She has contributed to national newspapers such as The Independent and The Times of London, covering subjects as diverse as travel, mental health and disaster-zone news. Through land reform, the essence of the White Revolution, the Shah hoped to ally himself with the peasantry in the countryside, and hoped to sever their ties with the aristocracy in the city. [114] Revolutionaries took over government buildings, TV and radio stations, and palaces of the Pahlavi dynasty, marking the end of the monarchy in Iran. While the banning of the veil was seen as liberation by educated females, rural women increasingly retreated to their homes, used to being hidden behind the garment. Secular opponents of the Shah began to meet in secret to denounce the government. This gave women the right to divorce on the same grounds as men, and both had to go in court for divorce. $18,544 in 2016. His eventual arrest sparked antigovernment riots, specifically against what the shah was implementing. Prelude to revolution Reza Shah Pahlavi In May 1979, the Furqan Group (Guruh-i Furqan) assassinated an important lieutenant of Khomeini, Morteza Motahhari. In January 1979, in what was officially described as a vacation, the shah and his family fled Iran. Homosexuality has a long history in pre-modern Iran. He left Iran on 3 February. The Majlis (Parliament) also began issuing resolutions against the government. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. Social and political protest was often met with censorship, surveillance, or harassment, and illegal detention and torture were common. The shahs determination to showcase an increasingly liberal and modern front to the world was not matched by freedom of speech. A decade of extraordinary economic growth, heavy government spending, and a boom in oil prices led to high rates of inflation and the stagnation of Iranians buying power and standard of living. For marriage, the minimum age for women was raised from 15 to 18. In addition to this the shah also legalized abortion and created family planning and day care centers for women who wanted to work.3This act specifically was what angered religious citizens because it went against what they believed in. [94] That party's attempt to fight inflation with populist "anti-profiteering" campaignsfining and jailing merchants for high prices angered and politicized merchants while fueling black markets. The clergy first showed itself to be a powerful political force in opposition to the monarchy with the 1891 Tobacco Protest. "[286] To honor the 40th anniversary of revolution around 50,000 prisoners were forgiven by order Ali Khamenei to receive "Islamic clemency". But he also pushed the country to adopt. This loss of job skills and capital weakened Iran's economy. "[175] Khomeini pleaded for women to participate in anti-Shah demonstrations in various cities. Inevitably, the overlapping authority of the Revolutionary Council (which had the power to pass laws) and Bazargan's government was a source of conflict,[198] despite the fact that both had been approved by and/or put in place by Khomeini. [308] After the abdication of Reza Shah in 1941, the discipline of the government decreased, and women were able to further exercise their rights, including the ability to wear the veil if they wanted. lack of corruption) for its 2014 index;[320] and the IRI was ranked 130th out of the 189 countries surveyed in the World Bank 2015 Doing Business Report. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Issues New Statement to Iranian Royalists Following Demonstrations., College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences. [109] Although tensions remained in the milieu, the Shah's policy appeared to have worked, leading Amuzegar to declare that "the crisis is over." [178] However, most of these women expected the revolution to lead to an increase in their rights and opportunities rather than the restrictions that actually occurred. 200) that the laws of the Parthian Empire were tolerant towards homosexual behaviour, and Persian men were known to "indulge in intercourse with males." The growing dissatisfaction continued until the Constitutional Revolution of 19051911. Khomeini was arrested in 1963 after declaring the Shah a "wretched miserable man" who had "embarked on the [path toward] destruction of Islam in Iran. [2], Since 2001, the Council has frequently called for or demanded either outright state control or governmental filtering of the internet to prevent the dissemination of blasphemy, insults to Iran's Supreme Leader, opposition to the Constitution, the creation of "pessimism and hopelessness among the people regarding the legitimacy and effectiveness of the [Islamic] system", and similar offensive content. Iran Post-Islamic Revolution's society Government Education Families Religion . [46], At the end of the 19th century, the Shi'a clergy (ulama) had a significant influence on Iranian society. Visit for more stories. [109], The Carter administration increasingly became locked in a debate about continued support for the monarchy. ( Mario De Biasi/Mondadori/Getty Images) Iranian men and women enjoy a stroll along a busy commercial strip in 1950s Tehran. "[81] The most powerful guerrilla groupthe People's Mujahedinwas leftist Islamist and opposed the influence of the clergy as reactionary. For example, organized feminism which was around since the Pahlavi dynasty, joined the revolutionary movement after the Shah dropped the cabinet position on Women's Affairs to appease the Islamists. Khomeini immediately blamed the Shah and SAVAK for setting the fire, and,[9][101][124] due to the pervasive revolutionary atmosphere, the public also blamed the Shah for starting the fire, despite the government's insistence that they were uninvolved. [165] Before the revolution was consolidated, these chants were made by various political supporters, and were often recorded on cassette tapes in underground and home studios. Under the Shah's rule, Iran's economy and educational opportunities expanded. But the Shah's increasingly authoritarian measures and his eventual dismissal of multiparty rule set the stage for the infamous revolution. "[88] Five years later, the Shah angered pious Iranian Muslims by changing the first year of the Iranian solar calendar from the Islamic hijri to the ascension to the throne by Cyrus the Great. [23] This came after Ahmadinejad was elected as Iran's president in 2005 and became the head of the Council. While the moderate Bazargan and his government (temporarily) reassured the middle class, it became apparent they did not have power over the "Khomeinist" revolutionary bodies, particularly the Revolutionary Council (the "real power" in the revolutionary state),[196][197] and later the Islamic Republican Party. [102] Khomeini remained silent after the incident, while in Iran with the spread of the news came a wave of protest and mourning ceremonies in several cities. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Many Iranians were also angered by the fact that the Shah's family was the foremost beneficiary of the income generated by oil, and the line between state earnings and family earnings blurred. The Council had been active in repressing the student movement of 19831989, "banning many books and purging thousands of students and lecturers." In the 1950s he was given the title of an ayatollah, which is a major religious leader among Shiites. [139] As early as November, ambassador William Sullivan sent a telegram to Carter (the "Thinking the Unthinkable" telegram[139]). How many students or faculty were killed is not known.[1][3][4]. Azadeh KIAN - Social and Cultural Change and the Women's . More than this is intolerable, either for me or for you or for any other Iranian. ", Away from public view, Khomeini developed the ideology of velayat-e faqih (guardianship of the jurist) as government, that Muslimsin fact everyonerequired "guardianship," in the form of rule or supervision by the leading Islamic jurist or jurists. [171] Women were so pivotal to the revolution that in response to a suggestion from a top aid to ban women from coming to group audience, Khomeini said "I threw the Shah out with these women, there's no problem in their coming. During the shahs reign there had been an increase of women in labor force participation, but following these new religious laws, there was a drastic decrease of women in the workforce. Allameh Tabatabei refers to velayat as a political philosophy for Shia and velayat faqih for Shia community. One student was reportedly lynched, and according to a British correspondent, the campus was left looking like an `a combat zone.` The next day, Hezbollahis ransacked left-wing student offices at Shiraz University. In addition, the lives of all those who were a part of the shahs regime and of their families were also transformed. [237], Hundreds were injured by "rocks, clubs, chains and iron bars" when Hezbollahi attacked the protesters,[235] and shortly after, a warrant was issued for the arrest of the NDF's leader. Demonstrations continued to grow; on December 10, hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets in Tehrn alone. While women themselves were often killed, tortured, arrested or injured and some were involved in guerilla activities, most contributed in non-violent ways. [231][229][233], In mid-August 1979, shortly after the election of the constitution-writing assembly, several dozen newspapers and magazines opposing Khomeini's idea of theocratic rule by jurists were shut down. [208], In June 1979 the Freedom Movement released its draft constitution for the Islamic Republic that it had been working on since Khomeini was in exile. It resisted westernization and saw Ayatollah Khomeini as following in the footsteps of the Shi'a Imam Husayn ibn Ali, with the Shah playing the role of Husayn's foe, the hated tyrant Yazid I. Millions poured onto the streets, and virtually every remaining sign of the monarchy was torn down by the crowds. [308] During the reign of Reza Shah, the government mandated the removal of the veil and promoted the education of young girls. In 1953, amid a power struggle between Mohammed Reza Shah and Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.K. Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) orchestrated a coup against Mosaddeghs government. The Iranian Revolution changed Iran in many ways, especially in the day-to-day lives of its citizens. These reforms were welcomed by those who felt oppressed by religious dictates, but were resoundingly rejected by the more traditional elements of Iran, who saw them as a threat to Islamic cultural values and identity. [111], However, the government still continued the policy of appeasement and negotiation. On 20 March 1890, the long-standing Iranian monarch Nasir al-Din Shah granted a concession to British Major G. F. Talbot for a full monopoly over the production, sale, and export of tobacco for 50 years. This also tied the monarchy to the West, which had begun to be regarded in reactionary Islamic discourse as immoral due to "female nudity and open adult male homosexuality.". "[9][100][101][115], Forty days later, on 29 March, demonstrations were organized in at least 55 cities, including Tehran. Revolt against God is blasphemy.[151][152]. [139], The telegram touched off a vigorous debate in the American cabinet, with some, such as National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski,[139] rejecting it outright. Religion is a moral, an aspect in life that is, in a sense, a motive to keep on living. Whereas on 15 March 1978, 71.46 rials equaled one U.S. dollar, in January 2018, 44,650 rials amounted to one dollar. And suddenly nothing. ", Another aspect was that many teachers, engineers, economists, doctors, and technocrats left Iran to escape the Cultural Revolution. Black Tents of Baluchistan , 2000 . In theory, oil money funneled to the elite was supposed to be used to create jobs and factories, eventually distributing the money, but instead the wealth tended to get stuck at the top and concentrated in the hands of the very few. Hussein was confident that with Iraq's armed forces being well-equipped with new technology and with high morale would enjoy a decisive strategic advantage against an Iranian military that had recently had much of its command officers purged following the Revolution. [158][Note 5] Khomeini reported of a much larger number; he said that "60,000 men, women and children were martyred by the Shah's regime. Bakhtiar would be appointed prime minister (a return to civilian rule), while the Shah and his family would leave the country. A CIA analysis in August concluded that Iran "is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary situation. The Shah hoped that Khomeini would be cut off from the mosques of Najaf and be cut off from the protest movement. Khomeini immediately declared that "4,000 innocent protesters were massacred by Zionists," which gave him a pretext to reject any further compromise with the government. The British considered an armed invasion, but UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill decided on a coup after being refused American military support by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, who sympathized with nationalist movements like Mosaddegh's and had nothing but contempt for old-style imperialists like those who ran the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. People in the shahs regime left their families to escape while they still had a chance to leave. [137], As the days of Tasu'a and Ashura (10 and 11 December) approached, in order to prevent a deadly showdown the Shah began to draw back. ", "Human Rights & Democracy for Iran: Monir Taheri: One Person's Story", "How the BBC helped bring the Ayatollah to power", "Lakeland Ledger Google News Archive Search", "Two Weeks in January: America's secret engagement with Khomeini", "US had extensive contact with Ayatollah Khomeini before Iran revolution", "The Prescott Courier Google News Archive Search", "The Khomeini Era: Iran Becomes a Theocracy", "Iran marks 20th anniversary of Islamic revolution", "Iran: 25th Anniversary Of Islamic Revolution Commemorated Amid Serious Political Crisis", "Iran marks 25th anniversary of Islamic revolution", "Iran Chamber Society: The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran", "The role of women in the victory of the Islamic revolution", "Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij Mobilisation Resistance Force", "Iranian Government Constitution, English Text", "History of Iran: Iran after the victory of 1979's Revolution", "Investigating the 1981 Massacre in Iran: On the Law-Constituting Force of Violence", "Rastyad: online database concerning the 1981 Massacre in Iran", "Onderzoekers lanceren online database over de grootste massamoord uit de Iraanse geschiedenis", "Op zoek naar de verdwenen slachtoffers van de Iraanse revolutie", "Man of the Year: The Mystic Who Lit The Fires of Hatred", "Iranian Revolution: Arafat and the Ayatollahs", "Khamenei says Iran wants removal of Israel state not people", "Russia and Iran Put on a Show of Unity Against the U.S.", "The new power couple: Russia and Iran in the Middle East European Council on Foreign Relations", " 25 - - - Tasnim", ": ", "Iran stresses deepening of the 25-year bilateral cooperation program with China", "Gov't Approves 25-Year Roadmap for Iran-China Cooperation", " ", The soul of Iran: a nation's journey to freedom, Professor Hamid Algar, the Distinguished Shia Muslim Scholar in USA, "Large Number of Iranian Prisoners to Be Pardoned for Revolution Anniversary: Khamenei", "Iran may release huge number of prisoners", "Large number of Iranian prisoners to be pardoned for revolution anniversary Khamenei", "National Literacy Policies/Islamic Republic of Iran", Adult education offers new opportunities and options to Iranian women, "Iran's unsung rebellion By Syed Saleem Shahzad", "A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran", "Ministers of Murder: Iran's New Security Cabinet", "Iranian Queers and Laws: Fighting for Freedom of Expression", "State-Sponsored Homophobia: A World Survey of Laws: criminalisation, protection and recognition of same-sex love", "Trump and Gay Rights The Future of the Global Movement", "Political Risk to Investment in Iran: Sanctions, Inflation, Protectionism, War, Bonyads, and the IRGC", "Iran: 5. Sharif-Emami entered into negotiations with Ayatollah Shariatmadari and National Front leader Karim Sanjabi in order to help organize future elections. [103][104] The mourning of Mostafa was given a political cast by Khomeini's political credentials, their enduring opposition to the monarchy and their exile. With this new Islamic republic, many new laws were implemented by Khomeini. The government also began to prosecute corrupt government and royal family members. Particularly controversial was the replacement of Islamic laws with Western ones and the forbidding of traditional Islamic clothing, separation of the sexes, and veiling of women's faces with the niqab. [322], Since the revolution Iran's GDP (Nominal) has grown from $90.392billion in 1979 to $385.874 in 2015. Based on the revolutionaries' responses, some American officials (especially Ambassador Sullivan) felt that Khomeini was genuinely intent on creating a democracy. [172] There were groups as varied as the Fida'iyan-i Khalq, and the Mujahedin were functioning as guerrilla units during the revolutions in opposition to the Shah's regime. During the massacre, hundreds of minors were also subjected to arbitrary detention, torture, and summary executions on ideologically motivated charges of ifsad-fi-alarz and moharebeh by the revolutionary courts. In addition to mounting economic difficulties, sociopolitical repression by the shahs regime increased in the 1970s. The motivations of women for being part of the revolutions were complex and varied among a plethora of religious, political and economic reasons[177] and women participating were from various classes and backgrounds. However, the cutbacks led to a sharp rise in layoffsparticularly among young, unskilled, male workers living in the working-class districts. Womens rights were stripped away and, in my opinion, women are seen helpless in that area of the world. Many western media outlets, usually critical of such claims, became one of Khomeini's most powerful tools. Bazargan's resignation was received by Khomeini without complaint, saying "Mr. Bazargan was a little tired and preferred to stay on the sidelines for a while." [6][142], The Shah, hoping to see Bakhtiar established, kept delaying his departure. The Shiraz-Persepolis summer arts festival was established, showcasing music, dance, drama, poetry and film from Iran and elsewhere. Consequently, to the Iranian public, Bakhtiar was seen as the Shah's last prime minister, undermining his support. An injured revolutionary during protests against Pahlavi regime. Scholar Guity Nashat highlights this neglected aspect of the revolution, "Although women's participation in the events leading to the 11 February revolution was instrumental in its success, most studies have not addressed the reasons for their involvement or their contribution. The first to be executed were members of the old system senior generals, followed by over 200 senior civilian officials[223] as punishment and to eliminate the danger of a coup d'tat. . [226] Between January 1980 and June 1981, when Bani-Sadr was impeached, at least 900 executions took place,[227] for everything from drug and sexual offenses to "corruption on earth", from plotting counter-revolution and spying for Israel to membership in opposition groups. Pardis MAHDAVI - Iran's Youth Movement in Context (Annabelle is going to contact her to see if we can negotiate a revision as she is refusing at the moment) 3. [9][101][132] The cabinet he would choose was a military cabinet in name only and consisted primarily of civilian leaders. They are not allowed to publish newspapers. After the Islamic revolution, Iranian artists who fled to the United States gradually formed exile communities. [316][317][318] Amnesty International reports that approximately 5,000 gays have been executed in Iran since the revolution, including two gay men executed in 2014, both hanged for engaging in consensual homosexual relations. There was even gender segregation on public transportation on which there were fewer seats even available for women. 1 Colonization and Settlement (1500-1763), 2 Revolution and Early Republic (1754-1801), 4 Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877), 5 Emergence of Modern America (1877-1929), 4 Late Middle Ages-Renaissance-Reformation Europe (1300-1648), 3 Post-Classical History (600 CE-1492 CE), HS 1302 United States History since 1877, SP 3392 Language Variation and Dialectology of Spanish, Sadia Rafique and Khalid Manzoor Butt, Position of Women in Iran: An Analysis of Pre and Post Islamic Revolution 1979,, Encyclopaedia Britannica, September 2018, s.v. [74], Other opposition groups included constitutionalist liberalsthe democratic, reformist Islamic Freedom Movement of Iran, headed by Mehdi Bazargan, and the more secular National Front. These personal accounts were valuable in a time where the official coverage of news was not trusted by many people. [111] In his speech he stated "I have heard the voice of your revolutionthis revolution cannot but be supported by me, the king of Iran". People are tired of the way things are in the country and want less religion and more modernization. Censorship is handled by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, without whose official permission, "no books or magazines are published, no audiotapes are distributed, no movies are shown and no cultural organization is established. [116][134], Military authorities declared martial law in Khuzestan province (Iran's main oil producing province) and deployed troops to its oil facilities. Ten days later, on February 11, Irans armed forces declared their neutrality, effectively ousting the shahs regime. One law lowered the age of marriage for girls to eight years old, and another gave fathers the right of child custody in the case of a divorce. [284][285] Opinion polls and observers report widespread dissatisfaction, including a "rift" between the revolutionary generation and younger Iranians who find it "impossible to understand what their parents were so passionate about. It is a government based on the sharia. Khomeini returned from exile that February and replaced the secular government with a theocracy ruled by Islamic religious leaders. The result of the lectures was the book "An inquiry into principles of Mar'jaiyat". In 1935, dozens were killed and hundreds injured in the Goharshad Mosque rebellion. In an interview the crown prince had accused the Iranian government of being resistant to change, he stated, Iran needs an overall change. Students began to take to the streets in protest. [210] To approve the new constitution and prevent leftist alterations, a relatively small seventy-three-member Assembly of Experts for Constitution was elected that summer. The period leading up to Iran's Islamic Revolution was a time of major upheaval and reform. Its baffling to see people defend it when it only harms the mass and keeps a small percentage safe from the very rules they impose. This article was well written. [1] Hojjatol-Islam Mohammad Khatami was appointed as a member of the High Council for Cultural Revolution[21] in 1996[22][citation needed] and became its head in 1997. Salzman, Philip Carl. [111], The speech backfired when the revolutionaries sensed weakness from the Shah and "smelled blood". [111], On 2 December 1978, the Muharram protests began. [109], More than 10% of the country marched in anti-Shah demonstrations on the two days, possibly a higher percentage than any previous revolution. [191], Khomeini and his loyalists in the revolutionary organizations implemented Khomeini's velayat-e faqih design for an Islamic republic led by himself as Supreme Leader[192] by exploiting temporary allies[193] such as Mehdi Bazargan's Provisional Government of Iran, whom they later eliminated from Iran's political stage one by one. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. [42] Other factors include the underestimation of Khomeini's Islamist movement by both the Shah's reignwho considered them a minor threat compared to the Marxists and Islamic socialists[43][44][45]and by the secularist opponents of the governmentwho thought the Khomeinists could be sidelined. Mohammad Rezas father, Reza Shah Pahlavi, was an army officer who founded the Pahlavi dynasty in 1925 as he became the ruler of Iran. Khomeini attacked the MEK, referring to them as monafeqin (hypocrites) and kafer (unbelievers). Pre-revolutionary Iran was a complicated time, one that included much change and conflict. Some 300 students required hospital treatment. Some women of high-ranking positions were even forced to step down because of these new laws.11Rights of women have improved slightly since then but they still are not like what they used to be. [170] Not only participating through voting, women contributed to the revolution through marches, demonstrations and chanting slogans. [2], When the institutions reopened, purges continued for five more years with special focus on "Islams enemies". [9][101] He decided to appoint Jafar Sharif-Emami to the post of prime minister, himself a veteran prime minister. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. It has resulted in either dismissal or compulsory retirement for veteran university faculty members and their replacement with younger professors more loyal to the Islamic Republic. Be self-dependent and do not expect any help from the foreigners. Throughout history, women in Iran have played numerous roles, and contributed in many ways, to Iranian society. There is a real threat here to be addressed, and I can only hope that strong, concrete reforms can overturn this grim state. The Family Protection Act gave them greater rights such as allowing divorce and banning marriage under the age of 15. Opposition to the shahs policies was accentuated in the 1970s, when world monetary instability and fluctuations in Western oil consumption seriously threatened the countrys economy, still directed in large part toward high-cost projects and programs. [222], After the revolution, human rights groups estimated the number of casualties suffered by protesters and prisoners of the new system to be several thousand. Post of prime minister or for any other Iranian kafer ( unbelievers.! 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