An endless bombardment of news and gossip and images has rendered us manic information addicts. That Texas had a giant in the beach in the long ago appears probable from the large skull recently unearthed on a mound in Victoria County, believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the United Estates and probably in the world. Versions of the past have been mistranslated, changed, altered, twisted and skewed to fit into someone else's version of reality. Dad Riggins showed us hieroglyphics covering the Palisades thought to be thousands of years old., In 1819 an old lady saw a gigantic skeleton dug up by soldiers at Purisima on the Lompock Rancho. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory The skeleton in the picture is 7ft 8 in example. And why is this remarkable skull missing from the collection? In some cultures, you are said to attain immortality by doing good deeds by which people will talk about long after you are dead. The article claimed that the skull was two times normal sized. The CONNECTED UNIVERSE explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than what we have ever imagined. Giant skeletons were also unearthed the skulls of which are of an enormous size and all manner of shape, some being twice the size of a normal human.. What researchers have determined is a continuous history mining activity that begun in 8,000 B.C. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the Higgs field, dark energy, and a thousand other names throughout history. The documentary traces Michael Jackson's extraordinary life, from his humble beginnings and meteoric rise to global pop domination, to his demise with the allegations of child molestation in one of America's most notorious court cases. The claims made by PizzaGate are serious and deserve close scrutiny. Now confirmed by the university records! In one notable case, it was reported that an 8-foot tall giant was unearthed near Pelican Lake, while in another report from Westport, giant burials were found in association with ten-pound axes and an eight-foot high wall, which was 15-feet thick and ran across a river embankment for 1500 feet. Never has so much hatred and vengeance been poured forth onto one people and one nation that had chosen not to abide by the laws of international bankers and financiers who wish only to enslave, plunder, steal and when necessary, kill. It goes something like this: Soldiers digging a pit for a powder magazine at Lompock Rancho, California hacked their way through a layer of cemented gravel and found a 12ft sarcophagus. The search for a missing 4-year-old girl in Oklahoma is now being considered a "recovery operation" to find the toddler's remains, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said on Jan. 16. Head of Records Our ancient Austin, Texas Gnostic Warrior news bureau reported long ago, that an oil prospector had found the remains of a giant human skeleton that is an incredible 18 feet tall. June 4, 2015 Updated: June 5, 2015 5:10 p.m. 32. . The peices taken from the mound were reconstructed in the WPA laboratory under the supervision of physical anthopologists. It seems like hardly a week goes by without some news article claiming that a simple cure to cancer has been found. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If you are the author or represent the host site and would like this content removed now and in the future, please contact using the email address in the Contact page found in the website menu. His epithet Panoptes means the one who is all-seeing and reminds us of the symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. This website contains images of fossils found on our property in Hood Co., TX and other counties in Texas and Oklahoma. that a large skull was found in 1939. . He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism. In 1911, it was reported that William Altmann, assistant curator of the Golden Gate Memorial Museum, found skeletons, pottery and artifacts in Port Costa, including the skeleton of a giant more than seven feet tall. Silicon-based life? But what I found to be the most interesting, is that when the Incan people were asked who built them, they clearly stated that it was the giants. The largest known creature ever to have flown, an extinct winged reptile with an estimated wingspan of 51 feetthe length of an IRT subway carhas been discovered by fossil hunters in Texas . In Cartersville, a team from the Smithsonian found a vault with the skeleton of a giant 72. This skeleton had waist-length jet-black hair. The threat of compromised cyber security has become our planet's new weapon of mass destruction. As lakes, A bard travels through the streets, gathering an audience as he goes, and then starts to recall the adventures of heroes and the tales of the gods. In 1930, hundreds more skeletons were unearthed near the beach in Carpinteria. Using charm, patronage, skill, duplicity and ruthlessness, they would amass unparalleled wealth and unprecedented power. 512.471.6006 voice 512.471.5973 fax What is the "giant" myth? Then, at a depth of nine feet, another giant skeleton was found in the remains of a bark coffin and it was noted in their report that this giant had a skull, which was of "the compressed or flat-head type." Almost everything you believe, perceive, think or feel is an elaborate manipulation. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. 1. In Solar (R)evolution, world-renowned German biophysicist, Dieter Broers, makes a compelling case, pointing to a wealth of scientific evidence that shows a remarkable correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative, mental, and spiritual abilities. If you put that figure into the Center for Disease Control and Preventions list of the top causes of death, it would be thirdright behind heart disease and cancer. Other Big Men and Women of Fact and Fable Who Are Famous Types if Gigantism. 1500 were actually counted in the first part of that evacuation and doubtless several thousand more were removed. The battle for Aleppo has been described inaccurately for years and what follows is an explanation of 10 common lies or omissions which still continue today. Any articles and shared research would be much appreciated as I put together evidence of giant races. The Giant Child of Peru Down is a mummy skeleton of a giant toddler, found in Cuzco, Peru. Website by PMG Media Group. Marcus B. Goldstein, physical anthropologist, employed on the WPA project, formerly was an aide of Alen Horliken, curator of the National Museum of Physical Anthropology. Under a flat stone, they discovered a hole that led to the entrance to a secret cave that was twenty-five-feet long, fifteen feet wide and eight feet deep. Several large human bones have been unearthed at the site. And further down the Cheat River in 1774 settlers found what they dubbed The Giant Town, with numerous gigantic skeletons the most significant being that of an 8-foot tall male. Giant femur bone photo, and a real femur bone for reference. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. In addition to numerous giants and pygmies, Haywood discovered grave goods including bloody axes, a stone trumpet hunting horn, carved mastodon bones, soapstone statues and pipes. Surrounding this giant, the Smithsonian team found more bodies and noted in their report that the bodies had been prepared after the manner of mummies and upon the stones that covered the vault were carved inscriptions. All this evidence was shipped to the Smithsonian and in the report it noted this is the most interesting collection ever found in America.. The grisly find was brought to Dr. R. C. Parker here and stretched out to its enormous length in a hallway of his office where it has since remained the most startling exhibit Steelville has ever had on public view.. 7 Legendary Cryptids that Turned Out to Be Real! Contact me here. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), // ]]> Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are many strange mysteries that reside in history, but one of the most unsettling is that of the Octavius ghost ship. The Brussels Business Who Runs the European Union? Simmons superintendent of Arizona and New Mexico railway was making evacuations along the lines of the railroad near Clear Creek, Galveston County when bones were found in the earth removed. H.J. The teeth are all in their places, and all of them are double, and of extraordinary size.. Two further 12ft examples were reported in Jeffersonville, Kentucky ( The New York Times , May 22, 1871) and Barnard, Missouri ( The Providence Evening Press , September 13, 1883). The papal office has an unparalleled record of corruption and criminality over the centuries, and the true history of the popes is one of scandals, cruelty, debauchery, reigns of terror, warfare and moral depravity. Skeleton of Irish Giant, Charles Byrne, to be Removed from Public Display, Argos Panoptes The All-Seeing Giant of Greek Mythology, Extreme Drought Exposes Theropod Dinosaur Tracks in Texas River, The Kummakivi Balancing Rock and its Unlikely Explanation in Finnish Folklore, The Leshan Giant Buddha: Largest Stone Buddha in the World. An eye opening view of our world today and how we got here. In 1796, the Mandan were visited by the Welsh explorer John Evans, who was hoping to find proof that their language contained Welsh words. And I know this for a fact. Nine Masons signed the Declaration of Independence, 13 helped draft and ratify the Constitution, George Washington and James Monroe were Masons, and for that matter so was Andrew Jackson. The Mandan Indians are generally found in North Dakota and since their first contact with French explorers in 1738, this blond and red-haired, blue-eyed tribe has been the source of intense speculation as to their European origins. Also in Newark, the magnificent skeleton of an 8-foot tall Queen bedecked in opulent copper jewelry and pearls was uncovered, while in Centralia another giant was found encased in copper armor, his mouth stuffed with pearls of immense size. In addition, in Bainbridge Ohio, four bodies were found wrapped in pearl-covered robes, while in a related find in the area one mound yielded two bushels of pearls containing over 500,000 individual fresh-water pearls, surrounding two giants wearing copper helmets, one provided with a copper nose. The past is hidden to . Lykins uncovered skull bones "of great size and thickness" in mounds of Kansas City area in 1877. Thirteen years laterin 1908when the mummy was being exhibited, the Smithsonian ran some tests and suddenly dismissed it as a hoax, saying it was made from gelatin. The fact that it took that long, and after spending $500 to acquire it, plus the fact that it was carefully inspected by experts thirteen years earlier does suggest there may be more to this story than meets the eye. Skulls of giants with cranial deformation. They called it Project X. })(window,document,'script','//','ga');

The exhibit of these bones in ethnology building of the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo will be a most valuable one in view of the wind interested cited by the fate of thousands will pierce recently in the same part of the country in the same way., A puzzle for the antiquarians was that the bodies were found in abundance in one level and then again in another level 21 feet lower causing some to suggest that perhaps there had been two tidal waves. Published: Jan. 12, 2023 at 7:17 AM PST. Not 2 horns but 4, 2 horns just above each eye brow. A new Florida Museum study that determined the age of skeletal remains provides evidence humans reached the Western Hemisphere during the last ice age and lived alongside giant extinct mammals.. Barbara Purdy, right, University of Florida anthropology professor emeritus and archaeology curator emeritus at the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus, removes an anklebone of a giant . Hugh investigated this site in September 2012 and after talking to some researchers at the local historical society, he found there were other skeletal remains reported in the nearby area. A singular fact observed was that while all of the teeth were considerably worn showing the use of hard food and the age of the persons there was in no case the slightest indication of decay a quite different situation from that observe in relics of more modern but still pre-prehistoric Indians among whom dental caries is comparatively common. Unbuttoned and unacademic, Hitchens weighed into almost every subject with panache and passion. Twice the size of the skull of a normal man, the fragments were dug up by W. Duffen, archeologist who is excavating the mound in Victoria County under a WPA project sponsored by the University of Texas. In another mound, they found a circle of ten skeletons surrounding another giant skeleton, as well as underground vaults, various copper and mica ornaments, religious items, pipes and spearheads. For this reason, my site shows what is typically found, including partial fossils. Churchill was a genocidal maniac. It could easily be said 2016 has been the year so-called conspiracy theorists were vindicated and we arent yet five months in. In the Ohio River Valley, a report from a local paper, that was backed up by Scientific American, found bodies of several giants buried under a ten-foot-tall mound. It measured 8ft 5 inches and was on display for a few months, where it was seen by several people before it disappeared. However, lets take a closer look, as there is some intrigue and inconsistency with this popular story. One of these, although much mended and its base quite warped, is nevertheless obviously a skull of extraordinary size, in many respects larger than any yet reported. They starred together on the History Channel TV show Search for the Lost Giants (2014) and have recently co-authored Giants On Record: Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files (2015). Another of the giant skeletons was buried in a clay coffin and an engraved stone tablet was also recovered. Mammoth sphinxes guard the House of the Temple of the Scottish Rite, a formidable neo-Classical building in the heart of Washington, D.C. Scholars believe almost 62 percent of these were sacrificial victims, based on signs of ritual execution and method of burial. Code-named Vault 7 by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. Miamisburg Mound is believed to have been built by the Adena Culture anywhere between 1000 to 200 BC. Evidently these people were not mere barbarians living in temporary abodes and having no permanent abiding places. Interestingly the discovery was reported to be buried 12 feet below a mound, so it could suggest a deep antiquity, however tall he was. Dinner Invitations for Famous People from the Past. "It is currently housed at the Ritos Andinos Museum, which is located far southeast of Lima. When most people think of mummies, they picture the Egyptian culture, and sophisticated mummification procedures intended to create a bridge between life and death, resulting in preservation of the As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. This man would have been around 20 feet tall. The size and scale of the Cahokia Mound Complex has been compared in scope and grandeur to the Great Pyramid. about The Kummakivi Balancing Rock and its Unlikely Explanation in Finnish Folklore, about The Leshan Giant Buddha: Largest Stone Buddha in the World, Breaking: Ancient Royal Tomb Discovered in Egypt, Thessaloniki Metro Construction Reveals Unimaginable Treasures, 7 of The Most Skilled Sword Fighters in History, The Oldest Art in the World Wasnt Made By Homo sapiens, The Discovery that Revealed Ancient Humans Navigated the Seas 130,000 Years Ago, European Monarchies Pay Their Respects at the Funeral of Greece's Last King, The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe. When it comes to surreal drug-ring stories truth can be stranger than fiction. Although the Cliff Dwellers are generally thought of as a recent tribe, Smithsonian field reports from 1910 report signs of contruction dating back at least 5,000 years at some of the kivas that they explored. The Stories Behind Seven of the Worst Massacres in Ancient History. These huge skeletons were dated to be 800 years . In 1889, near Kewanna, standing stones were found on a mound and underneath another giant was unearthed, while in Whitlock, Indiana another giant was found in association with a group buried in a seating position. Ancient remains of gigantic shark found near Fort Worth, Texas. I would like to contribute to a more honest picture of the person. To compound matters, the Mound Builders still have no official standing as an indigenous Native American People, as no official descendents of the Mound Builders have ever been recognized by the courts of the United States.,, (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Rather, every statement comes with a percentage of correctness that we unconsciously filter through our personal bullshit meter and file it accordingly in our brain. The earliest known discovery of giant's bones was near Ala, Arcadia, Greece . 3. The oldest of these spear point are of Clovis origin and have been carbon-dated to 10,000 B.C. According to my deductions he lived about twenty-eight hundred years ago. It is also interesting to note that the Director of Prehistoric Anthropology, Thomas Wilson, and the ethnologist in charge, W. J. McGee, were both involved in this story, and were obviously keen to make sure the Smithsonian got it back to their headquarters at an immense cost ($500 in 1895 equates to $14,285 today). Inside, Egyptian hieroglyphics adorn a soaring atrium. at around 13,000 years ago. The image below accompanied the news report. Working for the Heye Foundation of New York he unearthed a 9ft 2 in skeleton and several measuring over 7 feet: A skeleton of a young girl, evidently of high rank, within a large funeral urn, was surrounded by those of sixty-four children, and in various parts of the island more than three thousand other skeletons were found, practically all the males averaging around seven feet in height, one being seven feet eight inches from the top of his head to the ankle, and another being 9 feet 2 inches tall.. She clarified that the giants being described in the myth aren't supernatural in size. As was the case with Michigans copper mines, the most unique aspect of Wisconsins Mound Building culture, is not the plethora of giants unearted in the area, but the amazing animal effigy mounds that covered the state like a blanket of woodland imagery. In an earlier related find at the site by the Smithsonian two 1011 inch sandstone tablets were discovered which contained inscriptions in Roman-like capital letters. These tablets were shipped to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. where they are to be held for scientific investigation.. The Coming War on China is an alarming work of some urgency. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Coconino sun. The article from 1940: Beach Giant Skull Unearthed By WPA Workers Near Victoria. As the vast extent of this site has been uncovered, its primacy as the major trading site of the ancient Americas has gradually gained credence with traditional scholars. We hope this tiny selection of accounts leaves one realizing there may be some truth to these reports (although numbers 9 and 10 cannot be verified, and they are well beyond the established scope of human height). At the same mound site in Chillicothe dozens of skeletons were found wearing copper masks, while at a related site in the same area at a depth of 14 feet a massive skeleton was found encased in copper armor. Even more astonishing, in an excavation for a house in West Hickory, workers exhumed an enormous iron helmet corroded with rust. In another dig, performed in 1889 in Southern Ohio, a giant was found buried with the bones of panther and another with 147 bone and shell beads made from Conch and Pyrula shells imported from the Atlantic Ocean was unearthed. They all have radical sects that they for the most part ignore, and rarely condemn. (LogOut/ At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the , Gordon Bowden is an ex RAF officer who has spent the last 13 years uncovering detailed and forensic evidence of massive corruption within the British establishment that involves, All Wars Are Bankers Wars explores a common central banking connection behind Americas wars. Working with the University of Chicago, Dickson unearthed 248 of the skeletons, for an open-air museum. The genesis of the North American giants is shrouded in mystery, but we believe that they were involved in the sophisticated Mound Building cultures of the Mid-West, as royal tombs with reported enormous skeletons were often found within them. Recent radiocarbon analysis dates it to around 321 BC. For better or worse (mostly worse,) Korean people have come to expect corruption from their presidents. Cover-Ups. We disagree, as there is ample evidence within Native American mythology, genetic data, ethnological studies, scientific reports, early excavation records, first-hand accounts, and discoveries featured in newspapers and town history books to suggest otherwise. Archeologists also recovered more than 250 other skeletons from Mound 72. The crisis in Japan has been described as a nuclear war without a war. Say what you will about John McAfee and people say a lot of nasty things but he was one of the first nerds to warn the world of an impending computer-security crisis, a pioneer whose paranoia served a legitimate purpose. One female skeleton was found holding a three-and-a-half-foot long child. Archaeologists have long debated their uses. Like i said skulls are difficult and extremely time consuming. He about Skeleton of Irish Giant, Charles Byrne, to be Removed from Public Display, about Argos Panoptes The All-Seeing Giant of Greek Mythology, about Extreme Drought Exposes Theropod Dinosaur Tracks in Texas River. In fact, it is an outright lie. There, also, he was deceived into subjecting himself to a series of purposely brutalizing psychological experimentsexperiments that may have confirmed his still-forming belief in the evil of science. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. We cover all the theories of their origins in our new book, ranging from the Denisovans of Siberia to the Nephilim of the Bible Lands. About ten miles from Sparta a skeleton 8-feet tall was found in association with perfectly smooth and round stones and an ancient childs toy set. The headline of this chart-topper reads: . As part of Search for the Lost Giants , Jim and Bill Vieira visited Catalina to investigate the contents of the box, and indeed there were photos of hundreds of skeletons and skulls, excavations, artifacts, and burials. The bones of this individual do not indicate excessive stature, but they are remarkably robust and plainly point to a very muscular man. The Smithsonian, of course, says the three stelas are fake. Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed the existence of a sickening Hillary Clinton sex tape involving Huma Abedin and an underage teenage girl, and provided assurances that a faction within the department has vowed to send Hillary Clinton to jail for the rest of her life. Violence is running out of control in Mexico as rival drug cartels battle over the smuggling routes to America. Another phony from worth1000. Mexico's president has declared war on the gangsters but the only result appears to be an escalation of the killings. Copyright 2015 Jabajabba All rights reserved. 1981. With the death of Christopher Hitchens, a singular voice was silenced. Amateur archaeologist Ralph Glidden unearthed and collected a total of 3,781 skeletons on the Channel Islands between 1919 and 1930. The soldiers consulted a local tribe of Indians, who after going into trance, exclaimed they were geographically displaced Allegewi Indians from the Ohio Valley area. The three-foot tall pygmies were originally said to have come from North Carolina and legends say that were mischievous and only liked to come out at night. People are surprisingly hard to kill. The Royal Family is up to more than you think. This one is a conspicuous phony however. Dylan Baddour , Houston Chronicle. It seemed to me that having money dictated that you had group sex as often as you possibly could.". DeHart, M.D. A GIANT SKELETON EIGHTEEN FEET TALL AUSTIN, Tex., June 14.-"If the report that the fossilized skeleton of a giant eighteen feet tall has beenfoun d near Seymour Tex., is true, it is the most important ethnological discovery ever made in the world," remarked Dr, J. E. Pearce, pro fessor of anthropoplogy of the University of Texas. Not only are there numerous finds of giants 8-10 feet tall, but there are also related finds that are equally astonishing. And the most bizarre drug tale of all took place 40 years ago in the heart of rural Wales. Most people dont even realize whats coming. I value Mr. Dahls time and efforts he has put into these original investigation. A simple cure to cancer has been described as a nuclear war without a war of news gossip., skill, duplicity and ruthlessness, they would amass unparalleled wealth and unprecedented power near giant bones found in texas, Arcadia Greece. 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