wonderful interview with Bill, very inspiring and uplifting.Thanks Lisa and Bill for all that you do in these fantastic and changing(ascending) times! 2:17:24 For all intents and purposes, what we believe to be true eventually becomes true. ltimos 43 minutos da entrevista de Bill Wood, ex-SEAL - Above & Below Project Looking Glass (Acima e Alm do Projeto Looking Glass) - que aborda vrios assu. About researchers and whistleblowers :We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. I am thinking about how the convergence of timelines will be brought about as the end of 2012 approaches, which is something that Lisa asked Bill whether he saw any events that would confirm the convergence of the timelines. I wonder if the Looking Glass could show images about aliens from higher dimensions? It/She expands to hold larger population. Bill has provided supporting evidence of his claims. In his 2nd interview with David Wilcock, and Bill Ryan on the Project Camelot channel , he talked much more about this technology and his use of it. I receive royalties from KDP when you buy these items. Thanks Lisa for another great interview. We need to awaken as many people as possible. If somebody convinces us that a major disaster is going to happen in the very near future, a major disaster happens in the very near future. true with me, amidst so much confusion of channellers, ETs and prophets of doom, you are one of the few that ordinary people like me can relate to. Purchase TicketsSupport our work by purchasing tickets for various conferences we offer. According to monkeyandelf.com, Burisch worked directly under the orders of the Majestic 12., Majestic 12, according to FBI records is, a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination.. READ THE BOOK Thanks for the memories by Taylor Bryce (Cathy OBrien). Courtney Brown, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Political Science at Emory University (excerpt from his bio as it appeared in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996). Read More Another way to support my work is to buy notebooks or journals that Ive recently started to create on KDP. Full interview (1:17:12 min.) links: '#9560c7' Maybe such information about the major triggers was not revealed to Bill from them, or maybe the information was prevented to be shown from the maker of the device such as God? 2:08:32 But their (the Cabals) reaction will have an opposite effect and lead to their undesired outcome. I would also like to update you that your contributions helped me move my book blog to a more robust private server to provide you more content. Note: The more someone has been demonized, the more credible he is. You can see the entire interview on a mirrored YT channel, as the original video was removed from this platform. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. EBE3 is me in 1964, 17 years before my birth from our future. After 120 minutes: Mind Altering and World-View Transformative. scrollbar: true, Any chance there is a written transcript available, somewhere, so this interview can be heard by those who are hearing impaired? From my experience, many people embrace a very defeatist perspective on our destiny. You can see this type of technology revealed in the movie Contact (1997). background: '#f1f0f8', 31 December 2008, Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal. Los Angelles, CA. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. There are several definitions for remote viewing and a few will be suggested here. He added that he hoped hes wrong about what he got from this remote viewing session. This is what you have shown me, and for this I love you and thank you. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vh6yj7","div":"rumble_vh6yj7"});David Wilcock is a New York Times bestselling author of The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, The Ascension Mysteries, and his latest excellent book Awakening in the Dream. This is especially important, as my book and its content are often censored online. One that Corey Goode describes as a device that fits into your palm like a notepad. Bill also said that the absence of material scarcity would have to happen this year, which can be very possible if the aliens appear and assist humanity to get off scarcity of food and energy. There is amazing promise and hope to be had with the world. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass (LG) and Time Travel experiments: "With regard to LG ( Looking Glass ): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. width: 199, Article continues below advertisement. I think the interview also created lots of questions. Consciousness is not something you were granted by Bill Gates. At 1:08:22 hour mark (in the above-mentioned video), these sources claim that theres only one timeline moving forward now and in fact, all the timelines converge to this one timeline which is the timeline of awakening or ascension (which I call mass awakening of humanity worldwide) and theres nothing that the Deep State can do right now to stop it. Wonderful interview! Depends on who controls it. Im in a good company. Bill realizes, and you as well, that everything that is going on is all leading up to our spiritual evolution. I highly appreciate your continued support.Much love and blessings to you. 12:46 He asks us to think about what is going on on Earth as a multi-dimensional chess game (three, four, five, and now six dimensions) and there are four moves left for the freedom of humanity! Real OC Politics, Idiocracy "vati-crown-ington re-veil" - Word-Skill .buzz. Watch on Brighteon from 1:05:02 hour mark by clicking on the highlighted channel name Brighteon, as WordPress wont allow me to embed a video from this platform. There are no plans to imprison. Not to reverse the final outcome. Very relevant today! They brought him into the future and showed him a possible outcome. The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality, Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021, David Wilcock on Project Looking Glass | Secret Space Program Tech REVEALED. How many are aware that there are aliens observing earth? Then in full response ability we choose. version: 2, Other videos come thru fine. He was supposed to protect, love and guide his family, but according to the US Marshals, he's lived in lies more than living in truth. #Camelot #projeto #trecho #Above/Below project. The issue is with every choice . Thanks again for your continued support! This is the key to setting the timeline. No one knows me likeIknow myself. JoAnne. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. I couldve gone into denial, but Mass Awakening is my way of fighting back by documenting humanity awakening to these generational abusers. All opinions published on this website are solely my own. shell: { Mike Adams gives examples to show the evidence for this mass awakening: 1:11 hour mark How many people were aware of child trafficking that they werent aware of five years ago? 2:04:21 He says that this secret sent everyone who knows this secret (including the Elites of the world) into a blind panic in Bill Woods words. Editor's Note: Very Interesting Video giving validation after validation for a timeline contraction (The Event). live: true, Dan Burisch, born in California in 1964, studied microbiology and psychology at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. Bill said that the timelines hittting a wall would mean the end of time, which could also mean the end of duality since duality has its own kind of time or frequency. God bless you, Bill Wood.an extraordinary man, so important to our times.thank you so much. Thank you Lisa for being so open and gentle in this interview, it was exactly what was neededBoth of you are brave individuals who are willing to step up and speak from your heart.thank youblessings and love sent your way. We dive into the darkness of duality. These protocols were not developed by the military or an intelligence agency, as it could have been expected, but by an artist (a painter), Ingo Swann, who described them as a basic theoretical overview of why remote viewing works. (Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, 1991). This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. The whistleblowers Bob Lazar, Dan Burisch, and Bill Wood will tell you from their own mouths what the project is and what it has been used for. Truth shall prevail us all.. (6:38 minute mark). - NLH Bill Wood was a member of Navy Seal Team 9, with three teams of three men. Don. It doesnt mean they wont try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. (sgtreport.com). If you click on the title of the movie, youll be able to watch it. Not you. Q Bill Wood and Project Looking Glass. My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. He gies on talking about the looking glass tech and what the elites seen when it came to year 2012 but this year 2020 is actually 2012. . this might be a possible avenue to open the world of Lisas interviews to millions of potential listeners. https://www.bitchute.com/video/76XVp1iNSEPy/ Last part (Kerry . [] So whoever uses the Yellow Cube can, theoretically, see probable outcomes as a result of specific actions. Colonel . A wonderful interview, Lisa. Each timeline that is shown by the Looking Glass represents a possible lesson for people to take. tech theory basically postulates that a lot of military and air-space technology along with their capabilities are intentionally kept hidden from society in Area 51, and this technology has been influenced by "found" or "acquired" alien tech that somehow made it to planet earth. Still, please continue buying it as this educates you and others about the origins of the global conspiracy to control and undermine humanity and ways to reclaim our world and live as a peaceful, happy, and supportive community. 2:09:58 When Kerry Cassidy asked him to verify whether all different types of looking glass devices, systems, were shut down, he says that yes, because they all came to the same timeline. To make a donation click here. Gaia is expanding just as our DNA is expanding. Its Sumerian technology that utilises spinning discs and argon gas injection to create its own screen. The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality also offers tools and technologies for civilian applications. Why would the timelines converge specifically this year and how would it happen? The Project Looking Glass device was used to predict the potential probability of future events. Both my Twitter accounts (AuthorHerscu in English and one in Hebrew) have been suspended and my Facebook account was deleted since January 2020. He reveals that there was a problem when they approached 2012 and allegedly, this project was shut down due to this problem. As strange as it may sound, another whistleblower, Dan Burisch validates Bill Woods testimonys conclusion that we, as humanity, are on a positive timeline. Time to read this horrifying book and realize what we are up against. He invented Project Looking Glass here on earth from a formula supposedly given him by a Space Alien that landed at an airport he managed in the California . Its terminate.. Thank you.Any comments that question Bill Wood's credibility will be removed, because basically such comments suggest my intuition would be wrong. I think the reason why Bill was brought in to look at the data from Looking Glass was because they thought that Looking Glass could be similar to the Yellow Cube, where the observer could find his own future that could be different from the others future. I have heard that aliens and maybe other spiritual beings will reveal themselves to people this year and possible reveal about Earths impending 5D ascension, which could no doubt lead to the convergence of peoples duality lessons as people of this planet are forced to concentrate and focus on their duality/spiritual lessons to prepare for earths ascension. Thank You Best of Bills interview. behavior: 'all' And that he doesnt have to be at our weekly meetups in Kona, as I am creating a way that everyone who has joined from around the world can be part of the process of bringing in the new 5D world coherently within each of us. Me. It gets really interesting after about 100 minutes or so. Time Travel isextremelydangerous. you seemed to be surprised that there are many many many of us who incarnated in order to fascilitate this grand shift. Kerry Cassidy Have you see Kevins video, Lisa? Pat: Pay especial attention to the last 45 minutes, starting at 1:46. All the possible timelines lead to the same set of history in the future. (Bill Wood). You owe it to yourself to give it a gander. History of Earth &.. News video on One News Page on Sunday, 9 January 2022 According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. Please watch the video on Bitchute as WordPress disables this video if I embed it here. If you are one of them, or know them, please send me the link to your, or their, site to give credit. color: '#56527d', This M.G.A. The other version is of something that looks like engineered, huge rings (mentioned by David Wilcock) which, if I understand correctly, becomes a machine that operates as a stargate and opens a wormhole to travel through. Many are lost at the point of density relative to our own vibration and level, and continue deeper, to obvious conclusions. Unfortunately, this same principle is used to the detriment of humanity. Plandemic Censorship: Are We Living In Orwells 1984? | Dewey B Larson Reciprocal Systems Theory Walking the Path of Truth in a World of Deception, Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 Episode 12: SSP Sciences Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock, Ley Lines of the UK and USA: How Ley Lines were used by the Church, Royalty, City Planners and the Freemasons, Project Aquarius and the Story of Dr. Dan Burisch, Out From Under Majestic Dan Burisch Uncensored A Video Interview with Dan Burisch, The Ultimate Secret: Majestic-12 | Secret Space Programs, ET Contacts, UFOs, Above Top Secret, Return to Extraterrestrial Technology And Reverse Engineering, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/archbishop-vigano-vaccine-victims-sacrificed-altar-moloch-video/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=daily, A Tale of Two Timelines Kaiser Wilhelm II, CABALS PROPHECY IS A LIE- MIND CONTROL! You owe it to yourself to give it a gander. Though it would be easy to make a case against you for bullying the world toward World War III, for threatening all prospects of a peaceful and prosperous future for not just our nation but for all nations, I will not do so. They close the show by talking about what to expect within the coming years with Trump, 5G technology, and evolution of culture. and it actually changes the nature of reality. According to Courtney Browns remote viewing trainer, our focal point needs to be raising our consciousness to deal with what is coming in the coming years (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Bill did say that he had a grey alien instructor who taught him telepathy at area 51. EBE3 is me in 1964, 17 years before my birth from our future. But he does talk . Follow that thread and very quickly you end up at a January 2012 interview with Bill Wood, aka Bill . I am heartened by the message of hope that you bring. You Are Now Subscribed. Illustration: The Orion Cube mentioned-above is allegedly, according to Burisch, a Stargate device, that is also known as the Looking Glass device. I barely receive any royalties from my book Mass Awakening. This interview was conducted in January 2012 following the earlier interview with Bill Wood in the same month; January 2012, about Project Looking Glass, which can be found here: https://youtu.be/PGPqLX9XYbkKerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood and David Wilcock.The first part is only about Bill Wood's credibility. Courtney Brown revealed that non-physical entities he calls Midwayers, a group of subspace beings who originated from The Urantia Book, were the target of a remote viewers team that wanted to investigate this group. Kat Read More. type: 'profile', Its title is Thats Life by the Scorz (Armada Music). Thanks for submitting! Every little contribution matters. 1:10:23 Evil doesnt win in the end. new TWTR.Widget({ If hitting the wall means the end of duality for planet earth and its people, where would the people of this planet end up after the end of 2012? PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS - YouTube 0:00 / 2:30:48 PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Everyone Loves CASH 2.98K. It has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in their lives. (monkeyandelf.com). 1:12:35 and now we have the looking glass technology that is telling us (that God wins in the end, the mass awakening). Project Camelot; Bill Wood; Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass This is the original full length interview of Kerry Cassidy with Bill Brockbrader in January 2012. You are., 9:29 You can create whatever it is you want.. Depending on the direction of the spin I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect , Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a. It was the only time when I cured myself without taking any medicine, only by applying the principles that Joseph Murphy discusses.. If after watching this video you wish to contact Bill Wood here is his email address for that purpose: bill wood : above & beyond project looking glass. The last 45 minutes specifically are rather monumental. Built by. So if possible, please let him know he is welcome to join us. 11k views. Project Looking Glass According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. height: 300, How many knew about the dangers of vaccines? But he warns us that its going to get really wild and dirty, as they dark ones controlled this planet for over ten thousand years. God bless you, Bill Wood.an extraordinary man, so important to our times.thank you so.. Lead to the detriment of humanity 2012 and allegedly, this M.G.A me, and for this i love and... Receive royalties from my experience, many people as possible need to awaken as many embrace! It is you want to read this horrifying book and its content often. Someone has been passed between rich and powerful to be able to choose well in lives! 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