[17] In 1475, Electoral Palatinate issued a comprehensive police act for the Amt of Kreuznach, in which at this time, no Badish Amtmann resided. Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 7 two-and-a-half-floor house, Dr.-Karl-Aschoff-Strae 8 elegant house; cube-shaped building with hip roof, Classicist motifs, about 1870; addition 1889. It contained 50 rooms on the ground floor alone. As early as 1775, the Grand Lodge of the Rhenish Masonic Lodges (8th Provincial Grand Lodge) of Strict Observance had already been given the name "Kreuznach". Dezember 823 (= 822); vgl. Spa park (monumental zone) laid out beginning in 1840, Lmmergasse 9/11 shophouse, partly timber-frame, staircase tower, essentially from the 15th or 16th century, no. WebMarch 1945 - When the 4th Armored Division and the 1303rd Engineer Battalion of Gen In Bad Kreuznach there are many clubs that can boast of successes at the national level. On 9 June 1796, Kreuznach was once again occupied by the French. The Veterans History Project (VHP) at the Library of Congress collects, preserves and makes accessible the firsthand recollections of U.S. military veterans who served from World War I through more recent conflicts and peacekeeping missions, so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and WebDistinctive Unit Insignia. [6] About AD250, an enormous (measuring 8171m), luxurious palace, unique to the lands north of the Alps, was built, in the style of a peristyle villa. Bad Kreuznach can be reached by car through the like-named interchange on the Autobahn A61 as well as on Bundesstraen 41, 48 and 428. [19], The town wall, first mentioned in 1247,[20] had a footprint that formed roughly a square in the Old Town, and was set back a few metres from what are today the streets Wilhelmstrae, Salinenstrae and Schlostrae, with the fourth side skirting the millpond. Preserved as an incunable print from 1487, printed in Mainz by Peter Schffer (about 14251503), is an invitation from the mayor and town council to any and all who considered themselves good marksmen with the crossbow to come to a shooting contest on 23 September.[21]. The express road links to the Autobahn bring Bad Kreuznach closer to Frankfurt Airport. Salinenstrae 117 artificial-stone-framed cube-shaped building with hip roof, Art Deco motifs, 1927/1928, architects Hans Best & Co. Salinenstrae 118 house with winepress house, clinker brick building with pyramidal roof, 1898/1899, architect Himmler, Salinenstrae 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131, Salinental includes the Karlshalle and Theodorshalle saltworks east of Salinenstrae (, Schlostrae 1 lordly villa, building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, about 1862, architect C. Conradi, Schlostrae 2a Art Deco villa with hipped mansard roof, 1928/1929, architect Paul Gans, Schlostrae 4 cube-shaped building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival, side building, 1879/1880, architect J. Schaeffer. Local public transport is provided by a town bus network with services running at 15- or 30-minute intervals. Early knowledge of the town of Kreuznach is documented in one line of a song by the minstrel Tannhuser from the 13th century, which is preserved in handwriting by Hans Sachs: "vur creczenach rint ach die na". Hofgartenstrae 3 villalike house, representative brick building with hip roof, 1900/1901, architect Johann Arthur Otte, Hofgartenstrae 4 Grnderzeit villa, richly ornamented brick building, Renaissance Revival, 1890/1891, architects. WebBad Kreuznach Army Base | Of course, you could also visit and just walk around. In the years 1235 and 1270, Kreuznach was granted town rights, market rights, taxation rights and tolling rights under the rule of the comital House of Sponheim, which were acknowledged once again in 1290 by King Rudolf I of Habsburg. Since this time, the town has been known as Bad Kreuznach. Before the Thirty Years' War, Kreuznach had some 8,000 inhabitants and seven monasteries. At the spa house on 19 December 1917, General Mustafa Kemal Pasha better known as Atatrk ("Father of the Turks") and later president of a strictly secular Turkey the Kaiser, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff all met for talks. In Kreuznach, Marx set down considerable portions of his manuscript Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right (Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie) in 1843. In 1904, the pharmacist Karl Aschoff discovered the Kreuznach brine's radon content, and thereafter introduced "radon balneology", a therapy that had already been practised in the Austro-Hungarian town of Sankt Joachimsthal in the Bohemian Ore Mountains (now Jchymov in the Czech Republic). In the Middle Ages, the eastern part of today's Poststrae in the New Town was the Judengasse ("Jews' Lane"). Only at 5% of the German Weather Service's weather stations are even lower figures recorded. Since this election, the town has been run by a Jamaica coalition of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, the Free Democratic Party and the Greens. Rheingrafenstrae 2 former district building office; villalike official building, Rheingrafenstrae 3 sophisticated house with hipped mansard roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1903/1904, Architects Brothers Lang, Rheingrafenstrae 5 sophisticated corner house, brick building with hipped mansard roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1895, Architects Brothers Lang, Rheingrafenstrae 15 Grnderzeit villa, brick building with hip roof, Renaissance Revival motifs, marked 1889, architect Philipp Hassinger; wine cellar building from same time, Rheingrafenstrae 19/19a plastered buildings, partly, Rheingrafenstrae 27, Graf-Siegfried-Strae 1/3 three-house block with officers' dwellings, 1912/1913, architect Wilhelm Koban, Darmstadt, Rheingrafenstrae 34 lordly villa with hipped mansard roof and corner tower, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1902, architect Jacob Metzger, Rheingrafenstrae 35 lordly villa, corner tower with tented roof, Renaissance Revival and Art Nouveau motifs, 1903/1904, architect Hans Best; characterises street's appearance, Rheingrafenstrae 36 villa in country house style, 1908/1909, architect Hans Best. WebAir Bases in former West Germany - Military Airfield Directory Home Air Bases Germany Air Bases in former West Germany For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes! Agricolastrae 6 sophisticated cube-shaped villa with hip roof, Agricolastrae 7 villalike building with hip roof, 1921/22, architect Vorbius, Albrechtstrae 18 one-floor villa with, Albrechtstrae 22 villalike house with mansard roof, Renaissance Revival and Baroque Revival motifs, 1902/1903, architect Friedrich Metzger, Alte Poststrae 2 three-floor post-Baroque shophouse, partly timber-frame (plastered), possibly from the earlier half of the 19th century, Alte Poststrae 7 Late Baroque house, partly timber-frame (plastered), conversion 1839, architect Peter Engelmann; cellar possibly older, Alte Poststrae 8 Late Baroque house, partly timber-frame (plastered or slated), Auf dem Martinsberg 1 (monumental zone) "stewardship complex with office building" on an L-shaped footprint, 1899, architects, Baumgartenstrae 3 two-and-a-half-floor tenement, brick building, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1894/1895, architect Heinrich Ruppert, Baumgartenstrae 39 three-and-a-half-floor corner shophouse with oriel turret, Renaissance Revival and. Under the Potsdam Protocols on the fixing of occupation zone boundaries, Bad Kreuznach found itself for a while in French zone of occupation, but in an exchange in the early 1950s, United States Armed Forces came back into the districts of Kreuznach, Birkenfeld and Kusel. As of 1708, Kreuznach wholly belonged to Electoral Palatinate. [48] Taking part at the founding of the Masonic Lodge Zum wiedererbauten Tempel der Bruderliebe ("To the Rebuilt Temple of Brotherly Love") in Worms in 1781 were also Freemasons from Kreuznach. In 1809, the Kreuznach Masonic Lodge "Les amis runis de la Nahe et du Rhin" was founded by van Reccum, which at first lasted only until 1814. Bad Kreuznach has roughly 1,600 businesses with at least one employee, thereby offering 28,000 jobs, of which half are filled by commuters who come into town from surrounding areas. Clara Schumann, who was attending the spa in Kreuznach, and her half-sister Marie Wieck gave a concert at the spa house in 1860. The parts of town that lay north of the Nahe were assigned to the Arrondissement of Simmern in the Department of Rhin-et-Moselle, whereas those that lay to the south were assigned to the Department of Mont-Tonnerre (or Donnersberg in German). Viktoriastrae 4 house; sandstone-framed plastered building, about 1870, Viktoriastrae 7 Grnderzeit terraced house; two-and-a-half-floor sandstone-framed clinker brick building, 1879, architect R. Wagener, Viktoriastrae 9 Grnderzeit corner shophouse, Neoclassical motifs, 1877, architect Johann Au, Viktoriastrae 11/13/15 lordly palacelike group of three houses with three-floor middle building, hip roofs, 1878/1879, architect C. Conradi; characterises street's appearance, Viktoriastrae 18 Grnderzeit house; building with hip roof with, Viktoriastrae 19 Grnderzeit terraced house, three-floor clinker brick building, 1882, architect August Henke, Viktoriastrae 22 Grnderzeit terraced house, two-and-a-half-floor clinker brick building, 1888, architect August Henke, Viktoriastrae 23 corner shophouse; two-and-a-half-floor brick building, Renaissance Revival motifs, 1878, architect Jean Jenke jr., shop and display window expansion 1888, Viktoriastrae 24 two-and-a-half-floor house; sandstone-framed clinker brick building, Renaissance Revival, 1894, architect Christian Zier, Viktoriastrae 26 house, Classicistically structured clinker brick building, possibly from shortly before 1876, Weinkauffstrae 2/4 villalike pair of semi-detached houses on irregular footprint, 1901/1902, architect Hans Best, Weinkauffstrae 6 Art Nouveau villa with hip roof, 1902/1903, architect Hans Best, Weinkauffstrae 8 three-floor villa with hip roof, Art Deco motifs, 1921/1922, architect Alexander Ackermann, Weinkauffstrae 10 one-and-a-half-floor villa, 1922/1923, architect Alexander Ackermann, mansard roof 1927, Weyersstrae 3 lordly villa with hip roof, 1925, architect Hermann Tesch, somewhat newer garden house, Weyersstrae 6 villalike house with tented or mansard roof, 1920s, Weyersstrae 8 house; cube-shaped building with hip roof, partly. [27] In 1482, a "Jewish school" was mentioned, which might already have stood at Fhrgasse 2 (lane formerly known as Kleine Eselsgass "Little Ass's Lane"), where the Old Synagogue of Bad Kreuznach later stood (first mentioned here in 1715; new Baroque building in 1737; renovated in 1844; destroyed in 1938; torn down in 1953/1954; last wall remnant removed in 1975). Also called Jean Englebert Olivier from Luxembourg, publisher of Giovanni Domenico Candela: Letter from 13 June 1508 from "Crewtznach"; Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz (Bestand A.1 33/2435); Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (Bestand C2 Salbcher, 510/1). Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, who spent Whitsun 1508 in Boppard, stayed in Kreuznach in June 1508 and wrote from there to his daughter Duchess Margaret of Savoy. According to the 1601 Verzeichnis aller Herrlich- und Gerechtigkeiten der Sttt und Drffer der vorderen Grafschaft Sponheim im Ampt Creutznach ("Directory of All Lordships and Justices of the Towns and Villages of the Further County of Sponheim in the Amt of Kreuznach"), compiled by Electoral Palatinate Oberamtmann Johann von Eltz-Blieskastel-Wecklingen,[41] the town had 807 estates and was the seat of a Hofgericht (lordly court) to which the "free villages" of Waldbckelheim, Wllstein, Volxheim, Braunweiler, Mandel and Roxheim, which were thus freed from the toll at Kreuznach, had to send Schffen (roughly "lay jurists"). GERMANY Headquarters Bad Kreuznach Ringstrae 132 55543 Bad Kreuznach Phone: +49 671 601-0 [email protected] www.schneiderkreuznach.com USt-IdNr. An original steam locomotive and its shed, which were moved from Winterburg, can be found today in nearby Bockenau. {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {X}}} About 1017, Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor enfeoffed his wife Cunigunde's grandnephew, Count Eberhard V of Nellenburg, with the noble estate of Kreuznach and the Villa Schwabenheim belonging thereto. This even extended to one of the Rheinwiesenlager for disarmed German forces, which lay near Bad Kreuznach on the road to Bretzenheim, and whose former location is now marked by a memorial. Schne Aussicht 10/12, Dr.-Geisenheyner-Strae 5 houses picturesquely staggered with each other, 1926/1927, architect Hans Best & Co. Schne Aussicht 1121 long residential building with hip roof, 1924/1925, architect Gruben, Schne Aussicht 125 (odd numbers), 1016 (even numbers), Dr.-Geisenheyner Strae 1, 3, 5, 212 (even numbers) as well as Winzenheimer Strae 23 and 25 (monumental zone) workers' housing development, craftsmen and, Schuhgasse 1 three-floor shophouse, plastered timber-frame building, possibly 18th century, shop built in 1881, architect Jacob Kossmann; cellar before 1689, Schuhgasse 2 three-floor shophouse, partly timber-frame (plastered), hip roof, possibly shortly after 1849 with, Schuhgasse 3 three-floor house, partly timber-frame (plastered), mansard roof, 18th century; cellar before 1689, Schuhgasse 4 and 6 two Classicist three-floor three-window houses, about 1850; under no. Kreuznach lay on the Roman road that led from Metz (Divodurum), by way of the Saar crossing near Dillingen-Pachten (Contiomagus) and the Vicus Wareswald, near Tholey to Bingen am Rhein (Bingium). In trampolining and whitewater slalom, the town is a national stronghold, while it has also shown strength at the state level in shooting sports and bocce. ); cellar before 1689, Schuhgasse 11 stately three-floor house, partly timber-frame (plastered), about 1800, Schuhgasse 13 three-floor three-window house, about 1800(? In 1912, a radon inhalatorium was brought into service, into which was piped the air from an old mining gallery at the Kauzenberg, which had a higher radon content than the springwater. Jean-Winckler-Strae 18 house with hip roof. On the bridge over to the ait (or the Wrth as it is called locally; the river island between the two parts of town) stood the Brckentor ("Bridge Gate"). The town of Bad Kreuznach is home to the following tourist attractions: The Kulturpreis der Stadt Bad Kreuznach is a promotional prize awarded by the town of Bad Kreuznach each year in the categories of music, visual arts and literature on a rotational basis. Herlesweiden 114, Birkenweg 127 (odd numbers), Erlenweg 2, 4, 6, 714, Ulenweg 116, Alzeyer Strae 108138 (even numbers), Pfalzstrae 1335 (odd numbers), Hochstrae 9 former Hotel Adler; ten-axis four-floor building with hip roof, third fourth of the 19th century, Late Classicist faade partly altered (shop built in), Hochstrae 17 three-floor corner house, post-Baroque building with hipped mansard roof, early 19th century, Hochstrae 22a three-floor shophouse, early 19th century; cellar older (no later than 16th century). Along with the building of this castle came the rise of the New Town (Neustadt) on the Nahe's north bank. The first field hockey department in a Bad Kreuznach sport club, however, was the Kreuznacher HC, which made it to the semi-finals at the German Championship in 1960, and which to this day stages the Easter Hockey Tournament. 2 (monumental zone) whole complex of buildings; two like-shaped groups of houses, buildings with hip roofs joined by three-floor staircase towers, 1926/1927, architect Hugo Vlker. The council is made up of 44 council members, who were elected by proportional representation at the municipal election held on 7 June 2009, and the chief mayor as chairwoman. The indications for these treatments are for rheumatic complaints, changes in joints due to gout, degenerative diseases of the spinal column and joints, women's complaints, illnesses of the respiratory system, paediatric illnesses, vascular illnesses, non-infectious skin diseases, endocrinological dysfunctions, psychosomatic illnesses and eye complaints. The most rainfall comes in June. Spolia found near the Heidenmauer ("Heathen Wall") have led to the conclusion that there were a temple to either Mercury or both Mercury and Maia and a Gallo-Roman provincial theatre. Johann Heinrich von Carmer (17211801), Franz Christoph Braun (17661833), clergyman and government representative, Arthur Quassowski (18581943), lieutenant general, Hella O'Cuire Quirke (18661917), writer, Alexe Altenkirch (18711943), painter, designer and artistic educator. This two-year Technikerschule fr Weinbau und Oenologie sowie Landbau is a path within the agricultural economics college. Pfalz am Rheine, The future bridge design by Dissing+Weilting, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bad_Kreuznach&oldid=1134128067, States and territories established in 1227, Burial sites of the House of Solms-Braunfels, Articles with dead external links from February 2022, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from June 2020, All articles needing additional references, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, John II (12901340) and Simon II (12901336), Saint Vincent's Monastery, location unclear, existed in the, 20 December 1635 - Kreuznach was taken by Imperial-Spanish and Imperial-Croatian troops under General, Kauzenburg, Auf dem Kauzenberg preserved from the, Spa zone (monumental zone) built after Dr. Eberhard Prieger's discovery of, Town fortifications The town fortifications are made up of three complete wall systems around sovereign area (, Agricolastrae 1 lordly villa with hip roof, 1925/1926, architect Alexander Ackermann. 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