At seven million years old, the C. checchiai skull predates all known crocodile fossils in America, the oldest of which are about five million years old, Lucy Hicks reports for Science. - 17 Jan 2023, 19:02, In News, Portugal, World On the face of it (sorry), there's no reason to doubt this conclusion: after all, convergent evolution--the tendency of different animals to evolve the same features when they occupy the same habitats--is a common theme in the history of life on earth. The same area yielded fossils of chameleons that are unique in Greece, as well as snakes, lizards, turtles and frogs. In celebration of his 112th birthday in 2015, Cassius was met with fervent celebration and was gifted a chicken birthday cake to commemorate the special occasion. Source. Prehistoric crocodiles weren't necessarily restricted to river environments; the fact is that these ancient reptiles could be every bit as diverse as their dinosaur cousins when it came to their habitats and lifestyles. - 18 Jan 2023, 11:05. In fact, with its big tusks, powerful jaws and 20-foot length, Kaprosuchus may have been capable of taking down comparably sized plant-eating (or even meat-eating) dinosaurs, possibly even including juvenile Spinosaurus. The oldest specimen of this iconic pterosaur was recently found near Painten, a small town in the southern part of the Franconian Alb in central Bavaria. Dibothrosuchus is technically classified as a "sphenosuchid crocodylomorph," not directly ancestral to modern crocodiles but more like a second cousin a few times removed; its closest relative seems to have been the even tinier Terrestrisuchus of late Triassic Europe, which may itself have been a juvenile of Saltoposuchus. Crocodiles are fascinating creatures, and their fossils give us a window into the past. Few things in natural history are as obscure as the difference between crocodiles and alligators; suffice it to say that modern alligators (technically a sub-family of crocodiles) are restricted to North America, and are characterized by their blunter snouts. Despite their fearsome mass,these giant crocodiles probably subsisted on largely on snakes and turtles. Terrestrisuchus: 208.5-201.3 million years ago, tiny crocodile only about 30 inches long, land crocodile, longer legs, probably agile, fossils found in England and Wales, definitely belongs on our list of ancient crocodiles. He was so hostile that when he arrived in his new home in Mamba Village he ate 10 of his fellow crocodiles and was thus put into solitary confinement. The fossils of the crocodilian species were first found in 2010 near the Winton Formation in eastern Australia, a rock bed from the Cretaceous period, when most of the commonly known dinosaurs. A distant cousin of modern crocodiles and alligators, Terminonaris was similar to the modern-day Indian gharial, only much larger. Technically, Armadillosuchus has been classified as a distant crocodile cousin, a "sphagesaurid crocodylomorph," meaning it was closely related to the South American Sphagesaurus. Rutiodon: 237-208.5 million years ago, very similar look to modern-day crocodiles, 8-26 feet long, fossils found in Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, as well as multiple states in the US. A picture of Pterodactylusd antiquus ' skull. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Age: 140 years old (died in 2010) One of the tribes solicited the services of an elephant hunter known as Sir Henry, who the crocodiles in named after, to kill him. A 2004 documentary Capturing the Killer Croc, shows the attempts of Patrice Faye and other scientists to humanely capture and kill Gustave using a baited trap cage. A new fossil discovery, named Teleocrater rhadinus, which shares much in common with its distant crocodilian relatives, is a species from the dinosaur/bird lineage that marks the oldest known . Despite that fact, they are still often seen as a threat and shot, giving them long term injuries and months of suffering before a slow death. Crocodylomorpha is a group of pseudosuchian archosaurs that includes the crocodilians and their extinct relatives. Sarcosuchus was a large animal, up to 10 metres long and weighing up to 1.5 tons, as was the case with the lion. In some cases, smaller reptiles such as crocs and alligators survived. This crocodile was estimated to weigh approximately 17,600 pounds and be 40 feet long when it was discovered. 1 - Crocodiles are one of the oldest creatures on earth. Animals that pursue the same lifestyles tend to evolve the same features--and since Cretaceous southern Africa lacked both mammals and feathered dinosaurs, the prehistoric crocodile Pakasuchus adapted to fit the bill. Mummified crocodiles have been found in the deserts of Africa and Australia. Most of their distribution is in China, Japan, and Koreas temperate and boreal forests. - 18 Jan 2023, 12:01, In Property, Algarve Ghedoghedo/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0. It was only during thelateCretaceousperiod of the Mesozoic Era that crocodiles evolved the distinguishing traits they still today: stubby legs, armoredscales, and a preference for marine habitats. We don't know much about how Armadillosuchus lived, but there are some tantalizing hints that it might have been a digging reptile, lying in wait for smaller animals that passed by its burrow. "It's a wonderfully preserved fossil." The skull appears to have a remarkable backstory. Armadillosuchus: 94-84 million years ago, nicknamed the Armadillo crocodile, thick bony plates on its wide back, 6 feet long, fossils found in the Bauru Basin of Brazil. Another likely choice is theXilousuchusfrom early Triassic Asia, a sailed archosaur with some distinct crocodilian characteristics. The fossils inside become preserved in the rock. (In any case, Stomatosuchus was far from the largest crocodile that ever lived: it was about the size of Deinosuchus, but way outclassed by the truly enormous Sarcosuchus.). Having resided in the Australia Zoo as one of its oldest residents, Mr. Freshie was a freshwater crocodile that lived to be 140 years old making him the oldest known crocodile to ever be put in captivity. Clearly, Smilosuchus was the apex predator of its North American ecosystem, likely preying on smaller, plant-eating pelycosaurs and therapsids. In our new paper published in Palaeontologica Electronica, a review of the oldest cockroach fossils known to science, we debunk the misconception that cockroaches have been around since the . by Romero Esposito | Dec 6, 2022 | Crocodiles. Share this article: Year of Birth: 1900 A female alligator can typically live to be around 25 years old, whereas males can live to be around 50 years old. The fossil, described in a study in the journal Fossil Record, is about one million years older than other Pterodactylus specimens. Reptile City is the perfect place for reptile enthusiasts of all levels of interest and expertise. Oldest evidence yet of fish moving to land. Large, 2.33" Cretaceous Fossil Crocodile Tooth - Morocco. Let's take a look at the complete list of ancient crocodiles! He was named after Ernesto Lolong Conate, who led the team of local hunters who caught him. The fossilised remains of Deinosuchus were discovered in rocks dating back to the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous period. Today, Rhamphosuchus' place in the spotlight has been usurped by truly gigantic prehistoric crocodiles like Sarcosuchus and Deinosuchus, and this genus has faded into relative obscurity. Like many extinct animals that were discovered and named in the early 19th century, Pholidosaurus is a true taxonomic nightmare. The crocodile, which is part of a previously undescribed species calledAegisuchus witmeri, was first found inMorocco by local fossil diggers. 15 Largest Reptiles in the World. It is only known from a partial braincase, but even that part gives hints about its enormous size: its braincase is much larger in volume than that of any other crocodyliform (about 40 cm 3 or 2.44 cubic inches). . Lets take a look at the complete list of ancient crocodiles! The 96-million-year-old fossil from Texas is the oldest prehistoric crocodile of its kind in the world, according to paleontologist Thomas L. Adams at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, who . It was a predator that hunted its prey in the water before pouncing. Body fossils include the remains of organisms that were once living (bones, shells . The species has never been found in Canada, despite being discovered in the United States and Mexico. This prehistoric fossil is an incredible example of how prehistoric life lived, and its story serves as a reminder that protecting our environment is an essential part of our culture. Deinosuchus was one of the biggest prehistoric crocodiles that ever lived, growing to a whopping length of 33 feet from head to tail--but it was still dwarfed by the biggest crocodile ancestor of them all, the truly enormous Sarcosuchus. It was the worlds most powerful predator at its peak, preying on large dinosaurs and other large animals. It was approximately 6.5 feet long and was associated with crocodiles, possibly dating back to 163.5-145 million years ago, and fossils have been discovered in Europe and Africa. They can adapt to changes in their environment because they have a very adaptable bodyplan and can adapt to any situation. Still, since soft tissue doesn't preserve well in the fossil record, Notosuchus' pig-like proboscis is far from a done deal! The majority of them can be found in New Zealands North Island. There was still room for innovation, though: for example, paleontologists believe thatStomatosuchussubsisted on plankton and krill, like a modern grey whale. Purussaurus: 23 million to 5.3 million years ago, one of the largest crocodiles ever, up to 41 feet in length and weigh up to 18,000 lbs., apex predator of the Miocene epoch, thought to have the strongest bite force of any animal in the world, fossils found in South America belongs on our list of ancient crocodiles for sure! How Do Crocodiles Resemble Their Dinosaur Cousins? Paleontologist Tyler Lyson points to a crocodilian fossil embedded in a rock concretion. The prehistoric crocodile Metriorhynchus comprised about a dozen known species, making it one of the most common marine reptiles of late Jurassic Europe and South America (though the fossil evidence for this latter continent is sketchy). Quinkana: 24 million to 40,000 years ago, a large Australian crocodile, long-legged tall crocodile that was about 5 feet tall at the back, up to 20 feet long, land crocodile, fossils found in Queensland, Australia. The fossils also displayed an elongated skull that is found in whales. Caught in the waters of Bunawan creek in Agusan del Sur, Philippines, Lolong was a massive specimen measuring at 6.17 meters (20 ft) long. Fossils are the preserved remains of animals, plants, and other organisms from the past. Fossils of this ancient crocodile come from the Crato Formation of Brazil and indicate that Susisuchus lived around 112 to 100 million years ago. We have to go forward in time from the emergence of the Pakicetus to find the oldest whale in existence and its fossils. It wasn't the biggest prehistoric crocodile that ever lived, but to judge by its long, muscular legs and streamlined body, Araripesuchus must have been one of the most dangerous--especially to any small dinosaurs prowling the riverbeds of middle Cretaceous Africa and South America (the existence of species on both these continents is yet more proof for the existence of the giant southern continent Gondwana). It was lodged in a slab of rock dug up in 1947 in New Mexico by a team led by Dr. Edward Colbert, a. Fossils are generally formed when an organism dies and is buried by sediment. Kuebi/Armin Kbelbeck/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA3.0. Having a fossilized dinosaur cloaca actually . The extinct horned crocodiles ( Voay robustus) were endemic to Madagascar as far back as 9,000 years ago and lived as recently as 1,300 to 1,400 years ago, according to fossil evidence. Among these was the Australianquinkana, which was 9 feet long and weighed 500 pounds. However, because their sister group was present in the Cretaceous, gavialids must be at least that old; we simply haven't found fossils of their earliest representatives yet. Year of Birth:1963 A jaw of a dwarf crocodile has been discovered in Scotland, making it the oldest member of the group ever discovered. Radiocarbon dating has confirmed that many individuals have lived longer than 1,000 years, and some are suspected to be older than 2,000 years. Notosuchus: 85 million years ago, one of the first crocodiles thought to be entirely terrestrial (living on land only), about 5 feet long, fossils found in Argentina, Patagonia. Giant crocodile fossils have been discovered in Kenya dating from the Mesozoic Era, over 200 million years ago. The species has never been found in Canada, despite being discovered in the United States and Mexico. Geosaurus is the most inaccurately named marine reptile of the Mesozoic Era: this so-called "earth lizard" probably spent most, if not all, of its life in the sea (you can blame the famous paleontologist Eberhard Fraas, who also named the dinosaur Efraasia, for this spectacular misunderstanding). - 18 Jan 2023, 08:08, In News, Portugal, Property 4 - The largest crocodile ever recorded was an 18-footer from Northern Territory in Australia. The oldest existing species in the world is a cyanobacteria. The oldest crocodile fossil in the world has been discovered in Portugal. As fossils, you can also find any preserved trace of life dating back over ten thousand years. Appearances to the contrary, Champsosaurus wasn't a true prehistoric crocodile, but rather a member of an obscure breed of reptiles known as choristoderans (another example being the fully aquatic Hyphalosaurus). Deinosuchus: 82-73 million years ago, one of the largest ever, nicknamed terrible crocodile, 26-39 feet long and 5,500-11,000 lbs., fossils found in USA and Mexico. Armadillosuchus, the "armadillo crocodile," comes by its name honestly: this late Cretaceous reptile had a crocodile-like build (albeit with longer legs than modern crocs), and the thick armor along its back was banded like that of an armadillo (unlike an armadillo, though, Armadillosuchus presumably couldn't curl up into an impenetrable ball when threatened by predators). Diplocynodon: 83.5-70.6 million years ago, marine crocodile, nicknamed double dog tooth due to two large fang-like teeth, 3-4 feet long, fossils found in many European countries as well as the New Jersey, Virginia, and Wyoming. All of these adaptations point to a varied diet, which probably included fish, hard-shelled crustaceans, and even larger plesiosaurs and pliosaurs, the corpses of which would have been ripe for scavenging. Species: Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) A team from Mansoura University Vertebrate Paleontology Center (MUVP) has found the oldest fossils of Egyptian cobra ancestors dating back 37 million years to the Eocene Epoch. Crocodilia (or Crocodylia) is an order of large reptiles that appeared about 84 million years ago in the late Cretaceous Period (Campanian stage). Giant crocodiles once roamed the Great Bear Rainforest of northeastern British Columbia. In fact, Araripesuchus looks like a crocodile caught halfway along evolving into a theropod dinosaur--not a stretch of the imagination, since both dinosaurs and crocodiles evolved from the same archosaur stock tens of millions of years earlier. An educated guess is great, but firm evidence is better. Long story short, Gracilisuchus provides further evidence that the big, slow, plodding crocodiles of the present day are the descendants of fast, two-legged reptiles of the Triassic period.. PaleoEquii/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0. Strauss, Bob. Year of Birth: 1903 Currently awarded the title of largest crocodile in captivity by the Guinness Book of World Records, Cassius is a whooping 5.48 meters (17 ft 11.75 in) long. $25. Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0. Dating back 100 million years, the new species, Isisfordia molnari, is one of the oldest known direct ancestors of today's living crocodiles. The earliest known gavialids are somewhat younger, from the Eocene Epoch of the Cenozoic Era, or Age of Mammals. The oldest crocodile on record was around 190 years old. Credit Dr. Jeff Martz/NPS/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 2.0. Age: 50 years old (died in 2013) The 96-million-year-old fossil from Texas is the oldest prehistoric crocodile of its kind in the world, according to paleontologist Thomas L. Adams at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, who identified the reptile. Titanosaur Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, Duck-Billed Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, Horned, Frilled Dinosaur Profiles and Pictures, How Crocodiles Survived in a Dinosaur's World. Ever since its excavation in Germany, in 1841, this early Cretaceous proto-crocodile has gone under various genus and species names (Macrorhynchus is one notable example), and its exact place in the crocodile family tree has been a matter of ongoing dispute. Casey Holliday, a University of Missouri researcher, was looking through some of the hundreds of unlabeled items kept in a storage facility when he come about a remarkable find - a skull fragment. It's one of the ironies of paleontology that the earliest reptile to be conclusively identified as a prehistoric crocodile lived not in the water, but on the land. The final part of the Mesozoic Era, the CretaceousPeriod, began about 145 million years ago and lasted until about 65 million years ago. Baurusuchus is an excellent example; this South American crocodile, which lived during the middle-to-late Cretaceous period, possessed long, dog-like legs and a heavy, powerful skull with the nostrils placed on the end, indications that it actively prowled the early pampas rather than snapping at prey from bodies of water. Location: Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. In the frozen rocks of an island 800 miles from the North Pole, scientists have discovered a group of fossils that clearly mark one of the most crucial . This relatively small, unassuming-looking prehistoric crocodile had a widespread distribution across late Jurassic and early Cretaceous North America and Eurasia (it's represented by no less than eight separate species), and it led an opportunistic lifestyle, feeding on both small animals and plants. They have also seen evidence of two ice ages. This terrifying 14ft-long, half-a-ton reptile roamed Wyoming 155 million years ago, fossil analysis reveals The fossil is new member of the crocodile-like so . Where have fossilised deinosuchus fossils been found? Required fields are marked *. But the crocodile family tree also forked about 100 million years ago, with the appearance of the enormousSarcosuchus, which measured about 40 feet long from head to tail and weighed about 10 tons. "The Nsungwe Formation of Tanzania is a unique site, both geographically and chronologically, with excellent potential to yield important fossils from a vitally . Members of the crocodilian stem group, the clade Crurotarsi, appeared about 220 million years ago in the Triassic Period and exhibited . When I am not writing I love going to my kids' soccer games, watching movies, taking on DIY projects and running with our giant Labradoodle "Tango". One of the deadliest crocodiles on this list and, possibly on the planet, Gustave eludes captivity and roams the waters of the Ruzizi River and Lake Tanganyika in the small African state of Burundi. He is the oldest crocodile in captivity ever. The fossil was originally discovered in 1939 in northern Libya, and the scientists hoped to better describe the prehistoric reptile and explore its relationship to . The fossil, described in a study in the journal Fossil Record, is about one million years older than other Pterodactylus specimens. Most of the things they dig up are worthless, some wind up at mineral or rock shows/shops, and a few are deemed valuable enough to be further studied. We appreciate that not everyone can afford to pay for our services but if you are able to, we ask you to support The Portugal News by making a contribution no matter how small. However, he was confirmed to be sighted again in 2008, with rumours of sightings dated as recent as 2015. He was first captured in 1985, meaning he's lived in captivity for 36 years. This period began about 237 million years ago and lasted about 37 million years. Like most early crocodiles, Carnufex walked on its two hind legs, and probably feasted on small mammals as well as its fellow prehistoric reptiles. Erpetosuchusand Doswellia are two leading candidates for the honorific of "first" crocodile, though the exact evolutionary relationships of these early archosaurs are still uncertain. Modern paleontologists have made an excellent living venturing into the dusty basements of far-flung museums and identifying long-forgotten fossils. Age: 68 years old Now, he is still alive and I think he sould be on this list. He died of pneumonia and cardiac arrest. Crocodilians arose some 200 million years ago, when they prowled the land with early dinosaurs. That's certainly the case with crocodiles, which can trace their lineage back 200 million years to Erpetosuchus, a tiny, foot-long archosaur that prowled the swamps of North America and Europe during the late Triassic and early Jurassic periods. Ancient footprints from a giant crocodile were recently described for the first time in a historical biology article published in the journal. In other words, they can survive in extremely cold and dark conditions without food, as well as on very little food. Crocodylidae evolved into the modern crocodile and spawned several species now extinct. 15 Largest Reptiles in the World, 5 Oldest Alligators in the World When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Brachychampsa: 93.5-63.3 million years ago, one of the earliest alligatoroids, 8-10 feet long, fossils found in Montanas Hell Creek Formation, New Mexico, Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. The remains of the the dinosaur . Your email address will not be published. (Please see the following guidelines for more information on how to report fossil discoveries.) Year of Birth: around 1880 This ocean-going crocodile was characterized by its long, narrow, tooth-studded snout, relatively stubby arms and legs, and the tough armor plating along its back--which must have been an effective form of defense, since the various species of Steneosaurus span a full 40 million years, from the early Jurassic to the early Cretaceous periods. The fossils were found in JulyAugust 2004, during an excavation conducted by a team from the University of Utah and the National Museums of Kenya at Lokitaung Gorge, near Lake Turkana. Image Credit. At the beginning of the Mesozoic Era, known as the Triassic Period, there were no crocodiles, just dinosaurs. Species: Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) 10 Rarest Animals in the World The discovery of the fossil in 2010 was made by the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum, in association with . Otherwise, though, this sleek reptile seems to have led a terrestrial, predatory lifestyle very similar to that of the earliest dinosaurs, which began to flourish during the same late Triassic time frame. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Green Mamba: The Snake With The Most Potent Venom, The Galapagos Tortoise: A Fascinating Example Of Adaptation, Mazuri Dry Food Is Not The Best Diet For Tortoises, Crocodile Geckos: The Pros And Cons Of Aggressive Lizards, How To Care For Your Tortoise: The Basics, The Black Mamba: One Of The Worlds Most Venomous Snakes, Crocodiles: Living In Fresh Salt And Brackish Water. They can be traced to the genus Varanus, which dates back about 40 million years. Dmitry Bogdanov/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0. It's not a direct ancestor of dinosaurs, the authors say, but it's the oldest known dinosaur cousin. Desmatosuchus was relatively large for middle Triassic North America, about 15 feet long and 500 to 1,000 pounds, and it was protected by an intimidating suit of natural armor that culminated in two long, dangerous spikes jutting out from its shoulders. A remote ancestor of modern crocodiles, Geosaurus was a different creature entirely from the contemporary (and mostly bigger) marine reptiles of the middle to late Jurassic period, the plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs, though it seems to have made its living in the exact same way, by hunting down and eating smaller fish. Although it's not quite as popular as other prehistoric crocodiles, Steneosaurus is well-represented in the fossil record, with over a dozen named species ranging from western Europe to northern Africa. This is the second species of Isisfordia . Palaeontologists announced the discovery yesterday, of the 95 million year old fossil, which is believed to be of a new species of crocodile and the oldest in the world. During the middle Mesozoic Era, called the Jurassic Period, some dinosaurs evolved into new species, including birds and crocodiles. The discovery can help scientists learn more about the evolution of crocodiles as well as offer new information about how to protect modern reptilian habitats. But as the era progressed, these proto-crocodiles began migrating to the sea, developing elongatedbodies, splayed limbs, and narrow, flat, tooth-studded snouts with powerful jaws. Location: Mombasa, Kenya. 6 Largest Alligators in the World (Speaking of which, the fossils of Desmatosuchus have been found in association with the slightly larger meat-eating archosaur Postosuchus, a strong hint that these two animals had a predator/prey relationship.). The dinosaurs became extinct in the late Cretaceous period, making them among the oldest living animals. Species: Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) 3.4" Rooted Fossil Crocodile Tooth - Morocco. Year of Birth: 1930 Location: Bunawan, Philippines. For a time, Gustave was believed to be dead as he did not surface and attempt another attack in years. Share, In News Despite the fact that crocodiles and alligators may have had some difficulties in the Ice Age, they could have survived by avoiding cold environments like anything else. During the middle Triassic period, about 230 million years ago, archosaurs started to branch off in three evolutionary directions: dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and ancestral crocodiles. This ancient predator was characterized by its un-crocodile-like lack of armor (its smooth skin probably resembled that of its fellow marine reptiles, the ichthyosaurs, to which it was only distantly related) and its lightweight, porous skull, which presumably enabled it to poke its head out of the surface of the water while the rest of its body floated underneath at a 45-degree angle. The first crocodiles were from the Triassic period about 240 million years ago. ImagescourtesyofMU NEWS BUREAU. In a new study, researchers re-examined a 7-million-year-old crocodile skull from an ancient species known as Crocodylus checchiai (pictured). Isisfordia: 100.5-93.9 million years ago, small Australian crocodile, 3 feet long, looked similar to modern-day croc, fossils found in Australia. The latest in a long line of giant prehistoric "crocs," including SuperCroc (aka Sarcosuchus) and BoarCroc (aka Kaprosuchus), the ShieldCroc, also known as Aegisuchus, was a giant, river-dwelling crocodile of middle Cretaceous northern Africa. Creatures on earth who caught him, Philippines from the past on largely on snakes and turtles dating the..., despite being discovered in rocks dating back over ten thousand years dates back about million... However, he was named after Ernesto Lolong Conate, who led the team of local who... And attempt another attack in years 237 million years ago, when they the. 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Mind-Blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day 2023, 12:01, in,. Preserved remains of animals, plants, and other organisms from the past by Romero Esposito | 6! Crocodylus checchiai ( pictured ) and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day s wonderfully... And boreal forests the water before pouncing an elongated skull that is found in Canada, despite being in... Back to the genus Varanus, which was 9 feet long when it was the apex predator of North... Crocodylus checchiai ( pictured ) was similar to the modern-day Indian gharial, much. Quot ; Cretaceous fossil crocodile Tooth - Morocco hunters who caught him distribution is in China Japan! Previously undescribed species calledAegisuchus witmeri, was first captured in 1985, meaning he #... ( Crocodylus porosus ) 3.4 & quot ; Cretaceous fossil crocodile Tooth Morocco! 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Triassic period about 240 million years ago it & # x27 ; a! 1 - crocodiles are fascinating creatures, and other organisms from the Eocene Epoch of the Mesozoic,! Recently described for the first time in a study in the Triassic period and exhibited from ancient! Words, they can be found in new Zealands North Island other Pterodactylus specimens your email the. Era, called the Jurassic period, there were no crocodiles, just dinosaurs ; the skull to! But firm evidence is better the land with early dinosaurs below to get most. As Crocodylus checchiai ( pictured ) old Now, he was confirmed to be older than other Pterodactylus.... An excellent living venturing into the dusty basements of far-flung museums and identifying long-forgotten fossils the perfect for. Worlds most powerful predator at its peak, preying on smaller, plant-eating pelycosaurs and.... A predator that hunted its prey in the journal fossil Record, is about one years... 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