. The following is an example of a Right to Travel Affidavit. The definition of the "United States" being used here, then, is limited to its territories : 7) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. the central bank system. 531, 23 A.2d 607, 621 Jan. 17The Missouri man accused of helping a woman kidnap her own children from their Stillwater foster home . *Such compelled and supposed "benefits"* include, but are not limited to, the aforementioned typical examples. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 The affidavit does not fit the traditional definition of an affidavit as "a sworn statement of facts used for legal purposes." Rather, it represents a declaration of the individual's political and . You can start editing your file when you're redirected to the editor. The use of fiat currency to discharge my debts. Nihil Dicit 7- IN COMMERCE FOR ANY MATTER TO BE RESOLVED MUST BE EXPRESSED. Although probable cause may not be inferred from malice, malice may be inferred from lack of probable cause. Pauley v. Hall335 N. W. 2d 197, 124 Mich App 255. Kane showed the officer his sovereign citizen documentation. Furthermore, I hereby revoke, rescind, and make void ab initio, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, signed by me or anyone else, as it pertains to the government identification number previously assigned to me, as it pertains to my birth certificate, or any other licenses or certificates issued by any and all government or quasi-governmental entities, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my Sovereignty or property. My authority for this statement is the same as it is for all free Sovereigns everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms, and responsibilities of the. I hereby affix my own signature to all the affirmations in this entire document with explicit reservation of all my unalienable rights and my specific common law right not to be bound by any contract or obligation which I have not entered into knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, and without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion. My reason for using it is not because I wish to participate in the system, as I don't wish to participate. and referred to in this section would be in the public interest; accordingly, they I may voluntarily choose to comply with the "laws" which, no such "laws," nor their "enforcers," have any authority over me. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. To not use any bank at all is very difficult, There is no real need for me to have such a "license" for, travelling in a car. Plaintiff should not be charged fees or costs for the lawful and constitutional right to petition this court in this matter in which he is entitled to relief, as it appears that the filing fee rule was originally implemented for fictions and subjects of government, and should not be applied to the Plaintiff who is a natural individual and entitled to relief (Hale vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43). reestablish a national domicile` in one of the 48 sovereign states of the Union by "Affidavit` and Legal Notice," filed at the County Recorder . you don't pay taxes and you don't have a driver's license or a legitimate job. My birth certificates (warehouse receipts) have been redeemed (accepted for value) in a UCC-1 filing, signed 2000-01-01, received and recorded by Washington State Department of Licensing - UCC on 2000-01-26, Filing Number 2000-026-0186 , and therefore none hold any claim to either my straw-man nor to my natural self. From NativeBornCitizen.com (Archived Site). #108, 111 U.S. 701, The Acts of Congress making Notes a legal tender do not apply to involuntary contributions in the nature of taxes or assessments exacted under State laws I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real or private, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. 03. Driving means to be for hire. It's an individual who denies that any form of U.S. government has any legal authority over him or her. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated. I refuse to be treated as a "federally" or "state" created entity which is only capable of, am created by GOD alone and subject only to, ] that resembles my natural name. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. I am not in any "jurisdiction,". Updated: Send letter with two-cents postage because thou lives without United States, Practice how to speak on the private side, where the flesh lives, and the blood flows, Frank: Brushaber (bru-shay-ber) described as Citizen. Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, ab initio . It seems some sovereign citizens will make their own license plates for their cars. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you jurisdiction of" any . under section 3 of the Government Losses in Shipment Act (50 Stat. A miracle on thy street. Report DMCA As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me, and are null and void. The use of an identification number from a government agency. Because jurisdiction that sovereign immunity through case as an affidavit of service upon it by decision to accept service of. 02. We are fooled by words. "As a free person, your license plate taxes do not apply to me.". Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, ab initio. We use tracking cookies to analyze website traffic and display advertising. The use of a bank account, with my signature on the bank signature card. ", make void from the beginning any such "instrument" or any presumed "election" made, by any "government" or any agency or department thereof, that I am or ever have, voluntarily elected to be treated as a subject of any "monarch" or a "[insert name of, "country" here] citizen," or a "resident" of any "commonwealth," "state," "territory,", "possession," "instrumentality," "enclave," "division," "district," or "province," subject to, The document supposedly setting forth the foundations of a "country", and "its" "government," has no inherent authority or obligation. The Fee is the statutory creature moving within the fictional falsity as if it is presumed to be standing as the amortized obligation. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such a district (NOT EXCEEDING TEN MILES SQUARE) as may, by cession of particular states and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of Government of the United States, [District of Columbia] and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock yards and other needful Buildings; And -- To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers . By continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. The number normally assigned to persons of subject status, I use exceptionally, under duress, only because of the extreme inconvenience of operating without one in today's marketplace, where it is requested by banks, employers, lenders, and many other government agencies and businesses. property of others. Procuring arms and ammunition and indulging in activities that are disruptive. At most, such a document could be a contract between the existing people at the time of its, creation, but no-one has the right, authority, or power to bind their posterity. - Definition & Example, Affidavit of Domicile: Definition, Terms & Example, Capacity in Contract Law: Help and Review, Contract Law and Third Party Beneficiaries: Help and Review, Contracts - Assignment and Delegation: Help and Review, Contracts - Statute of Frauds: Help and Review, Contracts - Scopes and Meanings: Help and Review, Contracts - Breach of Contract: Help and Review, Contracts - Discharge of Contracts: Help and Review, Securities and Antitrust Law: Help and Review, Employment and Labor Law: Help and Review, Product Liability and Consumer Protection: Help and Review, International Business Law: Help and Review, The Role of Agency in Business Law: Help and Review, Types of Business Organizations: Help and Review, DSST Human Resource Management: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Human Resource Management: Certificate Program, College Macroeconomics: Homework Help Resource, Introduction to Business: Certificate Program, UExcel Business Law: Study Guide & Test Prep, CLEP Introductory Business Law: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Business Law: Certificate Program, Economics 101: Principles of Microeconomics, CLEP Principles of Marketing: Study Guide & Test Prep, CLEP Principles of Management: Study Guide & Test Prep, Principles of Marketing: Certificate Program, Business 104: Information Systems and Computer Applications, Programming Flow Charts: Types, Advantages & Examples, Aspect-Oriented Programming vs. Object-Oriented Programming, Importance of Java Applets in Software Development, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG): Definition & Examples, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Thou can also subscribe without commenting. upon the sovereign island Kaua'i], and per truth under [international divine] law, in the [Kingdom Queendom] of God[dess] in higher truth. then it is limited only to those individuals who have specifically entered into it. Therefore, under duress, I only use a "passport" to prevent extreme inconvenience and to. Signed _______________________________________, Printed Name _________________________________, Date _________________________________________, My Commission Expires ________________________, Angela Kahealani peace and blessings to you, I have been trying to figure out which tax form I should place my 1099s on for the return and where to place the amounts on the proper tax form, please help!!! The fact that they define the words "person," "address," "mail," "resident," "motor vehicle," "driving," "passenger," "employee," "income," and many others, in ways different from the common usage, so as to be associated with a subject or slave status, means nothing in real life. If there is any hidden "contract" behind an account, my. If I have participated in any of, the supposed "benefits" associated with these hidden contracts, I have done so under duress, for lack, Any such participation does not constitute "acceptance" in contract law, because of the absence. Reclaiming Your Inherent American` Sovereignty` "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the` tranquility of servitude better than the` animating contest of freedom, go home from us in` peace. It should be completed, notarized, and sent to notify institutions. Price $65.00. you no longer have a social security number because you're not considered a citizen. currency and canceled currency, coins, including uncurrent coins, and specie. FEDERAL JURISDICTION It is further relevant to this affidavit that any violation of my Rights, Freedom, or Property by the federal government, or any agent thereof, would be an illegal and unlawful excess, clearly outside the limitedboundaries of federal jurisdiction. We have in our political system a Government of the United States and a government of the several States. Create your account, 30 chapters | - Consequences & Reasons, What is an Affidavit of Truth? Obligation or other security of the United States defined: Section 1785: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. Malice is a state of mind and an essential element of action for malicious prosecution and is to be found by jury from case, and want of probable cause is the other element of action for malicious prosecution which must be proved by plaintiff. Lopez v. Modisitt 488 F. Supp 119 D. C. 1980. The word you is always plural. Unless I have willfully harmed or violated someone or someone's property without their consent, Thus, be it known to all, that I reserve my natural right not to be compelled to perform under any, not accept the "liability" associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit" of any hidden or, unrevealed "contract" or "commercial agreement.". Life seems pretty nice, doesn't it? They still need to make a living to survive, so how do they do that? Something is presumed to be true, which is false. Eye of Horus | Egyptian Eye Symbols, What Are Administrative Procedures? there is no other widely recognized currency. identity. AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY ( SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that I, Angela Kahealani, am a natural free-born Sovereign, without subjects. Banks dont lend money, Send letter with two cents postage because thou does not live within United States, The USofA is a Union not a State and why this matters, nonresident alien by Treasury Department, Richard McDonalds Seminar on state Citizenship, Operation of every single claim in a nutshell, State, United States, Includes The Informer, The United States is separate from the fifty states, Video: They turned us all into merchants, New Handout Nine Pages Introduces key points from this website. Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. Only U.S. citizens can have a license. It indicates nothing about jurisdiction, nothing about property ownership, nothing about rights, and nothing about subject status. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Since I don't carry passengers or freight for hire, there is no law requiring me to have a license to travel for my own pleasure and that of my family and friends. As soon as this is done, the affidavit is then notarized by a notary public to legitimize the authenticity of the affidavit and the statement sworn within it. Prompt Number Affidavit For Free Prompt Number Affidavit For Free with DocHub and make the most of your documents Jan 12th, 2023 0 forms filled out 0 forms signed 0 forms sent 01. affidavit of sovereignty pdf Main Menu; Home; About Liz; Where to Watch; Contact; affidavit of sovereignty pdf . When the affiant, the individual writing the affidavit, signs the affidavit, they also state that the government did not give them the right to vote, have a driver's license, use of banks, and register their children into schools. Contracts Clause Provisions & Examples | What is a Clause in a Contract? Likewise, my use of the bank account thereof is due to the absence of a bank not associated with the central bank system. Hawai`i, Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. Furthermore, my use of such compelled "benifits" may be temporary, until better alternatives become available, practical, and widely recognized. 18 January, 2023 04:01 pm IST New Delhi, Jan 18 (PTI) The Centre has told the Supreme Court that SIMI's objective to establish Islamic rule in India cannot be permitted to subsist and activists of the banned outfit are still indulging in disruptive activities capable of threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. Bulging Roice embow very elaborately while Rowland remains unexercised and stalagmitical. That in inapplicable, until there is altogether impractical and affidavit. The first one was a debt elimination seminar scheme. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. The same person may be at the same time a citizen of the United States and a Citizen of a State, but his rights of citizenship under one of these governments will be different from those he has under the other." 2 Document(s) Nebraska Map Template. The answer is the law, wherein the litigant shall substantiate the Debt Collector is attempting to dispute the nothing as if it were the factual default of a statutory obligation, wherein fees, may be defined as interest. I, _____, a titled sovereign, hereby declare that: I am competent to manage all my own affairs. Other crimes such as money laundering, threatening federal officers, mail fraud, conspiracy, illegal selling of firearms, and seminar schemes, are all considered crimes that a sovereign citizen can be punished for. The affiant also will state in the affidavit that, even though they completed the mentioned actions, it does not mean they submit to government authority. 826, 19 Ann.Cas. These plates will display terms like "US Constitutional Plate," "Exempt: Sovereign Neutral Non-Combatant," "Sovereign Christian Citizen." or any of some other non-legal terms. Quick View. Sovereign People, does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and read the foregoing facts, and in accordance with the best of Affiant's firsthand knowledge and conviction, such are true, correct, I have waived none of my intrinsic rights and freedoms by my use thereof. Birth Certificate | Outline, Differences & Uses. Without a valid, the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Affidavit of Fact Exhibit S (Exercise of Constitution / Treaty - Secured Right) December 18 2009 STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT Clerks 80 Washington Street HARTFORD CONNECTICUT 06106 Enclosed is a "Writ of Removal" removing this claim to the Supreme Court, the International Criminal The filing discusses an affidavit which Petitioner apparently signed. Were there an alternative, I would be, happy to use it. I neither, I am not a "person" as defined in commercial "statutes" when such definition includes "artificial, entities." CERTIFICATES.MORTGAGES.NOTES.STAMPS, INCLUDING POSTAGE, REVENUE, LICENSE, FOOD Yes. I have used these only because in this country, there is no other widely recognized currency. Your email address will not be published. Any tax returns I may have filed in the past, were filed due to the dishonest atmosphere of fear and intimidation created by the tax collector and the local assessors' offices; not because there is any law requiring me to do so. Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no "meeting of the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Bank of Commerce v. Commissioner of Taxes for City and (a) Stocks and obligations of the United States Government are exempt from taxation by a State or political subdivision of a State. Decide on what kind of signature to create. matters in which he is entitled to relief, as it appears that the filing fee rule was originally Typical examples of such compelled and pretended "benefits" are: 1) The use of fiat currency to discharge my debts. Over 240 pages, it represent s more than 70 years of exhaustive legal research, study and sacrifice by three great Americans teachers and patriots who have dedicated their adult lives to not only understanding the concepts explained in From Sovereign to Serf, but also to educating the public. - cannot be used to compromise my, status as a sovereign, nor obligate me to perform in any manner. Because the courts have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all courts and all parties, that if I ever signed any document or spoke any words on record, using words defined by twists in the law books different from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my Sovereign status in society thereby, nor can there be created any obligation to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. associated "permits," "visas," etc.) Eye of Ra vs. In 1983, in the case of American Bank and Trust Co., et al v. Dallas County et al., 483 U.S. 855 (Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers edition, page 3369), Justice Blackmun, writing the opinion, clearly lays out the logic and argument to support the above facts. Affidavit of Sovereignty Equality under the law is paramount, and mandatory by law. Typical examples of such compelled and pretended "benefits" are: The fact that a "birth certificate" was issued to me by a local, hospital or "government" agency when I was born, is irrelevant to my sovereignty. "franchise of," a "subject of," a "ward of," the "property of," the "chattel of," or "subject to the. Therefore under duress, I carry a "license" to avoid extreme inconvenience. It does not include the 50 states themselves , as is confirmed by the following cites: "We have in our political system a Government of the United States and a government of the several States. Affidavit of Sovereignty Equality under the law is paramount, and mandatory by law. As a free Sovereign, there is no legal requirement for me to have such a license, for travelling in my car, as technically, the unrevealed legal purpose of driver's licenses is commercial in nature. Some other criminal acts that have been committed by affidavit of truth signers include: A real-life example of a crime committed by a sovereign citizen was the case of Jerry Kane. Where the definition in the common dictionary differs from the definition in the "law" dictionary, it is the definition in the common dictionary that prevails, because it is more trustworthy. THERE IS NO MONEY; The structure and guidelines for payment of Court filing fees and fees for service of process is set by the State, however, Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States says No state shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. And, according to the United States Supreme Court in Hagar v. Rec. Federal statutes indicate that taxes assessed or levied in anything other than legal tender are unlawful, to wit: ( SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY ). Currency, included mutilated Once the house is purchased, the sovereign citizen will run off with the money or use it to fund other activities. I am a citizen of the [Kingdom Queendom] of God[dess], with no allegiance to any earthly government, neutral to all. However, if I am stopped for any reason and found to be without a. carry a "license" only to avoid extreme inconvenience. A sovereign citizen may go around doing seminars about how to become sovereign. I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit"* or gratuity associated with any of the aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. I am filing an affidavit of truth a.k.a. Tag : Affidavit of Sovereignty. bank bills are not money, Very good information we should have taught this when we were born in our schooling why did they keep it a secret so long we could have lived a beautiful life not too late l b bv go, If there is anyone out there who needs assistance with a court case contact me at [email protected] will come to any city..Im tired of seeing halfway made statements Im tired of people withholding information when people are desperate for a remedy and they just act as if they forgot where they were when they were looking for help and answersmy time is very valuable and my energy definitely needs to be compensated/donations. Writ of Certiorari Overview & Examples | What is a Writ of Certiorari? He listed places to send the Affidavit and supporting doc to Officials. Two versions below, one for White Americans . "96746-8712") does not place me in any federal zone nor federal jurisdiction, for despite repeated pleas to those who send mail to me, they have been brainwashed in compulsory state brainwashing centers ("Public Schools") and insist on cannonicalizing the format of my mailing location into a federal zone format, and in fact this process has been embodied in most computer software making it impossible to receive necessary communications at my mailing location rather than at a federal zone "address". If this site ever goes down, the archive is on the. . Note: This form is a .far file which requires a free Form filler application to complete. Therefore, no obligation on my part was ever created. Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no "meeting of the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Hey good friend incarcerated in FL can we get him out? Affidavit of Sovreeignty and Copy Right Notice. country, there is no other widely recognized currency. The one fact makes . 31 Document(s) Flyer Templates. I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. I voluntarily choose to comply with God[dess]s laws. My authority for this statement is the same as it is for all free Sovereigns everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms, and responsibilities of the Sovereign Individual. Statute of Frauds Under the UCC: Definition, Exceptions & Examples. Forma pauperis is as the pauper, allowing for a waiver of all fees and prepayment of costs.pro per or pro persona For ones own person; on ones own behalf -Sometimes shortened to pro perpro se- For ones own person; on ones own behalf ; without a lawyer-also termed pro persona sui juris- of ones own right; independent 1. of full age and capacity 2. possessing full social and civil rights. A sovereign cannot be tried in their own court. *SUI JURIS* One who has all the rights to which a freemen is entitled; one who is not under the power of another, as a slave, a minor, and the like. I have waived none of my intrinsic rights and freedoms by my use thereof. Stat. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated. -- cannot be used to compromise my status as a Sovereign, nor obligate me to perform in any manner. AFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that I, Angela Kahealani, am a natural free-born Sovereign, without subjects. I, _____, a titled sovereign, hereby declare that: I am competent to manage all my own affairs. 1047. I can be obligated to fulfill no hidden or unrevealed. not accepted them in a manner that binds me to anything. I have also completed my research and typed up my statement. Sign your document online in a few clicks. Using non-domestic letters to establish domicile. Sovereign Affidavit Of Truth Preview Full text Related Documents Sovereign Affidavit Of Truth October 2019 Commercial+affidavit+of+truth October 2019 Affidavit Of Truth And Fact December 2019 45 Affidavit Of Truth (the Real Document) October 2019 Heresies Of Jim Brown Of 'sovereign Grace And Truth Ministries'! For example, in two Supreme Court cases, it was decided: "The laws of Congress in respect to those matters do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government," -- Caha v. United States , 152 U.S., at 215, "We think a proper examination of this subject will show that the United States never held any municipal sovereignty, jurisdiction, or right of soil in and to the territory, of which Alabama or any of the new States were formed," -- 44 U.S., at 221, " [B]ecause, the United States have no constitutional capacity to exercise municipal jurisdiction, sovereignty, or eminent domain, within the limits of a State or elsewhere, except in the cases in which it is expressly granted," -- 44 U.S., at 223, "Alabama is therefore entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her limits, subject to the common law," -- 44 U.S., at 228, 229; Pollard v. Hagan , 44 U.S. 221, 223, 228, 229. '' behind an account, my use thereof What are Administrative Procedures hereby that... 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