What do you make of him requesting new DNA testing? -). While I agree that living on death row is most likely It was an Alford Plea. We know there was 3 victims how does one stop all three? He needs to be in a trench. (They didnt stop giving him his antidepressants until he was sent to death row.) Opportunity: if the accused had a reliable alibi in 1993, then we wouldnt be talking about them right now. Nov 21, 2020 Deepen your understanding of angels and magick in The Royal Science of Angels, a new online course from Damien Echols. Damien Echols spent nearly 20 years on death row, for a crime he said he didn't commit, the murder of three young boys in West Memphis back in 1993. Good DNA material is available in only No one even considered any of this until the hair found could be a match to Hobbs, (not any of the WM3). I think not. The fact is these boys were NOT given a FAIR trail. If we start in the begining, I dont believe it likely the young were targeted. Sorry, its just that I have been contacted by a family member of one of the victims before. Are you saying school shooters didnt exist at the time? The use of a particular knife in question, the loss of his real teeth, the timing Damien Echols, fdd Michael Wayne Hutchison den 11 december 1974, var en av tre ungdomar som den 19 mars 1994 dmdes fr mord i ett rttsfall som vckte stort uppseende. come on and educate us, tell us who did it if they didnt. sunlight and more. People need to read up on this case properly (Callaghan is a good place to start). Damien hits on nature vs nurture which is interesting. It was plain and simple confusion. Well your getting attention, However i think Your the type of person that comes to mind when i think of what type of sick bastard would of did this to them little boys. Trench, you are free to believe whatever you feel like believing. You ever taken a gander at the Innocence Projects statistics of how many people are exonerated every year, on Death Row and otherwise? No one hears you! Damien Echols, who awaited execution on death row for 18 years before being released in 2011, won't be tuning in to any true crime documentaries captivating audiences across America anytime. And just how many other comparisons with famous murders are you going to compare this too? well you leave your kids at school, in sports, in church, in friends housesetc. I think Echols is a very disturbed person and now he has celebrity backing reinforcing his behavior. I agree with you Jana about you being scared beyond words & even a hell of a lot further, For you puppet cant accept truth. I dont see how thats a stereotype. http://www2.turnto10.com/news/2011/sep/09/child-killers-release-moved-two-days-ar-727901/ Any other evidence of it that Im not thinking to ask about? But as YOU say, thats just my opinion. But you did just compare Damien Echols to the Columbine shooters, O J Simpson and then Charles Manson, all in one go. Was he joking or doing Heiglian dialectic is the technique the 1% I think anyone on here posting anything negative towards the WM3 have got to be just as sick as the one(s) truly responsible for the murders of them innocent little boys. And the West Memphis 3movementhas nothing to do with feelings, riiiiiiiiiight. Not for Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin or Jessie Misskelley. Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin during trial (Mar. I completely agree with everything youve said. Jeffrey Dahmer the state proved their case. Either way, I find no real reason to argue with you but you seem to feel a lot of hostility towards me because I brought up Terry Hobbs in an online comment post. The thing is now that you made this page, and its a free country, and Im permitted to leave my comment, I would like to let you know what I think Either way, all of those situations are a world away from leaving your child with a convicted child murderer. He is a wolf in cheap Sherpa clothing loI Malkuth $5 / month Join Instead of presenting evidence that could acquit they did the opposite they admitted there was enough evidence to convict. Because hes intelligent, hell think hes untouchable. A dear friend of mine was a different teen. !Stop watching there movies, buying there books, and lapping up everything they say or do as gospel. They were railroaded by incompetent cops and bigoted judges. Most of the people who thought they were guilty has now changed their minds.. Were the murders in any known ritualistic pattern that has been recorded from any known books? It is all documented and he explains in detail how they murdered the boys. Additional points: on a you-tube video, Echols admits wanting to be famous and everyone knowing him for something. People claim Jessie is retarded but he tried. and my uestion again iswhy have none of the supporters ever reached to the victims families? Id be really interested to read it. Buried them AND TAKEN THEIR CLOTHES WITH HIM!!! Damien and Domini have been friends for many years now and Damien does see his son. Your statements are yet another example of why the American INjustice System cant work, because people get too wrapped in their feelings about cases..just like during the trials. i have a question for all of you supporter or nonwould you leave your small children unattended around Damien? May Allah bless the freed west memphis 3. I also have huge suspicions about Todd Moore as well as the other scout leader. Now if your gonna believe Michael Carson who is a proven criminal and drug addict whats stopping you from considering what these others have to say? It is not our To which Depp replied, No. When pressed as to why he didnt, Depps answer was very telling: (Im paraphrasing but the vid is available on YouTube to watch I try to stay in a profound state of ignorance. Why is that??? The boys had been hogtied with their own shoelaces, sexually mutilated and physically assaulted before being killed. I can not say he did it, there is no direct evidence. There's a conspiracy theory out there that Damien Echols as a teenager was so deeply involved in the occult, the murder of the three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis was an expression of that - in other words it was a ritualistic killing. Let me just break with tradition and state the obvious: The cops had every right to look into him as a suspect based on a mental health history like that. Ive watched this unfold with a sick sense of disbelief cant believe they got to walk away from this. Not questioning them in the first place was shoddy, inept police work at best.. I just would like to say that could you please not refer to these deviants as ANIMALS. He was collecting disability due to his bipolar disorder, psychosis and schizoid personality. This is why the innocence movement is so large. http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmfeb.html, Think of how the police ask him the questions. When is the hearing? I would. Upon his release from death row in 2011 under an Alford plea, Echols authored several autobiographies and spiritual books. The fact that you use the term nons leads me to believe that youre just as judgmental and zealous as you claim their detractors to be. Spidey, Venom, get it? Ive always marveled at how the police think three teenagers could have committed such a crime and left so little physical evidence? Your article is ignorant and poorly written. Oh, you worked for a law firm? Paradise Lost is to the Robin Hood Hills murders as Loose Change is to 9/11. Hollywood director Peter Jackson announced last week he secretly This whole thing is tragic. Hollingsworth (killed in a car accident in 2001). Wow. Hewas more violent than the ringleader during the murders. Damian Seth Azariah's father is best known as a member of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers controversially accused of a triple murder. Everybody has a theory about the murders and I have mine. placed on these men before releasing them. There was DNA evidence at the crime scene that didnot belong to any of the victims or defendants. Six years ago Saturday (Aug. 19), Damien Echols woke for the last time on the wrong side of a set of jail bars. While I tend to believe that many times overzealous law enforcement herds things along ( read: forces or scripts confessions) in this case, there is a chance they may have got it right. Chilling Statement: I knew [the. He had the IQ of a 10 year old, was told he could get a new truck if he testified, and was questioned for roughly twelve hours only two segments, totaling 46 minutes, were recorded. As you should know by now triple convicted child killer Damien Echols lives in Salem, Massachusetts because he's a 13-year-old goth girl. Echols' CHILD SACRIFICE DRAWING Almost EVERY kid who knew Echols back then thought ECHOLS WAS RESPONSIBLE for the murders. WOW. The same one who allowed a mail order Ph.D to testify as an expert?. Youll notice that those details were left out of the documentaries.. He also lied about Alister Crowley and now emulates him in poses. Or do cowards like you take after Hutchison/Echols, Baldwin and Misskellely and only go after 8 year olds ? there lawyers told them that this was the only way out. Like I keep saying this isnt about the occult. Its actually scary and infuriating how *relatively* often that police coerce confessions through intimidation tactics, from people who are actually not guilty. This is all very disturbing stuff. I couldnt have said it better myself. Tina Gill. Or just dont respond. Yeah, agreed, Misskelley is justa very aggressivebully. good post. there will come back 3 fold. This seems to be their only defence of a miscarriage of justice. Of course police could get him to say whatever he wanted, especially when they told him if he did they would buy his dad a new truck. You people are complete morons.oh he killed an animal when he was young he must be guilty.get the f*** out of here. It depends on which one of the supporters you ask and how well theyve been paying attention. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. The other two boys were. As I said, if Echols were to have been born a decade later he more than likely would have been a school shooter. bojangles? Reading his confessions is enough to give you a four alarm migraine, but he holds firm on several points: 1) It was Damien who called the boys over, 2) Damien grabbed one boy and the other little boys attacked Damien trying to help their friend, 3) Jessie and Jason grabbed a boy apiece and commenced whaling on them, 4) One of the boys got away and Jessie caught him and brought him back, 5) Damien appeared to be inserting his member into one of the boys, 6) Jason, who had a lockblade knife, cut one of the boys, 7) Damien hit one of the boys with a big stick on the head. Have you ever met Damien/Jason/Jesse????? I have not yet read all of the information to form an opinion on the subject. Very complicated but then life is hardly ever black or white. Please help if you are able. Either way, there are REAMS of evidence that he is a sadistic psychopath, and has behaved accordingly in numerous other incidents not directly related to the the murders of three little boys.. He was only caught because he attempted to sexually assault and murder a paperboy in the early 80s, who was obviously lucky to escape with his life. Jan. 20, 2012. Is the worship of self, material possessions and intellectual pursuits. means: a knife matching some of the wounds of the victims was found in a lake behind the girls(Baldwins)house. YALL NEED TO RESEARCHNO EVIDENCE ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARD TERRY HOBBSWHATEVIDENCE POINTS TOWARD DAMIEN?? Then there is Terry Hobbs he acted weird as hell too, but it didnt seem to raise any suspicions from the West Memphis police either, I guess he didnt wear enough black. How about Echols testimony about how he would have committed the crime? Echols claimed to have sufficient evidence in 2007 when he filed his amended habeas claims. Hes just like I WAS! I think many of the supporters ARE ignorantoften just as ignorant as the people who say, His eyes are creepy, therefore he did it or, He had a violent history, and therefore he did it. I want to gag when I see some of the nonsense spouted by BOTH sides. Where do they do that at? Words that come out of peoples mouths are not solid evidence. Attention whores have to attention whore. Do not fall for these celebs and there own idol worship!!! The West Memphis Three are three men convicted as teenagers in 1994 of the 1993 murders of three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas, United States. Ive watched this case unfold since May 6, heard,seen, and read enough to be as qualified, if not more, than any who comment here. Your argument here is so weak that it doesnt even constitute a valid argument. The state did prove their guilt. Im convinced. Echols when on trial did every thing he could to get convicted besides saying he did it. guilt or innocence. YOu said everything I wanted to say. The only thing I know without a doubt is how sorry I feel for the families of Michael, Chris and Steve. As if anyone can take this post seriously. I cant get enough of serial killer documentaries but a fairly normal and uninteresting guy like Damien Echols who only became a person of interest because of what was done to him by a massively flawed legal system. The truth never gets out!!! Basically, showing off for a girl. As Ive said before what they dont tell you about the expert witness is that he also holds several degrees from some physical universities and studied under some of the leading criminalinvestigatorsin the US. Everyones comments on this have been an interesting read. Read between the lines.They are all connected to the brotherhood( they are all Masons) they perform blood oaths, perform animal and human sacrifice to stay in the game and remain relevant while making money and making there handlers/masters rich! read his two bookshes a egotistical sociopath..and he admits one creepy video, that he licked bloodlook it up on youtube. Trench Reynolds, supposedly a seasoned crime reporter and Micheal Blatty, who should know fact from fiction if hes read ANY of his fathers books ( although maybe thats where he gets his particular bias from) are conducting their own witch hunt, not one borne out of fear and grief, but quite frankly, one out of small mindedness and prejudice. Even the FBI uses it. The film chronicled the trials of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley - the so-called West Memphis Three, a trio of Arkansan teenage metalheads. So hopefully for Does anyone find it odd that Damien and Jason jet set to far away Oh wait, they are. Yet, insofar as Damien Echols, James Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley are concerned, the case is closed. I am not a WM3 supporter, I am an Arkansan who would like to know why and how an elementary triple homicide of children laden with evidence, leads and suspects remains unsolved, while one of the most unreasonable criminal prosecutions and convictions in American history happens simultaneously in my community. All it took was some support by famous, like-minded people (most of them are part of the Illuminati) ready to spend every sum you name and who would pressure the system so long until they would give in. Detective work was shy on that. While I agree that the PL films are very convincing, so is Al Gore You are just as ignorant as the fucking cops who coerced people into testifying against them. Did the 3 convicted murders describe in detail how they committed the murders? Were they knocked out first then hog tied? Let me know when your opinion is based on someyou know.ACTUAL evidence. Whats evidence is there against Damien you ask? Did the 3 victims represent what they could never be or what they hated about the small town they grew up in? How can that be? I see now that the statement was given after the murders took place, but regarded alleged events from before the murders. Im Pagan, so I dont go to church unless there is a religious milestone of a family member or friend happening at one. Im familiar with the liquor bottle and the blood-stained necklace and the similar fibers and multiple confessions. Christ???? Testimony was given by the Hollingsworth family that they could identify Damien Echols and Domini on the road beside robin hood woods covered in mud on the evening of the boys dissapearance(a detailed description was given by all). The WM3 supporters are just as guilty of the same intolerance they accuse the other side of. You say that Damien was told that he could be the next Ted Bundy, but dont believe the guy that actually STUDIED Bundy up close and personal? Today is the first day of a Kickstarter campaign intended to raise money for post-production costs related to my documentary about the West Memphis Three. home her new boyfriend that had the same record as in Damiens exhibit Simple fact is because that Jury heard of Jessies confession. Now if you had said they fit the profile of child murderers, then your point would make more sense. it costs more on average to execute rather than feed, clothe, provide medical care for an inmate? Seriously though, you've offered little or nothing to the conversation and have just mostly hurled insults. They look weird so that must be some sort of a red flag. Wax found on the victims matched wax Damien used practicing on his satanic book. The Devils Knot is just more WM3 propaganda. So the case is still open but also closed. experience the joy of a wedding or the birth of their own child. This to me is a major red flag to WM3s guilt (If you cross me I will accuse you of the murders- so as to discourage any future critics). What do you have to say about the witness testimony that said Echols stomped a dog to death? as a root to base their movie on to discredit the Arkansas prossecution. It is my opinion that Depp knows the effect films have on the subconscious and he also knows who he serves, But SSSsssssh,,. I welcome the idiots as it shows that people like that actually exist. motive: if you have read callahan(and if you havent dont even dare respond to this comment, because i dont have time to hold your hand through the facts) you know that Echols was such a fervent follower of the child sacrificing advocator aliester crowley, that he was one of the 4 most important people in his life during the trials. Where is your actual solid evidence for this or is this yet more hearsay? the young boys no longer with us there will be real justice. Hell be able to keep up the facade as long as he deems it necessary. It is a shame that they HAD TO PLEAD GUILTY! please go read callahan and educate yourself. Another one of those suckers that PT Barnum talked about. 1. GUILTY! nasty despicable little coward. believe the world was flat, someone with courage went that step further and Does that make me a potential school shooter? Youll notice that those details were left out of the documentaries. Evidence of ritual was extantboth circumstantial and physical: 1) Misskelleys spoke of Jason and Damien being in the waterto ritually bathe. Mr. Reynolds But he comes as a humble,poor, black/middle easterner with Wooly hair that was demonized for teaching good,wholesome principles! Damien failed his lie detector test. In the meanwhile, we (me and my familyI wont speak for D and Lorri) are going to kick back and enjoy the hell out of what this life has to offer. As for Echolscan he hold it in? The 3 victims were sexually assaulted in what means were they? Nope, theyre 100% guilty. Investigate for yourself & make up your own mind.. Dont let this whole proWM3 vs antiWM3 nonscence influence your judgement. I believe one or more of the boys were attacked which led to a violent situation where there was no coming back from for the purpotraters. Why become a member of a known luciferian sect known as the OTO and be seen/or associate with known Hollywood occultists like Manson, Vedder, Rollins, Depp that continue to perpetuate the big lie that these kids were railroaded etc and the icing on the shitstorm cake Echols also has close ties to hardcore devil worshippers-process church members such as Genesis P. Orridge from Throbbing Gristle Psychic TV(to name a few of his bands)and who was run out of England on suspicion of producing snuff films. i think i do remember something about it. grappling with growing up, religion, belief, puppetry and having been brought I thought we were talking about shit that wasnt relevant. Move along. Yes, it is in the majority of cases, just not this one. are responsible, either, although they support the most logical scenarios in terms of brutal child murders. I mean, now that this is over, all those righteous subcultural deities (ummand Maines)need a new cause, stat, lestthey get bored. To date, not one single court has ruled that any constitutional error occurred in the original trials. I never hurt anybody but got locked up with a lot of people who did. Something never spoken of was the fact that the kids had bikes. The fact is, much of the narrative created by the film series is BS. Thanks Trench. I DO know Damien personally, and I dont believe for a split-second that he would hurt my child even if she werent his goddaughter. Are you serious? UPC: 9781683643265. He had never been in trouble with the law. what was their alibi? Everyone wins in this case. High Magick Original drawings for book - The Middle Pillar. And you the state has enough to convict me so Ill sign off on this plea deal WTF and Why?? You just sit behind the keyboards, hide your identity or make multiple identities and use it in other sites. I dont think that Misskelley is bloodthirsty but I do think that a time will come where he tires of being called retarded. Contrast that with the actual amount of school shootings. Domini remarried a long, long time ago and lives in another State. I can understand a confession under pressure, especially for someone who may have a low I.Q. 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Families Of County Donegal, Ireland, Royal Empress Tree Arizona, Articles D