Dont be shy. . When he told me, I didnt say a word. Maybe get hit by a truck full of hot garbage juice, you know? Mel doesnt like her. I wanna give this to youbut I have to kind of explain it to you rst. Do you remember jokes and take pleasure in relating them to others? Well, you dont do that, do you, Harold? It felt very sweet, it was a feeling from very long ago, it was very soft. And being Mum and slightly overcautious about most things, cancelling all her cards included cancelling her library card . I find that just as annoying as those sistas who have never experienced cramps. You see, she stole my identity last month and racked up about three thousand dollars worth of colored rocks on my credit card on account of her psychic, Maggie, told her that she was a stone in a past life. What Didn't Happen 12. Thats not what I wanted. Marry Him! And then my aunt Voula forks the eyeball and chases me around with it, try to get me to eat it, cause its gonna make me smart. Right? Looking for a female monologue from a character struggling with a crisis? Nobody else whos ever stopped at this Inn has ever treated me so! All she can describe are abstract concepts, and they must suffice in place of the tangible horror of depression. Lud, this news of papas puts me all in a flutter. Ill continue to write. You feel like everybody else has some kind of secret guidebook on how to be perfect and cute and youre just a goon. But it gets better, for a while at least, until it gets worse. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Anorexia) This is our monologue hub. Wear your bathing suit whenever possible. . If rainbows and heart emojis are not your thing around Valentine's Day, sink your acting teeth into some of the darker places love can take you in these 5 darkly "romantic" monologues. All of this ties together when she explains that shes been going to doctors in an attempt to diagnose her depression. Can God influence our lives? Oh, yes, absolutely yes. Im in a great mood. Length: Each monologue is about 4 5 minutes long except American girl, which is 7-8 minutes long. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Danger) The monsters and wolves in your fairy book are real. Did you enjoy life when you were a child? Oh, yes, you were a wonderful baby, Harold. . losing weight every week. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. I MEAN, IT LOOKED LIKE SOME COLOSSAL FRUITCAKE, FIVE FEET TALL . When he tapped me on the shoulder in the middle of the night I thought he wanted me! touching them will absorb into their hands some of the toxic energy contained therein. Why should she die of influenza when she come through diphtheria right enough the year before? But howeerThou and the baser world censure my life,Ill send em word by thee, and write so muchUpon thy breast, cause thou shalt beart in mind:Tell them twere base to yield where I have conquerd.I scorn to prostitute myself to a man,I that can prostitute a man to me:And so I greet thee. He told me he loved me. SHADOWS OF MY MIND Naomi doesn't want to suffer from her darker self and discusses her behavior and emotional problems with her Aunt. All Rights Reserved, Contemporary Female Monologues for Talent, New Contemporary Monologues for Talent Auditions, New Monologues Written Each Day on Monologue Blogger, Talent Looking For Contemporary Monologues. Not everybody looks their best at 15. Travis, a senior in high school, is pretty miserable. Autumn (19) is on the verge of a manic episode right before a tea party planned for her sister Helens fianc whom she secretly loves. Id never felt such exhilaration! . Trees, grapes, most garden equipment, and hair product a good friend of the family, Emily, is convinced that her little baby, Shawna, who was delivered stillborn just last spring, has come back to life as a George Foreman Grill. Home. And if I told you that yust MILDRED: Please do not mock at my attempts to discover how the other half lives. That night. (Male, Comedic, Late Teens 40s) She was pleased. like when youre making love; and bad dreams even the worst ones are soon forgotten. Doesnt want anything to do with them? Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes in case he ever makes anythe suddenly. (pause) Oh my god! . Home; Events; Get on the List! The over-50 dating scene is geared towards men leaving older women out. A monologue from the play by Oliver Goldsmith, Act the first, Scene (A chamber in an old fashioned house). I dont fit. And that was the last time in eight months that I tasted food I estimate, going four times a week, I should be through with Doctor Margolies in another year. (Finishes her glass of wine and pours herself another one.) What is that? Im difficult to explain without sounding thick but me and her dont fit like that. Maybe its better if I dip it in the CHOCOLATE!! Home | Uncategorized | 35 Comedic Monologues for Women, A monologue from the play by Tony Kushner. Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. Looking for killer audition monologues? Nothing can hurt you when youre sleeping: you dont put on weight; theres no pressure to make anybody happy (including yourself). Had not such a piece of flesh been ordained, what had us wives been good for? Boston University Stage Troupe, MA, USA, 2021 Well, let me fill you in. We have to set an example. Oh, yeah? It glittered and towered in the moonlight like some . Mable only has eyes for Lord Goring. Ssssh! (Female, Comedic/Serio-Comedic, Late teens-20s) Unfortunately, Dr. Nukulyes insistence that she has repressed homosexuality leads to his suggestion that she seek the help of a surrogate female sex partner. It is intercut with recollections from the past. In what way are the others worse? All my life, all I ever wanted to be was a rock and roll star. . People come that like, didnt R.S.V.P.! But shes family and turning her out to the cops would have kicked up more dust with my mom, and then my dad would have had a reason to come out of witness protection to put his two cents in it would have been even more of a mess than it needed to be. I want to enjoy my freedom first. . Lets see if Shirley Temple and Keith Moon had a love child, shed definitely be Sally. I hate women who tell me they never had one. To get it back. Whats so great about Caesar? Oh! I used to think Clive was the one who liked sex. You have successfully purchased store credit. if you could call what happened a rescue. . What would he want with Ty, she couldnt make him happy. (Male or Female, Serio-Comedic/Comedic, 20s 40s) (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Transgender) What, youre going to go to Paris with Helen now?! This is for you. And jewelry? By the end of the day, Nick is no longer a goth. Sometimes I do it three times in one night and it really is great fun. Two love struck actors audition for Broadway and are confronted with questions that are afraid to answer and routines that lead them into questioning their lives. Wed only been together six weeks then he decided itd be too much of a thing. Marry? Now then, are you ready, Harold? . He loved his country. This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. Abe didnt come to the party. . Its not mine. A short play made up of multiple monologues; this monologue serves as the prologue to the story. No. I touch my face, it was there, my arm, my breast, and my hand sent down where I thought it shouldnt, and I thought well there is somebody there. She crept forward and touched it, and then jumped back. COFFEE TABLE Melanie lives in a psycho ward talking to people that aren't really there but what if they are? So, what happens is my dad and uncles, they fight over who gets to eat the lamb brain. In this set of four monologues by women who kill, the author allows us to meet four female killers or murderers, each who kills or has killed for different reasons for one, its a job, the second for revenge and the third, to save her children from a lifetime of potential pain. 1: Female Monologues.. $3.99. . O.K.? So he hates women? Oh, well put C not sure. Youre elusive and ungetable, a real catch. I still have your virginity. Hudson Valley Cornhole. . . Do you have ups and downs without obvious reason? Oh, thats you, Harold! This brief selection of examples shows how Spregelburd's translation neutralizes the ambiguities in the source text by determining a female character to the main voice in the play (1, 2), attributing a male identity or a generic nature to entities that are not defined in terms of gender (3) and using masculine generic forms in the target text in Spanish (4). As for marriagetheres plenty of time for that. We dont want to wake her up. It never occured to me that I might not make it. Its something no man will ever understand, and anyway they just dont want to. Youve got the right idea: sleep: its the most underrated human activity there is. I might pumice my feet. I need a monologue from a published play about a woman going crazy. Monologue: "There you have it, They white,Seems to us only white folks can laugh on Sundays.". It really is difficult to decide, you cant begin to describe it. These monologues as as amazing as they are disturbing a view into the psyche of the female killer. Ow, ow, ow! Them she lived with would have killed her for a hatpin, let alone a hat. She speaks to her mother. That reminds me, I dont think I ever got a piece! These monologues are great for auditioning and for working on your craft. Sorry about dinner, Deb, the Pope has a cold. Husband number two: the senator. And these are all the things you gotta know. All of the other kids from school are there, while his/her mom sits in the back of the church, waiting until its over to take him/her home. () Yes, you are a dull maid alate, methinks you had need have somewhat to quicken your green sickness; do you weep? WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN HERE? And hes a hideous dancer, couldnt take him anywhere. It is the end of term, Mack and Benny are graduating and the contract is up on their flat. Monologues MENTALLY DISTURBED MALE/ FEMALE DRAMATIC 1min 35-70 YEARS OLD (To total strangers) What a beautiful wife. My huge . Our day will come. GRACEFUL! and wears high heels and sexy business suits, she is SBF1s best friend, confidante, and alter ego. Yes, you would! North Hawaii Players, Hawaii, USA 2018 I certainly dont expect him to fall in love with me at first sightbut to behave like that! She was in charge of suitcases filled with money and over 2,500 children throughout her work with the Zegota, helping Jews escape and find safe houses during the war. Read about British playwright Matt Fox. I left that show knowing I had to have my own band. Thats Macbeth, you know-nothing twit. . The you that I know, would have walked in here and rolled your eyes and thought this was completely over the top, ridiculous, and stupid. No, no, its got to be one! Arent you?! No, why him? Um I might go to Brenstone Unitarian Church. You can be completely anonymous here. just to think, Cause were always together, just eating, eating, eating! . . And I didnt want to like, marry you? . Oh, and by the way Elton, she had a boyfriend, and you were weird..
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