One collects a great amount of merit. Yamantakas tantra, (Tibetan words], means it has seven special attributes, seven special attributes. Now, just one last thing that I want to mention here is that there are five special features of Vajrabhairava practice that were revealed to Tsongkhapa by Manjushri. Already there was an association between the Manchus and the Dalai Lamas. Well, heres a very good example. yamantaka mantra benefits. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. Within Buddhism, "terminating death" is a quality of all buddhas as they have stopped the cycle of rebirth, samsara. Within, within the four, the highest is the Maha Anuttara tantra. In order to engage in its practice, . Siklos, Bulcsu, The Vajrabhairava Tantras (Buddhica Britannica, Series Continua VII). Then the Guru appeared and said, When the sun rises in the east and there are no clouds, then the sun shines. And I must say I dont know. His hundred-syllable mantra is the quintessence of all mantras. So that means the third mantra, if you do 21 times a day, youll do that three times extra on the tsog day to cover your tsog commitments for now, okay? Our own confusion, our own laziness, our own bad temper and anger, our own attachments. Vajrabhairava is using the forceful energy, like of anger but not really anger, because with anger you are completely exaggerating the negative qualities of something, grasping to it to be truly existent, and then I have to get it away from me. Its not that kind of anger, but its the energy of that and its using that, as I said, to forcefully cut through all your ignorance and your self-cherishing and selfishness and so on. Ra Lotsawa came from Tibet to Nepal to get the Yamantaka teachings and all that the Guru he met did was give him a subsequent permission for a different tantra. After His Holiness had taken his seat on the throne, Theravada monks once again chanted the Mangala Sutta in Pali. Mother tantra emphasizes the practices for getting the clear-light mind (od-gsal) and understanding of voidness and the mind of a Buddha. The two hands hold a curved knife above and a skull-cup below at the heart. Maybe it has that connotation. You can envision this person with a Pali canon type of vision. Yamantaka, then, represents the goal of the Mahayana practitioner's journey to enlightenment, or the journey itself: in awakening, one adopts the practice of Yamntaka - the practice of terminating death . You find that in so many cultures some sort of judge who acts as the Lord of Death. Transcription of a lecture, Moscow, Russia, June 2013. So hence, thats very, very important. Theres a general pan-Indic reservoir of ideas, concepts things like karma, things like rebirth, various deities, and so on. My speech, although its in English can be burned into a CD and sent to you by email so you can keep it for future reference if you like also. Contact: [email protected]. But that wasnt the case, because you can see from Wheel of Sharp Weapons that the image is intended for having this strength, as I was saying before, to cut through your ignorance, your self-cherishing, your self-grasping. How do you envision such a person in terms of your goal, in terms of your method? We have all these habits of our confusion all these habits of compulsive behavior based on confusion and disturbing emotions and because of the momentum of so many lifetimes of being under the influence of these habits, what happens? There was one big Sakya lama who was out there, and he complained to the Manchu ruler, saying Come on. After these thirteen months, he met the Guru again at the monastery and reported all of his insights. The type of Buddha that is in the Mahayana sutras is a completely different type of Buddha. So hence, it has those kind of benefits. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has requested that only those who have received full initiation into the Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Yamantaka (Dorje Jigje) read this book, however, two chapters are available here for the general public to read. Now, within the Yamantaka tantras, it is, Lama Tsongkhapa kept that as his personal yidam, along with other higher yidams, and he practiced it and he gained results. And it works but not by some power of some magic or miracle. Do I not like this? Its dangerous if you try to get into tantra practice like that. Kriya Tantra: The Four Types of Mental Stability, The Nature of Appearances: Madhyamaka & Highest Tantra, The Nature of Appearances: Gelug Explanation - Part 5 of 5. We have this division in anuttarayoga tantra, the Gelugpa version of anuttarayoga tantra, of the obscure (or hidden or secret) tantras (sbas-rgyud) and the clear tantra (gsal-rgyud) (which is Kalachakra). The one that is commonly practiced in the Gelug has nine heads, thirty-four arms, and sixteen legs. rimersburg, pa obituaries. instructions for painting the full single-deity Vajrabhairava, with a repeat of the full description of the deity as well as of the charnal grounds (cemetaries). Okay. For those who are interested in iconography, Black Yamari is either with: Red Yamari is usually just in the one head, two arms, two-legged version. Theyre not different people. But how do you understand this person? Then warnings against disasters that will happen if you dont do each of the steps properly. Vajrabhairava is sometimes called just Yamantaka. In other words, our mental activity during that short period of death is just this subtlest, subtlest level. Buddha has given many sets of teachings, and they compose of sutra and they compose of tantra. Yamantaka (gShin-rje gshed, gShin-rje mthar-byed) is specifically the type of practice that is done to overcome death. Dont fail to request him! But the next day when he came he had missed the Guru. It seems that the term Yamantaka (and Yamari) is used in a more general way than Vajrabhairava which is restricted to the buffalo-headed yidam of the Gelug and Sakya schools (see Lokesh Chandra). So with understanding, we want to cut through these grosser levels with all the confusion with a lot of strength and get down to the subtlest level. So since the Manchus wanted to rule over the Mongols as well, they adopted Yamantaka also. He adopted this form in order to defeat Yama, the lord of death who was arrogantly interfering with karma by claiming victims before their time was up. Its the region just south of that. See also: What Is Chakrasamvara Practice?]. You can envision this person with a Mahayana sutra type of vision. The Ngor Mandala collection of the Sakya tradition alone, lists eight different forms/lineages of the blue/black buffalo-faced Vajrabhairava which include two from the Gelug tradition and four of red Rakta- or blue Krishna-Yamari without the buffalo head. There is a version that you find in the Pali canon, where Shakyamuni was a prince, and he had his life, and there are all these accounts of what he did during his actual historical life. (Now, remember in tantra that having all these faces and arms and legs they all represent different realizations, different aspects of the path that we want to be able to have fully realized simultaneously. Lalitavajra was studying this Concert of Names of Manjushri, and in that text he came across some lines in the section Praising Mirror-like Deep Awareness. I wont read the full lines, because we dont have so much time, but just the parts of the lines. Then the lady said that the Guru would manifest as a dog. Psychologically its very important, actually, because in order to feel safe even in a group-therapy session or in any type of psychological session you need to have a protected space in which you feel that no harm can come from the outside and you can relax. They refuse to let him take the texts with him; he was only allowed to memorize as much as he could in a short time and then write it down upon his return.Siklos (pp.5-10) gives a fascinating analytical account of the origins of the Vajrabhairava Tantra pointing towards the non-Buddhist Shaivite tradition in Western India (Kashmir & Afghanistan). And on tsog day you do Yamantakas mantra three times more than your normal. And if people try to do it and use these disturbing emotions before they are at a sufficiently highly developed level, the danger is that they really come under the influence of anger and desire, and then its a disaster. Hence, within this, the Sutra path is much longer. One monk from there Ra Lotsawa he was called, Ra (Rva) from Radreng Monastery went to Nepal to try to get more understanding of the teachings. And one of Atishas teachers was Dharmarakshita, who was the author of this mind training (lojong) called Wheel of Sharp Weapons (Theg-pa chen-poi blo-sbyong mtshon-cha khor-lo). And if youre going to do it, you do it every day for the rest of your life. If one doesnt have time, one should do the short Yamantaka sadhana which is about eight or, seven or eight small pages, written by the great Kyabje Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo Rinpoche. But just understanding it doesnt make you change but realizing it and it becomes second nature will provoke change. Because if you think that secret and hidden means this system of these vajra expressions, you become totally confused when you read the Yamantaka root tantra or the Chakrasamvara one and you see Well, its all explained there very explicitly. Consequently the practice became one of the three principal tantras taught at the tantric colleges and monastic universities. Now, why a water buffalo I can only guess. Then joining the deep awareness wheel with the drawn commitment wheel. V 3087 2021 V ,3087,2021,,V,/b68wh . Photo by Lobsang Tsering. suggest the same. Five Special Features of Yamantaka Practice, Explaining Vajra Expressions: 6 Alternatives & 4 Modes, That clear-light state to have the understanding of voidness or reality. And one collects great amount of merit while one is perpetuating Yamantaka. Thats why he is also called Yamantaka, the Slayer of Death. There are many, many powers to doing Yamantakas tantra. Its very important to read the Lamrim, The Wheel of Sharp Weapons, and also to focus on Guru Devotion, having powerful Guru Devotion is very important and focusing on your yidam, Yamantaka. And underlying it is what? So for this, Yamantaka is the best strong on the outside, Manjushri (wisdom, calm, clear) on the inside. Ive received the empowerment of the Single-Deity Vajrabhairava (rDo-rje jigs-byed dpa-bo gcig-pa) many, many times, from: And Ive been practicing it every day for more than forty years. If you find our material useful, please consider making a single or monthly donation. Thats a Buddha as understood in tantra. The three right faces are yellow, blue and red and the three left are black, white and smoky. So it has to be explained by a teacher, and thats the aspect of secrecy in this tantra system. Before the Manchus conquered China (in 1644), they had already accepted certain elements of Gelug when they built the Yellow Temple in Mukden, their capital (1636-38). At the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, he went back to his own monastery, Tashilhunpo (bKras-shis lhun-po), and many Mongols came to Tashilhunpo to study with him., So already, through the influence of the Fourth Panchen Lama, Yamantaka practice had reached the Mongols. This is what we hear from the Buddhist version of the history. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. But if you understand the way that ancient Indian society functioned, then you see that all of these people lived together, and so you have this common pool there. Transcript for Advice to a Yamantaka Initiate. yamantaka,yamantaka long mantra,yamantaka tibetan mantra,yamantaka mantra,mantra om yamantaka hum phat,mantra yamantaka,the yamantaka mantra,yamantaka dharan. those that use desire as a path (Guhyasamaja is the example). Therefore I feel guilty to teach them. At this the Guru disappeared., Ra Lotsawa had a difficult time finding him again. Father tantra emphasizes the practices to basically get illusory body (sgyu-lus) and the physical bodies of a Buddha, the Form Bodies of a Buddha. It should be the same for other mantras, but I dont want to say that, as the benefits of OM MANI PADME HUM are what is explained. That is not the full teaching. So he went back to the Guru and requested the actual teaching. Okay? The attributes of the main deity are the same in both forms. So its the same thing: the practice of Yamantaka imitates the practice of death, what happens at death. So hes called Dharma, the Lord of Dharma, and thus he becomes called Dharmaraja (Chos-rgyal). Buddhism is an Indian religion, an Indian system, and it shares many, many, many things in common with what later becomes Hinduism and Jainism. The Sutra path is longer not because the Sutra is slow, the Sutra path is longer is because the Sutric method is less challenging, less pushy and less demanding. Thats in the seventh century. Yamantaka appears there. This is, just in very general terms, a little bit of what is Yamantaka all about for those who might not have so much of a background. This is a little bit awkward, of course, when there are not so many people who are actually involved in the practice, so one is a little bit puzzled as to what to actually say. And they exchanged ideas. The basic sahaja (two-armed) form of Vajrabhairava is blue-black in color, with the face of an extremely enraged buffalo; two sharp horns, with flames coming from their tips. And so, similar to that, you always set up a protection space. Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Search. In general Buddhas teaching is as wide and deep as the ocean and tantra is like a wish-fulfilling gem in the ocean. To receive it there are many requirements: (1) very strong faith in the Guru, (2) many offerings made to please the dakas and dakinis, (3) offerings of what is most precious to you as a way to overcome your self-grasping and perfect your practice of far-reaching generosity. Yamantaka practice became especially popular and widespread not only among the Tibetans, but also in the Mongol and Manchu regions in which Tibetan Buddhism spread. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. Origins Theyre all very qualified paths, its just depending on the method. The traditional account of how Buddha gave these teachings was that he arose in the form of Yamantaka just as when Buddha gave the teachings of other tantras, like Guhyasamaja and Chakrasamvara, he arose in that form and gave the teachings and he gave these teachings in 100,000 chapters. He came from Odisha. New rebirth samsaric rebirth with another cluster or configuration of these habits being activated and generating the next samsaric life filled with the same types of compulsive behavior and confusion. No other deity is more wrathful than Yamantaka. In these texts you find a very clear description of what Yamantaka looks like how many arms, how many legs, what the arms are holding, what are underneath his feet. Commonly practiced in the ocean and tantra is like a wish-fulfilling gem in the east and there no! Short period of death, what happens at death Yamantaka also origins Theyre all very qualified paths, just!, he met the Guru again at the heart deities, and they compose of tantra,.... Of ideas, concepts things like rebirth, various deities, and he complained to the ruler... And monastic universities can envision this person with a Pali canon type of vision depending on the throne Theravada!, why a water buffalo i can only guess appeared and said, When the rises! 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