Serving the need of others but remember you must serve yourselves. So theres a way of saying, Okay, I have time, but that doesnt mean it wont be an earthquake tomorrow 7.5 you know, or next week or two weeks from now have some magnitude. And as the Seven Angels gather above your earth, all these things which we have said unto you shall come of past [to pass]. For example, in Psalm 107:23-24, it says, Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters; they see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep. This passage speaks to the idea that God is in control of even the vast and powerful seas. But remember, too, that only believers of One could survive. InTwo Dream: Americas geography transformed by volcanoes and a great [], Maurice Sklar March 14, 2014 at 12:07pm This week I had a dream. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But up until now, most scientists have disputed the idea that this could ever actually happen. In this locale, in what shall soon become known as the isles of California, we should say this, prepare thee for the famine. As you have noticed your longing for that which is called Round Valley, this shall be the Lords chosen spot for His people. I have been in the same job for six years. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, the first shall be last and the last shall be first.. Prophecy Now With Liberty from Spirit Move. And those who belong to Lucifer are nothing, for they shall be in the pit with Lucifer. For they shall not die; they shall live in an eternal life of death, for neither dead nor neither, as thy would know, alive. Within the next year, further tremors shall occur in the valley of the Salton Sea. Matthew 24:36 continues: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. On this animal [was] placed much love; that must be in her diet too. In this vastness, the earths, as thy call them, may have karma, for this is part of Gods work, as much, each living thing upon the earth and those who shall dwell in the earth and above it. If an earthquake strikes close to your home, even if it is miles away from the fault or epicenter, you may experience damage. Therefore, remember, the fuse has been lit. It would still be suggested at this time that thy or one of thy group should bring him from trance state. Vertical tectonic deformation associated with the San Andreas fault zone offshore of San Francisco, California, Where's the San Andreas fault? We should tell thee of a different time, for your world has been as three. Aka, do you have a special message for us tonight?. But now, remember also, at this time shall come the Anti-Christ, and his stay upon your earth shall be lean, and he shall try and stamp upon the foreheads of Gods children his name. Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide? The time we prepare you for in the time of One, in the time of the Messiah; this is the time of our Father. Therefore, we would say these words into thee, blessed are those who may wait. All states westthis is California. 25:1022, 26:131, 31:118, 32:2534, 33:523, 34:111, 29, 35:119, 37:119, 38:21, 39:3043, 40:135, 2 Samuel 22:716, Ezekiel 21:1116, 40:14, 41:1326, 43:17, and The Revelation, chapters 47, 13:1118, 15:24, 17:78, 19:116, and chapters 2022.]. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such. It's going down. To her, we would say this. Many names have fell from this list; yet, many names have been added to this Book, that it may be complete. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 20.]. We know of your peaceful intent. To soul Peter we would say, thy are now a disciple; therefore, teach of our works. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. But a great, great hurricane, our incredible force is going to come to California, and the earthquake that destroys (California) will not happen until after that takes place. The world leaders in earthquake forecasting and hazard analysis, the OpenHazards Group, have recently provided the following information, which demonstrates that California will not fall into the ocean, Will California eventually fall off into the ocean? Yes, a little rare beef in her diet, yes, for you see, even in the animal which was Gods creation, it must have nourishment. They are both moving very swiftly. The second, thy will feel it only by looking at the water. But remember, what our Father has placed upon your earth, let no man put asunder. chapters 910 and Matthew 24:4849.]. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all. OR We haven't had any earthquakes in a long time; does this mean that the pressure is building up for a big one? Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. The reading on May 21, 1970, begins: Aka, is Ray deep enough asleep? (Rod, the hypnotist, asks.). Those who should not heed Gods word, this Sword. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]. We should say, in the land of the isles of California earthquakes shall erupt. Only God may do this.. But remember these words, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, for in our Fathers eyes there is no death. But if you took the sweet bread, and mixed it with a little bitter, and that that had no taste, then there would be an abundance for all. Now, if thy have other questions, ask. If they did go up & down then one could see how the land could slide into the ocean. These prophecies and many more can be found in the book, Universal Philosophy, in the Book with Wings series. And as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall remain unturned. And did he not say to them, Destroy this temple, and I should build it back in three days? Then, what did Jesus mean when he said of this? On June 16, 1970, Margaret asked simply: Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening, Aka?. Some say that it was caused by the Dodgers earthquake, while others believe that Nostradamus predicted it. Can you give us any enlightenment on the judgment day?. Islands shall be made. Can thy understand of which we speak? The earthquake of 6.4 that happened on America's birthday, July 4th, 2019, was a WARNING SIGN of what is coming to California! To contact us, please call (661) 298-1220 or send an email to [emailprotected]. Then it is not necessary to submerge the body in water. But only man himself may destroy the spirit. Where you stand, so may stand two. Bring forth let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. Work together. For he may never, then, enter the kingdom of God. So if this timing the angels of heaven first prophesied has been delayed, perhaps it was done by our loving Father, who sees our needs. ], And the land that thy should know of the valley below the sea, it shall change, for it has changed in mans eyes already. [Note: It changed in 1905, when the Salton Sea formed in the deepest portion of the Salton Trough to become the largest lake (360 square miles) in California. Yes, there are safe places. These earthquakes shook the region for miles around, including in Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Francisco. Here are transcripts of parts of those four readings the spiritual messengers of God asked listeners to hear so they could better understand. According to a brand new study, a megaquake along the west coast "could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly". Thy do not understand of which we speak, but thy soon will. Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. In the land of your Mid-Eastern states, earthquakes shall be centered in that region. Each person must find within themselves that to serve unto themselves, and that to serve unto fellow man, and that to serve unto God. But he mentions the kingdom of God many times. We shall give unto you eight warnings, and upon the ninth warning, there shall be no more. If thy should offend thy brother, the shall be offended. Other places shall be altered in their form. [See John 14:15, and 17:1326. [Prior?] He would like a little more verification as to a more positive time in which we are now.. If such a thing were to happen in Los Angeles or San Francisco, the death and destruction would be on a scale that would be absolutely unimaginable. If you were to clean your neighbors yard, clean yours first, your own. Nay not fully. Gather from the same, and your needs shall be fulfilled. The west coast of the United States sits along "the Ring of Fire". But for the time of the Beast, prepare for this time. Store in such a way that thy may replant and re-grow, and replenish your earth. If the answer is soon, will I leave here alone?. As we dwell in the valley below the sea, we see again as it was in the beginning, for here stood the mountains and the beautiful streams. Therefore, we should say unto you, [kelara tiene], and these words shall mean unto all a very simple thing, love to all from our Father. That is thy free choice. Therefore, it would be suggested, find the root of the sage, boil it and drink at least one ounce both morning and evening, if possible. We should tell thee at another time of different words. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. or click Link to order.https://spiritmoveministry.coSpirit Move Apparel:**Deliverance: Email [email protected] for more info **Her life story was featured on the 700 CLUB TV show*See Liberty's Testimony here: It is worth acknowledging that geophysicists would actually love to demonstrate the reality of such precursors, especially if they could be used for reliably predicting earthquakes! Your earth, as we have said before, shall start to change. Cayce says: Now, it shall be told. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever. Yet you were not sure. But as yet the tremors have already started in other parts of the world. ], Then we should say unto thee, God loves thee, and gives His blessings unto all His children. There shall be many who should run and hide, but they should act as frightened children and not as the children of God. [See The Revelation 6:78.]. [124233Goddard, Kansas] asks, What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?. And the Fifth Angel does hover above thy earth. We would say unto this soul, this program you have spoke upon would make a great deal of material money. We have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And for some there shall be many, and for some there shall be never. You will feel Gods radiance within thy soul and thy body, for, in truth, thy will learn to love all things, even the smallest creature that God placed here. Now is the time of the Red Horse. [Editors note: In 1988, the year Al Qaeda was formed, Aka said, The Red Horse is Pakistan. Also see The Revelation 6:34.]. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God. Soon after they arrived with the brightest light in the heavens, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, lovingly told, on May 15, 1970: For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. [See Genesis 18:1633, 19:129.]. We will give you facts; you must make the decisions. Therefore, we should tell you of the time before. [Editors note: Polar News, 1970, reported months later: An earthquake was registered with a magnitude of 4.7 at the South Pole as a result of the 12th or 13th August 1970 Deception Island volcanic eruption. For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many and God shall love thee the same. According to the Lord, I will not revoke the punishment for three transgressions of Damascus and four transgressions of the Syrian people. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open. We also find in this proportion known as San Pablo destruction. And, you were the keeper of the people. But in the cleansing of the earth, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Yet, when you arrived back into this land, you could not make those who were there understand. For when the time came to cast Lucifer and his followers from the heavens, it took but the movement of Gods finger. And for those who are prepared shall return to Gods many mansions. Is the date of the 13th of July a firm date, or will our prayers also have an affect on this date?, It can have an affect upon this date. We are going into the sea." I woke up in the hospital room with a terrific headache--as if the whole world was revolving inside my brain. We should give thee other messages at different times., July 2, 1971: And now we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub. You have other questions, ask of them., Aka, we have another experimental release question by [ ], San Bernardino, California. And we have said before to both of thee, look backward from which thy came, so thy would know from where thy are going. The time will come when you shall live together. Or shall you be as the last time, each separating into your separate races, each ready to make war upon the other, mistrust? Technological systems and the activities of modern civilization can be affected by changing space-weather conditions. Its whole form shall change. New tornados and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. In Bible, does God care about natural disasters? Then think of the spirit forming into souls, to hover above this earth and other earths in the many, many galaxies of the vast universe and universes. And we should answer in this manner as you did toil long and hard in the location of your Arizonans, which you now call part of your Superstition Mountains. And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. For it would be better that he cast his soul into a pit with Lucifer, far better. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face. The stress caused by this movement can result in devastating. But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]. And we should say to you, as has been said before, that we come as messengers, and therefore, we are not great. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the mans soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Therefore, the entries upon this earth must change with your earth to survive this time. But most of all, pray for the people, for God shall weep these days. There is [are] many there who shall need this healing after the time that shall be of one, if thy should walk through the rain and storm and be guided by the Lamb, for remember, the Lambs blood shall cover thy earth. , May 2, 1971, a question was asked in Yuma, Arizona: Do you have any special messages for us this evening?. Where no water flows, water shall flow. The magnitude of an earthquake is related to the length of the fault on which it occurs. Yet they made much of their material from copper, silver and gold; therefore, their riches were great, yet to barter with these with the outside tribal people, those who should be known as Hohokam. Only you yourselves may do this. There's big money in Big Trans. Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur. Nay. We have told you before that that has been buried shall be uncovered. #1 John Paul Jackson: "There is a an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California. [Editors note: The instrument through whom they spoke, Ray Elkins, passed away on October 5, 2000, during the holy Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah (head of the new year) and Yom Kipper (Day of Atonement or what some call, Judgment Day.) As man is born and born again, think thee of Christ, of Jesus, and what he did say: I have come not to destroy the works of Moses, not to destroy the commandments, but to I have come not to destroy what has been before, only to make clear in the temple of God, which is man, that God should not be forsaken. Store in such a way that thy or one of thy group bring... On this animal [ was ] placed much love ; that must be in the same and! The ocean many names have been added to this Book, that may! Please call ( 661 ) 298-1220 or send an email to [ emailprotected ] on judgment... Should come, shall start to change, enter the kingdom of God should lie within the mans soul His. Have the body, the Red Horse is Pakistan formed, Aka said, the spirit, the! 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