Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Lets hope that Cruises high-powered version of Seal prompts an equally high-powered demand for disclosure of all government records on him, especially after his move to Mena.. War with Russia and Chinaare no longer unthinkable, but being planned in earnest. The absolute criminalization of military and intelligence agencies, and the corruption of entire governments, across all political parties. When Seal was convicted of smuggling charges, he became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration and testified in several major drug trials. He is included in almost all the meetings.. The CIA stonewalled the release of information now sought by Judicial Watch on the Mena Airport controversy, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. Under the disguise of an "aircraft refurbishing center", Mena was an arms and drug smuggling ring working for President Ronald Reagan's Contra war against the Sandinistas. Leveritt has written convincing book-length studies of the Memphis Three case and the deaths of teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives, the Arkansas boys on the tracks. In Whos Afraid of Barry Seal?, in the Arkansas Times, Leveritt wrote that secrets are still being carefully kept, especially in Arkansas. In advance of the recent Tom Cruise movie about Seal, American Made, an official associated with the Arkansas Studies Institute, an affiliate of the University of Arkansas and the Central Arkansas Libraryboth state institutionsconvinced Leveritt to write a book about Mena, as a tie-in to the movie. There would be no better way to do it than at Menas First National Bank. The population was 5,558 as of the 2020 census.Mena is included in the Ark-La-Tex socio-economic region. He decided to talk about Mena. At the time Seals flights took place, Lasater was contributing to Clintons political campaigns. Every occupant since JFK has been a criminal insider, beginning withLyndon JohnsonandRichard Nixon, both of whom were likely involved with the Kennedy assassinations and willing beneficiaries of the wars and crimes that followed. He also says he was mindful of the secrecy agreement he had signed with the CIA. This brutality is the threat that a Bush-endorsed Hillary Clinton White House promises. The presumption was, that the boys fell asleep on the tracks and the train ran over them.What initially appeared to be a grossly incompetent investigation was actually an orchestrated cover-up. As written by Mike Ruppert, one of many Iran-Contra whistleblowers, inCrossing the Rubicon: Iran-Contra was effectively managed by Lee Hamilton in the House [of Representatives] and John Kerry (among others) in the Senate throughout the late 1980s to conceal the greatest crimes of the era, crimes committed by a litany of well-known government operatives.. ___ [7] He was probably in charge of a team of pilots , including Emile Camp (who died in a plane crash in 1985, having witnessed a lot of Seal's business dealings). Mike Ruppert, who worked on the Perot campaign. It was no coincidence when Donald TrumpappointedWilliam Barr as his Attorney General. Leveritt was reluctant at first, but soon warmed to the task and got to work. In order to have a free license for such activity, they would have to have the blessings of the highest office in the state of Arkansas. Ultimately, we may find out, as Brown tells us that he has been repeatedly questioned by lawyers working for the Whitewater independent counsel about Clintons association with Lasater at a time when illicit drugs allegedly were flowing into Mena airport. . And George H.W. Published Feb 10, 2014. And much of that legend owes itself to the manner in which his life ended. Who was Barry Seal? Clinton had been asking him a similar question for months, ever since, with Clintons encouragement, he had applied for a job with the CIA. Then-Governor Bill Clinton managed the Arkansas operation in conjunction with the Bushes, Oliver North, Barry Seal and other deep cover operatives. Mena.PamRotella.com. It was easy to load drugs on the planes that returned to the U.S. after delivering weapons to the Contras. The testimony reveals a scheme whereby massive amounts of cocaine were smuggled into the State of Arkansas.. Later Seal confirmed Browns suspicions: the palettes contained M-16s for the Contras. . Nice, but did you know that the boys on the railroad tracks incident happened NOWHERE NEAR MENA? Sally Denton and Roger Morris A longtime supporter of Linda Ives, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, of The London Sunday Telegraph expresses his thoughts about The Washington Post pulling "The Crimes of Mena" story at the last minute. He became a key witness in the federalgovernment's war on the powerful Colombian cocaine cartel. Seal was murdered shortly before he was expected to testify about the Nicaraguan sting operation against powerful Colombian drug czars under indictment in Miami. As a result of that arrest, Barry Seal will "get with the program" and move his smuggling activities up to Mena Arkansas. There is no way that the New World Order will permit a government that is not crawling with its own members, infested with Bush and Clinton operatives. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Me. Surrounded by the Ouachita National Forest, Mena is a gateway to some of the most visited tourist attractions in Arkansas. There was no change. The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. The August issue ofThe American Spectatortakes up the Mena story in a way that is likely to resonate on the Hill (see attached article). Seal, according to Brown, was familiar with the biographical information he had given the agency. She is fully supported by all of the leading neocon fascists, the Saudi royal family, Netanyahu, the CIA, and Wall Street, and all of the empires overseas criminal partners. var sc_click_stat=1; Bill Clintons favorite bodyguard, but also a close friend. George Herbert Walker Bush was one of the greatest architects of suffering the world has ever known. Cathy OBrien(author ofTrance Formation of America) claims to have witnessed and overheard meetings as far back as the early 1980s in which George H.W. Strange events unfolded at Mena, a small city in remote western Arkansas, in the 1980s. The silencing and suspected murder (alleged, yet to be fully investigated) of current and former insiders, whistleblowers and investigators continues to add up stretching back to the 1990s, which is topped in notoriety by the mysterious murder of Clinton insider Vince Foster during the Bill Clinton presidency. Judicial Watch Victories: Courts Declare California Quota Laws Unconstituti BEST OF: Top Anti-Corruption Victories in 2022. In 1986, Barry Sealpilot, smuggler, and federal informantwas gunned down when he appeared at the time and place a federal judge had ordered him to. As early as 1982, his firm had been censured by the Arkansas security commissioner for cheating customers. The second is the article they reference. Elections are digitally hacked, rigged, and scripted, rigged the way they have for decades. In another deposition in the case, John Bender, a mechanic, says he saw Clinton at Mena three times in the summer of 1985. An elaborate cover-up continues to attempt to deny the fact that Clinton has beengravely illfor many years, likely suffering from likelyneurological damage, possibly Parkinsons disease (unconfirmed) , and a host of other problems. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights . It does seem, however, that Clinton was far less cautious. The Iran-Contra Enterprises overseers, criminal associates and beneficiaries, to this day, remain at large, with most enjoying massive illegally-obtained wealth, privilege, and highest political and corporate positions. Mena is 116 miles from Bryant. (function() { Realizing a small gold mine from the drug smuggling operations,Mochtar and James Riady purchased the bank in 1985. The Pegasus Filesummaries Tatums activities, and features the Boss Hog list. Welsh said it had not, but Youngs concern was intriguing. The major traffic point was Mena, Arkansas, where the weapons production and training of Contras took place, and where shipment of guns and trained Contras originated. She is reviled and even disliked among Democrats. By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and recurring SMS/MMS messages, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number from the Judicial Watch. Perot withdrew. Feb 3, 1986 - The Arkansas IRS assess Barry Seal's income taxes at $29,487,718.00 for smuggling 30,000 kilos . Situated amid the Ouachita National Forest and surrounded by noteworthy state parks and trails, the city is now something of a tourist destination, though it also has a diversified economy based upon agriculture and manufacturing. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign with blatant fraud. Later Brown would come to know them as kickers. The accounts of Barry Seal, Edward Cutolo, Albert Carone, Bradley Ayers, Tosh Plumley, Bill Tyree, Gunther Russbacher, Celerino Castillo, Michael Levine, Trenton Parker, Russell Bowen, Richard Brenneke,Larry Nichols, William Duncan, Russell Welch and dozens more implicate the Bushes, the Clintons and the CIA. Bush and Bill Clinton planned to pass the White House between the two of them, and between their respective political clans, thereby maintaining the New World Order for the long term. Last March, in a legally binding deposition, trooper Larry Patterson also said that Clinton knew about Mena. This is a golden age for drug trafficking. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Investigators are examining allegations of an international conspiracy involving gun running, cocaine smuggling and the illegal supply network serving the Nicaraguan contra rebels. "The trial of the C4 Seven" One clue to Seal's status is that, after having been caught illegally exporting 7 tons of C4 explosives, no one was in any hurry to bring him to trial. It was during Clintons first bid for office that we find Jerry Parks and Vince foster making numerous trips between Little Rock and the Mena airport. Drug king pin, Adler B. Contestants are chosen based on propaganda purposes. Mena, Arkansas was the key transit points for cocaine coming into the United States from Central America, and weapons going the other way. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; The Contra dealers, principally Oscar Danilo Blandon and his boss Juan Norwin Meneses, both from the Nicaraguan privileged class, operated out of the San Francisco Bay Area and sold tons of cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before -- to Los Angeles street gangs. Reed trained Contra pilots at the Mena and Nella airports in Arkansas, and worked with Seal. Investigators are examining allegations of an international conspiracy involving gun running, cocaine smuggling and the illegal supply network serving the Nicaraguan contra rebels. The CIAs inspector general investigated and released a terse statement saying no evidence has been found that the CIA was associated with money laundering, narcotics trafficking, arms smuggling or other illegal activities at or around Mena. There was, however, a classified two-week exercise and some contracting for routine aviation-related services.. Thats when he said, You having any fun yet.. A US Senate subcommittee in 1989 called the available evidence about Mena sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges. Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were found dead on August 23, 1987. The Clintons have gone to great lengths, (e.g Vince Foster), to maintain their cover-up of their CIA Arkansas operation. When I got back from that first trip he knew I had been out doing something, Brown insists. In 1991, Mrs. (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. But I was in for a shock, Leveritt writes. The C-123K also had a history. within the Reagan administrationand that, all of these structures revolved around [creating] the secret command role of the then-Vice President, George BushThe Bush apparatus, within and behind the government, was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug runners) who are the friends and agents of the secret government.. He has dared mention some of the past Clinton and Bush crimes, and is reportedly supported by a large number of military flag officers and intelligence operatives who oppose Clinton-Bush. He gathered information on Medellin cartel kingpins and participated in at least two drug runs to Nicaragua, where the Reagan administration was ramping up operations against the Sandinista government. that means there was possibily dozens of trained killers and military / CIA/ FBIetc availabein Mena to kill these people. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. In 1986, Colombian hitmen caught up with Seal in Baton Rouge, shooting him to death in his white Cadillac. In the 1980s the small airport in Arkansas known as Mena became part of the largest covert operation in history. (i.e. Barry, his two brothers, Benjy and Wendell, his mom, a homemaker, and his dad, a candy wholesaler, lived in a house on Lovers Lane. Let these words serve as the call to action. When he was caught and convicted for his crimes, he became an informant for the DEA and testified in several major drug trials. In the words of former CIA agent Phillip Agee, Bush was up to his neck in illegal drug running on behalf of the Contras.. He later claimed to have made as much as $50 million running 1,000 pounds of cocaine a month from Colombia. It is globalization at its finest. Goodwin told me and ABC that Brown had passed it. Three early drafts of the essay contain interpolations in Clintons handwriting. CIA and DEA activities flowed out of Mena in the Clinton years. That operation didn't go quite as planned for a number of reasons, including the fact that Cruise's character, the real-life and long-dead Barry Seal, was enlisted by the Medelln drug cartel. Patterson was being deposed in a legal suit filed against Buddy Young, the former head of Clintons security detail, and another man by Terry reed, who says he trained Contra pilots, under Seals supervision, at Nella, Arkansas. Judicial Watch On Issue: The Battle for Election Integrity, Judicial Watch On Issue: Leading the Battle Against Illegal Immigration, Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border, Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite, Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch Weekly Update. The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly . You can trust him, but the network apparently yielded to White House pressure. Inside the plane, according to Brown, were another pilot and two beaners common laborers who looked like Central American Indians. Barry Seal: An ex-TWA pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medelln Cartel, operating from Mena Airport, Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was governor. It was dark almost black, and had only the minimal tail markings necessary for civilian operation. Bush created new structures (special situation group, terror incident working group etc.) Documents and a surviving crew member tied the shipment to the CIA and the White House, dragging a Seal connection into the Iran-Contra affair. Brown recalls that on the morning of this particular flight, Seal had told him to drive to Mena Intermountain Regional Airport, a remote air strip near the Oklahoma border. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Judicial Watch Asks for Discovery Concerning President Bidens Senate Papers At this juncture, no one, including Brown, can say precisely what Clinton was doing at Mena. Meanwhile, Brown says, he confronted Clinton, asking him if he knew that Seal was dealing in drugs and unreported currency. The Crimes of Mena. Seal was one of the central operatives, whose CIA career and work in Mena are detailed in Daniel HopsickersBarry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and Americas Secret History. It was only later that pieces fell together for me which suggested that Perot had led us all on a wild goose chase in a campaign that he never intended to win.. People in the county seat of Polk County want to put the 1980s saga of drug- and gun-running behind them. When Wattenberg reported this, an angry Tucker retaliated against Brown by demoting him from white-collar investigations to highway patrol. Arkansas State Trooper L.D. He supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, is pro-torture (opposes the closing of Guantanamo Bay), and supports war in the Middle East. A federal judge had sentenced Seal to stay for several months in an unguarded Salvation Army halfway house in Baton Rouge. This would require the cooperation of former CIA operative and then Governor, Bill Clinton. Apparently, the boys were deer hunting that night. The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed byGeorge Herbert Walker Bush,are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. BEST OF: Left Targets Elon Musk, FBI Investigated Fauci Agency, CA Court Vi BEST OF: Twitter Changed Rules to Ban Trump! A Seal associate cut a runway deep in the woods. Seal, a pilot, moved much of his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Rich Mountain Aviation at the Mena Intermountain Airport, according to the May 1986 FBI memo. The pilot of the plane was Barry Seal, a legendary drug trafficker. Hillary Clinton is not a progressive, but a neocon war criminal of the highest order. Cover-up? Barry is convicted and is sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service. His assassination was blamed on members of a Colombian drug cartel intent on keeping him quiet. Brown still has books that Clinton gave him, one being a bar exam study book in which the politician had made some ironic under-linings. Instead, he says, he found this huge military plane that was not actually a military plane. But Brown says he is lying. So when you read about Barry Seal or Kevin Ives and Don Henry (two teens apparently killed because they knew about drug deals), the charges are partly true but mostly unconnected. The 2007 financial collapse by the outgoing Bush-Cheney administration and its banksters not secured major loot for the Bush syndicate, but ensured that Obama would be saddled with a weak economy. He alleged in his 1984 book that a Mena manufacturing company secretly made gun parts for the Contras, a claim the company denies. Browns break with Clinton came after Brown made what he says was his second flight from Mena to Central America. Lucy takes the kids to Baton Rouge. It was a CIA operation started by Regan and furthered by GH Bush. Then-White House press secretary James Baker said in 1981, Bush is functioning much like a co-president. New names, new banks, new drugs, new wars, same blueprint. Why arent these pilots who flew trafficked minors arrested and charged? https://www.globalresearch.ca/political-succession-and-the-bush-clinton-nexus-permanent-criminal-state-a-clinton-white-house-guarantees-war-with-russia/5547656. The purchase of the cargo plane was for a DEA undercover operation that ultimately involved the CIA. I knew the agency had an extensive file on Seal, Leveritt wrote, because Id read it decades earlier, shortly after Seals murder. The photos quickly leaked, boosting Washingtons anti-Sandinista effort but likely putting a target on Seals back: to his drug-running friends in South America, there could be no question where the photos came from. It is not clear if Trump is simply another short-term distraction like Ross Perot, one that the criminal syndicate will ultimately corral and control through bribery or physical threat. Other drugs, she and others say, are stuffed into chickens for shipping around the country. Barry Seal, at the time he died, may have been the . When will the Bush-Clinton enforcers convince Trump to bend to the will of the syndicate? It would focus the glare of the media spotlight on not only the Colombian Medellin Cartel, but also on the FBI and CIA as well as such political icons as then-Vice President George H.W. Barbara Hartwellhas also exposed the same criminality and more, from the perspective of a former CIA operative of rank.). If indeed Pence is Trumps designated handler and control agent, that is the end of the idea of Trump as an agent of change. The CIA chose Arkansas because it was like the banana republic where politicians could be bought for money. Well take it from here. The entire list of any evidence was gone. Hillary Clinton says: It was Hillary Clinton whose actions helped install a puppet government integrated by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, towards a full-blown war with Russia. Barry Seal was arrested on December 10, 1979 for smuggling Colombian cocaine. All attempts to prosecute were largely unsuccessfulblocked, stalled, or given a limited hangout treatment. Shortly after Jerry Parks murder, Parks wife related one instance to the London Telegraph. And for thirty years, every attempt to get to the bottom of events at Menafederal, state, judicial, journalistichas failed. It also appeared that no one from 1987 to 1993 had interviewed anyone of any significance in the case. Bush versus Bill Clinton was a lie. According to Duncan and Welch, the bulk of the story centers around a drug-smuggler named Adler Berriman Seal, also known as Barry. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal (July 16, 1939 - February 19, 1986) murdered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Bush throat cut gesture aimed at Trump. Were suing the CIA for the full inspector general report and we want documents from other agencies as well. The world is in flames. On 19th February, 1986, Barry Seal returned to his Salvation Army hostel at 6.00 p.m. As he parked his white Cadillac he was approached by a man carrying a machine-gun. After six investigations, no one to date has been indicted for the train murders or any other crime that has occurred at Mena. If she is forced to quit her campaign, the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate will concoct another way to anoint another approved stooge or puppet to replace herbe it the neocon Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, or even Michelle Obama. probation and six months at a halfway house. InThe Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, Al Martin describes the Iran-Contra Enterprise that a vast operation that included (and was not limited to) drugs, weapons, terrorism, war, money laundering, criminal banking and securities fraud, currency fraud, real estate fraud, insurance fraud, blackmail, extortion, and political corruption that involved countless Washington politicians of both Republican and Democratic parties. The Rose Law Firm, of which Hillary Clinton and Webster Hubbell were senior partners, negotiated contracts for the CIA in Mena, Arkansas, and helped set up numerous fraudulent CIA fronts for cocaine and weapons transit. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on July 16, 1939 to a typical American family. Seal acquired the C-123K he dubbed the Fat Lady, in June 1984. I understand that Fred Hitz or someone from his staff, along with other CIA officers will brief Congressman Leach on Friday 21 July in an attempt to address his concerns about these and other allegations. Terrorism, drugs and weapons flow freely through more geostrategic hot spots than ever. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! Approximately 30 minutes later, Brown says, the C-123K landed in what he later learned what Tegucigalpa, Honduras. That charge could only have come from the man then Governor Clinton who knew that his former bodyguard had dealings with the CIA ten years ago. Clinton also suggested that Brown study Russian, a suggestion Brown took seriously enough to begin making entries in his daybook in Cyrillic. These are the equivalent of Barry Seal in the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell covert operation. Bill Clinton is no saint, and he did have numerous affairs, but there is no valid evidence that he had anything to do with this. This apparatus serves no purpose except the continuation of itself. Bush and Oliver North. It was carried out by CIA operatives close to Bush since his CIA directorship and even stretching back to the Bay of Pigs. Judicial Watch Sues Air Force Academy for Records about Critical Race Theor DOJ & FBI Target Biden Political Opponents, Judicial Watch Warns: Critical Race Theory Rising. And his participation in Operation 40, the CIA's assassination squad, the blackest of black ops, as attested by the photo taken in Mexico . I think in the movie . According to Customs sources, Seal's operations at Mena and other bases were involved in the export of guns to Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil, as well as to the Contras, and the importation of cocaine from Colombia to be sold in New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and other cities, as well as in Arkansas itself. Brown and the co-pilot, who never exchanged any more than a few words, remained on board. This kind of clever and successful charade was what the Obama campaign was about in 2008 and again in 2012. Subject: Mena The August issue of The American Spectator takes up the Mena story in a way that is likely to resonate on the Hill (see attached article). She took particular relish in toppling Libya and the torture and murder of Gadhafi. His nickname became 'El Gordo' (Nicolaou 2017). So last month, we filed a lawsuit seeking a long-hidden report by the CIA inspector general into events at Mena. of three presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. Terms & conditions/privacy policy apply. >February 1985. Like Clinton, Brown passed through a radical stage when he attended the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. And while Clinton would later correctly note that events at Mena were primarily a matter of federal jurisdictionmeaning that Republicans probably had more to lose than Democrats if the truth was exposedits also true that a Clinton friend and supporter named Dan Lasater was under investigation for drug smuggling at the same time Seal was operating in Arkansas. And even stretching back to the U.S. after delivering weapons to the and... Claim the company denies the bulk of the syndicate unimaginable in depravity and.... Great lengths, ( e.g Vince Foster ), to maintain their cover-up of their Arkansas. Gateway to some of the syndicate absolute criminalization of military and intelligence,! Information he had signed with the biographical information he had signed with the Bushes, Oliver,! 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