We do see examples of theophanies in the Old Testament where God does appear to people in human form, as He did to Abraham. With that in mind, I would disagree with you on the reason you give for why God came to the garden that day. Who was his wife? God asks them if they had eaten from the tree, but He already knows the answer. Your email address will not be published. why couldnt it have been Jesus walking in the garden. Adam fell because he freely chose to disobey God, but second because he listened to his wife who had also freely chosen to disobey. Like your parents can be in the house with you and not in the same room but you can clearly hear them in another part of the house. You are essentially appealing to an argument from silence. In that claim, I put your OWN verbatim in single quotes. Why would anyone ask such a silly question? God appeared and revealed Himself in many different ways throughout the Old Testament. They were created with perfect bodies and were husband and wife on the day they were created. If strong wind is a better translation, then it would not be saying that God was walking in the garden, but instated that He was moving in the garden. I have no doubt that they heard an audible voice when God asked, Where are you? or when He asked who told them that they were naked. Tim- Thank you, as I came searching for information on this before placing and they walked with God in my book I am writing! I can see that they heard either a sound or a voice. Some people have inferred from this statement that they must have known what it sounded like to hear God walk in the Garden so they must have walked with Him before. Adam and Eve were happy and satisfied in the beautiful garden. Remember that the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost with a rushing mighty wind (Acts 2:2). This just isnt found in the text and seems very unlikely in light of the details given in the post. Thats right, you are right there with them from birth, not that they were made a baby first of course, as that would take other humans to raise them as we know it! They are intelligent, rational creatures, capable of communicating and worshiping God. Psalm 29 also uses strong imagery to show how the sound of the Lord acts upon nature like a powerful storm, breaking and bending trees and stripping off their leaves (Psalm 29:59, NET). Hi Daniel, I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.". I am simply trying to point people back to Scripture as Ive done in many other posts in my Misused Verses series. 14Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.. 8 Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 1991 - 2023 Eternal Perspective MinistriesAll Rights Reserved. Hi Tim. And they heard the sound of the Lord God, walking in the garden. 1 They Could DECIDE Genesis 3:2-3. I hear it on a regular basis, and many of my coworkers have said it. Job 38:1 states, The YHWH answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:. After creating Adam, God "put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it" (Genesis 2:15). The strong wind or breezy alternative is reflected in the notes of many English Bibles, such as the NASB, NET, and ESV, and it is even the translation of the HCSB. But the most beautiful thing of all was that they walked with GOD. With this particular issue, the reason I addressed it is because I hear it so frequently. when they heard God they hid from Him. Sin Of Walking. Adam and eve Adam and eve disobey god hiding footprints The Presence Of God Guilty Fear Hearing God's Voice Garden Of Eden, The Gardens Concealment . Hello Tim. God cannot look upon sin ( Habakkuk 1:13) and that's why He told Moses no one can see His face and live ( Exodus 33:20 ). Hi Tom, The ESV accurately captures Adams response in verse 10. Yes this is almost like apples and oranges because our parents are here in physical form but just trying to make a point and the Bible clearly says no one knows what God looks like except His Son . I suppose so, but seems illogical, Hi Daniel, To use your example, it would be like if people repeatedly said, The Bible says Adam watched the stars every night while in the Garden. Even if he did do that, the Bible doesnt say that he did, and it would be worth correcting someone on that point. See my article, Was Jesus Married? So is this one (post-Fall) verse sufficient to establish that God was in the habit of visiting with Adam and Eve in the Garden? Instead of adding our own ideas to Scripture and stating them dogmatically and demanding apologies from anyone who disagrees, perhaps we should learn to deal carefully with the word of God. Thank you for your thoughts I do understand the whirlwind , but Gen says God made them clothes from an animal to replace mans attempt of covering his nakedness. But this goes beyond them, it goes back to Adam and Eve.Adam and Eve had the privilege of being with God, the way that God had intended. The point of my post was not to condemn anyone who believes that they did. However, most people inevitably mention them walking in the cool of the day, so they arent thinking of it in the figurative sense. You can see from the above that God decreed several things for Adam to honour and obey. Hi Greg, The article is not imposing a narrow standard that makes no room for inference or implication. Thanks for your question. Thank you so much. Gen 18 - Abraham's discussion and bargaining with the LORD (YHWH) Ex 3 - Moses at the burning bush. He knew good because he once served God; he then knew evil because he committed evil in his rebellion from the Father. I think that would be fantastic. Of course, Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden, its written right there in Genesisumahis it 3? when they heard God walking in the garden, they hid from God. And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam and Eve. These include appearances to Abraham, Hagar, Moses, Joshua (Joshua 5:13), Gideon (Judges 5:12), and the wife of Manoah (Judges 13:3). But why wouldnt the Israelites use the animals for sustenance-milk,meat,skins, etc. It is meant to point out to people that the text doesnt say what so many people have claimed that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden. Hi Robert, 4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. What do you think?? God created Adam and Eve to care for His creation, populate the planet, and have a relationship with Him. Some people have inferred from this statement that they must have known what it sounded like to hear God walk in the Garden so they must have walked with Him before. Beyond that, the Bible does not tell us about any communication between our first parents and God until after the fall. The Hebrew Bible depicts Adam and Eve as walking around the Garden of Eden naked due to their sinlessness. 5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[ a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[ b] came up from the . Thanks for your thoughts. They probably werent in the garden for very long at allperhaps just a few days to a few weeks. This post isnt about whether they enjoyed fellowship with Him prior to sin and walked with Him in a metaphorical sense. Hi Ralph, My post is not arguing against the idea that Adam and Eve had some sort of relationship with the Lord prior to the Fall. Tim, thank you for your commentary. Thank you for reaffirming to me that we can say anything about God and find some reason for or against our reasoning, and that is why we have to be very careful to know what Gods Word says! With that being said, I agree with you that it is reasonable to infer that He spent time with them, but the Bible does not imply that He did, and that was the point of this post. The imagery in the temple indicates that it was recreating Eden, indicating that God was present in Eden in a special way that he was not present in other places on the earth. So if your standard were correct, then that same standard would itself have to be outright affirmed in the Bible. The Garden of Eden, the terrestrial Paradise known also as the Garden of God, is one of the most famous settings in the Bible. Since they were both born in Genesis 4 (after the expulsion from the Garden), they didnt necessarily have to be 120+ by the year Seth was born. Thats the point of this post. As you know, I couldnt find it. This is why Christians generally believe that all human life is precious. I found it interesting that with all the opinions to the idea of walking with God in the comments section, not too many have thanked you for letting us know that Gods Word does not say that Adam or Eve walked with God in the Garden. IMV they were walking in the IMAGE for which God created them with the FREE WILL to CHOOSE. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.". Genesis 3:8 ? The Man came alivea living soul! Walking with god is living with god he makes it very clear how we are to walk with him. An additional notable commentary is that God made Adam in His image and likeness, and imbued him with His Spirit the breath of life. Or maybe they read Gods mind. He was there, He is everywhere and He was always with them. The natural reading of arithmetic is that according to arithmetic. Answer (1 of 22): Yes. I never really gave it much thought that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden.God can and does whatever He wants to do. My goal in these types of blog posts is to encourage believers to look carefully at the text. Adam's spiritual life, through fellowship with God, depended on Adam's respect for God's laws. Im not making an accusation here, but I do want to help people avoid making this mistake. But its an irrelevant point. Based on the sheer number of people who have claimed this, it must be found somewhere in the Bible, right? Im glad to know that what you are able to recognize what I hope to accomplish whenever I respond to people. Your entire post is irrelevant to the discussion because you are trying to show what it means when it says that someone walked with God. After all, they had not experienced or seen death as of yet. It would literally have been paradise just to walk with Jesus in the . Would that seem that they must have heard His voice at some other time. The complete bible account of the story of Adam and Eve can be found in Genesis 1:26 to Genesis 5:5. What was their relationship? Upon marrying, Moses recounts God's command for husband and wife: "a man shallbe joined to . 2 keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary.3 IF YOU WALK IN MY STATUTES AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS AND DO THEM 4 then I will give you rain in due season and the land shall give her increase and the trees of the field shall yield there fruit. In each case, they are basing their ideas on something that isnt stated in Scripture. I think your comments are valid additional arguments that could be used by those who favor that view, but as you seem to recognize (it seems to follow), the arguments are not watertight. Further, although the phrase could be translated as a strong wind, the text would still say that he came walking in a strong wind. But we need to be careful not to assert that the Bible directly teaches this. Therefore, We also should not assume that God was at their beck and call so that He would come around for a stroll with them whenever they wanted Him there. When the Lord made him on the sixth day, He commanded him not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the afternoon; and both Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the garden. Lets consider this for a moment? You read that correctly, the Bible never states that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden. In fact, earlier this week during a Q&A session, one of the guests asked about Adam walking with God in the garden. 12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death was passed on to all men, because all sinned. Then God shared his thoughts to Abraham of judging Sodom and Gomorrah. But what does it really matter, what appears to have happened here (according to some of the responses) is that golden calves have been kicked over and religion has taken a bump on the shins. However, that fact has very little to do with whether He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. Adam (perhaps Eve too) was familiar with Gods presence. No? And to the hill of frankincense. Apparently, you have missed the point of this entire post. All of the things you mentioned are plausible, but they do not build a watertight argument. Who was Cain afraid of? 15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Tim, thanks for striking the axe at the root of this human imagined concept. As God had promised, they became mortal. God speaks, asking Adam where he is. The only mention of walking in that part of Scripture is while Adam and Eve are hiding from God in the garden. However, that story or statement being preached wont cause anyone to fall into sin. Can you show me some similar articles? Adam replies saying that he hid because he heard the sound of God. My main point throughout has been to direct people back to Scripture to see what it really says. Thanks for this article, it was an interesting read. Why would God spend time with them, because He loved them and wanted to share His love with them! When the shadows flee away, I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh. They hide among the trees. Adam said, I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself (Genesis 3:10, ESV). I could not find it. I clarified my statement about strong wind being a better translation to point out that there are scholars who make this claim, like J.J. Niehaus. Hi Tim, I dont find your suggestion to be plausible. God communicated many things to Adam. Adam was ashamed to stand before God as he was now a sinner who was about to face his righteous God. Your answer leaves many questions for me though Please explain the remaining context of Gen. 3 in Adams walk with God. God had told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Thanks! I love my time with Him and when Im not with Him I want to do the right thing by Him, unlike Adam and Eve! If this is the correct way to understand the wording in Genesis 3, then I think it would be something similar. Whats not fine with me is saying that the Bible says something that it doesnt. Hi Mel, So there is no need to appeal to some sort of walk in the garden for them to know Gods voice. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.". It seems so trivial. In other words, he wasn't Jesus of Nazareth walking . Then something happened. Adam did hear Gods voice at another time. What if they were some sort of Spiritual Being as God and his Son were at the time. It was the sound of God that Adam heard. Adam doesnt need to know instantly that it is God moving about, but once God speaks to Him (whether out of a whirlwind or appearing in human form or any other form) then Adam recognizes who is addressing Him. The natural connotation, to me, is that God often did this, perhaps daily in the cool of the day, but what was remarkable this time was that man was afraid, because he had sinned. He was their friend. Hi Carrie, But this does nothing to prove that they walked with God in the garden. So what did they hear in the Garden? While its true they could have been over 120 years old when Cain killed Abel, they also could have been any age from very young up to 120+. God does not require a garden to have a direct relationship with man, so I dont see how the fact that God created a garden would have anything to do with whether they had a direct relationship (and by extension, that they walked together). Walking with God means you are in agreement with Him and His ways ( Amos 3:3 ). Moses was only granted the backside of Jesus. God told them to be fruitful and multiply. . But since God formed (literally squeezed into shape) Adam and breathed into his nostrils and removed one of his ribs and closed up the wound and walked in the garden and spoke to Adam and Eve (and then Cain later on) in a way they could easily understand, the assumption is unavoidable that God was physically there in tangible form. Dear Tim Chaffey, my nephew and I have read and discussed these verses endlessly. We cant know because the Bible doesnt speak to this at all. I will make a helper suitable for him" ( Genesis 2:18 ). So, heres one guy that wont repeat this again. The book of Genesis tells us that the Lord appeared and fellow-shipped with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden (ch. I think your criticism of my article misses the mark. How beautifully expressive are these words of the familiar and condescending manner in which He had hitherto held intercourse with the first pair. In order to answer the question of why God created Adam and Eve naked we first need to look as some Scriptures which show that the Bible uses clothing is a symbol of our character. They had bone and flesh before they sinned, before they recognized their nakedness. In conclusion, the whole of chapter 2 & 3 causes me to conclude that Adam regularly communed with God somehow; and to me probably daily (or at least almost) since we know we are the apple of His eye. Yet now the man and the woman are hiding from God in fear. I think this point has to be acknowledged regardless of whether you think the sound is God walking in the cool of day or God manifesting himself in a strong wind. They were to work the land 6 years right? Dont you think that Adam and Eve being new and first created that God would have been extremely close to them ? Adam and Eve said, 'Lord, when we were in the garden, You walked with us every day. I think you misunderstand what was meant by the possibility of God coming in the wind. We walk with the voice of God as well. In a similar way, we are told in the New Testament to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). I have read the account of Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Fall so many times in my lifetime, but I just recently realized that the Bible doesnt say that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden. Could Adam and Eve have actually taken walks with God in the Garden? 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:8). Genesis 2 describes Adam and Eve's first homethe Garden of Eden. In fact it comes to mind that the statement can be transcended as a statement of faith, that the Lord God was loving and personal as he claims himself to be and did walk with them, who knows. One has still That's why he was walking in the garden: he wanted to meet with Adam and Eve and spend time with them. That is why I have a whole series of commonly misused Bible versesnot to condemn but to encourage believers to elevate Scripture above our own ideas that weve unwittingly added to it. Genesis 3:21 comes after Genesis 3:7, in which Adam and Eve ate from the Tree and realized they were naked. never seen what GOD actually looks like. ILL TAKE YOUR APOLIGE NOW ,,WHERE THEY USE TO WALK WITH GOD ,THEY CHOOSE TO HIDE !! In my searching I found your website and I am so glad I did. 5. But what comes to my mind is why would you choose this debated part to address the concern. Thanks for caring about biblical accuracy. Maybe their nakedness was not exposed genitalia, but realized they were naked in some other maner. Thanks for reading. But arguments from silence are not strong arguments to build a positive case for something. The Lord could speak from His throne and these actions could be performed just as easily as if He had manifested in the garden to perform the actions. Even the best of our actions is imperfect. Although Exodus established that God was present everywhere through the judgement on Egypt, it also taught that God would be present in a special way in the tabernacle (later to be replaced by the temple). Maybe this is why pastors and teachers teach it this way (that God regularly walked with Adam and Eve), because they can see from the word study that this was a regular occurrence. God formed Adam from the dust and breathed His own life into the man (Genesis 2:7). Hi Sam, All these imply direct personal interaction, probably on more than one occasion. Adam heard God making a sound (aside from speaking) that God had made before and which enabled Adam to recognise that it was the sound of God. And flesh before they sinned, before they sinned, before they sinned, before they their. Account of the things you mentioned are plausible, but they do not a... Heres one guy that wont repeat this again ate from the tree but... Put your OWN verbatim in single quotes suggestion to be careful not to anyone! Been extremely close to them the root of this human imagined god walked with adam and eve in the garden they recognized their nakedness does! 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