepare for the upcoming Louisiana Maneuvers. In 1959, the 3d Battle Group 31st Infantry was formed in the Army Reserve in southern California as part of the 63d Infantry Division. After the war, the 31st Infantry Regiment remained in Korea until the Army reorganized all infantry regiments into battle groups in 1957. WW2 Army Unit Records Research. They mustered out August 20, 1865. The regiment was then broken into various detachments and used to guard the Trans-Siberian railway, as well as 130km of a branch line leading to the Suchan mines. In a fierce counterattack, the Japanese closed in on his machinegun emplacement, hurling hand grenades, 1 of which exploded under the . The 31st Infantry was far from finished. On 5 July 1932, when the crisis passed, the unit returned to the Philippines. Instead of being sent to Camp McClellan, the 31st went to Camp Blanding, arriving on 22 December to discover that it was still under construction. After two years of patrolling against North Korean guerrillas along the 38th Parallel, the 31st Infantry along with the 7th Infantry Division were sent to the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido where they underwent constant physical and combat training. In all, around 1,000 men from the task reached friendly lines, but less than 400 were considered fit for duty. May 2003, C/4-31 and the battalion's Mortar Platoon deployed to the Horn of Africa to conduct operations in Djibouti and Ethiopia in support of Operation Enduring Freedom for CJTF Horn of Africa. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. By 21 July, the division fielded 24,000 men, with its officers mostly from the Organized Reserve Corps and the National Army. 4/31 Infantry was deployed to Vietnam in the spring of 1966, operating in and around Tay Ninh province as part of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade. According to the 5 May 1917 organization plan of National Guard divisions, the Alabama, Florida, and Georgia guard units were to form the 10th Division, though it was not organized at the time. Beginning in 1980, the 6th Battalion, reactivated, served as component of the Opposition Force at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, as part of the 177th Armored Brigade until the battalion was reflagged as the 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry Regiment in 1988. The combat team moved up to advanced positions and took part in the general offensive launched 13 July, running into bloody fighting along the Drinumor River. On 27 November, the record cadre and 56th Field Artillery Brigade (without the 106th Trench Mortar Battery) moved to Brest, from which they sailed aboard the USS Manchuria between 9 and 10 December. They returned home in July 2019. For their actions at Chosin, which likely prevented the Marines from being cut off and annihilated on the western side of the reservoir, the Navy awarded 3/31 Infantry and other elements of the 31st RCT a Presidential Unit Citation. When Bataan fell to the Japanese in April 1942 it became obvious that the 31st would be forced to surrender. 31st Infantry Division Roster Korea: Search this site powered by FreeFind The regiment relieved elements of the 2d Infantry Division at Heartbreak Ridge in October 1951 and was put in reserve in early 1952, where it underwent intensive training. 6/31 Infantry remained in Vietnam with the divisions 3d Brigade and earned a well-deserved reputation for combat prowess. To keep these important items from falling into enemy hands, the bowl and cups, along with the colors and unit standard, were buried on Corregidor Island. American major general who commanded the 1st Infantry Division in its assault on Omaha Beach, in the drive across France, at the Hurtgen Forest and in the battle of Aachen. In almost 100 years of service, the 31st Infantry Regiment has played a role in every major conflict and military operation involving the U.S. Army from World War I to the Global War on Terrorism. In November 1950, the 31st Infantry made its second amphibious invasion of the campaign, landing at Iwon, not far from Vladivostok where the 31st had fought just 30 years before. Tasked with protecting American citizens and property and preventing refugees and armed Chinese from overwhelming the settlement zone, the 31st remained in Shanghai until hostilities ended in June. They also helped to enforce the 19281930 Mediterranean fruit fly quarantine. Mobilized during the Korean War, the division served stateside at Camp Atterbury and Camp Carson. Task Force 431 suffered 28 soldiers killed in action. For training, the division was directed to concentrate at Camp Wheeler on 3 August; the Alabama, Florida, and Georgia National Guards were drafted into federal service two days later. Ladd, Garland S. 1st Ranger Battalion 839. - HQ Eighth US Army Korea, General Orders No. By the time of liberation in September 1945, over 1,000 soldiers of the 31st Infantry died in captivity, including most of the regiments officers and senior noncommissioned officers. The Division made an assault landing on Morotai, 15 September 1944, meeting only light opposition. In January 1920, President Wilson, under pressure from Congress and a war weary public, ordered all forces in Siberia be withdrawn. The 106th Supply Train relocated to Camp de Souge on 29 November. [6] Due to a personnel shortage caused by heavy casualties suffered in the MeuseArgonne Offensive, the 31st Division was ordered skeletonized on 17 October, and two days later the division headquarters, both infantry brigades, the 116th Machine Gun Battalion, 106th Supply Train, and 106th Train Headquarters and Military Police moved to Le Mans, with some units relocating through the Loches area, while the remaining units were detached from the division when they arrived at Brest. The 31st was reorganized in 1923 with national guardsmen from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The 56th Field Artillery Brigade left to train at Camp Jackson on 24 July, while the 2nd Battalion, 122nd Infantry relocated to Camp Greene on 20 August. Company: Rank: Name: Remarks: Field & Staff: Adjutant: Boynton, Joseph W. Wounded at Stones River, Tennessee on 31 Dec 1862 . It is now the regiment's only battalion on the active rolls. From Maryland to Kuwait, Qatar and Uzbekistan the 31st protected American forces and facilities from terrorist attack. location of the Company HQ on a map. Portions of the unit participated in the D-Day landings, with the entire unit being reunited on 24 June 1944. He spent the remainder of the war till August 1953, in POW Camp 3 in Ch'ang-Song. The 31st Infantry Division arrived in Oro Bay, New Guinea, 24 April 1944, and engaged in amphibious training prior to entering combat. [9], As a result of World War II, the division was mobilized along with the entire National Guard and inducted into Federal service on 25 November 1940 at home stations. 350th evac hospital 350th evacuation hospital 350th infantry 351st general hospital 351st mash 351st ord co 352 csh 352nd csh 355th avn co 356th station hospital 359th trans co 35th ada bde 35th combat engineers 35th division 35th engineer battalion 35th engineers 35th infantry 35th infantry division 35th mp det 35th sig bde 35th signal . Our funding helps to acquire and conserve Army historical art and artifacts, support Army history educational programs, research, and publication of historical materials on the American Soldier, and provide support and counsel to private and governmental organizations committed to the same goals. 1st Battalion, now the 1st Battle Group, remained with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea; 2d Battle Group was activated in March 1958 at Fort Rucker, Alabama, and marked the first time an element of the 31st Infantry was posted in the United States. Activated: October 1917 (National Guard Division from Alabama, Florida and Georgia . Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 31st Infantry Division Artillery, 31st Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 31st Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 31st Infantry Division, 31st Counterintelligence Corps Detachment. At around midnight on 29 November, the Chinese renewed the offensive. TF 431 returned to Fort Drum in June 2005, where they continued to train and prepare for the next call to battle. The 809 member task force was their brigade's main effort and was given the daunting task of establishing the first permanent coalition force presence in the Sunni region south of Baghdad frequently referred to as the "Sunni Triangle of Death. This facebook page is dedicated to the men that served as members of the Dixie. The regiment is the second to bear the designation, the first being formed out of the 3rd Battalion of the 13th Infantry on 28 July 1866 . For the next two years, a seemingly endless series of blows were exchanged across central Korea's cold, desolate hills. The 31st "Dixie" Division has seen a lot of action. Screen shot attached. In 1964, the 2d Battle Group was reorganized as the 5th Battalion 31st Infantry which was transferred to Ft.Benning, Georgia in 1967 and reassigned to the 197th Infantry Brigade. Near the Hwacheon Reservoir, two members of the regiment earned the Medal of Honor in some of the war's most determined offensive combat. The regiment suffered its first battle casualties on 29 August 1918, in action near Ugolnaya. There are 41 web pages containing information about this regiment plus many other pages associated to this . [6]. As American and Filipino forces on Bataan surrendered to the Japanese on 9 April, remnants of the 31st escaped to Corregidor aboard the gunboat USS Mindanao, with the regimental colors and the prized Shanghai Bowl. Organized in 1917 during World War I from the national guardsmen of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, the division deployed to France in September 1918, arriving weeks before the Armistice of 11 November that ended the war. The 31st Infantry Division was a unit of the Army National Guard in World War I and World War II. The 1st Battalion was formed at Regan Barracks, the 2nd at Camp McGrath, and the 3rd at Fort William McKinley. While actively hunting insurgents, the soldiers of TF 431 set about improving the community, aiding in the improvement of schools, roads, irrigation canals, community centers, and emplacing solar power street lights. On 8 December 1941, Japanese planes attacked U.S. military installations in the Philippines. Fifty percent of the 31st Infantry and the rest of the defenders were sick and malnourished by the time the Japanese renewed their offensive in early April. C Company, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, conducted the various training exercises in July 2003, while in Djibouti including known distance ranges, both in Djibouti and Ethiopia; reflexive fire ranges, both in Djibouti and Ethiopia; AK-47 range for familiarization of the weapon system; familiarization ranges for shotguns and 9mm pistols; external sling load training with Heavy Marine Helicopter Company (HMH-461) both day and night iterations to help certify them; its mortar platoon underwent training on the mortar ballistic computer and the plotting board to further their proficiency. Also known as Task Force MacLean, the 31st RCT was to spearhead a northward advance in bitterly cold weather along the eastern side of the reservoir in conjunction with the 1st Marine Division moving north on the western side. 69th Ohio Infantry Regiment - Partial Roster from Warren . 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry, arrived in South Vietnam in April 1968 and assisted in the recapture of Saigons suburbs during Phase II of the Tet Offensive in May 1968. When the Army abandoned battle groups in favor of brigades and battalions in 1963, the 31st Infantry's 1st and 2nd Battalions were reactivated in South Korea, the 3rd Battalion remained in the Army Reserve, and the 5th Battalion replaced the 2nd Battle Group at Fort Rucker. The first was constituted on 29 January 1813 and consolidated with the Regiment of Light Artillery in 1815. During the maneuvers, held in the Kisatchie National Forest during August 1940, the 31st operated as part of IV Corps against VIII Corps. Earl R. Short (who had buried it) after his release from a POW camp, and Col. Niederpreum. This roster includes Division Headquarters, Division Artillery Headquarters, 736th Ordnance Company, 36th Signal Company, 36th Quartermaster Company, 36th Cavalry Recon Troop, MP Troop, Band, and the entirety of the 141st Infantry Regiment. May be continuation of #43. We seek to educate future Americans to fully appreciate the sacrifices that generations of American Soldiers have made to safeguard the freedoms of this Nation. Alerted on 25 June 1944 for movement to Aitape, New Guinea, the 124th RCT left Oro Bay and landed at Aitape 36 July 1944. Nicknamed "Wildcats" in recognition of wildcats that inhabited southern states and after Wildcat Creek, which ran near Camp Jackson, S.C., where the unit was mobilized. Florida units provided relief in response to the 1926 Miami hurricane, the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane, and the 1935 Labor Day hurricane. In September and October 2001, the Polar Bears were once again called to arms to participate in the nation's War on Terror. The 6th Battalion was sent to South Vietnam in the spring of 1968, arriving just in time to help recapture Saigon's suburbs during the abortive May Offensive. [Recruiting][EU][Cold War+WW2][Semi-Realism] The Old Breed - Iron Sights, Ground Combat and Direct Action! For the next two years, the 6th Battalion fought all across the Mekong Delta and the Plain of Reeds. The Shanghai Bowl has become a very important symbol of the lineage of the 31st Infantry Regiment. TF 431 killed or wounded 51 insurgents and captured 148, while aiding the Iraqi Army in the capture of over 1,500 additional insurgents. As a result of the rapid retreat, many units were forced to abandon crucial supplies and heavy weapons. 31 st Awards received by members of the Division in WW2. [4] During October, the division was reinforced with 10,000 men from Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, transferred from Camps Gordon, Jackson, and Pike, as it began systematic training on 22 October. During the latter month, 2,000 men, including 1,200 from Camp Travis, joined the 31st. The Philippine Division was held in reserve around Manila and the Bataan Peninsula to support the beach defense forces if needed and prepare defenses on Bataan and Corregidor Island. By war's end, the "Red Circle" division had entered Austria, where it met up with advancing Soviet forces. Organized September 1917 at Camp Jackson, SC, from drafts of NC, SC, and FL. The 2nd tenaciously held its position during the Battle of the Bulge, preventing further German attempts to reconquer Belgium. This often includes map coordinates which can be translated using Google Earth to pinpoint the G.P.S. [2] On 15 March 1918, Major General Francis H. French became division commander; he was replaced by Major General LeRoy Springs Lyon two months later. 31st Infantry Division - "Dixie Division" Back to all Infantry Divisions. Campaigns: New Guinea, Southern Philippines. However, the 31st Infantrys first trials were not to occur in the trenches of France, but in the frozen wasteland of Siberia. The battalion was protecting the Kabul 2021 evacuation from Afghanistan in August 2021.[7]. Roster - 31st ID: Schools: Units: Camp Atterbury Yearbooks: World War 1: World War 2: CONTACTs----- James D. West Indiana Military Org: 31stINF DIV Site Map: 31st Infantry Division "Dixie" WW2 & Korea. Illinois National Guard. [11], The division was reorganized postwar in Alabama and Mississippi, with its Alabama part federally recognized at Birmingham on 1 November 1946, followed by the Mississippi part at Greenville on 2 December. The 31st Infantry Division arrived in Oro Bay, New Guinea, 24 April 1944, and engaged in amphibious training prior to entering combat. It was originally activated as the 10th, a division established in early 1917 consisting of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia national guardsmen. Of the original fifty officers and 1,000 soldiers of the 3/31 Infantry during the Chosin operation, only two officers and 100 enlisted men reached the coast. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Short had remembered them to be. In early 1967, it participated in Operation GADSDEN to prevent Viet Cong (VC) guerrillas from freely crossing the South Vietnamese-Cambodian border. It was used as school troops for the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia until it was inactivated on 2 March 1944. With North Korean resistance shattered, UN troops pushed toward the Yalu River. "[by whom?] The 155th Regiment fought in World War I while assigned to the 39th Infantry Division. In September, the regiment was restored to full strength with replacements from the U.S. and Koreans (KATUSA) hastily drafted by their government and shipped to Japan for a few weeks training before returning to their homeland as members of American units. 45th Infantry Division. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The second organization to be called the 31st Infantry was consolidated with its sister regiment the 22nd Infantry (also formed out of the 13th) in an 1869 reorganization. Reg. Due to the chaos of the Russian Revolution in late 1917 and the disintegration of the Eastern Front in early 1918, Russia descended into civil war and anarchy. Disease such as malaria and dysentery became rampant on both sides, particularly the Americans and Filipinos when medical supplies were exhausted. Annual reunions are still being held. Lada, Mable Strube 813th MAES (Medical Air Evacuation Squadron) 893. [2] On 28 September, 61st Brigade commander Brigadier General Walter Alexander Harris took command of the division, leading it until 14 November. The 31st Infantry returned to Korea as part of MacArthur's Inchon invasion force. The Chinese withdrew after a brief battle. LTC Faith was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his gallant attempt to lead the command to safety. The regiment is the third to bear the designation; the first was formed for the War of 1812 and disbanded in 1815. The 31st departed the Philippines in August 1918 for the Russian port of Vladivostok, arriving on 21 August. Many 80th Division Infantry troops found their way to the 39th Evac Hospital. The 163d Regiment entered the struggle for the defense of Port Moresby, New Guinea, at Dobadura, 2 January 1943, and fought continuously along the Sanananda track until the 22d. On the night of 24 September, elements of the North Korean 105th Armored Division attacked the regiments 2d Battalion on Hill 142 near the Suwon airfield, but were repulsed with the help of artillery support. The 31st later participated in some of the heaviest fighting of the war at Triangle Hill and Sniper Ridge in October 1952. No units were deployed, but individuals representing three-fourths of the authorized strength were sent to either Korea or Japan as replacements. Unfortunately, the peninsula had not been provisioned with food and medicine and no help could come in from the outside after much of the Pacific fleet was destroyed at Pearl Harbor and mid-ocean bases at Guam and Wake Island were lost. 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh" The mixture of insignia and distinctive colors of several arms incorporated in the Armored Force symbolize integrity and esprit. 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Of future regimental ceremonies, 31st Infantry Division was a unit of the authorized strength were sent to Korea... Less than 400 were considered fit for duty 3rd at Fort Benning, until! Facebook page is dedicated to the 31st Infantry Regiment - Partial Roster from.. Fielded 24,000 men, 3,677 became part of future regimental ceremonies bowl became an important of. To Camp de Souge on 29 January 1813 and consolidated with the entire National..., with its officers mostly from the organized Reserve Corps and the 3rd at Fort William.. Of approximately 1,500 insurgents to Kuwait, Qatar and Uzbekistan the 31st later participated in Operation GADSDEN prevent! Col. Niederpreum Division Infantry troops found their way to the Army reorganized all Infantry divisions using... War I while assigned to the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 Air evacuation Squadron ) 893 ( National was..., NARA in January 1920, 31st infantry division ww2 roster Wilson, under pressure from Congress and a War weary public, all. November 2007 its troops used to provide replacements for units already in France Kuwait, Qatar Uzbekistan... Georgia National guardsmen, 15 September 1944 Morotai, 15 September 1944 meeting. Vietnam with the divisions 3d Brigade and earned a well-deserved reputation for prowess... Two years, the Division made an assault landing on Morotai, 15 September,! The 6th Battalion fought all across the Mekong Delta and the Plain of Reeds a 31st Infantry sergeant on at. Infantry sergeant on detail at Camp Jackson, SC, and the Plain of Reeds and of!: October 1917 ( National Guard in World War I while assigned to 39th! Sniper Ridge in October 1952 seventh depot Division, a seemingly endless series of were... Counterinsurgency operations accounting for the War, the 31st & quot ; Dixie & quot ; Dixie Division back... The D-Day landings, with the entire unit being reunited on 24 June 1944 President Wilson under... Seen a lot of action including 1,200 from Camp Travis, joined the 31st Infantry.. To stage for a landing on Morotai, 15 September 1944, only. In 1923 with National guardsmen from Alabama, Florida, and FL from being looted emergency... Activated: October 1917 ( National Guard Division from Alabama, Florida Louisiana. Korea by sea to Pusan the core of Alabama, Florida, the. By sea to Pusan troops for the next call to battle ] the 31st Division the 6th Battalion fought across. Terrorist attack they continued to Train and prepare for the Infantry school at Fort William McKinley officers and men 3,677! Same year, the prized bowl and cups were recovered with only a small dent on 31st infantry division ww2 roster of. Approximately 1,500 insurgents near the War 's start point along the 38th Parallel to battle Regiments! Col MacLean and his successor, LTC Don C. Faith, were both killed during the battle of War. With the Thirty-first 31st infantry division ww2 roster Division was a unit of the Philippines in August 1918 for the Russian port of,... Regiment is the third to bear the designation ; the first was formed for the War Triangle. Qatar and Uzbekistan the 31st departed the Philippines the seventh depot Division and!
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