CIA paramilit. Effective mission command can generally be analyzed according to the six principles outlined in ADRP 6-0. U.S. forces had estimated the strength of the rebels in the Shahi-Kot Valley at 150 to 200, but later information suggested the actual strength was of 500 to 1,000 fighters. Also, it may serve as an ethical NCO practice if orders are absent; the commanders intent serves as a basis for taking initiative in the absence of orders. MilitaryScienceCaseAnalysis.docx. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. These tasks are mutually supporting in that the commander tasks drives the operations process, develops teams, and informs and influences audiences inside and outside their organizations. The Taliban subsequently portrayed the operation as a "historical battle" and a "beginning of the sacred jihad against the occupation of Afghanistan", praising Saifur Rehman Mansoor's leadership. Orbiting Apache helicopters attempted to suppress enemy mortar teams, but ran into a wall of RPG and 12.7mm fire, with one Apache losing all of its electronics to an RPG hit. Osprey Publishing, 2005. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your stance on the topic. This was the first time this capability had been used for a live combat mission. The goal of shared understanding is that commanders, staffs, and unified action partners will possess a shared understanding of their operational environment, the operations purpose, problems, and approaches to solving them. . A convoy led by Army Chief Warrant Officer Stanley L. Harriman of the Third Special Forces Group split off from the main TF Hammer force to reach the assigned observation point. This delay meant that the SEALs could not be inserted into the LZ east of the peak until 02:30 on 4 March, which did not allow enough time to reach the peak before daylight. The SEAL fire team, Mako 30, was picked up by an MH-47 Chinook helicopter, at 23:23 on 3 March. Operation Anaconda suffered many obstacles, making the mission multiheaded without a clear shared understanding, which affected its outcome (ADP, 2019). Introduction Begun and completed in 2002, operation Anaconda became the largest operation held in Afghanistan under United States' tactical management. Guidance and Requirements: a. The Principles of Mission Command in Operation of Anaconda. This operation was the first large-scale battle in the US war in Afghanistan since the Battle of Tora Bora in December 2001. Airpower Against Terror Americas Conduct of Enduring Freedom. [2] Estimates of Al-Qaeda and Taliban casualties range from 100 to 1,000, with U.S. commanders favoring the higher estimates and Afghan commanders favoring the lower estimates. A stronger creation of shared understanding between the U.S. military and the Pashtun militia would have assisted in providing more ownership of their critical role in the mission. Using a McMillan TAC-50 .50-calibre rifle, Furlong killed a Taliban fighter armed with an RPK machine gun at a confirmed distance of 2,430 metres (1.51 miles). The U.S. forces had not created mutual trust in order to build a cohesive team with this Pashtun militia. All three teams were tasked with confirming enemy strengths and dispositions including antiaircraft emplacements, ensuring the designated Rakkasan HLZs were clear of obstructions and providing terminal guidance for air support both prior to and during the insertion of conventional forces. Task Force Commando: 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. And because there is also inherent goodness within the will of human endeavor, so is the attempt to minimize death and casualties. Mutual Trust Life Solutions; Pan-American Life Insurance; Annual Report; Company News; Find a Representative; Careers Save Time! The assumption was made that this militia would perform just as the Northern Alliance performed. (1) Even though headquarters published the warning order on 6 January, the Combined Force Air Component . It also demonstrated the fragility of the relationship between those principles when the required attention to those principles was not applied. This commander would have the authority to assign resources according to real-time need. On March 2, 2002, Major General Franklin L. Hagenbeck launched Operation Anaconda to clear al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters from their stronghold in the Shah-i-Kot Valley, Afghanistan. After 14 hours of heavy machine-gun fire, thick snow, rough terrain, and calling in close air support, and caring for his wounded teammates they were finally extracted (Lange (2019). Introduction Operation Anaconda was a subordinate joint combat operation, during Operation Enduring Freedom, (Lyle 2012) to be carried out in the Shahi Kot Valley located in southeastern Afghanistan. Another feed from the same Predator showed a puff of heat [from a rifle] and the indistinct figure in front of it fall. [6] Miscommunication between Texas 14 and higher command meant the bombardment was not that extensive and consisted of six bombs. US Special Forces Operation, Operation Anaconda was a military operation that took place in early March 2002 as part of the War in Afghanistan. Mansoor fortified the valley, digging trench systems, building bunkers and firing positions into the ridgelines, many of which would be put to effect during the operation. Debatably, competence is the most essential principle relating directly to the commander. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your analysis. Around this time command decided to change the frequencies for satellite radio communications which different units, including the AFO teams in their reconnaissance positions, were relying on to conduct and adapt the mission as the battle unfolded. Mutual trust between these groups should exist to share intelligence and information regarding the operational environment. The team came under immediate fire, and Air Force combat controller Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman was seriously injured, along with two Navy SEALs. Around midnight, the units of TF Hammer loaded into their vehicles and left their base in Gardez at 333558N 691344E / 33.59944N 69.22889E / 33.59944; 69.22889 (Gardez) for the Shahi-Kot Valley. Command and control have evolved into a well thought out structured philosophy now acknowledged as mission command. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Initially, resources such as air support, heavy mortars, and personnel were not sufficiently allocated for the operation based largely on the inaccurate intelligence assessment. The commander took these factors into consideration because he judged that the deliberate exposure to potential injury or loss would be worth the cost, this is a prudent risk. American forces eventually gained the upper hand, inflicting heavy casualties on the Taliban forces and pushing them out of the valley. Create a free website or blog at The battle and Mansoor (who was killed in 2008) were eulogized by the Taliban's official website, Voice of Jihad, on 7 March 2021.[9]. TF Hammer's attack stalled short of entering the valley, due to unexpected heavy small arms and mortar fire, combined with the lack of expected close air support. Lang, Katie. The seven principles of mission command are applicable in every combat scenario. Operation Anaconda is one of many battles one can study and learn from immeasurable contingencies and circumstances. Particularly, a mission never goes as planned and Troops are faced with hard decisions. And with that necessary evil comes a necessarily great mission commander. The final team was known as Mako 31 and was composed of three SEALs from DEVGRUs Recce Squadron, a USAF Combat Controller and a US Navy EOD operator. US Department of the Army. Task Force Rakkasan: 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, 1st and 2nd battalion 187th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. In late January and February plans were drawn up to assault the Shahi-Kot Valley using Afghan military forces (AMF) advised and assisted by U.S. special operators. Mako 30 and Lt. Cmdr. Grim 31 engaged the column, resulting in the death of Harriman and wounding several Afghan militia and U.S. special forces.[21]. there are various rules and . Policyowners can manage their policies and make premium, loan and rider payments on-line from the convenience of their computer, tablet or cell phones. b. Ropel was later awarded the Bronze Star Medal with a Valor device for his actions. It is considered as the largest combat operation conducted by the U.S. Army regarding the War on Terrorism which started after the tragedy due to terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. We are left learning the following about Operation Anaconda. At that point TF Devil, a unit formed around the 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division arrived to take the lead in tactical-level security operations. Between March 2 and March 16, 2002 1,700 airlifted U.S. troops and 1,000 pro-government Afghan militia battled between 300 and 1,000 al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters to obtain control of the valley. Keywords: Operation Anaconda, mission command, unified land operations. War cannot exist without the mind and will of man. Adamec, W. Ludwig. Overall, my stance is that the operation was a success. The multiple commanders had no control over the other forces, and allied Afghan forces had equipment support to complete the mission. Soldiers also recovered two AK-47 assault rifles, one magazine and 707,000 Iraqi dinar, equal to about $600. One team would move to the peak of Takur Ghar, which commanded the southern approach to the Shahi-Kot valley. "[citation needed] Relations were further soured with reports from a number of publications that Osama bin Laden might have escaped due to a substantial delay from the original H-hour of the deployment of American Forces. Then analyze the Operation using the 7 Principles of Mission Command: competence, mutual trust, shared understanding, commander's intent, mission orders, discipline initiative, and risk acceptance. Both teams of SEAL operators now opened fire down on the enemy fighters in a crossfire and the third Chinook landed its operators nearby to investigate a suspicious looking vehicle. OPERATION ANACONDA OVERVIEW What follows is a brief summary of the critical events that shaped the planning and conduct of Operation Anaconda, the final and largest battle in the initial invasion of Afghanistan after the attacks of September 11, 2001. As a result of this action, both Technical Sergeant Chapman and Senior Airman Cunningham were awarded the Air Force Cross, the second highest award for bravery. This essay conducts an analytical overview to Operation Anaconda, a military operation conducted in Eastern Afghanistan in early March of 2002. There is a possibility that Roberts was captured by the al Qaeda fighters, and executed later with a single shot to the back of the head (One of the feeds showed a group of 8-10 fighters huddling around what appeared to be a body; both GRIM 32 and MAKO 30 noted that an IR strobe was active, a video feed showed the fighters passing the IR strobe around). Operation Anaconda is one of many battles one can study and learn from immeasurable contingencies and circumstances. At around 20:00, the quick-reaction force and Mako 30/21 were exfiltrated from the Takur Ghar peak. After nearly having their position overrun, the men in the southern LZs were in a desperate position, pinned down all day and short of ammunition. Osprey Publishing, 2004. [10] Increasing signals and human intelligence indicated a strong presence of Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters in the Shahi-Kot Valley; approximately 150 to 200 fighters were believed to be wintering and possibly preparing for a spring offensive in the valley. The main purpose of the Anaconda plan was to defeat the rebellion by blockading southern ports and controlling the Mississippi river. (2019). However, valuable lessons were learned from Operation Anaconda and utilized in future engagements. They did not possess the desire to overcome changes in their operating environment nor the capability to do so if given the chance. A total of 8 U.S. soldiers, sailors, and airmen were killed and 82 wounded, along with several Afghan militiamen; U.S. estimates of other casualties vary, indicating rebel casualties between 500 and 800 and at least 14 civilian casualties. The commanders intent is usually given with the principle of mission orders. Analyze the summary of Op Anaconda, provide a brief and short summary of what the mission was (Who, what, when, why, and how). It is now accepted that the level of prudent risk has been maximally mitigated to ensure the greatest chance at success while minimalizing the chance for negative outcomes. Not a Good Day to Die, Berkley Reprint, This page was last edited on 2 December 2022, at 01:20. Student's Name University Course Professor Date. This operation was the first large-scale battle in the post-2001 War in Afghanistan . As TF Hammer continued, it suffered from a lack of unit cohesion because of the transportation difficulties. The QRF's Chalk 2 moved up the mountain to assist Chalk 1. The Afghan fighters, in trucks, were devastated by mortar fire registered in advance to strike fixed points on the road. Competence is gained by knowledge and experience. You are required to give an in depth introduction of your topic. Mission command is accomplished through the execution of staff tasks that are defined by the commander tasks and these tasks define the mission command warfighting function. Operation Anaconda was one of the largest-scale operations conducted by the US-led international coalition against the forces of al-Qaeda and Taliban. The primary fire support for the troops was provided by two McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apaches of the 3rd Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 159th Aviation Brigade ("Eagle Attack"). But the risk was worth the effort to save his teammate and complete his mission. Mission orders define the desired results but do not mandate how to achieve them. [9], In February 2002, a Special Forces intelligence analyst working for Task Force Bowie began to identify patterns that led him to believe that surviving al-Qaeda forces were massing in the Lower Shahikot Valley, some 60 miles south of Gardez. [6] The final plan foresaw two major forces: TF Hammer and TF Anvil. AFO teams launched further Recce teams into the nearby Naka Valley, hunting for al-Qaeda terrorists that had escaped but did not find anything. CIA paramilitary officers, working with their allies, attempted to destroy al-Qaeda and Taliban forces. Lambeth, Benjamin. The US forces suffered 80 casualties in the operation, with 8 killed and 72 wounded. Also, unfortunately, the pilot of the Razor 01 was not told about the enemy's anti-aircraft location on top of the mountain. It was obvious from this viewpoint that the proximity of friendly forces to the enemy positions was preventing sufficient suppressive firepower from being used due to danger close distance to both Mako 30 and QRF chalk 1. No plagiarism, guaranteed! using some of the principles of Competence, mutual trust shared understanding, mission orders, commander's intent, disciplined initiative, and or risk accepted, Analyze and evaluate the major points of the case study for research to write your persuasive essay. Also on March 4, 2nd Battalion of the Rakkasans air assaulted into the eastern end of the valley, immediately attacking the heights under Apache cover. An Anaconda is a snake that squeezes and suffocates it's victim. and mutual trust between the DRA and the Soviet forces. The MH-47Es carrying the SEALs caught up to their targets: the lead Chinook landed in front of the convoy; as the occupants leapt out of their vehicles, the door gunner hosed the vehicles down with his minigun, cutting down a number of al-Qaeda terrorists; the second Chinook overshot the column and raked it with minigun fire as it passed. The planning process lacked commander's intent, understanding, and mutual trust. "Roberts Ridge" Bantam Dell (New York), 2013: Macpherson, Malcolm. Abstract. They remained undetected in an observation post through the firefight and proved critical in co-ordinating multiple Coalition air strikes to prevent the al-Qaeda fighters from overrunning the downed aircraft, to devastating effect. Once dismissed as representative of narrative closure and bourgeois ideology, realism has made a remarkable comeback in recent years as a predominant trend in world cinema and television productions, as well as a topical line of enquiry in audiovisual theory. Provide transitional sentences from one topic to the next. The objective of this essay is to demonstrate how the seven principles of mission command can be applied to the operational environment of the Operation of Anaconda. The Anaconda Plan was designed to do the same thing, it was a great snake that . Operation Anaconda. Hyder directed the Chalk 2 leader to continue mission up the mountain and moved, alone, to link up with Mako 21 in order to assist that team's movement away from the peak thereby creating a better situation for air assets to support by fire. OA was a US attack on a stronghold in the Shah-I Kot area held by the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Case Study of Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. 1,300 words on the Operation Anaconda Case Study. The inherent will to survive and promote or impose ideas on the will of others will always carry with it the possibility of war. Bahmanyar, Mir. A Predator UAV had the convoy under surveillance, showing 3 SUVs, a pickup truck and a large security element of gunman. 3. Operation Anaconda was a necessary evil. [28] Also, the quick-reaction soldiers reported fighters wearing Robert's gear and finding "a helmet with a bullet hole in it, [from which] it was clear the last person [Roberts] to wear it had been shot in the head. The hot reception resulted in only two of the planned eight CH-47's landing in the LZ. However they were spotted by an Uzbek insurgent and a brief firefight ensued, killing 5 out of 7 foreign fighters, as another insurgent joined the firefight by firing a PKM, the team broke contact and brought in an AC-130 which destroyed the enemy encampment with 105mm rounds.[20]. To minimize death and casualties his teammate and complete his mission the operation, with 8 and... Also recovered two AK-47 assault rifles, one magazine and 707,000 Iraqi dinar equal. To share intelligence and information regarding the operational environment attempt to minimize death and.... And suffocates it & # x27 ; s intent, understanding, and trust. 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